President's Charm Speech

Chapter 3 Mental Adjustment: A strong aura starts from eliminating tension

Chapter 3 Mental Adjustment: A strong aura starts from eliminating tension

Many president-level figures, despite the countless meetings they usually have, are still very nervous when they take the stage. They often speak incoherently, their words are incoherent, and their minds go blank.Why is that?What is the "panacea" to rescue?

In fact, in the final analysis, the attitude determines the aura.You have a good attitude, and what you show is naturally a strong aura.

It's the president, why are you still afraid when you take the stage?

Are you blushing, sweating, heart beating faster and losing your image in business occasions because of poor business speech?

Are you well-prepared in private, but when you take the stage, your words are incoherent, your words are incoherent, and your mind goes blank?
Is your speech dull, unclear, unclear, unorganized and unattractive?

Are your speeches mediocre, lacking passion, motivation, appeal and persuasiveness?


In the face of all kinds of confusion, do we have rules to follow and laws to follow?

How to express yourself freely and become an excellent speaker in any business occasion?
Relevant parties in the United States conducted a social survey: What are people most worried about?Not sickness, not death, but public speaking.Public speaking is worse than sickness and death.So what is the reason for this fear?

don't want to make a fool of yourself
In real life, some people are afraid of making a fool of themselves by exposing their privacy on stage. In fact, this is completely unnecessary. When giving a speech, we should not pay too much attention to other people's evaluation of ourselves, and do not pay too much attention to the result of the speech, but pay attention to the process. If the process is wonderful, the result will naturally be wonderful.

We must live in our own value, not in the saliva of others.Dou Wentao, a well-known program host of Phoenix TV, once said: "People should cherish every opportunity to make a fool of themselves in public."

President Liu of an education group was very introverted and shy when he was a child.Because he worked very hard, he was admitted to the university with honors.However, in the final exam of a certain semester, he actually failed more than a dozen homework.

When reviewing English, he found that he could concentrate more in the process of reading aloud, and the learning effect would be surprisingly good.So, he told the news to the whole class and asked them to supervise himself. At the same time, he also invited some good students in the class to read English aloud with him.This kind of "crazy" behavior in the eyes of other students has attracted the "attention" of many people.But he wasn't afraid to make a fool of himself.Later, through unremitting efforts, he won the No.2 score in the whole school in the English Test Band [-].Since then, he has embarked on a life of hard work.

Crazy is 100% devotion, insanity is wholehearted devotion, insanity is full of passion, burning oneself in passion, insanity is to fully dig out one's potential, and then carry forward.Mr. Liu has achieved unprecedented success in his own field by virtue of this crazy spirit.He can go from a shy ordinary person to an excellent English speaker, and then to become the president of a large and influential education group. I think the most important reason is that he never regards speeches as making a fool of himself.

[I don't know how to organize the content]

We often find this kind of phenomenon in life. Some people are eloquent and chatting and laughing off stage, but they are very scared and nervous when they come on stage.The reason is that after taking the stage, I don't know how to organize the content, I don't know where to start, and what content is the most appropriate, which creates an embarrassing situation when giving a speech.

I know a boss whose surname is Hu.Mr. Hu's company has nearly 1000 employees.In normal times, such as drinking tea and drinking, he talks eloquently, he talks the most and speaks the best, but when he comes on stage, he is afraid, even too nervous to go on stage.

Everyone doesn't believe it, the company has been established for more than ten years, and he has never held a middle-level cadre meeting or an all-staff meeting.Now that the company is about to go public, roadshows and speeches are often held, so he found me, and I analyzed the reasons, then prescribe the right medicine, and formulated a set of detailed and targeted plans for him.

After just three months of training, he can speak up and talk endlessly on any occasion and with different people. In 2012, his company's turnover reached 100 billion yuan and was successfully listed on NASDAQ in the United States.

【Can't get out of the shadow of failure】

A miscommunication, a public speaking failure, a literary activity or a sports competition failure...has left a shadow in our hearts, and over time, it has formed a vicious psychological suggestion.I am here to warn everyone that in order to be a good leader, it is best to master the art of speech.Because leaders who can't speak will definitely encounter many bottlenecks in their development.

I used to have an entrepreneur friend Mr. Liu. His business scale is not bad, but he is always reluctant to speak in front of many people.After chatting with him, I found out that he also loves to communicate with employees, but one time, the local government wanted to hold an entrepreneur exchange meeting. At the meeting, he made a key speech as a representative of entrepreneurs, and he was well prepared. , but he panicked as soon as he came on stage, staring at the speech script rigidly, his voice trembling.

After the meeting, the government leaders said: "Mr. Liu, your company has done well in the past few years, but your speech level really needs to be improved. Otherwise, how can the company become bigger and stronger?"

Originally, this was the leader's expectation of Mr. Liu, but it was this experience that left a shadow in Mr. Liu's heart.Over time, he became more and more afraid of speeches, especially in meetings, he tried not to speak to avoid making a fool of himself.

In recent years, his company is facing transformation and upgrading, especially when it is necessary to recruit resources and find investment. He feels that his speech level is too poor, so he loses opportunities again and again.

[lack of self-confidence]

In life and work, some people always think that they have no culture, no education, no ability, no eloquence, and even can't speak Mandarin well. How can they improve their eloquence in the shortest time?In fact, this is a cognitive misunderstanding. Of all the great orators in the world, none of them are eloquent at birth, and they are born orators.

During World War II, Churchill's radio speeches were the spiritual pillar of British soldiers and civilians.In fact, Churchill was also very inferior and introverted when he was young.But in order to realize his lofty ideals and political aspirations, he practiced his speech in front of the mirror every day. He practiced every gesture, expression, and movement repeatedly, pondering over and over again, until finally he became startled and eloquent.

Churchill's last speech in his life was at a graduation ceremony at the University of Cambridge in England. This may be the most exciting, shortest and most vivid speech in the history of world speeches.

In the speech that was expected to last 10 minutes, Churchill only said one sentence, and the content was repeated, that is: "Never give up, fight to the end; never give up, face it bravely." He said: "Success is nothing. If there are any secrets, there are only two: the first one, never give up, fight to the end, never back down, face it bravely; the second one, when you are about to give up, please refer back to the first one The secret of success is to never give up, no matter how big or small it is.”

During World War II, German fascists and others launched a war of aggression. Many countries in Europe succumbed to the iron heel of the Nazi army. Churchill was ordered to form a wartime cabinet.In his inaugural speech, he said: "You will ask, what is our purpose? In a word, victory. At any cost, without fear of any kind, to win. To win, though the road is long and dangerous. Because there is no Victory means nothing."

[Insufficient preparation, temporary cramming]

In this world, those who are prepared overcome those who are not, because opportunities always favor those who are prepared.

We will fight the war prepared.Speech preparation includes mental preparation, content preparation, physical preparation, posture language preparation and prior understanding of the scene and the audience.Premier Zhou Enlai attended the Bandung Conference. His speech only took a few minutes, but he spent many days preparing.His speech moved and conquered all audiences and raised China's status on the international stage.

One of my entrepreneurial student friends, in the initial training, every time I asked him to come to the stage for a drill, he always hid behind and didn't want to go on stage.So I deliberately asked him to come out to exercise more.Later, I found out that he knew that every time I had to name him to speak on stage, he prepared a written speech in advance.The first few times he read the speech with his hand, but gradually he felt better. Besides reading according to the speech, he continued to play a few sentences.In the end, he didn't need speech scripts at all, and he came to the stage to talk freely, and he was no longer the yes coward who was afraid of speeches.

Jobs, the founder of Apple, once disclosed the secret of his speech, that is, rehearsing for a long time, to be precise, rehearsing for many hours, lasting for many days, and preparing for hundreds of hours for a 5-minute speech... Naturally, it is a planned practice As a result, the best way to avoid stage fright is to rehearse like crazy.

In real life, the vast majority of people are not eloquent, but because of insufficient preparation, they are cramming.The process of temporarily organizing language on stage is very short, and it is also very difficult for an outstanding speaker to improvise at the speech site, and problems such as "um, ah" will inevitably occur.Therefore, adequate preparation, especially the preparation of speeches, is the most important way to overcome nervousness.We must remember four things clearly: first, think clearly; second, write clearly; third, memorize clearly; fourth, speak clearly.

【Poor image or physical defect】

In many cases, corporate executives are afraid of speaking because they are afraid that the people present will think that his image is problematic.In fact, since ancient times, not only those who are graceful and graceful can become master speakers, but many people with poor images and even physical defects have also become famous master speakers.

Before the start of my speech training class, there will be an interactive segment where the students will go on stage and introduce themselves.On the first day of the class in Beijing, after all the other students had been introduced, there was Mr. Liu from Guizhou, but he was still afraid to go on stage.I saw that he was unattractive, less than 1.6 meters tall, with a sallow and thin complexion. I guessed that he must have suffered from childhood.

I pushed him onto the stage by tugging and tugging.As soon as he came to the stage, his face was pale, his whole body was sweating, his hands were shaking, and his voice was as low as a mosquito. The other students didn't know what he was talking about.

After class, I learned from my communication with him that he has a low self-esteem about his own image, especially that he can't speak Mandarin well.He was born in a remote village in Sichuan Province, and his ancestors have been farmers for generations.He started from scratch, worked hard to start a business, and experienced many difficulties and setbacks, but he did not give up.

Once, I finally took over a project, but the other party asked for full capital.In order to survive, only advance funds took over the project.Who knew that this company was a liar, not only did not want to give money after the project was completed, but also brought people to threaten him, and the family's only 10 yuan of hard-earned money was wasted.Because of this incident, he fell seriously ill.When he was desperate, it was relatives and friends who extended a helping hand and helped him tide over the difficulties.

After I heard it, I suddenly had an idea: "Such a good story, it would be great if it was told in a speech!"

In the graduation speech contest, although his speech did not have gorgeous rhetoric, mellow voice, or graceful movements, he expressed his life experience and insights with the simplest language and the most sincere emotions, which moved everyone. students, won the No.2 good grades.

Sure enough, hard work pays off, and now his business is getting bigger and bigger, and he is well-known in the local area. At present, he also serves as a director of Guizhou Decoration Industry Association and other related positions.

This story illustrates a truth, everyone can become a speaker, the premise is to put in and work hard.

【Difficult to integrate into an unfamiliar environment】

Some people take it easy in a familiar environment, can fully find themselves, know what they should do, and how to do it concretely, but when they are in an unfamiliar environment, they will feel oppressed, inexplicably nervous, and even fearful.The general performance is that it is difficult to speak, every movement becomes stiff, and the language ability is far worse than usual.

Once, I was going to give speech training to hundreds of well-known corporate executives. Before the speech, I arrived half an hour early, checked the lights, computers, microphones, PPT, and looked at the arrangement of tables and chairs. The layout of the background, etc., and then walk around the stage to get familiar with the environment as soon as possible and turn the away game into the home game.

One minute before the opening, I carefully adjusted my appearance backstage, took a deep breath, and walked onto the stage with the best mental outlook.Looking at the many outstanding entrepreneurs who are often reported by the news media below, my confidence doubled, and I thought that I must show everyone my best state.At the end of the speech, the continuous applause from the audience is my greatest encouragement and recognition.

Therefore, adapting to the environment and entering the role in advance will better avoid nervous emotions.In unfamiliar situations and unfamiliar environments, it is especially important to prepare in advance.

【Fear of crowds】

We often find such a phenomenon that some people talk and laugh happily when there are few people, but when there are too many people, they will feel fear and nervous.

In the past few years of speech training, I have always encountered such entrepreneurs. They are very talkative people in their circle of friends. Once they want to speak in public or face the camera, they are very afraid. My forehead started to sweat and my legs trembled.I asked them privately why they were afraid of speaking, and their answer I ended up summing up in one sentence: "There are too many people."

Generally speaking, if you know that most of your audience agree with you, then you will be very confident, and if you don't, you will have a lot of worry.

Most people feel comfortable speaking in front of acquaintances, but are nervous when speaking to unfamiliar audiences.The reason for the tension is that they know next to nothing about the audience, and the audience will judge them in a few tens or even ten minutes.

To overcome this fear, we practice in four steps: the first is to speak silently, that is, to speak to yourself, for example, you can practice in a place where no one is around, at home, in the park, or while walking. Speech; the second is a speech in a small area; the third is a speech in a medium range; the last is a public speech to the public.


Nowadays, more and more people have to face the camera in public speaking. Many people usually give very good speeches, but they become incoherent when facing the camera, and feel that they have not given their speech level.This is what we often call "sickness".

This has a lot to do with personal hobbies and psychological qualities.The average person is willing to speak to a small group, and is doubly cautious if they have a large audience, because they feel that if a mistake or poor performance is made, "so many people" will know at once.Excessive caution increases the possibility and degree of stage fright.

Some people are at a loss when they are in front of the camera. What is the reason?One is that there is a sense of strangeness, the other is that I seldom get on camera, and the third is that I am too serious. I always think that this is like making a movie or TV. You can’t fail, you can only succeed, so it increases my psychological burden. Bad shot.All the focus on this leads to stiff muscles, a dry mouth, and a rush to the end.

My experience is not to be too nervous in front of the camera, treat it as a living person, communicate with it, communicate with it, interact with it, you will become "numb" over time, and you will not be nervous anymore.

[The "panacea" to overcome nervousness]

As the president, you can't stop going on stage because you are afraid of giving a speech!There is nothing wrong with staying silent in the audience forever, and it will not embarrass yourself, but speeches are an important part of the CEO's work.For the CEO, "speaking" means "doing", and "doing" includes "speaking". If he can speak, it will help him do a good job.If you want to overcome your nervousness and adjust your mentality, then you must keep these "prescriptions" in mind.

【Prepare to make success come naturally】

The greatest spiritual mentor in the 20th century, a master of success, and a famous American speaker Dell?When Carnegie summed up his successful speech experience, he said: "All successful speeches come from adequate preparation."

Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, only had ten sentences in his "Speech at the Inauguration Ceremony of Gettysburg National Cemetery", but he prepared for these ten sentences for more than two weeks, even on horseback. He doesn't miss time.Until the middle of the night on the eve of the speech, he was still deliberating on the content of the speech, and went to the secretary's room to try the speech loudly to ask for the secretary's opinion.

After breakfast the next day, he still continued to deliberate.Even on the way to the cemetery to attend the ceremony, he seized the last moment to ponder and review the only ten sentences.

In fact, everyone knows that as the president of the United States, having a mature public speaking ability is one of the necessary skills, otherwise he is not eligible to be elected president.As a president, Lincoln was able to seize the time and prepare his speech meticulously and painstakingly under the circumstances of the daily affairs, which is enough to show that he attached great importance to this sincere, simple and elegant speech.

The ten glorious speeches delivered by President Lincoln at the cemetery ceremony finally influenced the whole world.This fully shows that adequate preparation before the speech is the basis of the speech.

[Positive self-suggestion produces powerful magic power]

We use positive words to suggest ourselves every day and input them into our subconscious mind, and they will produce a magical and shocking power.Each of us needs to use positive and positive language to irrigate our hearts. We have reasons to be role models, we have reasons to be leaders, and we have reasons to be leaders.

We can read aloud every day:

I'm the best!

I am the best!
I am a born speaker!

I can inspire everyone!

I can lead my business to glory!


Believe firmly in the future, believe in unyielding efforts, and believe in youth who can overcome death!Believe in the future, love life!
Over time, they will be embedded in your subconscious mind, making you energetic and passionate every day.


This is a very important part of a speech, that is, to speak to yourself without making a sound, to turn the fuzzy, hazy, and ambiguous consciousness in your mind into clear and clear vocal language, and then cooperate with relevant posture language and appropriate speech. express one's thoughts and emotions expressively.

However, the silent speech mentioned here does not mean reciting the speech word by word.

As mentioned earlier, we can practice in places where no one is around, at home, in the park, or while walking, and we can practice until we are satisfied before going on stage.Many great leaders I know practiced in this way in the beginning.

【Screaming out inferiority complex】

In the process of yelling, your inferiority complex will disappear; in the process of yelling, your self-confidence will become stronger; in the process of yelling, your oral muscles will become more and more developed; In the process of yelling, your articulation will become more and more sharp; in the process of yelling, your first signal system such as vision and hearing will be mobilized.

During the training process over the past few years, many times I just let the students shout loudly to give speeches.With this method, many people have received good results.This is how many entrepreneurial friends continue to build up their self-confidence and become more and more comfortable in public speaking.

[Take a deep breath and enter the best state]

The so-called deep breathing is the combination of thoracic and abdominal breathing, so that the residual gas and other metabolites in the lungs can be discharged, and more fresh air can be inhaled to supply the oxygen needed by various organs of the body, especially the brain, and improve or improve the functions of various organs. .This keeps the speaker in a better state of mind.

In addition to taking deep breaths to supplement the brain's oxygen, we can also twist our waists, kick our legs, do some chest expansion exercises, or run, with the purpose of adjusting ourselves to the best state of complete relaxation.

Before each speech, I have to do the above-mentioned activities in the background, and also do a dance to warm up, so that I can quickly enter the state during the speech, quickly stimulate the atmosphere of the venue, and lay a good foundation for the speech.

【Condescend to maintain a sense of superiority】

When giving a speech, we must have a condescending attitude, which will create a sense of superiority.Just like superiors to subordinates, parents to children, teachers to students, once on this stage, we are the protagonists of this stage.Dell?Carnegie once said: "You have to assume that the audience owes you money, and you are asking them to forgive them for a few days. You are a proud creditor, and you are not afraid of them at all."

I have a very good entrepreneur student from Henan. At the beginning, he was also very afraid of public speaking. He said that his mind would go blank when he gave a public speech.I said, just come to the stage and try it out, stand taller, and feel the atmosphere.He bit the bullet and came to the stage. Although he spoke very illogically and without appeal at the beginning, he took the first step after all, and it can be regarded as a small success.

After class, other students in the president's class asked him how he broke through himself. He bragged and said, "Hey, I'll be fine once I get on stage. I'll treat you all as cabbages."

【Divert attention】

When giving a speech, there will be times when you will feel tense and maybe even a little short of breath.At this point you can turn your attention to your audience.From my personal experience and feelings, the reason why many speakers can speak with ease and leisurely on stage is closely related to interacting with the audience on stage.Because the interaction diverts attention, it is very helpful to overcome the psychological pressure of speaking.

For example, I will ask some open-ended questions from time to time to divert everyone's attention so that I can relax in time.I can say "Mr. Wang, please tell me", or I can ask the audience to come on stage and give a demonstration.This way you can relax and adjust your emotions.

【Ignite the scene with passion】

Speech is the transmission of confidence, the transfer of emotion, and the burning of passion.The speaker's true feelings and passion will have a huge influence and shocking power, so that the audience can "hear his words, know his voice, and see his heart".

Therefore, the speaker can move the audience only by expressing, jumping and burning his true feelings, and only by calling and knocking with the passion of life can he open the hearts of the audience, shake the hearts of the audience, and arouse the resonance of the audience.Speaking with passion, the speaker's nervousness will naturally disappear.If emotion has the permeation of rationality, it will not be flooded; if rationality has the germination of emotion, it will not be indifferent.

U.S. President Barack Obama is a master speaker. His speeches often arouse the resonance of the audience and let the audience be infected by his sincere emotion.

On the 9th anniversary of the "11" terrorist attack, President Obama delivered this speech: "Ten years ago, the United States experienced one of the darkest nights, majestic tall buildings collapsed, and black smoke billowed from the Pentagon. The wreckage of the plane is burning in Pennsylvania and we are devastated by the friends and neighbors, the brothers and sisters, the mothers and fathers, the children who were taken from us, so quickly and brutally...”

A successful speech is inseparable from the resonance of the audience.An excellent speaker is always good at arousing resonance and igniting the enthusiasm of the audience.Because only in this way can the speech achieve the desired effect.

(End of this chapter)

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