Chapter 611 Take off the disguise
King Lian seemed to have considered this a long time ago: "This king naturally has a way to deal with them."

"Because you have placed dark chess beside each of them, and after defeating the imperial army, you will use the name of rehabilitating to kill the four feudal clans in one fell swoop, and then it will be logical to win the first prize. At that time, you will have an army in your hand." , who else dares to oppose you? Is that what you think?"

Lin Siran had experienced this kind of routine in his previous life. Although the scale was not as large as this time, it was still the same trick.

"How do you know?" Lian Wang realized that the person in front of him was not simple, "Who the hell are you?"

"Naturally the one who came to break your dream!"

Lin Siran sneered a few times, full of irony.

"Prince Lian, it's time to wake up from your sweet dreams. Who did you deceive with your tricks? Do you think everyone else is a fool?"

"This king's plan is flawless, how can mediocre people like you understand it? This king has been waiting for more than 20 years for this day!"

Lian Wang let out a breath slowly, and didn't care about Lin Siran's words.

"I've already guessed who you are, the mask can be removed, Mrs. Wencheng!"

Lin Siran was stunned for a moment.

But thinking that this old fox can hide for so many years, it is impossible for him to be a fool.

Lin Siran took off the mask and said with a smile: "Really, I wanted to pretend for a while, but I didn't expect to be seen through!"

"The voice can be disguised, and the outfit can also be changed, but you probably don't have the experience of pretending to be a person for a long time. Many details are still exposed, such as...eyes!"

Lian Wang pointed to Lin Siran's eyes.

"This king pays most attention to the eyes when looking at people. No matter how clever the disguise technique is, he can't disguise the eyes, right? The county lord has beautiful eyes, and more importantly, your eyes... the impression of this king Profound, deep and dark, it seems that there are many, many secrets hidden in it!"

Lin Siran frowned.

"That's the kind of look in your eyes. Ordinary women don't have such sharp eyes. Even when you're angry, your eyes are always like knives, cold and sharp!"

Lian Wang said with a smile.

"Now that everyone has given up their pretense, why don't we have an open and honest talk?" Lin Sizan asked.

"Didn't he be arrested by Luo Zifang? He promised this king that he will keep you in prison, and he will never let you do bad things!" Lian Wang was a little angry, "He is really a guy who has more than enough success than failure!"

Lin Siran smiled: "He is that kind of guy, it's really a mistake for you to entrust the matter to him!"

"So I didn't fully trust him, and I made other arrangements." Lian Wang smiled, "It's just that I didn't expect you to dare to come to my palace. Are you afraid that there will be no return?"

"Of course I'm not afraid. This is the capital city, at the foot of the emperor, it's not a place where you can do whatever you want." Lin Siran sat down relaxedly, showing no sign of fear.

King Lian asked, "Are you so confident?"

"Of course... After all, Prince Lian also has a heart for loving daughters, so he doesn't care about his daughter's life, right? He has sent someone to take Princess Shushen out just now!" Lin Siran said with a smile.

King Lian's face turned a little ugly: "How can a person who does great things be benevolent to a woman?"

"Actually, I don't understand. Prince Lian must be suffering from some kind of hidden disease, right? That's why he has only had one daughter, Shushen, and has no children for so many years. That's why he loves Princess Shushen so much. What's the point?"

"Master Shushen is not in the mood to take over your class, is she?"

Lin Siran was very curious about this.

A person who has no son and will never have one in the future is no different from a eunuch, so why does he still want the throne.

"This king doesn't want this world. What this king wants is to ruin the Li Dynasty!" King Lian confessed without any scruples, "You can think I'm a lunatic, it doesn't matter, some things are not worth inheriting at all. Li Dynasty's throne is even more unworthy!"

"Who are you resenting?" Lin Siran asked.

"Haven't you checked this king's affairs?" Lian Wang asked.

"No." Lin Sizan shook his head, "I used to only regard you as a wealthy and idle person, and I really didn't pay attention to you."

"You didn't pay attention, Li Xingxu should have noticed, that kid is a ruthless person, he is a bit more powerful than the current emperor!" Lian Wang smiled, "So we have to act quickly before he succeeds to the throne." Okay, otherwise, when he sits firmly in the country, I'm afraid I won't even have a chance to make a move."

Lin Siran unexpectedly discovered that King Lian had a high opinion of Li Xingxu.

"Don't be afraid of His Majesty, but be afraid of His Royal Highness?" Lin Siran asked.

"You seem to like Li Xingxu very much. When I heard this king say this, my eyes were a little happy!" Lian Wang smiled and said, "A woman is a woman after all, and you can't escape the word love."

"If people are ruthless, all things will be dim, and there is nothing worth cherishing in this world." Lin Sizan said calmly, "Just like the prince, even if he is crazy enough to destroy Li Chaojiang, he will still do it for his daughter. worry about it, don't you?"

King Lian sighed, but still nodded: "Yes, after all, he is a child who has been raised by his side since he was a child."

"Isn't it my biological daughter?" Lin Bian felt the strangeness of his words.

King Lian nodded: "No, because... I have been unable to have children since a long time ago, oh... In fact, including that incident with Lingmei, it is also fake, I just pretended!"

Lin Siran was slightly embarrassed.

"In order to prevent people from discovering this secret, this king has raised many concubines, and that girl Shushen is very upset."

Lian Wang smiled bitterly.

"Since the death of the concubine, this king has no plans to find a continuation. It has been misunderstood because Shushen objected. In fact, she used to hope that a mother would love her, but I always said that if it is not my mother, I will not give up." She will love her, and if she has younger siblings, she may also lose the love and protection of her father, causing her to become more and more extreme."

"I'm really sorry for her. I've ruined her reputation. Because I'm too lonely and don't want to lose my only daughter, I haven't engaged her. I always encourage her to pursue the love in my heart, but I know that the Lu family will never Choose Shushen to be the eldest daughter-in-law."

"It's really pitiful for that child to follow a father like me, so please don't blame her and hurt her."

In the end, because of Shushen, King Lian pleaded with Lin Siran.

"Didn't it mean that there will be no benevolence of women? If so, the life and death of the daughter is not important?" Lin Siran asked.

"Because I owe her too much, so...if possible, please don't involve her, she is innocent." Lian Wang said calmly.

Lin Siran sighed: "You know that this is impossible, she is your daughter, she can't stay out of what you do, if you want her to be safe, why not stop now."

"It's impossible." Lian Wang shook his head, "Once some things start, there is no possibility of stopping. How can there be an arrow to turn back when we start work?"

"It's never too late, at least the damage can be reduced." Lin Siran didn't agree with his words.

"Reduce the damage? Why should I reduce the damage? The world is so bad that destruction is the right thing!" King Lian asked.

(End of this chapter)

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