Chapter 35
Before the age of 18, she never liked to be obsessed with guessing other people's thoughts, let alone be annoyed by her own unilateral speculation—even despair.She always thinks that things that are trapped and hurt by love can only happen to fools without brains.

Now she is overturning her previous theory abruptly, in the most practical and direct way-she is struggling to guess whether Cai Yilian likes her or not; she is annoyed because she unilaterally speculates that Cai Yilian doesn't like her; she is troubled by love , hurt by love...

Fu Jiani, you are really more and more like the hypocritical heroine of Qiong Yao's drama.

You can also degenerate to this point, and become a puppet controlled by emotion, or even at its mercy.

It's such a big joke - it's actually getting more and more childish the older you get.

Fu Jiani pushed Cai Yilian's hand away - she pushed it away with all her strength.

Cai Yilian was obviously unprepared, he couldn't help but staggered and fell two or three steps back, and looked at her in surprise—did he think that wasn't the Fu Jiani he knew?She thought with a wry smile.

She was really running out of strength.

Immediately afterwards, she fled in despair.The staggering back just like that hastily disappeared where his eyes could reach.

You do not know me.

How do you know.

You don't understand my silence, my tears, my heartache.

However, I don't blame you.

Cai Yilian was still in the same place, maintaining the posture he had just been pushed by Fu Jiani.

The surrounding air temperature is getting lower and lower.

Like time, enthusiasm, impulse and youth that are slowly evaporating.

There was still an air of emptiness in the seat she had just sat in.

As if, all this never happened.

It was like a dream that suddenly shattered.

The autumn sun spins lazily 45 degrees again, and everything is new again, and the light is clear.

Fu Jiani was very weak and lying on the bed in the bedroom with a sickly face.

It was cold, bitterly cold.

I don't want to say a word anymore, and tears are shed before I speak.





All because of her.

He obviously cared about her so much.He was obviously so kind to her.

But why did she push him away?Just because of my guess?Or, afraid of his answer?
She is so silly.Incurably stupid.

She wants him to fall in love with her, but turns around and hurts him badly.

But she didn't have the courage to start all over again.She didn't dare to bear it, and she didn't dare to look back.

He didn't understand why she was happy or sad.It may be because of your words, expressions, and actions that her mood will change.

She is so sleepy.The indescribable sense of burnout has spread to the whole body.

She closed her eyes, and the drowsiness quickly formed a huge and fine net, covering her consciousness, floating light, and swallowing light...

She sat quietly in the classroom.Right where she always sits.

The classroom was very quiet, there was no one else, and there was no sound, only her and Cai Yilian who was smiling.

He was wearing a white shirt, which looked very clean.

He looks great in a white shirt.

She watched his smile almost obsessively.He had never smiled like this before, it was natural, just right and heart-warming.His eyes are deep, like an endless black hole, attracting her eyes, step by step, sinking, sinking, but she looks into his eyes, feeling extremely at ease...

Without any warning, it rained.

The rain was neither heavy nor light, and the unexpected gentle feeling hit the back of her hand softly.

The briar outside the window has just bloomed petals, rich red, one more than one scorching eye, the fragrance of the flower overwhelms the rose.The raindrops hit its petals, as transparent as a lingering dream.

"Do you still blame me?" She heard her own voice echoing in the empty classroom.

He didn't answer, just smiled gently at her.

He got up and walked out, looked back at her, his dark eyes seemed to be speaking silently.

But she couldn't hear clearly, couldn't hear his words clearly, just like she couldn't hear his feelings for her.

He walked out of the classroom.

She hurriedly chased him out, looking for his figure in the rain.

The rain hangs between the sky and the earth like a transparent curtain, cutting off all connections with the outside world.

Could he be without an umbrella?She wildly imagined his appearance as a drowned chicken, and rushed out in a hurry.

The rain was no longer gentle, it became as cold as ice in an instant, pouring down mercilessly, soaking her whole body.Her hair was sticking wet to the sides of her cheeks, and her clothes were heavy from the water.She ran embarrassingly in the rain, looking for Cai Yilian's figure.

Can't find it.I can't find him anywhere.

She was a little reconciled and lost.

All to blame for the inexplicable rain.

Suddenly, the rain stopped.

It turned out that there was an umbrella on top of her head at some point. The red plaid had a British flavor—she had always liked such a red plaid, just like the romance she had always imagined.

She dared not look back.She's afraid it's not what she imagined, she's afraid it's not him...

She abruptly got rid of this thought, and turned her head slowly.

It's him.She was inexplicably relieved.

He has an umbrella.

"Why are you wet?"

This was the first sentence he asked her, with a slightly distressed tone, and his concerned eyes couldn't help showing it.

Tears almost burst out of her eyes uncontrollably.

Almost incoherent with excitement, Fu Jiani asked him with a trembling voice: "That really don't blame me?"

"Why should I blame you? You didn't make a mistake, you just didn't dare to face me..." His voice was as low and clear as ever, like a piece of warm jade, smooth and flawless.

It turns out that he knows, he knows everything!It's because she has too much heart... She wanted to hug him excitedly and tell him that she liked him.

The feeling of happiness was so easy, it penetrated and filled all the gaps in her heart.

Love, like death, is an uncontrollable thing.

He hugged her tightly.His body temperature was against hers through the thin, wet clothes.

"In this way, we'll all catch a cold. Let's go back..." She was too surprised, her eyes widened, and she hurriedly pushed him away, flustered.

He smiled indifferently and hugged her tighter and tighter.

He literally hugged her.

The remaining body temperature stayed on her body, so real feeling.

Consciousness gradually became chaotic, and the body shook completely uncontrollably—hey—I couldn’t stand—well, did I really have a fever...

Really, to actually lose the chain at such a time, I am really a shame...

Her heart fell layer by layer until it reached the bottom...

Fu Jiani was awakened by a sudden knock on the door.

It turned out that what "happened" just now was just a dream... She was a little disappointed, but closed her eyes stubbornly.

She doesn't want to wake up.She was afraid of waking up from the dream.

Just because every moment in the dream is unknown, she doesn't know how he will become in her dream in the next moment.She just had that little expectation—even if she couldn't get his love in real life, it would be fine to get it in her dream.At least she will be happy before waking up from the dream.

"Jiani? Are you in there, Jiani?..." Cai Yilian's voice sounded with the hasty knock on the door.

Fu Jiani suddenly opened her eyes.He patted his chest with lingering fear—it was him!I was almost scared to death, really...Although she complained like this, she couldn't help but feel a burst of nameless joy in her heart. He really came, it seems that she really thought too much, if only things like in the dream could happen...

Fu Jiani, you are an out-and-out nympho!She raised her eyebrows as if laughing at herself, quickly blocked the thought she just had, and scolded herself secretly.

"I'm here!" She jumped out of bed, hurriedly put on her shoes and ran to the door of the dormitory, opened the door - Cai Yilian was standing at the door.So she smiled at him.

"Jiani, I know you were sick this morning and felt unwell. I shouldn't have disturbed you rashly... um... are you feeling better? Do you want to go to the hospital?" He smiled shyly, in a slightly embarrassed tone Say.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Cai... I'm all to blame for my temper this morning. I really shouldn't have treated you like that... Forgive me!" She didn't expect him to be the one who apologized first, so she couldn't help being stunned. After she realized it, she said hastily, They were crying in a hurry, the expression on their faces was wonderful.

Cai Yilian didn't expect that she would apologize to him, so he was stunned for a long time.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Fu Jiani bowed deeply to him again, and said in a very solemn and firm tone, "I'm sorry!"

Cai Yilian didn't know what to do, so he managed to hold back a sentence: "'s fine."

It was an atmosphere that made people laugh and cry.

A strange feeling spread from the whole body.

"Ahem...well, teacher, what's the matter?" Fu Jiani coughed a few times before speaking first, and the smile that broke out instantly was perfect.

Hehe, I've practiced this standard "sweet" smile for a long time... She thought to herself.

"It's nothing, I just want to go for a stroll in the back mountain with you." He seemed to be relieved, his tone was relaxed, and the expression on his face was not so stiff.

Fu Jiani opened her mouth slightly, motionless.

Time seemed to freeze quickly like ice.On the screen, only the girl with a face of joy and astonishment and the man with a gentle smile on his face are frozen.

Sunlight leaked from different angles, leaving overlapping shadows behind them.The fine rays of light sprinkled on her eyelashes like pollen, which seemed unreal.

At this moment, everything, including the heartbeat and breathing, was stained with an illusory color.

The plot of the story happened too fast, just like a certain movie with endless suspense. At this moment, some important and wonderful turning points took place in the plot - Fu Jiani's heartbeat accelerated suddenly.

"Okay." Her voice fell lightly, breaking into several pieces with some dreamy taste in the air.

In fact, they are already very familiar with the road to the mountain behind the school.

The school is not very big, but the back mountain is a "treasure land" with unique scenery, and it can be regarded as one of the few "features" that the school can show.Countless students and teachers love to go for a walk in the back mountain when they are free.

(End of this chapter)

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