The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 600 Love the beauty but not the country

Chapter 600 Love the beauty but not the country

The emperor also looked at her.

"You are such a bold woman."

"Because your majesty is a wise king, your majesty will not blame me for my honesty and magnanimity!" Lin Siran explained.

The emperor turned his head angrily, and said, "Don't think that if you flatter me, I won't be angry."

"Why is Your Majesty angry? Because I like His Highness the Crown Prince, or because I have told the truth?" Lin Siran asked, "Your Majesty does not want me to marry His Highness the Crown Prince, for fear that my reputation will be bad and it will bring displeasure to Your Highness. Is it a good influence?"

"Of course not, am I the kind of layman who doesn't know right from wrong? How can I not know what's going on with you?" The emperor flatly denied, "I never think you have a bad reputation."

Lin Siran asked again: "In this case, why is Your Majesty angry?"

The emperor was so questioned that he couldn't speak, but just stared at Lin Siran angrily.

"What if I just don't allow you to marry the prince? Will you soon find a new man and continue to marry him as if nothing happened?" the emperor asked.

Lin Siran said: "That depends on His Royal Highness, if he compromises with you, chooses to marry another woman, and breaks his promise to me, then I will naturally not stay in love. This has nothing to do with finding a new man, I will completely break up with His Highness, and I will never have anything to do with you again."

"But if he still loves me firmly, even if he can't marry me because of His Majesty's objection, he won't marry anyone else, and is willing to work hard for me to get His Majesty's approval, then I will definitely love him unswervingly, continue Wait for him, and I will try my best to get His Majesty to recognize me until you agree to our marriage!"

Lin Siran spoke with great certainty, without any hesitation.

The emperor smiled and asked: "Then why did you say you would leave when I asked you just now, if you were Enoch, what would you choose?"

"Because the situation I am facing with Aunt Enuo is different, and your majesty and the first queen mother are also different, so naturally there are different choices."

"Do you think I won't firmly oppose it to the end?"

"No, I don't think His Majesty objected to our marriage because of the pressure from the aristocratic family. I will marry His Highness, and I will never shake the court situation, because Your Majesty already has enough strength to fight against the aristocratic family. Your Majesty has used My own efforts have won more freedom and choices for the royal family."

"Because of His Majesty's sacrifice and efforts back then, His Highness the Crown Prince and I no longer need to face the difficulties and pains His Majesty faced back then."

The emperor closed his eyes slightly, then smiled and sighed again.

"I have known for a long time that you are too smart, which makes people both like and annoyed. No wonder the prince said that I will definitely agree to him marrying you, and there is no way to refuse you."

Lin Siran looked at the emperor in surprise.

"Prince, come out!" The emperor shouted.

Li Xingxu came out from behind the rockery with a silly smile on his face, like a fool.

Lin Siran was completely confused about the situation, looked at the emperor, and then at Li Xingxu.

Lin Siran was dumbfounded.

Li Xingxu smiled at her, then knelt down on one knee: "Thank you, father, long live long live!"

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me, I haven't agreed yet!" The emperor raised his head slightly, as if he was still hesitating.

Lin Siran opened his mouth to say something, but was stopped by Li Xingxu.

"Father must have other requirements?"

The emperor nodded, smiled slightly, and said: "The crown prince is really smart, I ask you... If I agree with you to marry her, but you must take the initiative to give up the position of prince, are you willing?"

Lin Siran was shocked.

Li Xingxu had a calm face, as if he had expected such a problem.

Lin Siran shook his head at Li Xingxu, but Li Xingxu didn't look at her.

He just smiled and said: "If this is the wish of the emperor, then of course the minister is willing. Between Ranran and the position of the crown prince, I choose her!"

"Who loves beauty and doesn't love country?" The emperor narrowed his eyes, "Then you are not a qualified heir apparent!"

"I have never become a qualified prince in Father's heart. I have never been, and I am afraid it will be difficult to do it now." Li Xingxu said calmly.

"No!" Lin Siran stopped him immediately, "Your Highness, don't be confused, the throne is more important than me, the world is more important than me, and responsibility is more important than me!"

Li Xingxu turned his head and glanced at her, and asked, "Have you forgotten what you said? You said you would walk with me!"

The emperor looked at the two, smiled, and asked again: "Why, did you not discuss it?"

"Father..." Li Xingxu took out a small gold seal from his cuff, "This is..."

"No!" Lin Siran shouted to stop, "Your Highness, how can you be so rash?"

The emperor looked at Lin Siran and asked, "Don't you want to marry the prince? Or is the prince the only one you want to marry?"

It can be described as a double entendre.

Lin Sizan shook his head and said, "I want to marry Your Highness, not only because he is the prince. But I firmly believe that His Highness is the best prince. Your Majesty should trust him and give him everything he deserves, instead of suppressing him everywhere. , always be on guard."

"Your Highness is also His Majesty's son. He has the world in his heart, and his heart is for the common people. He wholeheartedly works for His Majesty and works tirelessly. Your Majesty should know better than anyone else."

"Wouldn't it be my fault if His Majesty missed a good crown prince and the world lost a good prince because of me?"

"I am absolutely unwilling to ruin the future of His Highness and the future of Li Chao because of my own gains and losses."

However, Li Xingxu took Lin Siran's excited hand, and said: "Ranran, Father has his own ideas, you and I only follow Father's arrangement, I am absolutely unwilling to give up on you."

"I don't want every time you face such a situation, become the option to be given up, at will not be the option I give up, regardless of the country or my life in front of me today, I still choose you !"

Lin Siran trembled, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"But I...I can't..."

"You can, I said, as long as you believe in me and you are not afraid to follow me, I will never let go of your hand."

Li Xingxu looked at her tenderly, without any hesitation or flicker in his eyes.

"But how can I... how can I make you give up the crown prince, how can I..."

The emperor coughed twice and interrupted them.

"Okay, I'm just asking this question. See if you're serious? Is it child's play to abolish the crown prince?"

Lin Siran looked at the emperor with tears in his eyes, a little at a loss, did the emperor take the wrong medicine?

"Ranran, you don't have to be sad. I have no intention of stopping you from getting married. Since you have already made up your mind, how can I beat mandarin ducks?"

The emperor stretched out his hand and pulled her up.

"As you said, I used my sacrifice to buy my children more freedom. How can I have the heart to kill your happiness again?"

Lin Ruran's tears were even more turbulent.

"His Majesty……"

"Come here... draw up an order!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En!" Lin Siran and Li Xingxu bowed together.

The emperor smiled faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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