Health Guide Cheats

Chapter 14 Yueyi Chapter

Chapter 14 Moon Yi (2)

When the fire started at [-] o'clock in the midday of Chang'an, I thought that the real fire would rise from the Yongquan acupoint, first walk from the left foot, go up the jade pillow, pass through the Niwan, and descend into the pubic region.three times.From the right foot for the second time, do it three times.Start from the tailbone again, and do it three times.After a long time of proficiency, all the veins will flow smoothly, the five internal organs will not be stagnant, and the limbs will be healthy and fully rational.

The tactic said: Yang fire must be born from the bottom, and the yin talisman descends to the yellow court.

The continuous circulation of the spirit is solid, this is the great refinement of the real person.

If the dream fails to close the golden chamber, if you want to move, it will be hot, and if the fire is hot, you will be tired, and if you are tired, you will be smooth and the dream will be lost.When you are asleep, adjust your breath and mind, rub the navel [-] with your left hand, and do the same with your right hand.

Then rub the threat with both hands and shake it seven or seven times.Hold your breath in the dantian, hold it firmly for a long time before stopping, bend your feet and lie on your side, never get lost.

The tactic says: the essence is slippery, the mind is exhausted, the desire is on fire, and the loss in the dream causes injury to life.

There are tricks for rubbing and rubbing that you must remember. Absolute desire to eliminate greed is the best.

In the sense of form decline and guarding Yuguan, everything is laborious.So decline also.To rejuvenate one's youth, one must have the Golden Elixir.However, how easy is it to obtain golden elixir?Those who are good at health preservation, walk, stand, sit and lie down, stay focused, stick to the dantian, silently exercise the spirit, break through the three barriers, and naturally generate vitality, then the body can be strong and old can endure.

The decision said: There is another way to support the old and the old, and there is no need to look for yin and yang outside the body.

Yuguan sticks to Chang Yuanmo, full of spirit and healthier life.

The accumulation of Gu He Xiao is caused by food accumulation, or by qi accumulation. If it persists for a long time, the spleen and stomach will be injured, which is difficult to cure by medicine.Which one is better than eating and drinking, avoiding anger, and not letting it accumulate?The patient should straighten his body and hold his breath, agitate his chest and abdomen, and when he is full of breath, breathe out slowly.Do this five or seven times, and it will stop quickly.

The formula says: Qi stagnation, spleen deficiency, inability to eat, and chest tightness are the most difficult to adjust.

Slowly he drums and dives into Tongtai, and quickly retreats to Anmo Jiulao.

Douli treats typhoid fever with weak vital energy, and if interstitial tissues are not dense, the wind and cold will hurt the senses.The patient sat cross-legged, clasped the outer kidney with both hands, and kept his mouth shut.Cunxiang's true energy rises from the tail, passes through the Jiaji, penetrates the mud balls, drives away the evil spirits, bows the head and bows like prostration, regardless of the number, the degree is sweating, and the disease will be healed.

The tactic said: Sit in lotus position facing the futon, holding the scrotum in your hand to concentrate.

If you kowtow three or five times, the cold and illness will be relieved immediately.

Knocking on the teeth without disease is the fumigation of the fire of the spleen and stomach.When you wake up in the morning, tap your teeth 36 times.Stir above the gums with the tongue, no matter how many times.

Body fluid can be swallowed only when the mouth is full.Do it every three times.When doing urination, close your mouth and gnash your teeth, and then open them after you finish urination, and you will never have tooth disease.

The tactic said: the extremely hot wind makes the population restless, and it invades the morning and knocks and rinses to feel sleepy.

If you teach him to use it constantly without separation, he may be allowed to return to his old age.

If you go up and watch the temples and don't work too much, you will lose your energy, lose your energy, and lose your blood and your temples will work.At the meridian, sit upright with your hands firmly held, concentrating on your thoughts, keeping your eyes on the light, and looking up at the Niwan.Cun wanted to catch the second qi rising from the tail, descending and returning to Yuanhai, nine times in each line.After a long time, the mind will be complete, the qi and blood will be sufficient, and the hair will turn black.

The tactic says: the spirit is strong and the essence is self-contained, there is no guard and there is a fetal immortal.

All thoughts and worries in the heart are eliminated, and it is not difficult to imitate the gods.

Move the eyes to remove the nebula and hurt the heat and injure the qi. Deficiency of the liver and kidney will cause dizziness and cloudiness in the eyes. If you die for a long time, you will be blind.Every day when I wake up, I sit and meditate, with the curtains drawn down, and my eyes rotate fourteen times, closed tightly for a while, and suddenly stare wide.If you keep going for a long time, the internal barriers and external shadows will dissipate by themselves. Avoid lust and write in fine print.

The tactic said: Joy and anger hurt the spirit and the eyesight is unclear, and the curtain is closed to nourish the essence.

The spirit turns into qi and the spirit comes back, and the five internal yin demons lose their minds.

Cover your ears and remove your head, whirling the evil wind into the brain, attacking the virtual fire, then the head will be dizzy, and it will be painful.After a long period of time, he will suffer from a stroke and he will not speak, and hemiplegia will also result from this.To cure it, you must sit quietly, raise your body and close your breath.Cover your ears with your hands and fold your head five or seven times.Think of the primordial spirit against the upper mud balls to drive away the evil, and the wind and evil will naturally dissipate.

The tactic said: Seeing, hearing and ignorance is all about the heart, and the gods chase away evil spirits from the sea of ​​marrow.

In addition, there is no waste of essence and energy, so you can learn from the masters in Penglai.

Supporting steps to lighten the bones and limbs also desires little labor, such as the immortality of the Hushu, the performance of bears and birds, breathing and guidance, all of which are health-preserving techniques.Usually put your hands up, like lifting a big stone, step forward with your feet, like covering the ground, keep the air of thinking, and according to the four o'clock, shush two or seven times.Then the body is light and healthy, with enough resistance to cold and heat.

The tactic says: Essence and Qi are strong and the five internal organs are at peace, the limbs are complete and the bones are strong.

Although you can't get swords and bait, you can live in the world as an immortal.

Rubbing and painting from the beautification color is haggard, the result is excessive thought and hard work.Sit quietly and close your eyes every morning, concentrating on nourishing your mind, calming down your spirit, and reaching out from the inside.Rub hands to warm up, and brush face seven times.Still use the mouthwash to coat the face, rubbing and brushing several times.After half a month of practice, the skin will be radiant and the appearance will be more radiant than usual.

The tactic says: With fewer desires, a weak heart, full of qi and blood, the five viscera will naturally be at peace.

Decaying face increases luster by this, and I don't envy the fifth-class glory in the world.

Shumo relieves qi stagnation, which leads to pain, and blood stagnation, which leads to swelling, and stagnation is a problem, so don't be careless.To treat it, one must clear the heart and close the breath, rub the left hand seven or seven times, and the right hand is the same, and then apply it with fluid.If you practice it diligently for seven days, the qi and blood will be unobstructed and there will never be any stagnation.This is what cultivators call dry bathers.

The tactic said: Rongwei is popular and will not stop for a while, but once talent stagnates, it will be worrying.

Who knows that closing the breath can be unobstructed, so why do you need to look for it?Ninghuogu's dantian primordial spirit will be retracted as soon as it comes out, and the spirit will return to the body by itself.Such a day and night, naturally the newborn will give birth to a real fetus.This is also the power of embracing.Sit quietly at ordinary times, keep the original spirit in the pubic region, and breathe freely.In ten days, the dantian will be solidified; in a hundred days, the spirit will gradually become clear.It can't be done or quit.

The tactic says: the dantian is completed and the qi returns to the root, the qi gathers the spirit, concentrates the dao and unites the truth.

Long-term vision must start from here, don't teach to waste your time.

Light food can supplement the five flavors in the five internal organs, and each has its own suitability.If you eat without temperance, you will suffer losses.Is it better to eat lightly and be cautious?However, this indifference does not mean abandoning the five tastes, but specifically speaking that one wants to dilute the five tastes.There is a saying in the fairy: Cutting off salt is not the way, and eating and drinking is tasteless.It can be seen that it has five flavors, light to strong, if the cream is too much, it is like a vegetarian.

The tactic said: Strong flavors hurt people without knowing it, but being able to be sweet and indifferent is my teacher.

The three thousand meritorious deeds begin here, and there are hidden beliefs in the practice of Tianjian.

Unintentionally get the way of repaying the big and the big, the holy way.Those who have no intention are always clear and quiet.People can always be quiet, and the world will return.He Shengdao cannot be passed on, and it is impossible to repay it! The "Qing Jing Jing" has been prepared.A person who cultivates the truth should do it with his body.If you want to create a halal and wonderful state, it's like turning your palm against your ear.

The tactic says: It is essential to be active and promising, and it is strange to speak silently and odorlessly.

The Mid-Autumn Festival message is sent at midnight, and the bright moon is in the sky.

repair age means
eight illnesses
Sit flat, hold the toes with one hand, and wipe the bare flesh of the soles of the feet with the other.Regardless of the number, the heat is the degree.That is to say, turn the toes slightly, hold and rub the center of the left and right feet more, and rest less when tired.Or make someone rub it, but it is better to wipe it yourself.This is called Yongquan point, which can remove moisture and solidify the essence.

When lying down, sit on the bed.Put your feet down to undress, hold your breath, press your tongue up, look at the top door, and lift and shrink the valley path.Rub the two kidneys with both hands 120 each, the more the better.Extremely capable of producing essence, solidifying Yang, and treating waist disease.

In the small acupoints behind the shoulders are the residences of Shangyuan and Liuhe.Often pinch the Thunder Jue with your hands, and bend it with the big finger bone three or nine times.Then rub your hands and rub your eyes, look up to the roots of your ears, and go against the hairline for [-] times each.It can make the eyes and ears smart, and you can read carefully at night.

Standing on the wall together, facing the dark place, use the left hand to grab the right eye from the back of the neck, forcefully with the head, and look back at the bright place nine times.The right hand also clasps the left eye from behind the neck, and turns to look forward.It can cure red eyes, astringent fire pain.A single disease is a single line.

Sit quietly, hold your breath and breathe in, push down vigorously, agitate your chest and abdomen, make a bow with your hands, and count to four from left to right.Extremely full of breath, exhale slowly, Wuqitong, stop soon.Control limbs dysphoria, back urgency, stagnation.

Lie down and remove the pillow, stand on the wall with two feet.Inhale qi through the nose four times, then exhale through the nose four times.If the air comes out, it will be very subtle; if the air enters the nose again, don't let the nose know it.In addition to fever in the body and back pain.

Sit upright and stretch your waist, raise your left palm up, and rest your right flank with your right hand.Inhale the air through the nose, take seven breaths from the pole.It can remove blood stasis and stagnation of Qi.Sit upright and stretch your waist, raise your right palm and support your left side with your left hand.Inhale the air through the nose, take seven breaths from the pole.It can eliminate stomach cold and indigestion.

Anyone who passes through a dangerous road, between the appearance of the temple, has doubts in his heart.Use the tongue to push it up, swallow the fluid one or two times, and pinch the space between the two nostrils with the second and third fingers of the left hand.Can curb all evil.Still tap the teeth seven times.

Taiqing Daoyin Health Sutra

Prudent revision of internal law
Red pine nuts are also the rain masters of Shennong.It can go up and down with the wind, and it still exists when it reaches Gaoxin.

Always start from the morning, and the cloth seat faces east.First put your hands on your head, pull your head to the ground, and take five inhalations and five breaths.Stop flatulence.

The second time is to lie down, cover the head with the right hand, and place the left elbow on the ground.Cover your brain with your left hand again, and elbow your right elbow to the ground.Five breaths.Pull the muscles and bones.

The second time, use both hands to rest on the right knee, up to the waist, start from the pole of sleep, stop at five breaths, and draw the waist.

The second time, the left hand rests on the waist and left knee, and the right hand pulls upwards.Again press the waist and right knee with the right hand, and draw the left hand upwards.All stop at five breaths.Lead confidants.

The second time, the left hand rests on the waist, and the right hand pulls upwards.Then use the right hand to touch the waist, and the left hand is pulled upwards.Stop five breaths.lead belly.

For the second time, cross your hands in front of your chest, shake your head from side to side, and stop from the extreme.Introduce face.Evil can no longer enter.

The second time, put your hands on your hips, shake yourself from side to side, and stop from the extreme.Through the blood.

For the second time, cross hands with each other, turn left and right, and draw shoulders in the middle.

For the second time, cross your hands and turn them against your head, and adjust yourself left and right.Lead in the lung and liver.

For the second time, put your hands on your chest, left and right poles.Eliminates irritation in the skin.

For the second time, cross your hands left and right, raise your shoulders, and draw the skin; stand right and left, and shake your shins.In addition to Hong Kong feet.

The right (upper) red pine nut guide method can eliminate all diseases and prolong life.Practice this day and month, and it will be beneficial for a long time.

Mr. Ning, who lived in the time of the Yellow Emperor, was Tao Zheng.It can accumulate fire to burn itself and go up and down with the smoke, and the clothes often don't burn.

Often in the afternoon and before noon, untie the hair and head east, hold it firmly, and pass it through.Raise your hands to guide left and right, cover your ears with your hands, so that the hair is black and not white.Lying down is three, using fingers to pinch the neck and side veins for three connections, which is eye-catching.Sit in the east direction without rest, and then pass through.Point the mouth with the middle fingers of both hands, spit twenty-seven, rub each other and wipe the eyes, which is eye-catching.Sit facing east continuously, do three links, and twist the two nostrils with your hands to cure nasal polyps.Sit facing east and four-way, pecking teeth can't get through the number, lying on the side before resting, six-way, the more deaf and blind.Still lying down, Qitong, more pain and cough in the chest.Hugging two knees, leaning on the ground without rest, eight-way, heals the evil heat from the chest up to the head, neck, ears, eyes, throat and nose.Go to the pillow and hold it firmly, keep standing on the ground, the nine links, the east head, and the air is connected up and down.The nose is slightly filled with qi, and the more weak you can't follow the method of yin and yang.Big Yin, don't do it.

The method of toad circulation of qi is sitting upright, automatically shaking its arms continuously, twelve-pass, and the more tired it is, the better it will be.Lie on the left and right sides continuously, and use twelve tones to cure phlegm and retention.If there is drinking disease on the right, lie on the right side; if there is drinking disease on the left, lie on the left side.There is no need to expel the qi, the first sunrise, the middle of the day, and the sunset, these three times stand upright with the sun, nine times, raise the head to absorb the sun's light, nine times swallow it, benefit a hundred times.

Entering the fire, keep your arms down, that is, do not hurt the fire. Squat facing the south, use your hands to enter from the knees, bend your palms and feet inwards, sharpen your waist, hips, and treat stranguria and drowning.Cross the feet with the skip, put the hands together with the feet, and cross the hands to draw them together, the more sleepy, the energy will not be released.Cross your hands and smack down, self-extending, benefiting lung qi, and curing cough due to violent qi.Raise your feet, pinch your cheeks, hold your hands on the ground, and take the medicine.Raise your right hand, extend your left hand, sit on your right foot, cover your left foot, and heal hip pain.Raise your hands on your neck, hold each other from the poles, and treat hypochondriac pain.Stretch the left hand, right hand down, hold the thumb of the left hand from the pole, stretch the right hand, the left hand down, hold the thumb of the right hand from the pole, all cure joint pain.Cover the two feet, point the two fingers on the five fingers of the feet, and bend the waist without bending down. If blood stasis persists for a long time, it will heal.Standing feet and five fingers upright will relieve back pain and those who cannot look back.Up and down from the head with the right hand.He held his hands again, healed his neck and couldn't look back.Sit on the ground, cover your left hand, and hold it with your right finger on your shoulder. The more you lean your waist and knees, the more difficult it is to urinate.Sit facing east, face the sun, hold the moon with your left hand, raise your body to look at the Big Dipper, and be convinced of the moon's energy, so that all evils can't enter, and you can turn your head to the suffering.Pull the right hand and fold back, each side has its own pole, draw the bow, and make up for the deficiency of the five internal organs.When the qi comes up, hug your knees and put your chest on your chest, this often makes the dantian qi return to the brain.Sit on the ground, straighten your feet, twist your feet with your hands, and bring your head to the ground, adjust the spine and vertebrae, sharpen the roots of the hair, and make it look beautiful.Sit on the ground, cross your feet, put your hands through the curved feet, bow your head on your neck, and treat the long-term cold and not be able to warm yourself.

If the ear does not hear the sound, don’t stop, move the qi from the head to the center of the foot, heal scabs, strong wind, partial dryness and numbness, vigorously shake the arms to the right without stopping, nine-pass, the more arm pain and tiredness, the wind will not follow.

Turtle and Turtle Method of Promoting Qi: Cover the mouth and nose with clothes, keep on breathing, open nine channels, lie upright, breathe out slightly from the nose, and relieve nasal congestion.Sit facing east, keep your head up, five-pass, lift the foam in your mouth with your tongue, and your mouth will become dry and bitter.

The Yan Xing Qi method lowers the head and leans against the wall, does not rest, and uses twelve passages to expel food and drink with the mind, and comes out from the lower part to heal itself.

The Dragon Xingqi method lowers the head and looks down, does not rest, and uses twelve tones to heal wind scabies, malignant sores, and heat that cannot enter the throat.Those who can wait for the disease can achieve it by facing the sun.Lying down, rub the abdomen to the feet with the hands, and lead the feet and lower the arms with the hands for twelve times, without rest, twelve movements, to relieve the numbness of the feet and feet, inability to walk freely, and pain in the back and back.Cross the neck with both hands, if the poison is not cured, the air in the abdomen will be vomited.At the beginning of the month, during the middle of the month, and at the time of the month's entry, stand upright toward the moon, open up all directions, and raise your head to absorb the essence of the moonlight and swallow it eight times to make the yin qi grow.When a woman sucks it, the yin and essence will flourish, and the child's path will be clear.

When entering the water, raise your arms and keep squatting to the north. With your hands and five fingers on your feet, you will heal the impotence of the rabbit and the tightness of the buttocks.Jiju uses both hands to enter from the curved feet, and bases itself on the ground. With the curved feet, add the hands and raise the buttocks.Raise the feet and cross the neck, use both hands to hold the ground, raise the buttocks to hold the pole of breath, cross the feet on the neck, the stomach will become fuller, the three insects will be removed, the five internal organs will be benefited, and the air will be refreshed.Squat down, raise your feet with both hands, and squat extremely horizontally to cure qi rush, swelling and pain, and cold disease to enter the upper and lower sides and induce kidney qi.Squatting down, raising the five fingers with both hands, bowing the head to the pole, the energy of the five internal organs will come together, and the deafness and blindness will be cured.For a long time, it will make people turn white and black again.Lying down and curling up, the hands are held continuously, and the heels are pressed against the bed to cure yin knots, numbness and fatigue of tendons and veins.With both hands still squatting, under the armpits, the chest is full and the hands are dry.Put your hands on your knees, turn your head up like a turtle, draw Qi and send the rhubarb vitality to the Dantian, so that the waist and spine will not feel pain.Quickly pinch the nostrils with the thumb of the hand, non-stop.

That is to say, Qi ascends, causing Niwan brain, so that Yin and Yang can be counted until they are tireless.Use the left hand to catch the hair quickly, and the right hand to return it to the neck. The so-called blood vessels and qi flow through their roots, shut off the giant yang qi, keep the yin from overflowing, believe in the light, and benefit the yin and yang.Sitting upright with your hands behind your back, this is called belt binding, the more you can't defecate, the more you will stretch your abdomen, and the more weak you will be.Sit on the ground, cross your hands under it, and the more yin will be full.Grasp the rope with both hands, hang the pulley upside down, put your feet on it, and you will feel dizzy and dizzy.Holding hands with both hands, carrying the back backwards, the rope hangs on its own, the more you are not specialized, the less you can eat.Hold the rope with one hand, and hold the foot with the other hand, to heal hemorrhoids and swelling.Sit on the ground straight and stretch your feet, and stretch your feet with your arms crossed, so that your intestines will not be able to eat and vomit.

Mr. Ning said: If you want to guide the flow of qi to eliminate all kinds of diseases, so that those who are not old should always think of one return elixir to return the dantian.Husbands give birth to pills, and those who save people return them. If they are whole, they will prolong their lives, and if they go away, they will decay.Therefore, the guide will make all the evil qi go away in the joints of the branch body, and the righteous qi will stay there.Those who are able to practice sincerely and diligently, perform actions and words, and practice them day and night, will strengthen their joints and heal all diseases.If you suffer from apoplexy, you will not follow your body, you will be deaf and you will not hear, you will have a headache, you will cough up your breath, and you will suffer from pain in your waist and spine. You can follow the pictures and visualize them, follow the direction of the disease, and eliminate it with your mind.Those who move qi can nourish the inside, and those who guide can heal the limbs, the way of nature.But be able to work diligently and protect the heaven and the earth.

Peng Zugu, the immortal who cited the method of Peng Zu, a doctor of Yin, lived from Xia to Shang, was [-] years old, and often ate osmanthus to gain the Tao.

Usually undress and lie down, stretch the waist, fill the lower abdomen, stop the five breaths, draw the kidneys, quench thirst, and benefit yin and yang.It also says: Stretch the left foot, bend the right knee, press it internally, stop the five breaths, draw the spleen, remove cold and heat in the abdomen, and evil swelling in the chest.Pull the two fingers together, stop the five breaths, draw the abdomen, remove the hernia, sharpen the nine orifices.Raise the two fingers, hold the five breaths, draw the waist, remove the numbness and dryness of the spine, and make people hear the sound.The two feet face each other, the five breaths are stopped, the heart and lungs are drawn, and the upper qi is coughed.The heels face each other, the five breaths stop, the short strands remove the qi of the five collaterals, benefit the stomach, and remove evil qi.Cover the left shin, bend the right knee, press it internally, stop the five breaths, draw the heart and lungs, remove wind deficiency, and improve eyesight.Zhang shin with two feet and fingers, and the five breaths stop, so that people don't turn their tendons.Put your hands on your knees, put your heart on it, stop the five breaths, and heal the back pain.Turn both feet outward, ten times, turn both feet inward, ten times, stop five breaths, and resume all labor.

On the right (that is, the top) Peng Zugu's fairy lying down introduces the key techniques for eliminating all diseases and prolonging life. Every ten knots, fifty breaths, five five 250 breaths.If you want to guide, do it from midnight to cockcrow and Pingdan, and don't eat and bathe when you are full.

(End of this chapter)

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