
Chapter 23 Heaven and Earth

Chapter 23 Heaven and Earth (1)

Wet and warm organisms, damp and hot grow things, dry heat grows things, desolate kills things, and severe cold nourishes things.

Damp and warm, the qi of harmony; damp heat, the qi of evaporation; dry heat, the qi of burning; desolate, murderous, strong yin and weak yang, severe cold, restraining qi, stimulating the yin outside and cultivating yang inside.

Of the five qi, severe cold is the most benevolent.

Vigorous, the way of heaven.It is the reason to forget the words when you are in everything, but you cannot do without the sun, the moon and the stars to show it.

When the essence is preserved, the spirit is born, and when the essence is dispersed, the form is born.Taiyi is the god of heaven and earth; all things are the shape of heaven and earth.Taiyi is inexhaustible, but the heaven and the earth exist, and everything is endless, but the heaven and the earth are destroyed.The same goes for people.

There is only one light in the world, so people believe what they say.

The heaven and the earth are unknowable, but I know the birth of the heaven and the earth, and observe its birth, but the nature and situation of the heaven and the earth are afraid of seeing it.That's why you know your parents by watching your children, and you know your role model by watching your utensils.Heaven and earth are the parents of all things and the model of creation.

The gasification of heaven and earth is born in unevenness and dies in harmony.Therefore, all things are uneven, and all things are chaotic, and the momentum is true, and the heaven and the earth can't stand it.

Those who observe 72 times say that things know the time, which is not true, but that things change with time.

The news of the surplus and emptiness of the world is a cover, and the collection of all things growth is a printing plate.

What is formed by the accumulation of qi in the sky, everything above me is the sky.The sun, the moon, and the stars travel eighty-four thousand li to the ground, and are confined in the accumulated air, without any fiber or slight obstacle. Those who shine through the ground, the sky is clear and free from any dross.Therefore, it is called Taiqing.Otherwise, although there is mist and light smoke, there will be things that cannot be seen a mile away.

Authentic, good life is the ultimate, all things that have roots and seeds must grow with them.Make the most of the weight of things, do your best, and don't stop Han Ning from withering and failing, so Kun is called the mother.

The four seasons but winter are the nature of heaven and earth, spring, summer and autumn are the feelings of heaven and earth.Therefore, it produces all things, with more dynamic energy and less static energy.

All things are born from the qi of heaven and earth, some are suitable for warm, some are suitable for lukewarm temperature, some are suitable for too warm, some are suitable for warm and windy, some are suitable for warm and humid, some are suitable for warm but dry, and some are suitable for warm and timely. Those who are wet when the wind is wet.What kind of qi is born, what kind of qi should be suitable, if it is obtained, it will be nourished, and if it is lost, it will cause injury and disease.

There is a little bit of refreshment in the air, and a little bit of disease in the yin of all things.It is suitable for coolness, coldness, and heat, all of which are the same.Flying submerged animals and plants, midges and midges are all the same.Therefore, the status of the heavens will make all things grow, and Wang Daoping will make the people flourish.

The fibrous animals and plants in Liuhe are all qi from the sky and quality from the earth, and they will be melted and cast, and they will be wiped away without a trace.Old things are not afraid of being gold and stone, but also return to nothing.Gai was born from nothing, and must return to nothing.For example, if a basin of water is disturbed, there will be tens of millions of floats, large and small. It was originally made under the pretense, but when it is less quiet, it will turn into a basin of water.

The place where the innate life is established is the self-contained place of all things, and the heaven and the earth are just a place for living and nurturing.Just as the grass and trees have no physiology, the heaven and the earth have nothing to do with life.

Everything in the world is made up of yin and yang.Those who only get yin will avoid yang when they see yang, such as snail wall moss; those who only get yang will dry up when they see yin, like Prunella vulgaris.

When yin and yang are in harmony, just unite, and when they are close, they will separate;If it is not extreme, it will not be separated or united, and if it is extreme, it must be separated and united.

When there is stillness, there is water, when there is dryness, there is fire, and my heart has water and fire; when it is still, it is cold, and when it is moving, it is hot, and my body has its own icy coals.But who is responsible for the ice and coal of the world?It is also dynamic and static.One yin is born and the universe is quiet, and it becomes cold when it is closed in October; one yang is born and the universe is in motion, and it is fumigated and becomes heat in May.Or say, "Yin is born in May, and great heat is in June, yang is born in November, and severe cold is in December; why?" It is said: "If yang is not extreme, yin cannot be produced, and if yin is not extreme, yang cannot be produced. If the potential is poor, it will be reversed. The slight yin stimulates the yang, and the yang will not be stimulated and will become more blazing; the slight yang will stimulate the yin, and the yin will overflow without being stimulated, and the qi will be forced. In July and the first month, the yin and yang will be in phase. In war, the guest cannot defeat the host, the decline cannot overcome the prosperity, and the past cannot overcome. Therefore, in July, the fire flows westward, and the gold gradually generates water; Absolutely, is there any reason for the death of the parents and the birth of the son? Gradually, it is not a sudden arrival, and the sudden arrival is violent, and the five grains can be ripened immediately. Continuation and gradualness are the same. Only continuation, so there is no end; only gradualness, so there is no trace.

Since there is yin energy, there must be coalescence, so it is the moon; since there is yang energy, there must be essence, so it is the sun.Darkness is the body of the moon. It is originally a pure yin and lightless thing, and its light can be obtained by reflecting the sun. It is a guest, not a host. "

There is no day and night in heaven and earth, the sun rises to form day, and the sun sets to form night.The stars are always in the sky, the sun does not show its light when it rises, but it shows its ears when the sun sets.In ancient times, clouds and stars were born from the sun.Looking closely, the stars do not take the light of the sun as light.Jiajing Renyin solar eclipse, since the sky is full of stars, when it is time, the sun is dark, can Aneng produce the light of the stars?

Water is static and soft but moves rigidly, metal moves softly but remains rigid, wood produces softness but dies rigidly, fire produces rigidity but dies softly.Earth has hardness and softness, it is neither rigid nor soft, so metal, wood, water, and fire all follow the bell, and they are all in the middle, and the whole energy of heaven and earth is also.

Hush comes from the inside to the outside, and inhalation goes from the outside to the inside.The beginning of the world is spring, and the end is summer, so all things grow with the end; the beginning of the world is autumn, and the end is winter, so all things are collected with the end.Shhh, rising yang qi, yang dominates emission; inhalation, descending yin qi, yin dominates formation.Hush temperature, so it is spring and summer; inhalation is cold, so it is autumn and winter.Shh and inhale, from the beginning of the creation to the chaos, only a hair of this breath is broken, everything is destroyed, the world is destroyed.All things, like heaven and earth, live and die in one breath.

The wind only knows its blowing, the rain only knows its dripping, the snow only knows its solidification, the water only knows its flow, and the fire only knows its burning.If it is insufficient, hold your breath and each hides its own use, if there is more than enough, it will be rampant and each will let go of its own nature.If there is a sense of death, the strong will win. If the two armies are at war, they will be equal.Therefore, in the long-term Yin, the power lies in the rain, but the sun and the moon are difficult to be bright; in the long-term drought, the power is in the wind, and the clouds and rain are difficult to make the water, so that water, fire, frost and snow are all the same.Who for it?

Said: Mingyang for it.Yin and Yang who do it?Said: Naturally do it.

The yin and yang response, since the Confucianism of the Han Dynasty, has been penetrating and attached, thinking that a certain disaster should be a certain political event, which is the most roundabout.

Generally speaking, kindness leads to auspiciousness, and hostility leads to monsters. It is the same as doing good to bring disaster, and doing evil to bring disaster. This is the reason.Therefore, the sage only talks about human affairs, and only makes sense, whether it should be or not, I don't care if I am not there.If one asks for a response one by one, it is like a drum answering a scorpion, and Yao and Shun are still ill.There is a definite number of Qi in the big cup, and there are chances. The heaven and the earth cannot violate it, and the heaven and the earth follow it.Drought leads to death, water leads to Xing, comet leads to depression, fire leads to exorcism, eclipse of the sun and moon leads to rescue, the gentleman fears the power of the sky, and he should obey the precepts of heaven.If the cloud always responds to prayers, then how can the profit and loss of the sun and the moon depend on whether it can be saved or not?

Generally speaking, if the qi of Yin and Yang is biased, it will be extreme, and if it is extreme, it will be opposite.Yin and Yang are surly and divided, so the solitary yang is hyperactive and does not descend to yin, and there is drought. There is no extreme. The anode must produce yin, so it will rain for a long time; Yang must be born, so it will be eye-catching for a long time.

Once the vegetation declines, it will not grow rapidly, and if it flourishes, it will not decline; if a couple and friends lose their friendship, they cannot reconcile quickly, and if they get along well, they will not become obedient.Heaven, physics, and human feelings are naturally so, but meteors and earthquakes, landslides and rain of blood, and Huo Jianhe Qing are accidental.See you soon, good or bad.Since it is unreasonable, so the courtiers look to the emperor with virtue, and don't have to fear disasters.If you are afraid of disasters, you can cultivate virtue when you are in trouble.As soon as there is an auspicious envoy, it can be said that the virtue is enough, so let's stop cultivating?But if the supreme virtue returns to heaven, disasters and auspiciousness are immediately responded, mulberry valleys wither, comets recede, unjust prisons are released and there are showers, loyalty is white and the wind is against the wind, it also happens from time to time.But it is inevitable, I can't really believe it.

Gasification does not stop without a breath, it is not advancing, it is retreating.The energy of animals and plants does not stop for a while. If it is not life, it is death. There is no reason to stop without advancing or retreating.

Form is born of air.If gasification has no bottom, there must be no heaven and earth; if there is no bottom to heaven and earth, everything must have no bottom.

The anger is mellow and turbid, while the murderous intent is refreshing and clear; the angry is tender and soft, while the murderous intent is decisive and brittle;Therefore, when the qi of spring is clear, all things will grow; if the qi of summer is fumigated, all things will grow; if the qi of autumn is serious, all things will enter;

One exhale and one inhale, don't get too much, don't get nothing; don't exhale continuously, don't breathe continuously; don't exhale without inhalation, don't inhale without exhale, this is the nature of fullness and emptiness.

The quality of water is used by all things; the energy of fire is also used by all things.And its transformation also, with no trace.The nature of water is slow, and the nature of fire is sick, so when water enters things, it is also sick due to fire.Water has a fixed energy, but fire has no fixed energy. If fire is attached to rigidity, it will become rigid; if it is attached to softness, it will be soft. Water will enter softness but not rigidity.

Yang cannot be hidden, and Yin cannot be manifested.When there is a hidden place, it is yin within yang; when there is a place to manifest, it is yang within yin.

Water can be full and empty, and fire can be full and empty.

The universe is destroyed, so after it is opened up, there must be chaos to rule?The universe is indestructible, so chaos can still be opened up.Who is the master?Vitality is already.Vitality is indelible throughout trillions of years, and it is the ancestor of form, form, and qi.

The heaven and the earth do not claim their own rights, but allow Yin and Yang; Yin and Yang do not manipulate, and let nature prevail.People in the world tend to avoid praying for help, and those who pray for help will suffer from their own pain.The one who seizes nature is sincerity.

The heaven and the earth send out the Qi of all things to no outside place, and the restrained Qi goes to no inner place.Those who stop without stopping are not lacking in original qi, and the politeness will take away from each other.

Static and dynamic growth, dynamic and static.In general, it grows, and when it grows, it grows, when it grows, it disappears, and when it fades, it dies.

All things are born from Yin and Yang, and die from Yin and Yang.Yin and Yang have nothing to do with everything, let it be natural.Rain does not want to moisten things, drought does not want to smooth things, wind does not want to scratch things, thunder does not want to shake things, yin and yang are left to their own nature, and all things are born and died because of it. "Yi" says "thunder is used to drum it, and wind and rain are used to moisten it", which is another kind of truth, otherwise, it is the intention of heaven and earth to form and transform.If there is a mind to transform, then the cold and heat disasters will be corrected, and you will see the heart of heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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