Chapter 610 Any Wish
"How could I submit to you?" King Lian snorted coldly.

"If you don't give in, what about your daughter? Princess Shushen doesn't know anything yet. I am also a person who loves women and jade. I didn't want to involve her family as a girl. But if you are stubborn, I have no choice but to Start with her, after all, for you, this is the only daughter!"

Lin Siran wanted to know whether King Lian could really sacrifice anything for his own ambition.

"You...don't touch my daughter, if you dare to hurt her, I will chop you into mincemeat!" Sure enough, King Lian couldn't hold on, struggling to beat Lin Siran.

Lin Ruran's knife cut a bloody gash in his hand, and blood gushed out immediately.

"Now if there is one person between us who will become meat sauce, it must be you." Lin Siran sneered, "Cooperate with me obediently, so that you will be good to me."

"What do you want?" Prince Lian seemed to calm down a bit, "Who are you?"

"You don't have to worry about who I am, my purpose is also very simple, to tell you all the secret strongholds of your Fire Scythe Sect in the capital."

"Also, I have also honestly explained how you conspired to manipulate the Four Kings' rebellion."

King Lian narrowed his eyes and asked, "Are you from His Majesty?"

"Does it matter who I am?" Lin Siran asked.

"Of course it's important. Who do you work for? What benefits does he give you? No matter what the conditions are, I can give you more than the other party, as long as you are willing to cooperate with me."

King Lian actually wanted to buy Lin Siran.

"Hehehe...King Lian, do you think I'm the kind of person who would break my promise?" Lin Siran sneered a few times, "I'm not so easy to buy!"

"As long as you are a person, you must have weaknesses, ambitions, and desires. Tell me what you really want and the dreams you want to realize. I can do it for you. It's just money and beauty, or fame and status. It will be all right!"

Lian Wang seems to be very sure that his set of rules applies everywhere.

"I'm not interested in money and beauties, and fame and fortune are like floating clouds to me." Lin Siran said lightly.

"Then what do you want?" Lian Wang asked.

"I hope there is no one like you in this world." Lin Siran's knife lightly stroked on King Lian's neck, as long as he applied a little force, it would cut his blood vessels.

Lian Wang tensed his body, dripping with sweat.

"Everything is easy to discuss, this king promises you, as long as you don't become an enemy of this king, this king can fulfill any of your wishes." King Lian said tremblingly.

Lin Siran asked: "Any wish?"

"Although it's a bit exaggerated, this king can do most of the things in this world." Lian Wang licked his face and smiled at Lin Siran.

Lin Siran also laughed: "Can you bring people back from the dead?"

"What?" King Lian asked puzzled.

"Stop talking nonsense with me, and tell me what I need to know, that's my request." Lin Siran was too lazy to go around in circles with him.

"Why does it have to be like this? If everyone cooperates, wouldn't it be good for you to get a piece of the pie?" Lian Wang really couldn't believe that there are people in the world who can be completely selfless.

"You can't afford what I want." Lin Sizan said bluntly.

"What can your Majesty give you that this king can't give you?" Lian Wang asked in surprise, "When the world falls into this king's hands, this king can give it to you as well."

"A person like you will never be able to give me what I want, because what I want is very simple, but it is also very difficult. Heaven is just!"

Lin Siran's words and sentences are resounding.

"Heavenly justice? Hahaha... This is the funniest joke this king has ever heard!" Lian Wang smiled and choked himself because of lack of strength, coughed a few times, and lay there powerlessly pant.

Lin Siran asked: "Is it funny?"

"Of course...Of course it's funny...Because this thing doesn't exist at all. Not only can this king not give it to you, but His Majesty still can't give it to you." Although King Lian's voice was weak, fortunately he still pronounced the words clearly.

Lin Siran heard it clearly, and couldn't help but sigh slightly: "What you said may be reasonable, but I am a dull person, and what I believe will not change. In my opinion, a conspirator like you is my The most despised person."

"You did these things just to satisfy your own selfish desires. You didn't consider that too many innocent people would be displaced or even have their families destroyed because of this war."

"You only see power and status, money and beauties, so how can you hear those cries from afar?"

"It is precisely because I want to prevent this tragedy from expanding and realize the justice of heaven as much as possible that I took action against you."

"Hypocritical, extremely hypocritical!" After hearing this, King Lian was completely unmoved, and instead cursed Lin Siran angrily.

Lin Siran didn't bother to continue arguing with him, so he said coolly: "If you still refuse to explain, then you have no chance. Anyway, if you are killed, the crowd of the Huosian Sect will have no leader, and there will be no storm."

" can't kill me. If you kill me, the situation will only get out of control, you know? My people are spreading the disease outside, and the plague will break out in the capital soon, and only I can stop the spread of the epidemic .”

In order to save his life, King Lian had to tell his own importance.

"Do you have a prescription for curing the disease?" Lin Siran asked.

"No..." Lian Wang shook his head.

"Then why do you say that the spread of the plague can be suppressed? Once it starts, the plague will be like a demon that releases a bottle, and it will not be controlled by people at all. Have you counted how many people will die by then? Will you even take care of yourself? go in?"

Lin Siran looked at King Lian.

"I don't have a prescription, but I know how to avoid being infected with this disease." Lian Wang said, "As long as we can prevent it, too many people will die. Do you think I will be so stupid as to put my own safety aside? ?”

"But you don't want to get words out of my mouth now? Because this epidemic will start with the army defending the city, and my purpose is to defeat the defenders of the capital."

"Oh... I forgot to tell you that not only the capital, but also other places will spread the disease at the same time, in order to let our army go unimpeded! Soldiers are extremely fast, and within ten days, the advance troops of the army will arrive in the capital Now, when the capital falls, the entire Li Dynasty will belong to me."

When King Lian thought of this, his body trembled slightly with excitement, and his eyes were full of fanatical emotion.

Lin Siran sized him up, and after a while he smiled and asked, "Isn't it too whimsical?"

"Whimsical? You will soon know that everything this king says will become reality." King Lian was very confident.

Lin Siran shook his head and laughed: "Yes, it is a tricky thing for the four great feudal lords to rebel together, but you should be insufficiently prepared when you suddenly rise up, right? And as far as I know, those four people are not monolithic, on the contrary , each has its own ghosts!"

"And why do you think they will take orders from you in the future, instead of doing their own thing, or even wanting to be the leader?"

(End of this chapter)

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