Chapter 598
Seeing that Lin Siran didn't answer, the emperor asked, "What's the matter? Do you have something on your mind?"

", it's just that His Majesty suddenly summoned me at this time, and I feel a little uneasy." Lin Siran said truthfully, "After all, my father..."

"Your father's matter has nothing to do with you. I am very clear about this." The emperor said, "It is for his own good that I let him leave the capital. If he continues to stay in the capital, he may be on a road of no return. The farther and farther you go, hey..."

His Majesty finally let out a deep sigh.

"Actually, when your father was young, I admired him very much." The emperor seemed to be nostalgic.

Lin Siran said: "It is father who failed His Majesty's trust."

"I can't blame him entirely. I also have certain responsibilities. I hope that he can become a sharp sword in my hand, so I plan to sharpen him a little bit, but in the end it backfired. It severely dampened his enthusiasm and made him instead Invested in the powerful forces."

The emperor smiled helplessly.

"He's just a victim in the struggle between me and the aristocratic family, so these years, as long as he doesn't make a big mistake, I'm still willing to use him again. In fact, your father's ability to be an official is still very strong. It's just..."

"It's just that my father's heart is not to be a good official, but to be a high-ranking official and to have power." Lin Siran put it bluntly.

The emperor nodded and said, "That's right, if his thoughts were purer, he wouldn't have come to this point."

"So in the end it was my father's own fault. He was too eager for quick success." Lin Siran said, "Given his age and seniority, there is no need to be too anxious. Since His Majesty appointed him as the number one scholar, he naturally wants to reuse him. It's just that he doesn't understand His Majesty's painstaking efforts."

The emperor looked at Lin Siran and asked, "You seem to be speaking for me, have you never thought about your father? Is the relationship between father and daughter still so bad?"

Lin Siran was silent for a while, but decided to tell the truth: "To tell you the truth, Your Majesty, the relationship between my daughter and my father is like this at most. I don't intend to slander him, but... I don't love him either."

"Because he abandoned you?" asked the emperor.

"Not just abandoning me once, but every time he is faced with a choice, he will choose to abandon me. If he can treat me kindly after taking me home, like treating my brother and sister well, my heart is not made of stone Yes, how can it not be covered with heat?"

Lin Siran's eyes turned slightly red.

"But no, because I haven't been by his side since I was a child, so there is no way to make him like me more. How can people not be partial? It's just that I also want to be the one favored by my father, if not favored, at least Give me some sincerity."

The emperor sighed slightly, and said: "In this point, he really owes you. But..."

"Before I summoned you, I met him. He came to say goodbye to me, but asked me to let you stay in the capital and continue to follow Qingxuan."

Lin Siran was slightly taken aback, looking at the emperor.

"I think he is thinking of you, right?"

Lin Siran pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

"It's only been two years since you came back to him. It takes time to cultivate and build the relationship between people. Maybe you never gave him this chance?"

The emperor looked at Lin Siran.

"Because I didn't dare to give him a chance, I was hurt again and again, or from my father. I'm not that brave, and I want to protect myself."

Lin Siran didn't feel regret or regret.

She and Lin Xiaoqian are destined to have no father-daughter relationship.

"I think, even if you want to be a father and daughter, it depends on fate. We are born without fate."

"I also don't want to lie to Your Majesty, saying that I should regret, or forgive my father for what he did. I have no way to forgive, and I can't force myself to accept him."

"If there is a choice, I even hope that I am not his daughter."

Lin Siran said stubbornly.

The emperor asked: "Does it have to be so tough? Why can't it be softer, or even pretend to be softer?"

"Because I'm facing His Majesty, I don't want to lie. No matter how clever a lie is, there is no way to deceive myself and His Majesty's eyes." Lin Siran said truthfully.

The emperor looked at Lin Siran in confusion.

Finally sighed and shook his head.

"You... are not like her at all. She is a very gentle and considerate woman."

The emperor's eyes suddenly turned red, and even the flesh on his face began to tremble a few times.

"Do you know, when I often see you, I will be in a trance for a moment, thinking that I saw that person, I think Qingxuan should have told you who she is."

Lin Siran nodded slightly, and felt a little sad seeing the emperor's emotional appearance.

"I also thought about keeping you by my side, even just to see you, but I didn't do that, do you know why?" the emperor asked.

Lin Siran thought for a while before answering: "It should be that His Majesty really cared about the friendship back then, so he didn't want a substitute like me to destroy that relationship."

"You are such a clever child." The emperor smiled, turned his head and wiped his eyes.

"It's not just that, although you look very similar, but your eyes..." The emperor looked into Lin Siran's eyes, "You don't look alike at all."

"When you looked at me, there was no light in your eyes."

"As long as I look into your eyes, I know that you are not her. Even when she says the most decisive words to me, she looks at the real eyes, which are full of emotion."

"I never believed her lies, believed what she said, never loved me, just wanted to be a queen and other silly things. Because her eyes can't lie, she loves me, even if she covers her mouth, her feelings remain It will come out of the eyes."

The emperor suddenly choked up, and his shoulders couldn't help shaking.

"I can't forget her all my life, so even if you look so much like her, I can't love you as her. Different is different. Enoch is the irreplaceable person."

Lin Siran shed tears because of this sentence.

She suddenly felt that the old man in front of her looked so pitiful and fragile.

"I think, she must have never regretted loving you, and never regretted giving up on you. Your Majesty is someone worthy of Aunt Enuo's love. Even if it is me, I will feel that if I can get the love of Your Majesty, even if I don't have one in the end. The perfect result, and I will not regret it at all.”

"Because in your heart, Aunt Enuo has never left."

The emperor was in tears.

"But I still lost her, and I didn't even keep her life. I thought that if I compromised and gave up, at least I could let her live a good life in this world. Even if she married and became a woman in the future, even if she would forget me, no If you love me again, I won't blame her. At least, she can live a good life, live in the same world as me, looking at the same sky and the same moon."

The emperor clenched his fists, trembling slightly.

"All the good times in my life were destroyed by that fire."

Lin Siran only felt his heart ache.

"If you do it all over again, what will His Majesty choose?" Lin Sizan asked, "Will you go away with her desperately, or keep her by your side regardless?"

(End of this chapter)

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