90 days of cultivation temperament goddess

Chapter 29 Big woman mentality, calm and beautiful 1 life

Chapter 29 Big woman mentality, calm and beautiful life (2)
First of all, let me make it clear that God's help is not the help of God. There is no God in the world. What I mean by God's help is actually the help of "noble people" or good opportunities.Why is there such an opportunity?
(1) Under the guidance of an optimistic and caring attitude towards life, a real self-help person will have a firm belief in life, and will not be afraid of the difficulties encountered in life. Despite the oppression of the mountains of life and the torture of heavy burdens, the self-help person will never leave abandoned.Such perseverance is awe-inspiring.

(2) A true self-help person faces life with a smile on his face.The light from the smiles of those who help themselves is like a lighthouse in the dark night, which will not only illuminate themselves, but also bring warmth and hope to more people.Such a self-help person will win the appreciation of everyone.

Combining the above two points, the conclusion is: an admirable and appreciated self-help person is unhappy, should he help?certainly!Therefore, people often use the form of "help" to express love and concern.Maybe the opportunity lies in these help, noble people and opportunities will follow, and the turning point will follow.

(3) People believe that true self-help people who get help will eventually succeed.As a person who has helped a self-help person, this is a kind of comfort, a kind of pride, and a kind of achievement, which satisfies the hidden psychological needs of the helper.

(4) If the self-help person understands the principles of "the kindness of a drop of water should be reciprocated by the spring" and "drinking water does not forget the person who dug the well", as a helper, it can also be regarded as a kind of friendly investment, which satisfies the needs of helping people. Or another material level of demand.

Combining (3) and (4), let me ask you: Is it worth helping a self-help person who can succeed and reciprocate?The answer is of course yes.

The above is my understanding of "Why God helps those who help themselves".I told "Banhua" my understanding, she was very inspired, she really became outstanding, she didn't want the man's money, she found a job by herself, and took care of the children by herself.She is still a vase, but she is a vase that is both eye-catching and heart-warming.

What I am worried about now is another problem: one day, her ex-husband will come back and "rob" her.

Except health is a big case, everything else is a small case
All beauty is based on health.If you insist on raising an argument, it is also valid to refute with Lin Daiyu's morbid beauty, but that kind of beauty is relatively short-lived.You have to be mentally prepared.

What is the most important thing in life?healthy.The body is the capital of revolution and the source of beauty. A healthy woman is full of beauty that does not need to be refined, and a healthy woman is full of charm.They are full of vitality and full of confidence. They are bubbling spring water, bright and plump fruits, tough and flexible thick vines, and plump green leaves with thick juice...

A woman who can't even control her health can't control her destiny at all.Just imagine, one day, when the disease engulfs your body like a spider web, you cannot struggle, and the more you struggle, the tighter the web will be.The waist has lost the willpower to support, the feet have lost the joy of walking, and the hands have lost the pleasure of working. In this way, you can only parasitize and attach, just like vines in the jungle that cannot see the sun.Can you be beautiful like this?Perhaps in the eyes of others, you have a certain kind of morbid beauty, but as the master of your body, you have no intention of appreciating it and cannot enjoy it. What you feel is only the anxiety of being sick and the despair of regretting the original.

"I think the reason why I got cancer must be the cumulative result of many factors, but health is really important. At the critical point of life and death, you will find that any overtime work, too much pressure on yourself, buying a house The need to buy a car, these are just floating clouds. If you have time, spend time with your children, buy a pair of shoes for your parents with the car money, don’t go all out to buy a big house, stay with the person you love, and live in a small house. Warm." This is the speech of Yu Juan, a female teacher at Fudan University who has lost her life to breast cancer, in "Death Diary".

It's a pity that many women, like Teacher Yu Juan, only understand this truth after losing their health.My neighbor is also a woman who has been ill for a long time. I think back then she was competitive, loved to compare with others, and had a strong sense of professionalism. He was old, had an unhealthy lifestyle, and was knocked down by diabetes at a young age.Although it is a chronic disease, it has greatly affected her quality of life. She needs to rest at home and take insulin frequently.She said that she was particularly envious of women in good health, and whenever she saw her neighbors dancing gracefully in the small garden, she would feel a sense of sadness from the bottom of her heart. "If I could trade my current life for my health, I would rather not live in a house, not live in the city, and be a strong rural woman, who would raise a group of children with big breasts and fat buttocks, plow the land with thick and powerful hands, and use black I face the sun with a rosy face. I long for this kind of health and vitality. With them, I can sweat all over, let every pore relax, and let every muscle and bone become loose. As long as the vitality accumulated in the body can be spewed out like magma, it doesn’t matter where it is scattered.” This is what she said to me personally, she only has a junior high school education, but she can “sing” this penetrating and literary song "Health Song", presumably her understanding of health is no worse than that of Teacher Yu Juan.

The body is the most important thing, I believe the sisters already know it, but it is not a simple thing to do it.It is difficult to be a man, it is difficult to be a woman, and it is even more difficult to be a healthy woman.How can women keep their health by their side?Let's take a look at how to be a beautiful and healthy woman!

1. Have a sense of life
Don't take care of your health for one reason or another. You must have a sense of life, relax your mind, eat well, sleep well, exercise well, and then work hard.No matter how beautiful tomorrow is, if you always greet it with a sick attitude, you will not feel its beauty.

2. Have the habit of recording weight

According to research by the American Institute for Cancer Research, women who gain more than 18 kilograms after the age of 9 have a risk of breast cancer that is 3% higher than those who gain less than 40 kilograms after their teenage years.Being overweight also greatly increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.If possible, keep track of your weight changes since high school, and don't forget to remind yourself to maintain a stable weight.

3. Monitor your menstrual cycle
Open your calendar and note your last 3 menstrual cycles.Frequent changes in your menstrual cycle may mean that you have a gynecological problem, such as fibroids or endometriosis.

If your cycles are very indeterminate, it could also mean you have polycystic ovary syndrome — a hormonal imbalance caused by excess androgen production.Don't panic if you have the above symptoms, just go for a gynecological examination as soon as possible.

4. Take body temperature after waking up

Body temperature can sometimes indicate endocrine conditions.When you wake up in the morning, your body temperature is constant at this time—if it is lower than 36°C, it may indicate that you are hypothyroid, or an underactive thyroid gland.Also, an underactive thyroid and a sluggish metabolism can also lead to weight gain.

5. Measure your waist
Waist circumference is the best predictor of a person's heart attack risk, even more so than your weight.The reason is that women with "apple-shaped" bodies (large midsection) tend to have high cholesterol and are more likely to develop diabetes.Both of these symptoms increase a person's chances of developing cardiovascular disease.Studies have shown that women with a waist circumference smaller than 80 cm have the least risk of heart disease.

If your waist size exceeds this figure, it means that you are already in a dangerous situation. Go to the hospital as soon as possible to check cholesterol, blood pressure and do glucose level test.At the same time, you should start dieting and exercising.

Good woman as an alum that clarifies the world
As the saying goes: "The beauty of a flower lies in its color, the beauty of a bird lies in its feathers, and the beauty of a person lies in its soul." People must first have the beauty of their soul, and the beauty of their soul is the beauty of their inner world, that is, inner beauty.

In history, there is no lack of such kind and beautiful real sisters in the court, among which Empress Changsun is the best image spokesperson.

Tang Taizong ruled the world and was very prosperous for a while. In addition to relying on a large number of advisers and generals under him, he was also inseparable from the assistance of his virtuous and gentle wife, Empress Changsun.Empress Changsun is knowledgeable, virtuous, gentle, upright and kind.For the elderly and idle Emperor Li Yuan, she served him very respectfully and meticulously. She would go to pay his respects every morning and evening, and always reminded the court ladies beside the Emperor how to regulate his daily life, and do their best to be filial like an ordinary daughter-in-law.For the concubines in the harem, Empress Changsun is also very tolerant and docile. She does not focus on winning exclusive favors. It is very rare in all ages.

Empress Changsun silently influenced and affected the atmosphere of the entire harem with her dignified character, so that Tang Taizong would not be disturbed by the right and wrong of the harem, and could concentrate on taking care of military affairs. No wonder Tang Taizong admired her very much!Although Empress Changsun came from a noble family and was an empress, she has always pursued a frugal and simple lifestyle. Her clothes are not luxurious and beautiful, and her food and banquets are never extravagant, which also drives the simplicity in the harem The fashion set an example for the implementation of Tang Taizong's vigorous governance policy.

Empress Changsun is not only magnanimous, but also has extraordinary wit.Once, when Tang Taizong returned to the palace and saw Empress Changsun, he still said to himself: "We must kill this stubborn old man Wei Zheng, so that I can vent my hatred!" The inner room put on a dress, and then came to Tang Taizong with a solemn face, kowtowed and worshiped, and said in his mouth: "Congratulations, Your Majesty!" Yao, so he asked in surprise: "What is so grand?" Empress Changsun replied solemnly: "The concubine heard that only the Ming Lord can have direct ministers. Wei Zheng is a typical direct minister. It can be seen that your majesty is a Ming emperor. My concubine is coming to congratulate Your Majesty." Tang Taizong was taken aback when he heard this, and felt that what the queen said was very reasonable, so the cloud over his head disappeared, and Wei Zheng was able to keep his status and life.

A good woman must be kind

A good woman must be kind.The reason why kindness is so important is because kindness is the most beautiful sentiment in the world.It has been said that a kind woman can clarify the world like an alum, and the kindness of a woman is the source of human warmth.

A good woman is a real woman.A kind woman should be a breeze, which will bring a stream of coolness wherever she goes.

Kindness should be a woman's innate virtue, but with the evolution of society, the kindness of many women is gradually degrading or even disappearing.Just imagine how terrifying such a scene is: a group of beautiful women are hysterical, aggressive and aggressive, so even if they look like gods, they are as terrifying as poisonous snakes in people's eyes.Since we are women in the new century, we should have high standards and high demands on ourselves. To be an excellent woman, we must be kind.

Four Relationships Between Women and Kindness
The relationship between women and kindness can be divided into four categories: the first category, kind and intelligent women; the second category, kind but not intelligent women; the third category, neither kind nor intelligent women; the fourth category, not Kind but smart woman.

The first type of women, they are really kind, and have extraordinary love and tolerance for things and people.They know how to love themselves and others, and at the same time have the wisdom to deal with the complicated life satisfactorily. They are enjoying life with wisdom and winning life with kindness.Such women know what to do and what not to do, know how to find their own happiness, they are not easy to get hurt, even if they are really hurt, they will quickly cheer up and tell themselves the way forward To go on better.

The second type of women is usually called "cute" women, because they have a pure and kind heart, they simply consider their own and other people's problems from their own perspective, and think that other people think the same as they do.Their hearts are transparent, without city government.Because in their eyes, there are only right and wrong in this world, all things have reasons and results, all good people should be rewarded, and all bad people should be punished.But they always think of things very simply, and often try to conquer life with their own fantasy, so it is difficult to recover once injured.

(End of this chapter)

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