
Chapter 22

Chapter 22
The reason why water is contained is that it is abundant; when it is released, it is because it is exhausted.Only the benevolent can vent.

Only the wise know how to vent.

There is nothing more harmful to people in the world than many; there is nothing more beautiful than beauty.Delicious food makes people eat more, beautiful colors make people want more, beautiful voice makes people listen more, beautiful things make people greedy, beautiful officials make people want more, beautiful rooms make people live more, beautiful fields make people live more, beautiful sleep makes people want more More leisure, good words make people love more, beautiful things make people love more, beautiful scenery makes people stay more, and beautiful fun makes people think more, all of which are evil media.If it is not beautiful, it will not attract many people.Not much is not defeatable.I have a room, the title is "Yuanmeixuan", and the title is "cold".If you don't love beauty, you are afraid of disaster.

The fish sees the bait but does not see the hook, the tiger sees the sheep but does not see the trap.The orangutan sees the wine and does not see people, and it is not the case. It is obsessed with beauty and has no time to pay attention.When this heart is cold, the lively scene cannot be entered; when it is light, the colorful things cannot be moved.If a husband can know poverty, depression, poverty, and ups and downs in detail, then he can talk about it.

Love your children with fat and sweetness and don't think of them hurting your body, love your children with appeasement and don't pity their bad virtues,

Even death due to illness, and those who suffer from severe disease without regret are all benevolence of women.Alas!Nine out of ten people in the world commit suicide because of self-love.

The five barriers are the way to cultivate morality and health.Or ask: "Sight, hearing, speech, movement, and thinking will not be opened?" Said: "It is always closed and opened from time to time. It is okay not to relax. This is called the Yixia Pass."

Today's health-preserving practitioners, bait and medicine, convincing qi, avoiding danger, saying goodbye to difficulties, being cautious about time, and few desires, sincerely need the law.Ji Kang was good at keeping in good health, but his death was out of his mind.It is the most important thing to know how to cultivate virtue and preserve one's health.Virtue is in me, but if you die with a white knife, why do you harm your health?

Fools love to talk about medicine, but they get tired of it for a long time. Those who talk about it, tell them: "Take few desires as the four things, eat light food as the second thing, and take a pure heart and save troubles as the four kings. Priceless medicine, unknown medicine , just take everything from yourself.”

A benevolent man lives long, his physiology is complete; a silent man lives long, his vitality is stable; a clumsy man lives long, his soul is solid.On the contrary, there are monsters everywhere.Otherwise, it makes sense.

Pirates are male soldiers, and sex is female soldiers.Everyone knows that robbery and robbery are terrible.And the robbery and killing of Wangnv Rong.sad husband!
Too simple, the lifeblood of heaven and earth.Too simple and loose, but the longevity demon of heaven and earth can be predicted.Therefore, when all things are scattered, the essence of good fortune is dissipated.If there are too many solid trees, the roots will be damaged; if the grass has sprouted stems, the roots will be weak; if the expenses are high, the family will be poor;I can see through all the usefulness of Lao Tzu.

Hunger, cold, pain, itching, I am alone, even though my parents don't feel it; old age, sickness and death, I am alone, even though my wife can't replace it.The way of self-love and self-sufficiency, if you don't pay attention to yourself, who will be blamed?
Qi has action but is ignorant, and God has knowledge but inaction.The fine person is ignorant and inactive, but the mother of knowing and doing.Jing Tian Yi also belongs to water, and water is angry; Qi is pure yang, which belongs to fire, and fire produces spirit; spirit is too empty, which belongs to nothing, but is more beautiful than existence.If the essence is strong, the energy will be strong, and if the essence is weak, the energy will be weak, so the steamer is not steamed.When the qi exists, the spirit exists, and when the qi dies, the spirit dies. Therefore, when the candle is exhausted, the fire is extinguished.

The breath is only enough to breathe, the sound is only enough to be heard, don't let it be too long to consume the soundless and odorless true body.

The saying goes: "Indulge in desire and forget your body", the word "forget" is most suitable for body play.Faintness and unconsciousness are called forgetting, wanting to be confused but not realizing it, and being overwhelmed by emotion but not caring.When the night air is clear and bright, you will know everything one by one, and you will not be able to remember where you are fascinated, and those who are addicted can look back in shock.

In the coffin of incense, in the loss of a few incense, in the embers of incense.

Book room couplet: "Dawn sleeps in dreams, Xu Chuang shows books leisurely."

(End of this chapter)

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