90 days of cultivation temperament goddess

Chapter 3 The beauty of a woman's temperament can last forever

Chapter 3 The beauty of a woman's temperament can last forever (2)
I have heard the following story of the Shanghai woman told many times:
A pure white suit, with a smile on his face.Every morning, when she walks through the gate of the company, many people will cast envious eyes.Her elegance and luxury radiate from the inside out, and her bright smile is unaffected.

However, she is just a handyman in this company, doing trivial tasks such as receiving newspapers, delivering documents, turning on the water, mopping the floor, etc., with a monthly salary of only [-] yuan, and she is often called around by everyone.After she was laid off, she found this job and divorced two years ago. Her heartbroken husband left nothing but her daughter.She boarded with her natal family and lived with her daughter in her father's study.

Her father had a great influence on her.When she was a child, life at home was very poor, but her father often said to her: "Spiritual wealth is truly rich. Whether you are poor or rich, you must live gracefully."

Fathers not only influence their children with an optimistic attitude, but also tell them how to live happily every day with actions.Father is very particular about his clothes. Although he doesn't wear famous brand suits, he is always personable.Even in the toughest times, the father never forgets to take his daughter for a walk in the park on weekends.Once, the father pointed to a father and daughter walking in the distance and said, "Did you see that? That's the boss and the child of a company. Our lives are no worse than theirs."

She believes in her father's words that a good life is created by the heart.She never pursues a luxurious life, but her life is definitely of quality.She loves to listen to music and drinks the coffee she grounds herself; she doesn't have brand-name perfumes, but she never goes out without light makeup; she is just a migrant worker, but she never feels inferior to others; She is elegant and refined; she never cares about other people's evaluation, but cares about whether she is really happy; she also often educates her daughter, but never talks about those flashy and worldly things.In short, she lived with a good feeling about herself, neither arrogant nor humble.

There are always people who associate temperament with family background, identity, and money. After reading the story of this Shanghai woman, do you still stick to your point of view?

We can compare the wonderful temperament to a piece of exquisite clothes.This dress will not fade with time, will not drop in price due to changing seasons, and will not become obsolete due to fashion. It is always fresh and beautiful, and it is the ultimate goal of all women.But this clothes, you can't buy it with money, you can't conquer it with power, you can only get it through practice, improving your cognition, enriching your knowledge, cultivating your temperament, and improving your realm.

If you have money, you can buy all the fashions in the world, use Valentino, Chanel, Dior... to package yourself as a lady in gold and silver or a "millionaire" lady, but you can't buy temperament. A dress that everyone will love.

It should be admitted that there are some innate factors in temperament, but the most important thing is the cultivation and nourishment of the day after tomorrow.

The good news is that there are more and more women who understand this truth: the number of highly educated people is increasing, the number of people who participate in further training after work is increasing day by day, the rise of various skill classes, and the popularity of women's publications are evidence.It is lucky to be born beautiful, but if you lack the temperament that is much more important than the outer packaging, in the eyes of men, you are just an embroidered pillow with no content, which can be enjoyed but not worth collecting. Wearing a piece of the world's most expensive fashion and moving the truth.Besides, there is always a time when the "youth meal" is finished.And a woman with temperament in this dress will always be personable and have a long charm.

Every woman can find a unique temperament type

Have you ever noticed in your life: a piece of clothing looks glamorous on a woman, but it looks ordinary on another person.Why is that?This is a testament to the diversity of personal temperament.

Every woman is a unique scenery in this world, and you can find a unique temperament type, just like all kinds of flowers and plants in this world, whether it is a delicate peony, a lonely winter plum, or a small daisy in the field, each has its own beauty, each Each fragrance is unique.

As early as the time of the Yellow Emperor, there was a woman named Momu who told the world this truth by herself.

5000 years ago, the Yellow Emperor married four wives, one of whom was his mother.You must think that with the worth and qualifications of the Yellow Emperor, you must marry a girl who looks like a fairy.But Mommy is not as beautiful as a fairy, but extremely ugly.How ugly is it?First, she is the first of the four ugly women in ancient China; second, her portraits are often used by later generations to ward off evil spirits and avoid evil.How did such an ugly girl get into the eyes of the Yellow Emperor?
Because she has temperament!As a woman, Momu is kind, thrifty, well-informed, treats people with sincerity, and enjoys helping others; secondly, she is intelligent, knowledgeable, capable, calm, and of high comprehensive quality, and has the potential to be a good wife. These touched the heart of the Yellow Emperor.

Once when the Yellow Emperor made an inspection tour, he saw a group of village girls picking mulberries.Suddenly, with a "wow", a village girl fell to the ground and cried out. It turned out that her hand was bitten by the Chilian snake.All the girls panicked, not knowing what to do.At this time, a very ugly girl stopped all the girls, and she quickly assigned two people to fetch water, and told them several kinds of herbs, and asked them to go around to pick them.Then, she tore off a piece of cloth from the corner of the skirt, wrapped the upper part of the village girl's injured limb tightly, and pulled out a bun needle to open the wound with it.Then it crouched down and sucked the venom from the wound with its mouth.When the Yellow Emperor saw this, he ordered people to go to the hospital for treatment, and at the same time secretly observed the ugly girl, and found that she not only acted bravely, but also had organizational skills, and everyone obeyed her orders.Huang Di admired her secretly, so he asked her name.Then, the Yellow Emperor did a shocking thing. He took this ugly girl named Momu back to the palace and accepted her as the second concubine, and asked her to manage all the concubines in the harem.

You see, ugly girls like Mommy can conquer tall, rich and handsome with their own intelligence and temperament, and you should also have the confidence to find the most unique charm in you, keep it, and be a person with your own unique charm that others will never forget. irreplaceable woman.

If you are too lazy to look for it, I can teach you a method of epiphany.What is your temperament and what style suits you?Take a look at the following categories, you may be enlightened.

dramatic beauty

Temperament characteristics:

Tall and well-proportioned. 1.70 meters or above, with exaggerated facial features, standing out from the crowd, people can notice it at once.

Dress code:
It is suitable for long curly hair with big waves (do not perm small curly hair), and unique and exaggerated clothing, such as long windbreaker, tall leather boots, leopard print clothing, etc.Dazzlingly gorgeous furs paired with rich makeup.

He has the style of suppressing the stage, and the most important thing is to act like no one else, and act very strong.Of course, the necessary exaggeration should also be controlled within a certain range!
natural beauty

Temperament characteristics:

The height is moderate, friendly, giving people the intimacy of the girl next door, not suitable for perm, even if the perm needs the natural effect of slightly curly hair.

Dress code:
Suitable for wearing cotton, linen, wool and other fabrics, simple and slightly loose clothing, not suitable for shiny metallic fabrics.Suitable for accessories made of natural materials such as wood and leather.

Natural beauties must be thin, try their best to be as thin as possible, have a skinny figure, loose clothing, light makeup, always have a clean and refreshing look, and are willing to be close to others, but must not reveal a sense of home.

classic temperament beauty

Temperament characteristics:

Clear lines give people a sense of distance and authority.Most of the hosts of news programs on David TV show this kind of temperament.

Dress code:
Wearing a professional suit and a pan head is the most beautiful and can best reflect the characteristics of this type.

It is suitable for light makeup, and you can try cheongsam and Chinese-style improved clothes in leisure time, which has a special charm.

Elegant temperament beauty

Temperament characteristics:

Medium-bodied, it gives people the feeling of gentleness, kindness, Xiaojiabiyu, and femininity.The figure is very soft, the body language is very beautiful, the age, the older the better.

Dress code:
It is suitable for small curly hair, not too long or too short, and the dress is more moderate.This type of beauties must wear soft and high-quality clothes (such as silk, cashmere, etc.) and exquisitely crafted jewelry, and refuse plastic and cloth products, otherwise the sense of delicacy will be destroyed and there will be no texture.

It is very suitable for wearing small floral dresses and thin line cardigans. The skirt and coat should cover the knees, and it is not suitable for short skirts.The heel should be neither high nor low, nor thick nor thin, and the toe should not be too pointed.

The seemingly random stacking or folding reveals the taste of the wearer, exuding a lingering charm elegantly and frankly.The casual and handsome attire gives the overall clothing more agility, which is still an important point of fashion.

romantic temperament beauty

Temperament characteristics:

He is about 1.60 meters tall, with prominent measurements, plump figure and obvious curves. He is the most charming, sexy and feminine type.

Dress code:
It is suitable for curly hair with big waves, low-cut, tight-fitting clothing with large lace, such as fishtail skirts, but if it is not properly dressed, it will easily look vulgar and give people the illusion of being a bad woman.

Fairy temperament beauty

Temperament characteristics:

Thin, the whole person has a straight line feeling, like a naughty little boy.

Dress code:
It is suitable for short hair, and the clothes are mainly straight lines.Such as military-like silhouettes, small stand-up collars, cool tracksuits, and often this type of clothing may also have numbers or animal prints.

Maybe it's because I don't have much time to exercise, so many white-collar girls like to watch tennis, golf and other "temperament" events, and they also like this kind of sporty clothing.

Avant-garde temperament beauty

Temperament characteristics:

It belongs to the small drama type, suitable for fashionable, slightly exaggerated, and unconventional clothing. There is no fixed pattern for dressing, just follow the trend.

Dress code:
Clothing patterns should be personalized, advanced and abstract.The hairstyle can be curly or straight, but not as dramatic as the dramatic one.For individual avant-garde types who are restricted by age or have not very prominent personalities, it is enough to be unique in clothing styles and details.The work attire should be short and neat, and the collar, sleeves, buttons, etc. should be unique.

A few laces show the femininity and obedience of women, expressing the smooth and soft characteristics of women, and perfectly embodying the smooth curves.Doudou-style classic clothes implicitly express the charming and gentleness of oriental women.

girly temperament beauty

Temperament characteristics:

With a petite figure, no matter how old she is, she always looks sweet and cute like a girl.

Dress code:
It is suitable to wear cute clothes such as round neck and lace, and most of the clothes like "lady's house" are suitable for this type of girls.This type of beauty is also divided into big girl type and small girl type.Little girls can look sweet, but big girls need to be careful in matching, try to be sweet without pretending to be tender.

Seeing the introduction above, you should know what kind of temperament beauty you are.Take a seat quickly, and then pack and process quickly.Maybe you feel that your personality is not gentle enough, maybe you feel that you are not elegant enough, these can be covered up by dressing up.

Of course, the above are just some suggestions, and the specifics have to be judged by the sisters according to their actual situation. I hope these can help you.

You are beautiful because you are worth 10 cows

The SLOGAN (slogan) of L'Oreal Paris has been "you deserve it" for many years.Such a very stylish sentence, uttered by Li Jiaxin, Gong Li, Pei Bei and other famous beauties in a slightly domineering tone, has always felt quite good.However, for a while their commercials began to end with "We all deserve it."I don't know if it's for the sake of being close to the people, or for other reasons.Although it is very warm, it lacks personality.More importantly, less self-confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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