
Chapter 18 Responsibility

Chapter 18 Responsibility (2)

I'm afraid that the world's affairs are not true, so I wait and see, and see what people say and do.When you recognize the truth, there are princes and relatives who dare not obey, and even if you don't care about a country, the world is wrong.If you are afraid of people's comments before doing it, and if you are slandered in the middle, you will stop it, this is not only lack of concentration, but also lack of determination.The people have their own hearts, how can everyone see and see the same as me; the people's hearts are so stupid, how can everyone believe in me.Therefore, a gentleman should see his merits after the fact, stop talking about it beforehand, and let everyone talk about it after the thing is done.That is to say, if it fails, what I do will be done as it is, and there will be no success or failure.

Judging the situation and strength, the wise are doing things, but what should be done, and where it is worth doing, the sage will do something, and success or failure cannot be counted.If the encirclement can't be done, what harm is done to the action, it is actually a success.Confucius was in charge of defending the government, so he decided to rectify his name, and if he failed to rectify, he would have to go to Wei.

It's just this matter, and the matter will not be tolerated.Today's people only count success or failure in doing things, and they are all interested in harming right and wrong.

Or ask: "Consider the following people, should they be deserving of him?" Said: "If you deserve to be deserving of him, like a brother under a son, what's the point? With the slightest bit of the master's heart, one move forward, one step forward, and let others occupy it. In the world, only the bottom bottom is the widest, and the back bottom is the longest."

Gentlemen discuss politics when they are in court, customs when they are out of office, rituals when they are in temples, funeral rites when they are in funerals, and battles and defenses when they are in frontier countries.

When dealing with affairs in the world, there is often a little growth in the front, which is called Yu; there is always a little extra in the back, which is called Yu.In this way, everything will help, and the heart will be happy.If you do smash points, you will have regrets.The same is true for people, if you give me more than enough kindness, you can be virtuous, and if you leave inexhaustible affection for others, you can be good.

Don't be the first, not the only one, and you can't be the first to do good or bad.Fortune begins with misfortune, and everything is in danger.

When a gentleman is engaged in important affairs, he should know the word "shenguo" when he is in charge of his predecessors;Mingzhe is not a refuge, it is not helpful but only deaf.

It is a bad habit of scholar-bureaucrats to raise one's attitude.The ancient gentleman cultivated virtue, and when he was successful, he was virtuous.If you see anger, you will have the virtue of uprightness; if you see action, you will have the virtue of determination.

When it is spoken, it will not be false all day long, and it will not be harmed as silence; when it is punished, it will not be forgiven for petty mistakes, and it will not be harmed as a measure.Today's people, literati and bureaucrats regard generosity and comprehension as their prestige, and dare to speak out as their temperament, so as to kill the ambition of those who worry about the country and the times, and make them follow the grammar and follow the vulgar, without showing anything.

Husband!In a peaceful world, if there are many accidents, who will be able to move forward with fear?It was the same as before.

Seek generality first when dealing with officials, and respect the customs of the people first when living in officials.

There is no profit or loss in Lin Yi, and no success or failure in discussing people.

One person covered the house with tiles, and the other with thatch. The tile-layer said: "You pay ten times as much, but you can only cover the wind and rain." There are ten shifts in a hundred years, and most of them are spent on labor and repeated changes." Husband!There is no trouble in the world greater than the expense of being strong for a long time, and the labor of repeated changes. This is the so-called work that is useless and harmful.There is nothing in the world of thinking that is greater than the nearness of the day and night, forgetting the peace of the long-term, this is what is called haste and prejudice.That's why it's simple and solid, and it's the way the sages make things and use them.Those who are good at writing are only ashamed of being simple and extravagant, and things that are easy to lose are not very wise.Or say: "Is it possible for Mili to be muddy and firm?" Said: "Since it is muddy and firm, Mili can be ignored? If you use the expense of extravagance for the capital of Qingjian, wouldn't it be more muddy and firm? Therefore, it is beneficial for a gentleman to do it." If there is no benefit to it, then cherish one agent. If there is no expense for an agent, a gentleman will not do nothing, why not? Dare not to play with the eyes and ears, and cause the disaster of the world's people to be exhausted."

When you encounter problems, you may wish to ask in detail and extensively, but you must not be biased.

To speak lightly and suddenly is a great precept to listen to words.

A gentleman handles things with calmness and mastery, uses them flexibly and freely, raises them calmly and generously, implements them in a gradual order, and treats them in order to achieve the effect, but it is not intentional. Regret for being diligent and far-reaching.Nowadays, when people are faced with matters, they only arrange them, and they are impatient, careless and vague, and mess up with things. How can they not be lucky?Competition is not a way of doing things.

When a gentleman works with others, he should act like a public servant without being selfish.If you succeed in something, you don't have to give credit to yourself; if you fail unfortunately, you don't have to blame others.

There is of course, there is nature, and there is accident.A gentleman takes what is natural, lets it be natural, and does not take it by chance; a villain takes it for granted, takes it as it is, and abandons it as it is.Alas!It is sad that you can't get it by chance, and you can lose it if you take it for granted.

Don't be shaken by the outside world, don't use things to move, and then you can take charge of the world's major events.If he is happy, he will be happy, and if he is angry, he will be angry. If he is shallow and narrow-minded, careless and buoyant, women and children can laugh at him, but if he wants to establish something, it is difficult.Why?It is so there is nothing to be used.

Simple to understand, these four words can last a lifetime.Serving scheming and disturbing troubles is self-introduction to the drama network.

The flow of water is also hindered by rigidity, and seeks passage through softness; the wise man's way of doing things, hindered by this, seeks passage through quilt.Obsessing over obstacles in order to get through is very stupid, and it will be futile and useless.

Concerned about the world's major affairs, only pay attention to the most important places, and don't care about others.

For example, in playing chess, one only pays attention to winning or losing, and does not care about the loss of a horse or a pawn. If the spectators use this to predict their heights, and the players use this to confuse their minds, it will not help.What's more, those who are good at planning take what is given, and gain by losing;But when they see their small losses, they are frustrating and frustrating, and they reject them. Heroes and heroes can snicker or mourn.

The power of the husband is what the wise use to succeed, and what the fool uses to rebel to win the loser.The prosperity of the husband's power, the sages of heaven and earth cannot be cut down, and the decline of power, the sages of heaven and earth cannot be revived, and it is just because of it.Because of the right to live in the middle, the one who makes good use of the power is also the one who makes the best use of the power.

A gentleman holds the tools of the world, and he must know the five uses.If you haven't mastered the way of five functions, but try it casually, this little husband's skillful and childlike behavior will definitely not help.That's why you choose someone.

If you don't choose the people you can work with, you will be unwilling and unable to bear the responsibility.Or deceive each other with false words, or lean on each other with opinions, such as paying a child with a jade cup, and running on rugged peaks.That's why it's expensive.The time is the period of success.There are opportunities to take advantage of, and there will be opportunities.not up to the time.For example, throwing seeds in the cold weather.Therefore, it is important to judge the situation.

Those who make things happen are also borrowed.Ascend to recruit, call with the wind, no labor, no cost, and easy.Not judging the situation is like sailing a boat on a flat land.That's why you should be careful.Left-handed hope, long-term thinking but care, see the benefits, but also think about the harm, see the success, but also worry about the failure, if there is no possibility, then stick to the extreme and not change.Inadvertently issued, such as the night shooting instrument.It is expensive and cheap.There are those who should follow the old ways, those who should change the course, those who should be up and down, and those who should save the side and make up for it. Those who are rational are those who should make repeated orders, and those who should be quiet.It is not suitable for things, such as the coexistence of seedlings and weeds, and the destruction of jade and stone.Husband!It is not the difficulty of having its tools, but the difficulty of using its tools.

The pedantry of the rotten Confucians, the rigid talk of the Qushi, the mediocrity of the vulgar, the superficial search of the hot-headed, the strange words of the deceitful, and the evil words of the husband, all things can be accomplished, and plotters are taboo.

A wise man is concerned with things: those who say what they say but do not act, those who say what they say are not what they do, those who speak first and then act, those who act first and then speak, and those who do what they have done but never say what they did. This is also a far-reaching concern for the country. , and just ask for help.

Those who make good use of power gain strength, those who make good use of power gain power, those who make good use of wisdom gain wisdom, and those who make good use of wealth gain wealth. This is called multiplication.Riders know what they mean.If you lose what you take advantage of, you will work twice as hard and your strength will not be sufficient. If you get what you take advantage of, there will be no conflict with things, no trouble for me, and the world will enjoy its benefits.

Anyone who considers the world's major affairs must be comprehensive and thorough, with deep and far-sighted considerations.The positive aspect of campers is hyperopia and shortsightedness. There are those who are nearsighted and farsighted but not farsighted; longer and shorter, it is said that it is suitable for the short and not for the elderly; Those who are below; look left and right, saying that there are those who cooperate with the left but not with the right.Since it is appropriate to be far, near, long, short, up, down, left, or right, then hold the rope and ink, transport wood and stone, and dove vessels to establish the foundation that will last forever.Today's people who are doing things in the world are careless and buoyant, with little knowledge and little knowledge, and they are stubborn in order to win if they get one side.It is difficult to use this plan for a long-term career as a measure of law and order.

The three books of the word classics cannot be suddenly true; the three words of the word can not be believed in a hurry.

Coincidentally, the thief of gasification is also the disaster of all things, the moth of the mind is also the disaster of wealth, and the gentleman is not precious.

A gentleman has a true view of things, and he does not act hastily. He also tests the opinions of all people, observes the emotions of all people, and cooperates with all principles. Feelings, people see disagreement, but also perverted to practice my reasoning.It is neither derogatory nor shocking. This is called Lishu.Alas!Only sages can do it, like hunting and comparison.

Doing great things in the world is not enough.However, if you want to hide your qi, you don't want to reveal it; if you want to suppress it, you don't want to let it out.

The cause of earth-shattering is calm, not alarming, stopping and stopping properly, this is the first skill, it is ecstasy.For example, when the heaven and the earth are in spring and summer, all things develop, what a grand and popular atmosphere!However, if you don't see it, if you don't hear it, there will be no wind, rain and thunder, and it will only come out from time to time, without showing the traces of craftsmanship. This is the chemical industry.

Negligence in predicting things, and clumsiness in seeking one's life, are also the fear of wise people.

Keep your feet on the ground and start with a steady hand.

To appease attachment is to treat people with a serious illness. When it is right, you must be decisive even if you are of flesh and blood; to be reckless is to deal with a serious illness. When it is important, you must be careful even if it is subtle.

A man of integrity can take charge of the affairs of the world.It can be seen from its talent and keeping small things.If you let go of small things, you will only be responsible for big things when you get them. This is just saying that you will definitely let go of big things.Pines and cypresses are born, and the urine is straight, and there is no beginning and the end is straight.If there are other contests when using contingency, it is a proper statement.

No loss, no benefit, no connection, no congestion, this is the way to adjust the world, and it is suitable for people.However, the self-proclaiming of a man is not suspected of harm, and the common people is not suspected of benefiting;

The principles of things are fixed, but the opinions of human emotions vary greatly. If I find the fixed point, I will act on it, even if my behavior is suspicious, my mind is hard to understand, and I have no choice but to do so.If you are apprehensive and afraid of ridicule, trivial and self-evident, how can you put your beak at home?And if people don't believe me, what's the point of arguing?If I believe in people, what is the point of arguing?If the matter is involved, it is not appropriate to use silence to hinder the overall plan.

In dealing with others, dealing with oneself, and dealing with things, there must be surplus. If there is no surplus, there is no saving nature. It is hard to say here.

There is no better way to regret than to be cautious about the past, and no better way to regret than to change the picture after regret. Regret is useless.

If you live in a village and are limited to seeing things for tens of miles, you will guard them tenaciously, and you will not be defeated in a hundred attacks. When you travel to a large capital, you will be at a loss when you see things thousands of miles away.Living in the present and being confined by the eyes of thousands of people, guarding it calmly, invincible in a hundred attacks, and looking at the tomb codes, seeing things that have happened for thousands of years, you will be at a loss and lose yourself.That's why you can't be narrow when you see it, because narrowness is narrow, and narrowness is not enough to do well in the affairs of the world.

It happened by accident, even though the wise are poor, we should not be harsh.

Most of the disasters in the world are hidden and then die, or happen accidentally.Those who become hidden are more cautious, and those who are occasionally aggressive are more perseverant.

There are four things to do when dealing with a situation: be decisive in the situation, and fear it will be sluggish; be persistent, and fear it will be brittle;

A gentleman moves big things for ten benefits but not one harm, and his actions are bound to be ruined.However, there is no such thing as ten benefits in the world. It is a last resort to control the number of points. If there are seven benefits and three harms, I will take all the benefits and prevent the harm.Compared with the severity of the situation, there are nine harms and one benefit. The benefit is heavy but the harm is light. The benefit is urgent but the harm is slow. The benefit is rare but the harm can be saved. The benefit is long-term And it hurts for a while.This cannot be said to those who have little knowledge.

Never tire of a long time when you need it, and a long time is adjacent to a good time.If you are angry with it for a long time and decide to give up on it, you can't bear it, and you are willing to give up your previous labors, and you will gain after you lose.This is a great precept for those who engage in it.If you can see the physical examination, it is not necessary, even if it takes a long time, you should go quickly.

Going up and down, those who use magic are sincere and deceitful, and the extreme of human feelings, some people take it as a convenience, and some people take it as a convenience, and they should be in their urgency.Apes are not stupid, and there must be something to do.

The calamity of the world does not happen by chance, there are convergences, impulses, and accumulations.Those who combine are miscellaneous and incomprehensible. In the sky, it is wind, rain, thunder and lightning.Those who are violent are brave and irresistible. In the sky, they are thunder and hail, in the body, they are angry, in human beings, they are violent, in things, they are suddenly violent, and in illness, they are severe cold.Accumulation is extremely serious and cannot be reversed. In the sky, it is the sequence of cold and heat. In the body, sins are full. ; dying.These three successes, the nature of reason and situation, everything in the world cannot be excluded, and the coming of misfortune and good fortune must always come from it.Therefore, when a gentleman is good, he should learn from all the beauties, guard against many mistakes, avoid the wrath of the dynasty with vigor and restraint, practice the Tao for life, be tireless, and never grow long.

No matter how simple it is, it is not as good as the details of one;

There is Xu, the wonderful way to deal with it.Therefore, there are eleven things to worry about, one hundred ones for difficult things, one thousand things for big things, and one case for unexpected things.

If I have a surplus, it is enough to feel the world, and if I have a sense of insufficiency, there is no one who is not sleepy.

If you have enough knowledge, you can see through the senses; if you have enough talent, you can do things according to your senses; if you have enough strength, you can overcome your senses;

If you don't follow the words, the more you fight, the more you will be shocked.Do not talk, do not argue, have nothing to do, flickering, my work has been done, and the other is also ignorant.In the past, it was said that if you keep your voice calm, you can control the world on Mount Tai.Therefore, it is said to be silent, to believe without speaking, and to be virtuous.

There are often many accidents in the world.Everyone is relieved when they see that there is nothing in front of them, and wise men only work on accidents, so every time they are safe, they will have no worries.

It is honor and disgrace to those who are not from the outside, and are extremely useful, but they must be obtained from the inside.

People nowadays are respectful and arrogant when they see others.This mystery is unbreakable, and the ice and charcoal in my chest will last a lifetime.

There is a man who must be stingy, and a man who is worth a lot of money, and the world's theory of choice and action, what is the straightness?This gibberish ear.

Talent is like a soldier, if you use it to punish the people, you will be a teacher of benevolence and righteousness; if you use it to bully the weak, you will be a robber of robbery.Therefore, a gentleman is not suffering from lack of talent, but from not making good use of his talents.Therefore, only those who are virtuous can use their talents.

There is no great harm to be hidden, but small benefits are used to satisfy one's intentions; there is no great benefit to be hidden, but small harms are used to doubt one's heart.This is what the thinker must fall into, and the wise man is only aware of it.

People today see that their predecessors are not self-motivated when they do things first, and they always sigh and hate. I don’t know if they will also sigh and hate others when they are me?Can I avoid the regret of future generations when I am him?If things are not in hand, it is easy to be responsible, and when you are in hand, it is good to work hard in everything and not let it go lightly.Only serve as the person in charge of Xiao Xiao, and even if there is nothing to regret in the future, he will be a fool today.

Comparing right and wrong with others, how much is the amount compared with the person it is compared with?
It is difficult to talk to people who are ignorant and bottomless; it is even more difficult to talk to people who are biased and bottomless.

There is no dispute between two gentlemen, so they give way to each other; a gentleman and a small person have no dispute, so there is tolerance.

Competitors, two villains also.How can a knowledgeable person be a villain?It is not necessarily honorable to get it, and it is not beneficial to gain the name of a villain, and a villain and a fool.

Fang Yan is suffering from serious illness.Sages and sages can’t be separated from one kindness in the world, so they say universal love for all, harmony without difference, harmony without agglomeration, groups without parties, week without comparison, love for others, kindness, kindness, brotherhood, joy only, It is said to be close to the people, it is said to accommodate the masses, it is said that all things are one, and it is said that the world is one family and China is one person.It's an obstacle in the world to be cold and cold and difficult to get close.Even if he is upright and loyal, independent and meticulous, he is not a talent for using the world, but just a mediocre Turkey.

It is the most important thing not to be hasty in planning the future affairs of the world, but to think deeply and foresight.Everyone's knowledge is the same in the world. It is shallow and ignorant at present. Next, there are people who see half of it. Next, the heroic and sophisticated people get the general idea. Next, the knowledgeable people have unique insights. Those who have been dealt with economically and calmly at the time, and who cannot be changed in later generations, have been refined, exhausted, and cannot be improved. This is called great wisdom, and this is called true talent.If you see it by chance, by listening to the words, you can be happy and speak out about the world's affairs. This is the sorrow of the old and the fear of the deep.

Now there is only one dog word to fiddle with the world, is everything safe and not slack?
The affairs of the world must take advantage of the situation and wait for the time. For example, if a carbuncle is about to burst, the patient will not suffer and the carbuncle will heal itself. If the poisonous man is poisoned, even if the hand is broken, it will be too late.

Food is swallowed without chewing, roads are left without looking at them, people are handed over without choice, words are said without thinking, things are done without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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