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Chapter 6 The Royal Lady's Profit and Loss Chapter

Chapter 6 The Royal Girl's Profit and Loss (1)

The Tao takes essence as its treasure, giving it will give birth to people, and keeping it will give birth to a body.If you are born, you will seek to be saved in the immortal position, if you are a stranger, you will retire after your achievements, and if you retire after your achievements, you will fall into desire and think it is a drama.What's more, if you give it recklessly and discard it, you don't feel much damage, so you get tired and die.There are yin and yang in the world, and yin and yang are precious to people, and they are in line with Tao, but there is no cost to be careful.Peng Zu said: "It is better to lie alone for a superior officer than to have a different bed, and for a sergeant to have a different quilt, and to take a thousand packs of medicine."Color blinds the eye, sound deafens the ear, and taste refreshes the mouth.

If one is able to regulate the way of the room, and properly restrain and enhance its penetration, one can increase one's lifespan.One day's taboo, no food at night (satisfaction at night, loss of life for one day); one month's taboo, no drinking at night (night drunk and lying down, one month's life is lost); one-year-old taboo, evening beard Yuan Nei (one-year-old life will be lost once handed over, and it will never be raised again); lifelong taboo, must protect Qi at night (lying in the evening, habit of closing the mouth, losing breath when opening, and evil enters through the mouth).Cai Nv asked Peng Zu, "Is it okay for a person to be sixty years old and keep one's life in seclusion?"Peng Zu said: No way.A man does not want to be without a woman, and if he does not have a woman, he will move his mind, and if his mind moves, he will work hard, and if he works hard, his life will be lost.It would be great if the thought was truly inconceivable, but there is nothing in it.There are strong stagnation, hard to hold and easy to lose, making people leak semen and turbid urine, resulting in the disease of ghosts.Also, if you want to make the qi unmoved, and the yang path is weak, if you want to use it to control the female, shake it first to make it stronger, but slowly catch it, so that the yin qi will be obtained.Yin Qi pushes it, self-improvement for a moment, and use it when it is strong, so as to make it slow and sparse, and stop it when it is fine.Close your essence and rest slowly, lie down with your eyes closed, guide your body, and you can control other women even more.If you want to move, you will change people, and changing people can lead to longevity.If you guard a female, the yin energy will be weak, and the benefits will be small.And the way of yang is fire, and the vagina is water. Water can control fire, and yin can eliminate yang.If it is used for a long time, Yin Qi will absorb Yang, and Yang will turn into loss, and the gains will not make up for the losses.But those who can control twelve women without letting go, make people old and beautiful.If you protect 93 women and don't vent, you will live forever.Those who have less energy will get sick, and those who have exhausted energy will die. They must not be tolerated, and they must not be careless.If you let it out after a few turns, the energy grows and it cannot be depleted.

If the handover is repeated, the essence will be purged, the essence will not be benefited, and the essence will be exhausted.So at home, if you count handovers, if you don’t move, you will win the essence of a catharsis, and you can’t count handovers if you lose weight.But in January, the essence will be purged again, and the essence will grow naturally.But Chiwei can't get up quickly, it's not as fast as counting and handing over.Peng Zu said: It is not ghosts and gods who cause adultery to make people die.Or madness and thirst, or epilepsy and malignant sores, it is because of loss of essence.But Shi Xie, often guided, to mend its place, not Er, the blood vessels, marrow and brain are donated every day, and if rheumatism violates it, it will cause disease.It is because ordinary people do not know the appropriateness of tonic and diarrhea.Peng Zu said: Every man cannot be without a woman, and a woman cannot be without a man.If you are lonely and want to make friends, your life will be damaged; all kinds of diseases will be caused by ghosts and ghosts.A total of lost sperm, and one is worth a hundred.If you wish to have a son, so that your son will have a long life, virtuousness, and wealth, take the day of the moon and the day of the moon and give it the essence of the best (the day of the moon will be directly recorded later).Tianzhi said: All human beings contain the five constants, and those who have the same shape and form, and those who are honorable and humble, are all combined by their parents.If yin and yang are not in the right time, they are in the middle; if they are not in the right place, if they get the right time, they will be the best among people;Those who live together and meet each other are not to have children and wealth, but also to benefit themselves, a sign of great auspiciousness (for those with eight stars, Shi, Shen, Jing, Gui, Liu, Zhang, Xin, and Dou, the moon resides in this star, and they can combine yin and yang to seek children).On the 170nd, 24rd, 20th, [-]th, and [-]th of the month, this is the day when the king is angry, and the rendezvous is five times each.Still before the rooster crows after midnight, Wang Xiangri slowly plays with the jade spring, drinking jade pulp and playing with it.If combined, it is especially good to use Chunjiayinyimao, Xiabingwu Dingwei, Qiugeng Shenxinyou, Dongrenzi Guihai, and the one that is combined with the previous moon and sun.If you want to have a child, wait one, three, or five days after the woman's menstruation ends, choose the middle king's day, use Qi to generate energy, and apply essence after midnight.If you have sons, you are all men, and you must have a long life and a wise life.Its Wang Xiangri is called Chunjiayi, Xia Bingding, Qiugengxin, and Dongrengui.All health preservation lies in loving essence.If you can apply essence again in one month, you can apply essence with [-] qi at one year old, and you will live to be [-] years old.If you add bait, you can live longer. When the affected person is young, he doesn't know it, and he can't believe in it when he knows it.Although it is too late to protect itself, it is still possible to prolong life.

Those who are young and able to practice Taoism can be expected to be immortals. "The Book of Immortals" says: The way of both men and women being immortals is to not move the essence deep inside, thinking that the red color in the navel is as big as a chicken, but to go in and out slowly, and the essence will retreat when it moves.Once overnight, dozens of them can be done, which will prolong your life.Men and women rest separately, and their intentions coexist, but they must be recited fiercely.Taoist Liu Jingyun: Apply essence once every three days in spring, apply essence again in summer and autumn, and do not apply essence in winter when it is often closed.According to the way of heaven, the sun is hidden in winter, and people can practice it, so they can live forever.Apply it in winter, it will be a hundred in spring.Kuai Daoren said: When a person is sixty years old, the boxed lunch should never be kept in the room. If you can pick it up without applying sperm, you can keep the female ear.If you don't do it yourself, you will be far away.Taking a hundred kinds of medicine is not as good as this thing that can last for a long time.Daolin said: Fate is the root of life, the root of life is determined in this way, even if you take great medicine and breathing guidance, you will practice all kinds of ways without knowing the root of life.The root is like a tree, but it has luxuriant branches and leaves but no root, so it cannot live for a long time.Fate is the thing in the room.Therefore, the sage said: If you want to live forever, you should be born from it.Things in the house can beget people and kill people.For example, water and fire, those who know how to use them can maintain health, but those who cannot use them will die instantly.It is especially forbidden to be drunk and full during handover, which is a big taboo and hurts people a hundred times.If you want to urinate and endure it, you will get gonorrhea or difficulty urinating, pain in the stem, and strong lower abdomen.

Hand over after great rage, causing carbuncles.Taboos in the road machine room: the sun and the moon, the first and last strings, looking, solar and lunar eclipses, strong winds, bad rain, earthquakes, thunder and lightning, thunderbolts, severe cold and heat, the changing days of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the five days of seeing off are not allowed.The yin and yang are natal, and the taboos are especially serious (yin and yang are intertwined and cannot be combined, which will damage the blood and qi, purify the righteousness and accept the evil, and seriously damage the righteousness, so beware of it).New head shower, new tiredness, great joy and anger are all unsuitable for sexual intercourse.

Peng Zu said: "The feeling of news, you must not know it, and you must avoid severe cold, severe heat, strong wind, heavy rain, heavy snow, solar and lunar eclipses, earthquakes, and thunderstorms. This is a taboo in heaven."Drunk, happy, angry, sad, sad, fearful, this person is also taboo.Where mountains, rivers, gods, shrines, and wells and stoves are located, this is a land taboo.

Not only to avoid these three taboos, but also to have auspicious days, Spring Jiayi, Xia Bingding, Qiu Gengxin, Dong Rengui, and the moon Wuji of the four seasons are all the days of kings and ministers.It is advisable to use Jiahui to make people live longer, and to have children will live long.If he violates this taboo, he will not only cause illness, but also give birth to a child and die short-lived.Lao Tzu said: Replenish the brain with essence, and you will not grow old. "Zi Du Jing" said: The method of purging must be weak in and strong out (what is weak in and strong out, the jade stem is placed between the strings and wheat teeth of the zither, and the stool is released, and the weak is received, which is called weak in. Forced out. According to the news, if the order is full of eighty movements, then the number of yang will be ready.)Lao Tzu said: Weak in and strong out, know the art of life; strong in and weak out, good life is death.This is also called.

The True Story of the Meeting of Immortals in Xishan


The preface says: Nature does not give birth to knowledge, and those who learn the Tao must rely on earnest questions.The way is difficult to convey in words, and those who set up the teachings do not focus on the plain text, but hide hidden meanings, and are afraid of lightly venting them in the holy words;In the world, there is reading and the five elements are all down, and when you open the book, you can see everything at a glance. If you are famous in the world, who knows the way of immortality;You must also visit Taoism to find the truth, seek teachers and choose friends, read thousands of volumes of fairy scriptures, and you will not be able to see Yin and Yang; get the words of the teacher, and know the truth.Water, fire, wood, metal, and earth, and the five elements, are born together to form a mother and child, and restrain each other to form a husband and wife, which is well known throughout the world.Those who understand the upside-down method and understand the principle of extraction and addition are rare.Up, middle, down, essence, qi, and spirit are the three fields.It is well known in the whole world that energy comes from within the spirit, and spirit comes from within the breath; those who have achieved the meaning of repetition and seen the power of detachment are rare.Knowing that the five elements are upside down, you can enter the Tao; as for pumping Tim, you are a person of Tao.If you get the three fields repeatedly, you are the one who has attained the Tao, and as for the transcendence, you are the one who has become the Tao.All the ancient masters have achieved Taoism; those who have been entrusted with Taoism, there is no one in a hundred.Those who come to learn later only have the name of Taoism; those who are entrusted with Taoism are almost out of ten.There are more than ten people in Xishan who want to be detached from the Tao.Then they joined the former saints and the latter saints in secret.A collection of five volumes is based on the number of the five elements; each volume has five chapters, which should reflect the meaning of one qi and pure yang.Enlightened to the Tao, he gave speeches on mystery, and invented Zhonglu and Taishang Zhiyan by reciting short stories.The concubine will have enlightenment in the future, practice it diligently, and follow the servants to leave the world, and become the companion of Pengying.Huayang real person Shi (shoulder Wu Xisheng) preface.

The True Story of the Meeting of Immortals in Xishan

Ge Xianweng said: There are no two ways in the world, and they lead to the same goal through different routes; saints have no two hearts, and they are the same through all concerns.The past and the present are one, the sages are of the same mind.Daoyuan, who catches the husband, is sentenced, and the mind is divided.Those who talk about the Tao force themselves to distinguish themselves, to be of the same school as different schools, to pick leaves and branches, to see new ones for themselves, and to teach independently.The principle of all things cannot be poor, and one's own nature can be exhausted?For example, Shizi is stubborn and empty, and seeks future generations from this world; Confucianists are obsessed with seeing, so they regard youth as old age.They don't know that the way of the sages exists in one heart.

"Xishan Ji" said: Mr. Lu said: learn Confucianism for the first time, develop a good nature, practice heaven and abandon human dignity, despise stubbornness and emptiness and realize vacuum.Tianjue stops at personnel affairs, and is inseparable from causes and conditions in a vacuum.

Ge Xianweng said: With the five common sayings, you can only get the rest of the thread; if you use the three vehicles to see the nature, it is difficult to exhaust the roots.It is to know not to be negligent in Confucianism and Buddhism, and Confucianism and Buddhism are negligent in Dao.Throughout the ages and to the present, all wise and insightful people have paid attention to the pure and empty, and their ambitions are in Xuanyuan.The first is to prolong life in peace and happiness, and the second is to live forever, stealing the secrets of heaven silently, and use it for yourself.From being promoted to an immortal to becoming a heavenly official, what is the vanity of the Confucians in those days?From a hundred years to ten thousand years, how can the karma of Shi Zi be repaid to later generations?Cultivators cannot tell right from wrong.If you want to know the Dao, among the three teachings, the Supreme Being is the first, what else can you ask for?

The True Story of the Meeting of Immortals in Xishan

"Taishang Yinshu" said: The law is impossible, and the reason is natural.The heart is chaotic because of the environment, and the law is born in the heart.The meaning of legislation is that the remedy has been lost and prevention is in the bud.Therefore, the three thousand six hundred methods support dozens of families.Three thousand six hundred Dharma, ten years; those who support dozens of families, heaven one earth two, heaven three earth four, heaven five earth six, heaven seven earth eight, heaven nine earth ten.One, three, five, seven, nine, the yang numbers of the five elements, two, four, six, eight, ten, the yin numbers of the five elements.The Dao is divided into two qi, and the two qi are split into five elements.The big is the heaven and the earth, the bright is the sun and the moon, and the spiritual is the human.There is no way to give birth to the five elements by endowing the two qi, and to use the five elements to penetrate the three talents.

"Xishan Ji" said: Hua Tuo watched the play of the five birds as a guide, thinking that people's long-term relaxation will cause stagnation of Qi and blood coagulation, so they bend their bodies and shape, so that the glory and health will be unobstructed.

Later generations named it Panyun because of it.Desiring detachment is a mistake.In the past, Chen Yi's widowed daughter lived in the Tao, starved for a long time and imitated the breathing of a tortoise, so she could not die all year round.Later generations are called convinced because of it.Desire for elixir, wrong also.Zhang Shao examines the five flavors of the chaotic human true liquid, one viscera is good and the other viscera is evil, one is strong and the other is weak, so the five flavors are eliminated and plain and light.Later generations called it Xiuliang because of it, which is a mistake.Liu Dong knows the true yang and true yin, if there is a surplus, he will attract his son, if there is not enough, he will kill his ghost, replenish and purify it.

Later generations misunderstood because they used the essence of the sun and the moon to obtain the righteousness of the heaven and the earth.

In the past, Guangchengzi taught the Yellow Emperor the techniques in the room, fearing that he would lose his true energy and lose his self-cultivation. He stopped trying to defend against the enemy, not to say that he would take away a woman's energy by taking meritorious service in battle.Because of this, later generations think that people make up for others, gather qi to return to essence, harm others and self, in order to hope for longevity, it is a mistake.

Guangchengzi taught the Yellow Emperor to cultivate according to the law, but he didn't see the result for a long time.In Kongtong Mountain, everyone takes internal affairs as the rule and refines external alchemy to repair the damage of long-term emptiness and accumulated injuries.Later generations used ruthless gold and stones, tempered in the smoke and flames, and saw treasures when they were born, and wanted to bait them in order to rise or not die and prolong life, and it was a mistake.

Bian Que interpreted "Lingshu", draws clear air through the nose, exhales turbid air through the mouth, and leaves 24 breaths as one.The two fires refine the real lead like a pistil to call the yang fetus, and refine the real mercury like a lotus to call the yin fetus.The womb lives in the rest, and the spirit lives in the rest, so it can stay in the world, accumulate and become holy and transcendent.Because of this, later generations think that more inflows and less outflows, and want to gather qi as a fetus, and hold one's breath as a method, which is a mistake. The "Nine Immortals" says: For severe diseases, use fire, and for minor diseases, use water.Use fire to absorb Qi and rise to the body, and the true Qi pervades the four elements, ghosts and evil spirits dare not come close.With water, the Qi can be absorbed and rise up in the body. The Qi permeates the water like a spring, and sends it to the sick place with concentration, so that the Qi and blood flow freely without any hindrance.Later generations sat alone and held their breath, using the tongue as a potter's wheel, turning it left and right, astringing the residual fluid, rinsing and swallowing it, and then sending it out with the stomach and intestines. It is said to be watered to grow yellow buds. "Tongxuan Zhenjing" says: keep the way of inaction, and get the principle of nature.Clear but not turbid, quiet before moving, moving the spirit in the realm of Xiyi, preserving form in the path of benevolence and longevity.Not a single thought arises, all confusion ceases to exist, longevity prolongs life, and one enjoys oneself at ease.Later generations chose to disappear because of ignorance, silently forgot about the opportunity, and did not see success all year round, which is also a mistake. "The Sutra of Contemplating the Spiritual Chamber" says: Do not enter the external environment, do not exit the internal environment, keep your mind on your own, close your eyes and look inside.Subduing the king's fire to Xiatian, distributing yellow clouds on the four major places, riding on reeds and chariots, listing exchanges, and enjoying the fun in the pot.Because of its shape like a haggard tree, later generations must be like dead ashes, stick to the emptiness, lose in silence, the ghosts come out of the gate of heaven, and give up when they stop reincarnation, it is a mistake.

There is also opening the top and shrinking the tortoise, living in the mountains to understand the nature, burning and reading, and giving and making offerings.Not only useless, but also harmful.It is a person with little knowledge and ignorance, who has self-generated small dharma, teaches and accepts each other, and confuses later, causing the great way to become farther and farther away.They don't know that looking up and looking down, they are in harmony with the ups and downs of yin and yang in the world, and the principle of the exchange of souls between the sun and the moon.At the beginning of one breath, you can know your own yin and yang; after the five elements are divided, you can hand over your own water and fire.There is water in fire, and fire in water.The fire bears yin and is in a trance, and its object is the water of true oneness; the water embraces yang, and its energy is positive and positive.The two qis copulate, form internal medicine, and nourish the golden elixir, which can be regarded as a land god.

The True Story of the Meeting of Immortals in Xishan

Know people
Xuange of the Shangqing Dynasty said: Dao seems not to be prosperous.If morality is insufficient, people will not know if they keep a low profile and defend themselves.If the way is not enough for oneself, one's words are already taken lightly than others; if one's affairs are not filled in one's inner self, one's arrogance is already seen outside, and if one is superior to others, people don't know it.As a cultivator, knowing people is the first priority.When choosing a scholar, listen to his words and observe his actions; as well as seek the law, observe his reasoning and prove his merits.Don't use people to waste words, and guard against those who are stupid in their arguments; don't use words to use people, and guard against those who are good at speaking.Or big mellow and small flaws, beginning stupid and ending holy.A person who cultivates the truth also has a lesson to know others, and he must follow the supreme way.

"Xishan Ji" says: Although the sages and sages of ancient and modern times have the wisdom of all people and the enlightenment of all people, they always seek others first. It is said that it is better to seek teachers than to learn;The Yellow Emperor asked for Chisongzi, half a year before he could get the scriptures on precepts, so as to prevent the mistakes of laymen.Liu Anyu's teacher, Wang Daoyuan, has only learned small techniques all year round, and he doesn't talk about self-cultivation.Yin Changsheng did not neglect Ma Ming's long-term illness, and Ge Zhichuan did not obscure Zheng Siyuan's family law.Zhu Duhu was always the same, and Fang met Jinhua and followed him from far and near.Zhang Mengqian met the sea toad three times, and then he learned the method of the three vehicles.Seeing Jingyang one by one, Xie Zhi bestowed the merits of Nine Turns.When Wang Meng saw the Great Immortal of Longevity, he saw through the Dao while talking and laughing.When Mei Fu met the real master of Dadong, he was the second in step and had the best secret.In ancient times, non-immortals entered Nanzhou to enter Nanzhou, but people who practiced truth did not meet, and they did not know when they knew people.Those who have an old-fashioned Taoist appearance and eloquent eloquence are called gods at first, and people who know common customs after a long time.Learn but never meet, one also.Or career is more important than blessings, do not believe in heavenly secrets, despise life and value wealth, willing to be a ghost.Record people's small evils, abandon people's great goodness, although you see them, you don't listen to their words, even though you listen to their words, you don't accept their reasons, you will get nothing in the end, and the immortals will separate themselves.You can't meet, two.Or be erudite and determined, earnestly ask and think closely, even if you get the truth, you will be slack on your own.Be happy for a while, be bored for a long time, change from day to night, sit and hope to achieve success.Obedience but not keeping, three also.What's more, handing over lunatics, searching for different opinions, wasting time and chaos, how can it be successful?The ancient sergeant, at the beginning, also read the alchemy books extensively, and then visited the Taoists all over the place, and talked with the Tao, and there was no difference in what he participated in.sigh!Foolish but self-professional, virtuous and undistinguishable, cheap and self-serving, no distinction between right and wrong.It is impossible to win when it comes to knowing people.Therefore, the ancient and modern saints and real people have not cultivated, but cultivated first.Therefore, it is said: bathing should not be in the wind.If you are in a quiet room, close your eyes and meditate, sit upright with your body stretched out, so that your vital energy will rise, flow through the four elements, and enter the mud balls. This real bath is ten thousand times stronger than the water and fire outside.

It is also said: Don't want to spit far away to damage the qi, don't want to walk quickly to damage the tendons, don't want to stare too hard and make one faint, don't want to listen too quickly to damage the kidneys, don't want to stand for a long time and damage the bones, don't want to lie down for a long time and damage the flesh.Too much sleep and turbidity, frequent drunkenness and scattered qi.Excessive sweating damages the blood, and the strength is tired and the shape is injured.Running in chariots and horses, the spirit is chaotic and the spirit is frightened; looking at the heights and climbing the mountains, the soul is scattered and the soul is flying.The way to maintain shape is to be peaceful but not tired, tired but not lack of strength; quiet but not scratching, scratching without disturbing one's energy.Supplements the outside and benefits the inside.Then recognize the five elements to preserve the harmonious energy, strengthen the external and the internal truth, and enjoy both, which can last for a long time.

The True Story of the Meeting of Immortals in Xishan

(End of this chapter)

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