Chapter 597 Really Not
Lin Siran was also anxious to know the result.

When Mrs. Su was about to rush over to stop her, Lin Sizan and Qingying held her back together. As long as Mrs. Su was not hurt, it didn't matter if the other servants were beaten.

Zhu Zhen quickly broke through the Su family's defense line and led Wu Zuo in directly.

Mrs. Su yelled desperately outside.

Lin Ruran thought she was noisy, so he took some medicine to make her fall asleep.

"Take care of her, I'll go in and have a look."

Lin Siran ordered someone to take care of Mrs. Su, and went into the morgue herself.

Kawasaku is examining the wounds on the corpse.

This corpse is really scarred, especially the hands, which are shocking.

Lin Siran felt the pain panicking just looking at it.

"Is there any problem?" Lin Siran asked, covering her nose with a veil.

Zhu Zhen shook his head and said, "No problem has been found yet."

"Look here." Wu Zuo pointed to the neck of the corpse, "There are two scars, if it is a normal suicide, there is at most one strangulation mark on the neck, which is obviously strangled first, and then The bodies were hung from the beams to create the illusion of suicide."

"So it's not suicide." Lin Siran also expected that it might not be suicide, but was killed.

"Are you sure it's Su Xuan?" Lin Siran looked at the face. The dead person's face was actually a little different from that of the living one. Sure.

"Mrs. Su came in to confirm that it was indeed Miss Su." Zhu Zhen said.

"Her words cannot be trusted."

Lin Siran suspects that this is not Su Xuan herself.

Suppressing the discomfort in her heart, she stepped forward, stared at the corpse's face carefully for a while, then touched around the face, and found something abnormal.

With a strong pull, the human skin mask on the corpse was torn off.

"Sure enough, it's the disguise technique." Lin Siran sneered, "This isn't Su Xuan at all, is it?"

Zhu Zhen was also shocked.

"Sure enough not."

At this time, Wu Zuo began to search other parts of the body, and finally speculated: "This woman is probably in her 20s, and she is definitely not a young girl."

"In this way, it can be concluded that someone deliberately set up a maze to cause Su Xuan's death. In fact, Su Xuan, who was actually imprisoned, should have been rescued."

"What a golden cicada's plan to get rid of its shell, no wonder Mrs. Su refused to let us do an autopsy." Zhu Zhen was very angry.

"Then who is this person?" Lin Siran asked, "Even if it's not Su Xuan, she still has a life, and she can't let people die without knowing it."

Zhu Zhen said to Lin Siran: "Don't worry, county magistrate, we will naturally find out about this. The most urgent thing now is to find out Miss Su's whereabouts, so as to prove that Lin Shangshu was wronged."

"It's not that he was completely wronged. If he hadn't done something illegal, he wouldn't have been caught. Just tell His Majesty the truth."

Lin Siran didn't want to defend Lin Xiaoqian.

Mrs. Su had already woken up at this time, crying outside.

Lin Siran went over and told her the result.

"Mrs. Su, stop pretending. You already knew that she wasn't your daughter, didn't you?"

"You... What nonsense are you talking about? How could it not be my daughter? Then who is my daughter?" Mrs. Su argued.

Lin Siran smiled: "I don't know who it is, but it's definitely not your daughter, Mrs. Su... I admire you and your wife very much, you can come up with such a good way to save your daughter, but... you can't take it People are fools, do you think no one will notice?"

"I really don't know how to say hello to you guys. As long as Su Xuan didn't kill someone, the government wouldn't wrong her, and she would definitely be released in the end. But now you're killing innocent people to save her. This is impossible in Dali Temple If you don’t pursue it, why bother lifting a rock to shoot yourself in the foot?”

Madam Su's face was pale, but she still refused to admit it.

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

"Whatever, I don't care about it anymore. As long as Su Xuan's body is not found, she is not dead. I think you should tell His Majesty about any sophistry."

After Lin Siran finished speaking, she waved her hand to let Qingying let go of Mrs. Su.

"Master Zhu, let's go back then." Lin Sizan led the people away from Dali Temple.

The truth of the case came to light within two days. Su Xuan was indeed dropped out. The woman who died was originally a female prisoner in Shuntian Mansion Prison.

Because of this incident, Su Wucheng lost his title again, and the Su family was relegated to civilian status.

The matter of Lin Xiaoqian's bribery of Shuntian Mansion is irrefutable, and the position of Shangshu will definitely be lost, but His Majesty did not further investigate his crimes, and was relegated to Quanzhou as a county magistrate.

Su Wucheng also explained about the real and fake Su Xuan, because the fake Su Xuan was involved in the secret of the Fire Scythe Sect, so this matter was suppressed.

Mrs. Lin was released anyway, and the Lin family also left the capital on another day.

Originally, as the daughter of Lin's parents, Lin Siran should have left with Lin Xiaoqian.

But Qingxuan still let her stay.

And when the emperor ordered Lin Xiaoqian to be relegated, he recruited Lin Siran into the palace.

Lin Siran didn't know what the emperor was going to talk to her about. Ever since Li Xingxu said that he was going to enter the palace to propose marriage to His Majesty, he seemed to have disappeared.

The sixth princess didn't even see Li Xingxu when she went to the East Palace.

Lin Siran didn't know what happened, but he didn't doubt Li Xingxu because of it.

She thought, maybe it was because His Majesty rejected Li Xingxu's request, so Li Xingxu avoided her, afraid that she would be disappointed?
Perhaps His Majesty summoned her today because of this matter.

Lin Siran comforted herself along the way, she must calmly face any criticism from His Majesty.

As long as she believes in Li Xingxu, she will definitely keep his promise, and she will definitely win in the end, and it is enough to sit firmly on the throne.

But the moment he saw His Majesty, Lin Siran still couldn't help feeling nervous and guilty.

After all, the last time I came was for Lu Jinnian's affairs.

His Majesty's memory couldn't be that bad, and she couldn't pretend that it didn't happen.

The emperor's attire today is refreshing. He usually shows off his prudent image, but today he is wearing a blue uniform.

The place where she was summoned was not in the Zichen Palace, but in the Imperial Garden.

"Meet Your Majesty!" Lin Siran saluted respectfully.

The emperor raised his hand and said, "You don't need to be too polite, just sit down and talk."

The emperor let Lin Siran sit in front of him.

Lin Siran was a little cautious, and said: "My daughter dare not."

"I remember that when I first met you, you were not so reserved, but now you are so unfamiliar?" the emperor asked.

Lin Siran couldn't tell what the emperor's mood was at this time, he seemed to be smiling too, but that smile made people feel uneasy for no reason.

Lin Siran had no choice but to bite the bullet and sit down, saying, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"That's right, today I'm just looking for you to have a heart-to-heart talk, if you're too reserved, how can we continue the chat?" the emperor asked with a smile.

Lin Siran was even more disturbed.

heart to heart?

Does His Majesty, who is so busy with so many things, have time to chat with her?

The so-called small talk must also have a purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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