Chapter 626 I'm Not Good Enough
Lu Jinnian's lips trembled twice.

"You never asked me such a question." Lu Jinnian said sadly, "You never asked me anything."

"Yes, because I dare not." Lin Siran smiled weakly.

"Don't dare? Why?" Lu Jinnian asked.

Lin Siran said: "Because I have always felt that there is a very long distance between you and me, and you are someone who is out of my reach. It seems that if I make too many demands on you, it will appear that I am not measured. I don't know. heavy."

"How could it be? Why do you think like this? I love you, and naturally I regard you as very important. You can make any demands on me, no matter how excessive or not. "

Lu Jinnian found it incredible.

"Although Li Xingxu is the prince, he never puts himself in a high position in front of me. Sometimes he looks like a rascal, and sometimes he looks like my most trustworthy friend."

"When I was in danger, he would drop something very important to save me."

"But he didn't ask me for anything in return, and he didn't even tell me what he did for me."

"All along, he is paying for me."

Thinking of this, Lin Siran felt sad again.

"At the beginning, I also felt that His Majesty would never agree to him marrying me no matter what, but he only asked me to leave this matter to him. Then as you can see, His Majesty agreed and announced it to the world."

Shame appeared in Lu Jinnian's eyes.

"I... didn't do well enough." Lu Jinnian had to admit that he didn't do this for Lin Bianran.

"But I also tried my best, and I also argued with my father, and he agreed for a while, and went to the Lin family to propose marriage to your father."

Lu Jinnian knew that it was irreversible, but he still hoped that Lin Siran could understand something.

At least don't deny his love that much.

"I will know." Lin Sizan replied, "But Lu Xiang was forced to go. He negotiated with my father in secret. He didn't propose marriage publicly, and he never really wanted to propose marriage, right?"

Lu Jinnian sighed, "I was thinking of formally proposing marriage after I could stand up, but I didn't expect..."

"Some things can't stand waiting. In order to save you, I did not hesitate to test the poison myself, but in exchange for countless ridicules."

"They said that I would give up my life in order to gain a high reputation for the Lu family's son, but the Lu family just wanted to use money to solve the problem."

"1 taels can buy my life, maybe 1 taels is really a lot for others."

"But may I ask, if it were Princess Ningrong, would the Lu family dare to spend 1 taels?"

Lin Siran thought it would be impossible.

Lu Jinnian just kept silent, because he had no face to excuse himself and the Lu family.

"I'm sorry." Apart from this apology, Lu Jinnian really couldn't say anything else.

"You didn't apologize to me. I chose to save you willingly. If I do it all over again, I will still do that."

Lin Siran said with a smile.

"To me, Mr. Lu, it's like a sweet dream. When you like me, I'm really happy, even a little proud."

Lu Jinnian's eyes were moist.

"I lost you because I wasn't good enough." Lu Jinnian regretted everything.

"Don't think like this. Fate matters are wonderful and impermanent. After all, you and I are not the same, so no matter how hard you force, there is still no way out."

Lin Siran has long since stopped worrying about it.

"Master Lu, Princess Ningrong is also very good, cherish the person in front of you."

"I'm going to find someone I should cherish. I hope Mr. Lu can let me go for the sake of saving my life."

Lin Siran still played tricks on Lu Jinnian.

She knew that the only thing she could rely on was Lu Jinnian's guilt towards her.

Lu Jinnian sighed and took out a token from his pocket.

"Take this. If you encounter another interception, take it out. No one will dare to embarrass you." Lu Jinnian threw the token to Lin Bianran.

"Take care of yourself."

He stood up and turned to leave.

Lin Siran hurriedly followed: "Thank you!"

"No, we'll settle the matter from now on. Next time... I won't make any concessions for you." Lu Jinnian said stiffly.

Lin Sizan nodded: "I understand, so I still want to thank you, Jinnian... Take care too."

"it is good."

Lu Jinnian didn't look back, but strode forward.

Holding the token, Lin Sizan apologized to Lu Jinnian in her heart.

But she had no choice, for Li Xingxu, she had to do it.

After Lin Sizan met Lu Jinnian, she finally went all the way without hindrance. Even if she encountered obstacles, she could avoid a hard fight with her token.

She went all the way south and went straight to Marshal Huo's temporary mansion.

"I want to see Marshal Huo!"

The soldiers guarding the gate immediately stopped Lin Siran.


"Please go in and let me know that County Lord Wencheng has come to see the marshal." Lin Sizan said.

"What is Wencheng County Lord? I haven't heard of it. Our marshal is busy. Besides... You are a beggar, and you still want to see our marshal?"

The soldier gave Lin Siran a disgusted look.

Lin Siran is indeed no different from a beggar now.

In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, she had to wear tattered clothes.

"Bold!" Thousand layers stepped forward and scolded, "Don't be rude to the county magistrate!"

Lin Siran held on to Qian Layer and gave the soldier a handful of golden melon seeds.

"So you are always willing to report?"

The soldier's eyes were straightened, and he also realized that it is impossible for a beggar to be so generous.

"You later!"

He hurried in.

After a while, Huo Min's father, Marshal Huo, came out from inside.

Lin Siran was also wiping his face, and took off the dirty clothes outside by the way.

"County Lord?" Marshal Huo was shocked, "Why are you here?"

Lin Siran said helplessly: "Marshal, let's talk inside."

"Quick... please come inside!"

Marshal Huo hurriedly invited Lin Siran in.

"Duke, where is Your Highness?" Lin Siran couldn't wait to greet Marshal Huo, so he asked eagerly what he was confused about.

Marshal Huo sighed: "I have sent people to search along the river for a long time, but there is no news. I'm afraid..."

Lin Siran looked at Marshal Huo.

"The Duke should know the relationship between me and His Highness, so don't lie to me?" Lin Siran stared at Marshal Huo.

"What does the county lord mean?" Marshal Huo continued to play dumb.

"If His Highness really had an accident, Marshal Huo would still be in the mood to listen to the piano and sing in the small courtyard?"

She just heard the sound of the piano and singing inside from the outside.

The so-called Marshal Huo is busy, but he is just busy looking for fun, right?

"This... the county lord..." Marshal Huo didn't know how to explain for a while, and hurriedly repelled the people outside the door.

"If Marshal Huo really doesn't care about His Highness's life and death, and is here to play the piano and listen to music, and feel at ease, then I will play a book for His Majesty to see how the Marshal will explain it?"

"His Majesty is personally recruiting for His Majesty, does his Marshal really care about his safety?"

"Don't dare, I dare not!"

Although Lin Siran is still only the county lord, she is already recognized by the emperor as the future princess, and Marshal Huo dare not neglect her.

"Then tell me honestly, where is His Highness?" Lin Siran looked at him coldly, "Are you guys playing tricks?"

(End of this chapter)

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