90 days of cultivation temperament goddess

Chapter 21 Polite words and deeds are direct and effective proof of identity

Chapter 21 Polite words and deeds are direct and effective proof of identity (4)
Because one leg is always pressed against the other, over time it may lead to uneven thickness of the two legs, and it may become unsightly O-shaped legs or carrot legs.

Hazard [-]: Varicose veins come to your door

It is common for MMs in the workplace to sit for hours or even a day in a row. If you always keep "sitting with two legs", varicose veins will come to your door.

Just think of those ugly blood vessels running down your calves.Many women always feel that their legs will be edema in the afternoon, and the feet in high heels seem to be one size bigger, which is caused by long-term poor blood circulation.

Hazard [-]: back pain

Now the business of traditional Chinese medicine massage is booming. Many people often feel very uncomfortable in the back, not only pain but also fatigue. After massage, they feel much more comfortable, but the pain will come again after a few days.In fact, back pain has a lot to do with your sitting posture. Many women will feel that they have cervical spondylosis, which is the terrible consequence of incorrect sitting posture.

Hazard [-]: premature aging of joints
I'm not yet 30 years old, but my joints are already the same as my aunt who is 60 or [-] years old. Isn't it scary to think about it?This is usually caused by not paying attention to sitting posture and keeping warm.The knee joint is a very important joint in the body. If you always "sit with two legs", it will cause great damage to the knee joint virtually.

Hazard Five: Endless Gynecological Diseases
Gynecological diseases are not necessarily caused by uncleanness. If you usually like to wear tight jeans and are used to "sitting on two legs", the possibility of contracting gynecological diseases will be much higher than that of MMs who do not do so.

After seeing so many hazards, hurry up and pass the dreaded "erlang-leg sitting"!Correct sitting posture will not only make you look healthier and taller, but also keep all kinds of annoying diseases away from you.

The correct leg pose should be like this: Keep your feet flat on the ground to work, so that the blood in the whole body can be kept smooth.At the same time, you should put down the work at hand every once in a while, move your waist and legs, and don't miss your body because you are busy with work.If "office workers" women suffer from this kind of low back pain, they should maintain a good sitting posture, and it will return to normal after a period of time, and there will be no major problems.Some "sitting class" female patients with varicose veins of lower limbs should insist on wearing tight leg stockings in addition to maintaining a good sitting posture, which can prevent the disease from continuing to develop.

Strut like the world's supermodel

As a kid, I used to sneak into my mom's heels and walk around the room like a model.I think it's cool and very temperamental.So from then on, my dream was to become a catwalk model.However, when I grew up, I found that there was always a big gap between my dream and reality, and my height did not reach the standard of a professional model.

I believe that many women have had similar fantasies in their childhood.Although we have no chance to become real models as adults, we can also get out of the aura of models.

Think about it, even if you wear expensive designer clothes, but you always look sick when you walk, your return rate will not increase because of this suit.

I often hear people talk about "aura". In fact, I think aura is nothing more than self-confidence. First of all, you must believe that you are very good, then you will walk with extra momentum.If you often go shopping and pay attention to the people passing by, you will always find people with aura in the crowd. Think about how they walk.If you observe carefully, you will find that, without exception, they walk with great vigor.

Nowadays, many young people like a more decadent style, thinking that it is very stylish, and they deliberately drag their feet and bend over when walking.In fact, this is a kind of conceptual confusion. To like a decadent style does not necessarily have to make oneself look sloppy and lacklustre.On the contrary, it is always very imposing when walking, and it will be very popular no matter where it goes.

To improve one's aura, in addition to psychological hints, it is also necessary to use some small props.Think about it carefully, is it more elegant and temperamental when walking in high heels than when walking in sneakers?Wearing different styles of clothes will give the body a sense of role-playing unconsciously: if you dress casually when you go out today, you will not pay much attention when you walk; if you wear a tight dress with high heels and With a handbag, you will pay more attention to your steps.

So, those who want to standardize their walking posture, wear more restrictive clothes, they will make you more charming.

The following tips will help you, let you copy the steps of supermodels in detail, let's learn together.

stand at attention
If you want to have an elegant posture, standing posture is a very important prerequisite.Recalling our military training life, did we start with standing posture?Only when the standing posture is OK, the steps will be good-looking.

Therefore, dear friends, remember that when standing, don't stretch your neck or bend your back, and keep your legs one in front and one behind.We need to make sure that our feet are opened in parallel, the distance between the two feet is about 10 cm, and the hands are naturally attached to the body.To breathe naturally, you must first be in a good state.

imagine yourself as a compass

Some people are troubled by internal or external horoscopes. It is not easy to change these two bad habits, but as long as you have perseverance and practice regularly for a long time, you can get rid of them.When standing, you can imagine yourself as a compass, with the toes of your feet slightly apart, about a fist's distance in the middle.

learn to walk a tightrope

A good way of walking will make you look 5 cm taller visually, don't you believe it?Now teach you how to lengthen your body.

When we walk, the heels should touch the ground first. When the body is swinging, it should be stretched vertically and tightened horizontally, so that it will look very slender visually. Imagine yourself as a model being photographed on the street, like walking a tightrope , two heels fall on a line, it will look thinner.

When walking, if there is no gap between the legs, it will make your body look thin; if there is a gap, you will appear fatter.In fact, if you feel like you're taking a single step, you're in the right shape.

Be careful not to be too soft

Some sisters walk very much like Lin Daiyu, they look so weak that their bones are soft.In fact, this walking posture has long been OUT, and now we prefer a powerful and energetic pace.

When our feet land on the ground, the muscles of the legs should be tightened, and the knees should be exerted, so that the steps will appear higher, and the overall appearance will also be very aura.

A woman who can control her emotions is an amazing woman
Bad emotions are like a terrible bacteria. Under the influence of this bacteria, people often make wrong and even extreme choices.

In reality, many people are very emotional, and they are easily swayed by emotions after encountering things, and either become impulsive or depressed.Especially women, when we see a woman go crazy because of trouble or sadness, no one is happy.

One day, a woman called me for consultation, and as soon as she answered the phone, she said, "Honey, please help me, I'm really in so much pain. I'm always in a bad mood, and my temper is always bad." Poor, I often make a lot of noise because of some trivial things. I know I am wrong, but I just can’t control my emotions. No matter what the occasion, I will go crazy at every turn, causing an embarrassing situation. Now no one wants to talk to me , and no man pursues me. Am I not beautiful? Why is everyone avoiding me?"

I thought for a while and said: "You are a very attractive lady, but the people around you are frightened by your hysterical emotional behavior. They can't bear the anger that explodes from time to time, so they have to avoid you. Dear, If you can control your emotions, your charm will increase a lot, and your life will be much happier."

In reality, I have met women like this lady who are always troubled because they can't get rid of their bad emotions, their interpersonal relationships are extremely poor, and their work often goes wrong.

Some people say that women are born emotional animals. This conclusion is supported by theories of psychology and physiology.Women are more emotional and careful than men, and they are prone to strong emotions about some things. For men, trivial things that are common to men will turn into storms after they encounter them, and bad temper will break out without warning.Such emotional impulses are vividly called "hurricane passing".

Every woman who is involved in a hurricane actually does not want to do this in her heart, because it not only makes her feel uncomfortable, but also damages her personal image and is not good for interpersonal communication.No matter how beautiful a woman is, she doesn't have any good image when she is furious.A woman who can't control her emotions is like a body covered with thorns, which may stab others at any time, causing discomfort to others and trouble to herself.

Maybe you find it difficult to control your emotions, but as long as you look at your emotional self from the perspective of a bystander, you will find that image is unbearable.Aristotle once said: "If women rage, growl, and yell at every turn...then people will only see you as a vulgar, uneducated woman." Therefore, in order to maintain your own charm and life happiness , please control your emotions.

When you are emotional, you should try to:

When you want to do something emotionally, procrastinate for a while. After this emotional point, you may find that you don't want to do it anymore.

I feel better when I smile
People smile when they are in a good mood, and smiling is counterproductive.When you are in a bad mood, if you take the initiative to smile, it will improve your mood.

Divert attention

When you are upset or angry, stop focusing on the things that cause bad emotions, and focus on other pleasant things instead.

weaken one's perception
For some things that are easy to cause troubles, we must learn not to perceive them as much as possible and prevent the input of bad emotions.

Don't punish yourself for someone else's mistakes

When you are overwhelmed with emotion because of someone else's fault, you are treating yourself badly.

(End of this chapter)

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