
Chapter 21 Responsibility

Chapter 21 Responsibility (5)

Seeing things is easy, doing things is difficult.The authorities are afraid that they won't be able to see it, but if the fruit is seen, they will live and die, honor and disgrace, and even care about what is wrong with the family, the whole country, and the world.

Those who deal with personnel matters depend on life.Wouldn't it be human to be pure-hearted and save trouble?

Closed households in the fight between neighbors, although he has the wisdom to resolve disputes and the power to settle disputes, he does not do anything, although he endures it, he cannot be called Yang Zhu.When he forgot his home in Huaixiang, even though he had worries about his family and the difficulties of his own flesh and blood, he didn't care about it. Although he worked hard, he couldn't be called Mo Di.

It's really hard to be a human being in the vulgar world, and you can't escape it, just be clear and not aggressive.

There is no way to add grace: love is thin and easy to be thick, and love is heavy into gaps.

Do what you want, what good is empty talk?If you don't do it, you don't do it. What's the use of empty words?

So that the ears of the public hear the mouth of the private, and Shun and Zhi change their names;Therefore, if you listen simultaneously, you will not be blinded, and if you observe carefully, you will not be dazzled. Things can be done calmly, and there is no need to rush.

A certain official, who hates the talk of ruthless people, suppresses it every time.For an insatiable desire, an undivided request, if you receive it with a gentle face, he will be endlessly begging and begging, and it will be endlessly tedious.And the date of deployment can see that people have endless feelings, but they don't make sense, and they are not perfect.The second language of the question is said in the private office: "Say what you want to say, and I won't be angry with you; you should never dare to follow lightly, so don't blame me." Or say: "After all, it used to be."

When meeting on the same road, males avoid females, riding avoids stepping, light avoids heavy ones, easy avoids refuge, and the humble avoid elders.

Where the power is at the extreme, what is at the limit of reason, the sage can't do it without hair.Therefore, Baogu uses time to divide life and death, and ranks to divide gains and losses by neighbors.The cutting of the leading rope and the breaking of the falling tiles do not necessarily have to be cut off in the open place, and a gentleman need not be so mere.

The establishment of etiquette and law to last forever and lead to the world must be done by the saints of the time who consider the principles of heaven and human feelings.One is to establish the extreme, without the slightest correction, without the slightest punishment, and without the slightest desire for everything. Strict but not bitter to human relationships, lenient but not chaotic in the sky, so that the world will be willing to live in peace forever.Therefore, it is said: "For the use of etiquette, harmony is the most precious." The word "harmony" exists when the etiquette is combined. Isn't it beautiful? I don't know who made "Rituals", some are close to broad, some are close to narrow, some are close to straightening, most of them are made by a strict and meticulous saint, with a heart of punishment and straightening in his heart , and everything else.Later generations thought that the Duke of Zhou was also there, so they followed him and guarded it. After all, those who are not convenient for human favors have become a virtual car for all eternity.Therefore, the complicated and dense ones arouse people's enthusiasm, and the whole world escapes in the grand and simple; the severe ones arouse people's hearts, and the whole world flees to the place of carefree and unrestrained.What's more, it is what is driven.This cannot be pointed out one or two.When I read "Rituals" for the rest of my life, those who feel uneasy and dare not speak out are nothing more than a hundred things.However, Song Confucianism did not pay attention to the feelings of "Li", and added a key to the scriptures. How dare you speak?

Courtesy is always rewarded, so there is no need to complain about things; everything is rewarded, and no unspeakable hatred is allowed.

When there is a fire in the boat, we must think of ways to save it.

Like chopsticks holding ice balls, you must be able to hold them.

The respect and caution of dislike is not as angry as the anger of forgetting each other.

The relationship between a gentleman and a gentleman must seek to cooperate with all etiquette and righteousness, and get rid of all worldly calculations.In today's world, those who are known as "knowledge of etiquette" do not pay attention to the original intentions of sages and sages. They are only familiar with the scriptures, are proficient in things, and are brilliant and impressive.Husband!Since the proliferation of literature has become more popular and the way of the kings has been annihilated, the suffering of the world is blamed, and those who chase each other are all waste literature of the last days.Seeking it from Tao, nineteen disagreements, this is called custom.Getting used to bad people is like drinking a fountain of madness.

To deal with people and affairs, scholars must first understand etiquette and righteousness.It is in this middle position that there is no slight difference in the analysis, and there is no error in the error, that is, a saint.

When it is urgent and complicated, if you just don't fire, then you will have more than enough energy and don't bother, and take it easy.A fire, all kinds of bad.

In dealing with people and things in my whole life, the disease of tearing tears is one of the nine. I have always been restrained here, and I can't get rid of it just by wearing it away.It is very difficult to change the quality of the unbeautiful, but how can it be changed with no permanent ambition and no deep nourishment?If the will is determined and cultivated deeply, even the stupid will be half removed.

In my whole life, I have suffered from a serious illness when doing things and speaking, but I only write a few words, so it is not reserved and honest, and it is a lifelong precept.

In all matters, no matter whether it is right or wrong, one must be calm and calm, if one is not careful, one will be angry and break up, this person will not be far away.

Those who cry out of tears will definitely get sick out of nothing. This does not come from self-cultivation, and one cannot be regarded as a fundamental scholar.People in cultivation, when they encounter what they should do, they will come without hesitation, if they are lazy or late, they will persist very firmly, without moving or resting.It's hard to say that it's not a sense of loyalty for him to put his arms around his palms and let the world do things. After all, everything will not be perfect in the end.

The principles of all things in the world begin with calmness and end in haste.Those who are in a hurry are exhausted, and those who are calm are also at the beginning.If things are calm, there will be aftertaste, and if people are calm, there will be more years.

Ordinary people don't think much about socializing, and always do it at will, so there are many regrets when they move.If there is a point in the heart, there will be a point, and the suddenness of the wise is not as detailed as the fool's.

Travel every day without fear of thousands of miles, and often do things without fear of thousands of miles.

When you see everything you can do, cut it off and do it, don't be nostalgic, the love of a son and a woman is not enough to do big things.

The matter of breaking a word is originally called what should be done according to righteousness, but there are entanglements in the mind and obstacles in the matter, and one must not be free and clean, so the next word is broken, like a knife cutting an axe.All in all, only one word is formed in the big brain, and the second meaning is put down. What's more, children's love and interests, so how can you care about him?If you treat you with everything you want, you will not be able to do some good things.

Do it for everyone first, then talk about it for everyone.

Speak right in front of evil people, regardless of whether you have intentions or not, this is hatred that will never grind.It is unbearable to see corrupt people talking about honesty; it is embarrassing to see a certain official being honest;Or say: "What should I do?" Said: "If the position is there, then advance and retreat is up to me, and the law can be done. If the position is not there, but affection is related, secret satire is fine. If there is no interference with me, it is just a jaw." And asking taboo, this should also be taboo.

The most important things in the world should not be pre-determined and pre-determined, they have already been decided, and there will be changes in the interim.Therefore, it is better to have the name of not knowing, than to regret the loss of words.

The whole world is clamoring and clamoring, trembling and trembling, but it's just that if you die, you won't have your own family.If you only recognize your own family, and then recognize a part for others, you will be in the world of Qingning, and you will forget your words.

Everyone blames himself and kills himself, and there is no strife in the world, and the atmosphere of harmony in the universe is filled.

There must be a heart of self-improvement everywhere, what is going on in the world?Who in the world can't get along?

The scale first needs to be large, and the meaning first needs to be at ease. The ancients made friends with themselves and enriched others, so the group is happy to use it, and the income is often doubled.Xu thinks and judges, so I don't work hard and do things very carefully.The word "urgency" is a serious hindrance in dealing with the world.

Ordinary people think so at the first thought, and when they do it, it is not so, and when they look back, they feel that it is not so, but their perception is uncertain.The sages only send out one thought, and it is consistent, that is, they think about it, but they only pay attention to this thought.Gai sages are able to take care of themselves, so they are at ease; everyone takes care of them temporarily, so they are confused.

Don't do whatever you want when dealing with others, but learn about others' sentiments; don't let your own opinion do things, but learn about the principles of things.

There are no difficult things in the world, only two "what if" are needed; people with no difficulties in the world only need three "must be self-contained".

One needs to be patient and considerate of human feelings, and be considerate of everything, so that people will have few faults and I will have few complaints.

If it doesn't matter, what is the regret when it comes to relationship?Fortunately, if you are not defeated, you will be spared. What is the benefit of punishing you when you are defeated?Therefore, a gentleman does not ignore small defenses, and does not forgive defeats, so as to prevent them from developing again.This heart is the same as that of a bystander, so why not help?

World morals, people's hearts, people's livelihood, and national economy, these are the four major responsibilities of a gentleman.There are strategies here, and they can all claim their own. These are the four major achievements of a gentleman.

If there is something to understand, don't let the old ones be over-restrained, so as to generate resentment;If the reason should be changed, the time should be promoted, and it is in line with the situation and human conditions, then it is not restricted.

Resolutely and ambitious, I only made five points in my hand.It's not that he is not confident. Although he has a strong ambition before the task, he lacks the strength to deal with it.Therefore, it is only half credible to observe people introspection.

To handle major affairs in the world, we must be precise, flexible, decisive, and persistent.Only when it is soft and slack, why is it different?In order to get rid of the big traitors in the world, you have to worry, you have to be deep, you have to be sudden, and you have to be clean.

There is a resolute not to seize between life and death, which is called great persistence.Anxiety, joy and anger are not subject to sudden and sudden changes, this is called true self-restraint.

It is not enough to bear the strength of Qiushan, but the earth bears ten thousand mountains, and this body is also burdened by the earth.It is not too big to cover the sea, but the sky covers the whole world, and I want to cover the sky.

Heaven can't be deceived, people can't be deceived, where can we hide something?Sexuality should be fulfilled and duty should be done, don't teach for a long time to be short of anything.

What is right and what is wrong, what is long and what is short, but look at the picture of hundred forbearance.Neither dumb nor blind, neither stupid nor deaf, taking the wrath of the day.

To cultivate the eternal principles, first establish your own position; to do two businesses, first push aside the barriers between things and me.

If you can't bear the bottom line, it's better to do it early; if you regret it, why don't you say it.

Be meticulous in time, be meticulous in real life, and be busy no matter where you are busy.

"Qian" six lines, painting is auspicious; pardon a word, everywhere is feasible.

You must know suffering when you are in a happy place, and you are busy when you are not free.

I was born not daring to brush my hair, why not cut off my hair if I am so righteous.

The amount is too big for Liuhe, and the burden of the five mountains is light.

Stop buying expensive and then cheap, stop chasing people to see.

It's hard to bear, but the beauty is not to say.

Be busy and be lazy, neither lazy nor busy.

(End of this chapter)

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