
Chapter 30 Pin Zao

Chapter 30 Pin Zao (3)

Secular knowledge, based on the old traditions, does not distinguish between right and wrong; it is based on the common sense of the ears and eyes.If you teach it, you will be contemptuous, and if you attack it, you will be unbreakable;Since the Qin, Han, Tang, and Song Dynasties, Yicai, who started a business and revived, often suffers from this disease.Therefore, articles on rites and music should be simple because they are crude, disciplined and regulated, and the situation depends on the time.The purpose of the two emperors and the three kings [Lengqumu Jiayu] has never been tried, and I can't fall asleep, but I can be a person who has a runny nose, as in this generation.Private knowledge, interests, honors and disgraces are on the chest, whether right or wrong can be confused with the truth, citing evidence is enough to form a family theory, and the expansion of the appendix can dazzle everyone's ears.The emperor of Qin used to travel and watch, but he entrusted Yan to patrol the four mountains;There are many divergent ways, and there are two ends in things. Those who are eloquent cannot be persuaded, and those who don't know will be confused.People also set up envoys to watch from the sidelines. It is not unknown, but the authorities will not eliminate themselves. The disadvantages of others will cause the country to be destroyed and the world to be ignored. Isn't it a great worry and fear?Therefore, sages and sages go through dangers and put themselves in the middle; they make decisions and plan to exclude themselves from the outside.

Those who are won by outsiders are not enough inside; those who are captured by evil are not enough for righteousness.

If the two are in balance, if one side is lower, the other side is higher, and there is no difference between them.

Those who are good in name use excuses to hide their sincerity; those who are not good in name get a bad name unintentionally.

It is impossible not to argue between the heart and mind.This is what people who watch people ignore.

Since the way of the mean is not clear, and people's phase illnesses have no end.Those who are easy-going and easy-going are soft-cooked; those who are easy-going and easy-going are surly; those who are frank and careful are dangerous; those who are cautious and straightforward are careless; and those who are shrewd and simple are vague. , honest people are sick and shrewd are harsh.If the quality is in Confucius, I know that there must be a public case; Confucius, who combines thousands of sages in one body, gathers all good things in one mind, emerges from time to time with things, and adapts to people.What he does for himself cannot be taught to others.Why?It's hard to say.See what others do, don't blame them.Serve?Difficult to accelerate also.

Observe when there are interests and disadvantages, observe the energy when you are hungry and tired, observe the strength when you are happy and angry, observe the existence and nourishment when you are in trouble, and observe the calmness when you are shocked.

Nineteen people tell lies, nineteen people believe what they hear, and nineteen people believe what they say.With an easy-to-believe heart, listen to untrue words, and spread the word of joy, what is the source?However, it has been circulated in the country and recorded in the annals of history. Those who are wronged are wronged, and those who are lucky are lucky.Alas!It's hard to say.

According to the heart of Confucius, Yan Zi was the only one, and Zeng Zi was in the second class.

A great reputation is not the blessing of a minister; if there is no fault in one's actions, one's words are not enough to enmity.

To be wise is to be stupid, to be dull is to be wise.

Understand the emotions of all things in the world, and then you can talk about nature.

Monks, eunuchs, and beggars are not allowed to be sages.I am a Confucianist and I am not like a Confucian, so he can sneer at it, but why do I think it is different and despise it?
The precious jades in the mountains, the pearls in the sea, can be taken by anyone at will, there is no prohibition on taking them, but you are afraid of your hands, and you are willing to guard against difficulties. Is it so stupid?

Gaozi Xu Dali, no matter whether it is possible or not, if only one person is not moved, how can a spineless person do it?It's a pity that he is just uneducated, the so-called extremely powerful.

There is a great road through the ages, from which Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu, Kong, and Meng came from.

This is the ancient official road, beggars and robbers have a share, and everyone is allowed to listen to it.Or say: "You must follow the number of saints." Said: "Everyone walks his own way. Those who count the saints, whose path is it? If you are willing to walk, your footprints will coincide."

A meritorious man is famous, and a famous man is famous for his meritorious service.For three generations, there are very few famous people.Sages take morality as their fame, sages take fame as their fame, and everyone takes wealth as their fame.

Those who make great achievements in building the world must have a big vision.If you have a big vision, you will know yourself.

When it comes to governance, for thousands of years there has only been Tang Yuyu, Tang Wenwu, and his role is of course invaluable.

After the decline of the Zhou Dynasty, until now, the high ones are well-off, and the humble ones are mediocre.In the Tang and Yu Dynasties, the common people could not even dream of it.The monarchs and ministers who start a business must have the academic skills of two emperors and five ministers.What should we do if we set the scale of future generations as a generation?

It is still okay to say that all people do evil, but scholars should not do evil.Scholars are evil, let alone uneducated people.It's okay for everyone to break the law, but an official should not break the law.If an official breaks the law, there is no one who is banned.

Since the existence of the book contract, it has been invincible to be clever and to deceive the truth.

The ignorant rely on their faith to love the name of the ancients, so as to mislead the future generations of the world.If there is no one who has insight into the nature of all things in the world and corrects them, how can there be extreme mistakes?An open-minded gentleman, Ning Que is doubtful.

When a gentleman is in charge, all the villains are gentlemen. If you are not a gentleman until now, you are a real villain;

The villain also has good deeds, and if he hates him, he will work together;

It is difficult to be selfless.Ershi can be without lust, but not selfless.Selflessness and desirelessness are the divisions of the three religions.Among them, the most important thing is to pay attention to the psychological experience, which is beyond what you can understand through hearing, seeing, and chapters.

Be a man in reason, the world is the same in ancient and modern times; be a man in temperament, you will be in a variety of states.

In terms of the level of Taoism, scholars cannot be more virtuous and holy, or more holy and heavenly.In terms of the ambition of learning, regardless of scholars, sages, or sages, one must hope for heaven.

The forehead is thorough, Zeng Zi is honest and simple, Zi thinks carefully, and Mencius is bold.

To learn more and know more is originally a kind of knowledge below the middle class.Therefore, the master said to himself that he has learned a lot, chooses what is good and follows it, and sees a lot and knows it.The godson Zhang often hears doubts and sees many doubts.Teach people to be erudite.Teach Yan Zibo to write.But if you don't reach a consistent position, you won't be able to reach the end.

Therefore, there are two schools suddenly and gradually, each of which is related to capital.Today's people regard consistency as the first-class talent for entry, and they are self-awareness, which is not what people expect in the middle.

Unreasonable words cannot confuse the world and slander others.It's just that he is smart enough to argue, and it is very interesting to attach a paragraph of words, and ignorant people are happy to follow it, and the crime of disorderly conduct is not serious.Sixty-seven out of ten such words in the world, since they are erudite and long-standing, who can argue without a gentleman who knows them?

It is not allowed to be published in the middle, which is what the wise man takes advantage of, but what the thinker is ignorant of.

Ming Dao is between Zhu and Lu.

Ming Dao does not fall into the dust, and there are more Shi and Lao; Yichuan is rigid in the end, and less Zhuang and Lie.

It is easy to understand the confusion, but it is difficult to wake up from the confusion.Confused by the foolish, confused by the wise.If you understand the fascinating puzzle, you can escape; if you understand the delusional one, you will be addicted to it if you know it.The wisdom of a wise man does not protect himself; the charm of a charming man can be manipulated silently.Ming Ming can share peace with Ming Ming, and fans of Ming Ming can share weal and woe with each other.

Nest, Youpijuan Buddha, Lao, Zhuang, and Lie, just recognize my character, and make everything in the world just make me.Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu, Kong, and Mencius only recognized the characters of human beings, and they used this body, mind, and life only for the world and the country.

Don't believe it when you hear about ruin, it depends on the character of the destroyer and the destroyer.Those who destroy people are virtuous, and those who destroy people are damaged; those who destroy people are unworthy, and those who destroy people are heavy.In the year of investigation, I heard a slander, as if I had won Gongbi, and I didn't have time to figure out what to do, and there were too many people in vain.

If you are a person, you should choose the longer one; if you are a sage, you should look at the middle way.

Gentlemen talk eloquently, and talk in detail, all of which are not practical, and the important thing is to be practical.

Therefore, those who are called clumsy and dull are said to be useless, and those who are called fatuous are said to be useless.Although this proverb is oral, comrades who feel ashamed, do you also do it?
Elegant and gentle, upright and conscientious, it is suitable for Qing temples and bright halls.If you go through fire and water, wear gold and leather, eat cattle and swallow elephants, have the ambition to fill the sea and move mountains, die filial piety and die loyally, beating thousands of times, you can't just focus on the people.

If you don't do cheap learning, you are true Confucianism.

Tens of thousands of people will go to me, and he will kill Lao Tzu.Lao Tzu is a knowledge of self-preservation.

Closeness and estrangement produce love and hatred, love and hatred produce reputation, reputation and reputation produce misfortune and good fortune.This is what the wise man procrastinates to pay attention to, but what the upright and upright scholar neglects.This question must be known to those who test character.

The spirit only cares about one side, let you be clever and clever, and if there are secrets, there will be sparse ones.But those who are calm and straightforward, and who have no selfish intentions, should be sparse and secret, and when they are approved, they will forget each other.

Reading depends on the knowledge, tolerance, and role of the characters of more than three generations.The roughness of the Han Dynasty followed the common world; the crampedness of the Song Dynasty made it pedantic, how can we see the scene three generations ago?

It is true and false, only those who are right and wrong know it, and bystanders will inevitably slander their beliefs. How about people outside the door, let alone thousands of miles away, after a hundred years?Its unpredictable reputation and its reputation for perfection are both loved and hated.Those who love monks are all grievances and grudges.Therefore, the public history is easy, but the history is difficult to believe.

Or ask: "How about a certain gentleman?" Said: "It can be called a hero, but it can't be called an upright man."

Asked: "How about a certain gentleman?" Said: "It can be said that he is an upright person and an upright scholar, but it cannot be said that he is a man of integrity and Confucianism."

The name is like a shadow.No real name is tabooed by creation, but those who correct falsehoods are greedy for it, and those who practice darkly avoid it.

It seems that there is no such thing as "the leftover cattle and sheep, Bo people go to plow".Although the sage taught people with twists and turns, he did not fail to communicate with neighboring countries with sincerity and straightforwardness.When Jie was here, Ge Feitang belonged to the country, and when he asked him whether he would recruit, he knew that he had no sacrifices.Bo's cattle and sheep, how can they always leave Gerboye behind?Ge Qi really has no cattle and sheep?There are a lot of people who have no time to cultivate themselves, and they are called Ge Geng. Is it because of the kindness and good name of the later generations, who are swayed by Xu Xu?Otherwise, although Ge is small, he is also the founding of the first king, and it is better to have no cattle and sheep?That is to say, it can be offered but not sacrificed, so it should be advised.Or tell the emperor to correct his crime.Why do we leave cattle and sheep to cultivate them?It is possible to destroy the country without telling the emperor, and it is not necessary to teach it, but to provide sacrifices and replace it?Otherwise, it is Tobe's fault, and I have an excuse.It is the uncle who pretends to be benevolent, righteous and greedy.What Mencius said, is it also the same as Liu Taiwang's good goods and lust?
Since the Han Dynasty, Confucianists have been suffering from a serious illness, but the past is not the present.Today's people's knowledge and actions are not as good as those of the ancients, most of them.As for the suitability of the wind, the extreme changes of the situation, and the rise of etiquette and righteousness, people today are better than the ancients.The two emperors are the ancients of Xia.The Xia is the ancient of Yin.Yin is the ancient of Zhou.In fact, the system text is written by three generations of different ancestors, and those who have mastered it think it is true.

Confucianism in the Song Dynasty is ancient, not to mention the authenticity of the past, and the right and wrong of the present.It's just like the festival of sacrifice. The ancients were inconvenient to eat and drink sitting on the ground, so they still favored gui and 笾dou, and the utensils were all high.It is used by the ancients today to worship it, and it depends on the time.It is only appropriate to use what is commonly used in ancestral examinations for descendants to worship their ancestors, but is it possible to set up 簠鬾笾dou?The tombs of the ancients are not tombs, and they cannot be recognized, so there is no tomb sacrifice.Hidden by the physique of the parents of later generations, the majestic hills and ridges, is it okay to respect the few inches of wood if you want to give up what the son of man has seen?Then the tomb sacrifice seems inevitable.There are many such things, which were laughed at by the ancients.If the ancients lived in the present, their actions would not be like this.

It is difficult for Confucians to only build a career and make contributions.Since ancient times, Confucianists have become famous mostly through their lectures and writings. People have not tried everything they said, and they are afraid that they will not be evil after trying.

Nowadays, lectures are not for the sake of enlightenment, but only for the sake of winning. If you make a mistake at 01:30 between literal words, you have to read a lot of articles to distinguish them.What kind of heart is this?How learned?

It's easy to get people who don't dare to feel otherwise, but it's hard to get people's natural feelings.Qin, Han and later all had the feeling that people would not dare to do otherwise.

Everyone only looks for a word of benefit in righteousness, but no longer finds a word for righteousness in benefit.

Sexuality and name are not two items, and the end of sex is not proud of name.Called to see, refused to see; summoned to serve, go to serve.Today's lecturers, who violate their names, claim to be noble.Why didn't Confucius bow down and kneel in the court of the doctor when he took the field?Alas!The way is unknown for a long time.

To be a high school official, to be a beautiful official, to get what you want, is not a one-time job.It's just that if you are a misbehaving person, or you have nothing to blame, and your share is of no benefit to the world, then Gaodi's beautiful officials will benefit me.But Shigu thinks so much about it, and I don't know what his intentions are.

A reclusive person is only better than a person who is greedy for glory and power, after all, he is inferior to a person who does his best.Gentlemen attach importance to it, so they are ashamed of riches, honors and lidas.If the high self-proclaimed, the dust regards the court gentry and calls himself a clean stream, and proudly obtains it alone, then he is a sinner in the holy world.Husbands are not official and righteous, and the universe is all about Confucianism, but He Jie entertains himself and abandons the chaos of the world without being heard, and he is not laughing at Yao, Shun, and Ji Qi's couple?Let the whole world belong to me, and I will not have a body, how can I enjoy this?I have no use for the world, and I am going to be in the old mulberry and hemp, so I dare to say.

In ancient times, people who talked about the virtuous and the unworthy, if they didn't call it the dark, they said it was vain and straightforward, and those who knew the light and insight were virtuous, and those who concealed deep dangers were unworthy.Those who are honest and forthright are virtuous, and those who mediate and turn around are unworthy.Therefore, a sage is like the sun and the blue sky, who can know what's on his mind when he sees it.Unworthy people are like deep valleys and dark nights, whose shallowness and depth are unpredictable in poor years.A sage is as fast as an arrow, and he has no memory.Those who are in vain are like twisted ropes, without knowing how many organs.Therefore, Yu Ting said, "Depose Zhi Youming", and Confucius said, "It's wrong to make mistakes."Those who watch people use their wisdom, and there is nothing to take if they give up.

There are six grades of ministers of rank and rank. The superior ones are generous and profound, with far-sightedness and enlightenment, benefiting the invisible and eliminating disasters before they occur.Secondly, he is just bright in his work, generous and outspoken, patriotic like a family, and worried about the time like a sickness, so he can't help but show his edge too much, and the gains and losses are equal.Secondly, calmly follow the time, follow the story, the benefits cannot be prospered, and the harms cannot be eliminated.Secondly, hold the salary to support the family, protect the body and keep the favor, and the safety of the country, I don't mind it.Secondly, he is greedy for meritorious deeds, pampers Zhang Wei, is self-willed, and disturbs the state affairs.Secondly, they are treacherous and vicious, inciting tyranny and raging poison, thieves hurt good people, bewitching the king's heart, cutting off the lifeline of the country, and losing the popularity of the world.

A person who is extremely lenient than thick, respectful and sincere, can protect himself in troubled times, and can keep the customs in order to govern the world.If the grass is ignorant of economics, hastily planned, the burden of the world, the disaster of the world, the rest of the eternity, the revolution of the world, the peace of the people and the wealth, there are first-class heroes and heroes, and they should be put on the shelf.

Abandon this routine of personal obsession and sell vulgar reputation with softness, forget the great troubles of the country and use generosity and personal favors in the market, skillfully seek benefits that people have never seen, and avoid harm that people don't know, stand in the face of all disasters In the land of invasion, I have merit for success, and I am not to blame for failure. This wise and ingenious man will be ridiculed by the country!

It's a small matter to commit crimes and plunder merits.It's everyone's business to cover up their crimes and boast of their merits.Let the beauty be credited, this gentleman's business.Sharing grievances together is a matter of virtue.

It is difficult for a gentleman to stand up, and he is meticulous; it is difficult to see and see, but he is not vulgar.

People who are very knowledgeable and those who have nine points say that they will not be able to realize it. What's more, the difference between ignorance and wisdom is not twice as small.However, if one is inadvertently angry and abandons them, many people will be abandoned by Gao, Kui, Ji, Qi, Yi, Fu, Zhou, and Zhao.The most valuable thing is that those who have knowledge and are superior to others are because of their ability to make good use of those who are ignorant because of their insignificance.

Generally speaking, if you are not close to human feelings, even if you have excellent performance, you are also a thief of Tao.The way of a sage is just human feelings.

Taking Lin Gao as an official with peace of mind and a lazy mind, there is no one who is not idle.There is no one who is not greedy and despicable to be an official with the heart of managing production and production at home.

Keeping the great defense of the former kings, and not opening up troubles for the poor, this is the practice of Confucians.Applying the way of the previous kings and spreading the universe, this is the work of the Confucianists.

A scholar and gentleman must have a set of insights from three generations ago, and then he can advance and retreat from the present, and weigh Taoism and law, so that he can achieve a career that helps the world, and can build a meritorious deed that will last forever.

Those who are aggressive and mediocre will be lowered, and it will harm the Tao.Wu Jizha, Chen Zhongzi, Shi Miao, Guo Ju and the like are already.A gentleman corrects the world only to the point where it is just right, correcting the wrong is only seeking straightness, if it is too straight, then the other will be wronged and I will be wronged.Therefore, the sages and sages are like Heng, they are low-minded in handling things and things, and they are not superior or inferior, so that the world can clearly know where the great, medium, and upright are, and then they will not be deceived by the Tao.

The curve is like an iron hook, and the straight is like a bowstring. If you don't find a prince, what is the edge of death.There is no strange name for elegant scholars, but there are absolutely no hidden people.

The last couplet of Tangyin Temple titled: The bones of the ancient form have rotted, and the heart is still fresh from blood.

Zhi Zhiyun: Dao Gao destroys the self, the name is heavy, and the body is hard to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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