Chapter 599

The emperor looked at Lin Siran in confusion.

"Is there any possibility of a comeback?"

"Maybe, every time a person makes a choice, there will be a different result. I think... Maybe in a certain world, His Majesty did not make the same choice as this world. Maybe there, you and Aunt Enuo lived in a fairy marriage. couple's life."

Lin Siran thought, isn't this the life I have experienced?
She didn't choose to be manipulated by Mrs. Lin this time, and that's why she lived like this.

"Really?" The emperor's eyes suddenly softened, as if he also saw the possibility.

"Yes, in that world, Aunt Enuo did not die. You may not continue to be the emperor, or you may still be the emperor, but she should be by your side well."

Lin Siran would rather believe in this way, people sometimes have some good expectations and dreams.

The emperor exhaled and said, "Hearing you say that, I actually feel much better."

The emperor adjusted his mood, and then asked: "If it were you? How would you choose?"

"Me?" Lin Siran looked at the emperor puzzled.

"Yes, if you were Zhen, how would you choose?" the emperor asked.

Lin Siran shook his head and said, "I don't know, because I am not His Majesty, and I have no responsibility for His Majesty, so it is hard to say how I would choose in the same situation."

"Then what if you were Enoch?" the emperor asked again. "In that case, how should you choose?"

Lin Siran also thought about it seriously before saying, "Maybe she will choose to leave like Aunt Enuo."

"Why?" asked the emperor.

"Because I understand that the responsibilities of being the king of a country are very heavy, and I don't want to be another burden for you." Lin Sizan said.

The emperor looked at Lin Siran and didn't speak for a while, just staring at him.

"The prince came to me and asked me to promise you to be his wife."

The emperor suddenly threw out this sentence, which caught Lin Siran off guard.

Lin Siran thought, the expression on her face must have lost her composure for a moment.

"Surprised?" asked the emperor.

"No..." Lin Sizan shook her head, she thought, maybe the emperor made so many preparations just to say this sentence.

"Did you know that he would ask me for a marriage?" the emperor asked.

"Yes." Lin Siran's voice trembled slightly.

The emperor asked again: "Do you love the prince?"

Lin Siran suddenly looked up at the emperor, then nodded slowly.

But the emperor shook his head and said: "I don't really believe it. Not long ago, you admitted to me that you like Mr. Lu's family. Did your mind change so quickly?"

Lin Siran knew that what should come is still coming, and what should be faced, can never escape.

"I know Your Majesty will think so, and it's hard not to think so. But I'm not lying, I once liked Mr. Lu."

"Then why don't you like him all of a sudden, and you like the prince again?" The emperor frowned slightly, looking a little unhappy.

"It sounds like a flirtatious woman who faces Qin Muchu." The emperor said displeased.

Lin Siran let out a deep breath.


"Yes?" The emperor was surprised, "Why don't you justify yourself?"

"There is no need to argue. It is indeed as His Majesty said. Even I myself think so. Human emotions are so fragile and changeable." Lin Siran curled the corner of her mouth and forced a smile.

The emperor commented: "That only shows that you have never truly loved anyone."

Lin Siran asked: "What does Your Majesty think is sincerity? When Mr. Lu quickly compromised under the pressure of His Majesty and Prime Minister Lu, and chose Princess Ningrong, should I still be infatuated?"

"What's more... Long before this, I had let go, because I knew that Mr. Lu and I were not in the same way. There was an insurmountable gap between us. Maybe, as Your Majesty said, I have never really loved you. pass him."

"The person I love the most is myself. I must love myself. I will never give up my love for a man. If you want me to give in unconditionally and let go of my self-esteem and pride for a man, Then I can't do it."

"Even if it's for the prince, is there no way?" The emperor asked again.

"There's no way." Lin Bianran said without hesitation, "If he hadn't firmly chosen me, but had given up on me because someone opposed or blocked me, then I could still leave without looking back, with the fastest speed Cut off this relationship and kick him out of my heart and world without hesitation."

Lin Siran's eyes are so firm, full of fearlessness and courage.

The emperor looked at Lin Siran and asked again: "So is it still not enough love?"

"If in His Majesty's opinion, if you love someone enough, you should sacrifice everything for him, no bottom line, no principles, no self-esteem, no self-love, then I really can't love enough."

Lin Siran said firmly.

"What an astonishing woman." The emperor said with emotion, "I don't even know how to judge you because of you."

"Your Majesty can say whatever you want, and you can even think that I am such a flirtatious person who faces Qin and Muchu." Lin Siran said, "But why can't I choose again? Could it be that Mr. Lu can re-elect, but I can't? Just because Am I a woman? If that's the case, I should have bumped my head to death in front of His Majesty and Mr. Lu in the Great Hall that day."

The emperor frowned, feeling that Lin Siran's tone was too intense.

"But you shouldn't have thrown yourself into the prince's arms so quickly, right?" the emperor wondered.

"In Your Majesty's opinion, it's indeed a bit fast, but life is short, I just hope to catch happiness in time, I don't think there is anything wrong with this. When I find out my heart and His Majesty's sincerity towards me, I will never He took his hand without hesitation."

"If I reject him, or continue to wait, won't I be ruining His Highness's wishes?"

Lin Siran still has no shame.

Having said that, she even felt that there was nothing to be afraid of, she just had to be brave enough to speak her truth.

She can say whatever she thinks.

Big deal, the emperor drove her away in a fit of rage.

She won't be killed just because of this.

"If you say such things, aren't you afraid that I will force you to leave the capital in a fit of anger, and you will never see the crown prince again?" the emperor asked.

"If Your Majesty had already made such a decision from the beginning, it would be meaningless for me to say anything. Even if I begged hard, it didn't seem to work. After all, His Majesty and Aunt Enuo must have begged the first queen mother hard."

Lin Siran's words were like knives piercing people's hearts.

The emperor's face sank instantly.


Lin Siran knelt down, but straightened her back.

"Aren't you afraid that I will punish you? How dare you speak nonsense."

"Your Majesty appease your anger. My daughter made a slip of the tongue for a while, but it was indeed what I thought in my heart. My daughter is absolutely unwilling to deceive His Majesty by forcefully saying some high-sounding words just to make His Majesty happy, or to justify herself."

"I don't think there is anything wrong with my efforts to strive for happiness. There is nothing wrong with liking Mr. Lu, and there is nothing wrong with liking Your Highness now. I have always been open and honest, and I have no regrets in my heart."

Lin Siran raised his head and looked at the emperor fearlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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