
Chapter 20 Responsibility

Chapter 20 Responsibility (4)

It is easy to be fair to others, but difficult to be fair to others; it is easy to be fair to others, but difficult to be fair to others;When the public is in the place, the person who can be the public is also; if the public is in the public, he is also the public.As for self-interest to others, don't think of me as a dislike, when you value me and enrich me.

Deal with it calmly and don't dislike self-respect, and be self-interested.Do it openly without disrespecting the people. I am not rich or noble, but I am also self-interested.I am the self of the world.The discipline of the world's names and identities is sent to me, and I am the one who has the discipline of names and identities.Why do you think so?This is called self-discipline to others, although it has not been forgotten, it has not been transformed.The sage forgets his body when he is in a place of wealth and pleasure; he also forgets his body when he is the cause of suffering and humiliation in the world.It's not that I'm divided, of course, it's not that I want to.For example, those who are in pain must groan, those who are happy must talk and laugh, those who are itchy must scratch, it is only natural.For example, the crowing of cicadas in autumn, the crowing of roosters at dawn, and the prosperity and withering of vegetation are all natural.If the husband is like this, even if he is negative, he will be disheartened, and if he is angry, his will will be weakened.The situation of human beings is not fulfilled, but only human beings are responsible?Husband is the so-called realm of forgetting others and oneself, without knowing who I am.If you don't know who I am, you also don't know who others are.If you don't know who you are, the heaven and the earth will be mixed together, and the vitality of Taihe will be stuffed between the heaven and the earth.It must be so and then it is called benevolence.

Before I started, I thought of where to go.

Reason, momentum, and number are all natural.A sage does not fight against nature, he dare not fight against it before, dare not welcome it afterward, dare not deal with it, and dare not force it when he is nurtured.The merit lies in concentrating and not swaying its front, and the magic lies in silently accomplishing without revealing its name.Husband uses reason, power, and numbers for my own use, and forgets each other without contending.Alas!It is not enough to say this if it is not a matter of Sian Chay.

With a pure heart, you can fight against animals in the sky, and you can accomplish anything in the world.

Grasping the opportunity to make the self rest, opening the orifice to make the self groan, developing the germination to make the self upright, raising the outline to make the self stretch, is this the old master's technique?Said: No.The Dafa of two emperors and three kings to control the world is nothing more than that.Explain what you have to do, do what you have to do, and show what you have to avoid.The world inherently resists death but only my point of view, so it is necessary to use it to suppress its heart.There is no other technique in chemical industry, and that's all.

Don't laugh at those who are worried, don't laugh at those who cry, and don't be shy about those who are frustrated.

Xi Zezai with animals?How difficult is it for animals?This is Mencius's great expulsion.When you first love and respect others, arrange this idea and never get angry again.Yu Yin expanded the method of eliminating the leftovers and rebels, and there are ten other things: one is to be with the villain, and it is also the capital of virtue.The more insulted he is, the stronger my patience becomes. Does it hurt me to ridicule him? "Poetry" says: "Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade." Second, if you don't meet a villain, it's not enough to test my strength. "Book" said: "It is great to have tolerance and virtue." The third is that those who are rebellious will be rebellious, but loyalty is inevitable.He is very stubborn and rebellious, and if he plays with him, it will cause disaster.The Art of War says: "If you ask for it but don't get it, you won't respond to it if you pick it." The fourth day is love and respect, and then it turns out to be benevolent and courteous, and then it turns out to be loyal.I am right and straight, and I am too few.The pawn also cannot bear to cover up the old good and share the evil with him. A wise man will not do it.Tai Shigong said: "Never abandon the previous repairs and create new ones." The fifth is the heart of right and wrong, and everyone has it.He is ignorant of his own nature, but blames me endlessly, and the public opinion is self-evident, and I will not argue with it; the ancients said: "Peaches and plums do not speak, and the next will form a trail." Liu said that there is nothing wrong with self-reflection.It is difficult for him to make money, so he will wait for it with peace of mind and keep his mouth shut to listen to him.

Bing Zhi said: "Should not move, the enemy will calm down." Qi said that if you can avoid it, you can avoid it, just like King Tai went to Bin;The ancients said: "The more humble the body, the more respectful the Tao."

He also said: "Let's give up for a lifetime, and don't lose a section."The way of heaven knows, is it heaven who knows me? "Poetry" said: "There is Hao to vote for." Nine is the order of the committee.The relationship in life is either obedient or disobedient, or united or separated, or close to each other, or suspicious of affection, or resolved occasionally, or dangerous after a long time.Lu Pinggong will go out and meet Zangcang, Sima Niu is a disciple and has Huan, isn't it fate?On the tenth, there must be internal worries when there is peace outside.When the villain invades the mausoleum, he is afraid of danger, guards against danger, thinks long-term, but cares, and dare not be extravagant.If you have a wanton heart, all disasters will disappear.Mencius said: "If you go out, you will be invincible to foreign patients, and the country will perish." After the three self-reflection, the gentleman still has this in mind.If he loves others and doesn't kiss them personally, if they don't answer and gets angry, if he doesn't love or respect others with his husband but expects love from others and respects himself, let him go.

How can there be horizontal and negative energy?
Over-responsibility of others is the thought of death.When a gentleman gets along with each other, both have the intention to retreat, and they cannot both have the intention to advance.Those who reflexively withdraw their minds.Therefore, two advances of rigidity will break, two advances of softness will bend, and all blessings are born from retreat.

The giver does not know, the recipient does not know, sincerity moves in the south of the sky, and the heart is connected to the north of the sea, which is called the response of the gods; my mind is born, and the other mind is realized immediately, and it can be silently understood before words are spoken, which is called the response of thoughts; I teach it with my eyes, and the other receives it with my eyes. No one knows it, but a businessman only realizes it. This is called an unspoken response;

Those who understand this can talk about soldiers.

If you have faults when you are humble, be careful about the reasons why they are responsible: not responsible for the public, not responsible for regrets, not responsible for late nights, not responsible for eating and drinking, not responsible for celebrating, not responsible for sorrow, not responsible for illness.

There are five kinds of arguments in the world: Seeking the laws of nature to be smooth, that is, to make people feel at peace, you can judge the sages, you can question the gods, and you don't have to be the same in the world, which is called public opinion.Feelings are convenient, intentions are being brushed aside, and arguing well to benefit one's side is called private opinion.The heart is selfless, the spirit is very heroic, does not observe the reality of the matter, the difficulty of the situation, the admissibility of the reason, clings to a corner of the eye, ignores the customs of the times, is neither honest nor shrewd, the flies coax the frogs to cry, and the whole country is successful The theory of a family, but not the understanding of the sages and sages, is called false theory.Falsifying and committing adultery, slanderous and secretive, making baseless rumors, spreading to the ears of everyone, thousands of mouths become public, and it has been passed down for a long time to become true.Praise people for their kindness, but there is no scale in their hearts, confused by Xiao Lian's music, feel respectful according to their images, happy with a sense of righteousness, happy with a moment's words, don't look at big details, don't compare life, don't give the whole, don't want to die forever , and suddenly promised it, it is called the theory of ignorance.Alas!It has been difficult to discuss for a long time, who can listen to it?
A quiet and quiet person cannot be used when it comes out, so stagnant water must not be controlled, stinging things must not be poisoned, and lurking beasts cannot be restrained.A wise man is not afraid of light venting and sudden action, heavy rain and wind.

When there is nothing to do in ordinary life, the husband should not be tied to the guard of a woman, and if he is dying, he should compare himself with a virgin and a martyr; , and his righteousness, he should compete with the strong and the strong.

The success of misfortune must be gradual, and its excitement must be accumulated.A wise man will eliminate it gradually, eliminate it when it accumulates, and decide it if it is worse.To make a decision, you must have a skillful hand. For example, if you are in a state of depression, it is better to make an external decision if you are depressed and collapsed internally;

Those who are uncertain about self-cultivation should first think about controlling their qi when they hear evil words, and then their qi will be calm.If there is any injustice, forgive you for doing the right thing, and you will be at fault for five points.

Quick words, sudden looks, sharp voices, and anger are all useless.Everything can only be dealt with calmly, and there will be a wonderful response.Yu Yu, every time I miss this, I write a book to warn myself.

I once heard a commentator who said: "He only takes the affairs of the world seriously, and he is invincible?" Yu Wen was very surprised, and secretly thought that he did everything in the world seriously, but he still didn't do it well, if he only pretended to be fake How reasonable is it to work hard?Everything in the world is done seriously.what more?What can't happen?Now I am seriously ill, and I am suffering from unwillingness to do it seriously, so the general principles and principles are not supported by anyone, and I am very sad.Husband!Wuzi's ignorance, the so-called seriousness?
Everyone followed the same path and spent their whole life in a drunken dream, ruining so many things in the world!

But the gentleman who is worried about diligence and encouragement often feels refreshed.

It is easy to understand the principles, but it is difficult to understand the current situation; it is possible to understand the principles and corrupt Confucianism, but it is impossible to understand the current situation without understanding the Confucianism.It is easy to know the time, but difficult to know the situation; it is possible for those who see the time, but not for those who see the situation.

Know the situation and plan it, since it will not be extremely heavy, when will it be enough to worry about?
If there is only doubt without trace, and there is no one who can conceal it intentionally, how can you not be afraid?

Fearful, there is no one who is not evil, evil creates destruction; amiable, there is no one who does not love, love creates reputation.

If you are lazy at first, then you are in a hurry, and you are at ease after the event, you are the thief of this matter.Military strategists are especially not good at this.

Those who are good at using strength can hold a hundred weights like a feather, and those who are good at using many people can control thousands of journeys like a single person.

Without this kind of true feelings, it's a pity to waste the extravagant papers; with this kind of true feelings, why bother with two cups and one cup?
For hundreds of generations, from hundreds of miles away, talking about people is just a piece of paper in the ear, and they are falsely accused, so how can you talk about the heart?Alas!Can literati talk lightly about people?This is the punishment of the gods and ghosts, so be careful!

Or ask: "Is it difficult to overcome the thought of resentment, what can I do?" Said: "Your self-resentment, especially resentment? The floods and droughts of the sky are not afraid of people's resentment, and you will die from death. Floods and droughts are white Ruoye: people are greedy and insatiable. I don’t care about you. You hate yourself and hate your ears. A lot of pain, why don't you take it lightly and ask for some cheapness." The man laughed and left.

(End of this chapter)

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