President's Charm Speech

Chapter 4 Fully Prepared: President Fan Er is ready

Chapter 4 Fully Prepared: President Fan Er is ready

The knowledge structure of a speech includes two aspects: one is horizontal, including knowledge of literature, politics, economy, history, astronomy, geography, science, etc.; the other is vertical, including preparation of speeches, control of voice, and intonation Changes and the cooperation of related posture language.

Even if he is a president, he can only be considered as a president if he is ready for both aspects, has experience, has a rich head, blurts out exciting content, and performs to the fullest on the spot.

【Only when you have a high quality can you blurt out】

Speech is a multi-art. In the process of speaking, it not only requires the speaker to have a certain cultural accomplishment, but also requires the speaker to have a certain professional knowledge and artistic accomplishment, such as piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, speaking, learning and singing.It would be even better if we could know everything and know everything.

The knowledge structure of the president's speech includes two aspects: one is horizontal, including knowledge of literature, politics, economy, history, astronomy, geography, science, etc.; Changes and the cooperation of related posture language.

Some friends often ask me what qualities an excellent speaker should possess.I think the speaker should have the following four conditions.

【A certain breadth of knowledge】

The speaker must have a certain breadth of knowledge, because only with profound knowledge can he find vivid cases and appropriate vocabulary from his mind in the shortest time to add charm to his speech.Therefore, if you want to become a successful speaker, you must pay attention to your usual accumulation, read more books, watch more videos, and summarize more.Otherwise, you will definitely feel the embarrassment of "when the book is used, you will hate less" in the speech.

Liu Changle, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Phoenix Satellite TV, has used the dual wisdom of media professionals and businessmen to create a space of speech belonging to Chinese people all over the world. He believes that "the media should be in the hands of people with a sense of social responsibility." It is our responsibility to make the voice of the Chinese people heard in the world.

Anyone who knows Liu Changle knows that he is not only a successful businessman, but also an eloquent wise man with profound knowledge and talent.He made many witty remarks with ease, which won the admiration of many famous speakers under him.In particular, the dialogue between him and Master Xingyun has been widely circulated on the Internet, and the books published based on the dialogue between the two have also sold well at home and abroad.

【A certain depth of thought】

The so-called having a certain depth of thought means that the speaker should look at the essence through the phenomenon, and be able to quickly penetrate into the essence of things, from one to the other, from the outside to the inside, forming a deep main line, and enriching materials around this main line , coherently written.This requires the speaker to think more about a certain phenomenon and summarize more, to see the essence from the phenomenon, and to see the internal cause from the external cause.In this way, everyone can benefit from the speech, and the speech will be more popular with everyone.

My course has a feature that it has two lines, one is open and one is dark.The bright line is about the CEO's public speaking mode, which includes breaking through tension, impromptu speeches, propositional speeches, methods of eloquence training, etc., as well as various magic formulas.The hidden line is to let students know how to be grateful, love, appreciate, and tolerate.To love our parents, it is they who gave birth to us and bring us up; to love our teachers, it is they who gave us the clear spring of knowledge and let us grow from youth to maturity; to love every friend around us, is They gave us friendship, so that we are no longer lonely in the journey of life; to love our opponents, it is they who make us stronger; to love our leaders, it is they who let us find the coordinates of life and the direction of progress; Finally, we must dedicate love to ourselves, because with our existence, the world will become more wonderful.

Through such deduction, not only can the students learn the professional knowledge of eloquence, but also can baptize their souls and sublimate their thoughts.In this way, the ideological nature of the speech will be greatly enhanced.

【Strong adaptability】

How can a speaker overcome fear during a speech?How to deal with impromptu incidents at the speech site, such as suddenly forgetting words, being cold, and cajoling, etc.?In addition, various unexpected situations are likely to occur during the speech.In the face of emergencies, the speaker must be calm and use his ingenuity to respond flexibly.

Once, when the former British Prime Minister Wilson gave a public speech, his opponents, those troublemakers, openly provoked him. They yelled at the meeting: "Fart, shit, stinky shit." Wilson didn't answer them directly, Instead, he smiled and said, "Wait a while, and I will answer your questions about the dirty environment." Wilson's humor and wit resolved the embarrassment and conflicts between the two parties, and won the favor of all the audience.

Li Ao, a famous Taiwanese writer and speaker, once finished his speech and was waiting for the audience to ask questions. Someone handed him a note. He opened it and saw that there were only three words "bastard" written on it, so he told the audience A person said: "When you hand out a note to ask questions, you usually only write the question without writing the name, but just now this student only wrote the name without the question."

I have nearly 30 years of speech experience and more than ten years of practical experience in speech eloquence training. I think the most important way to overcome fear, timidity, and nervousness is to keep going on stage, accumulate more experience in dealing with unexpected situations, and constantly Improve your resilience.

[higher on-site expression skills]

After the initial outline of the conception, the speaker should pay attention to observe the scene and the audience, absorb those characters and scenery related to the theme, and make metaphors according to the place and touch the scene to arouse emotion.In particular, learn to combine or interact with the actual situation of the audience and the thoughts and opinions you want to express, so that you can get closer to the audience.

Once, I gave speech training for female entrepreneurs in Wenzhou. Most of them grew up in the countryside, started from scratch, worked hard, and finally achieved something in their respective fields.However, since the main energy was spent on work when starting a business, they had no time to spend with their children and husband, and felt ashamed of their children and husband.When it came to this, they all burst into tears.

In this "emotional high", I "strike while the iron is hot", and also told the bitter story of my own business.During this process, I started my own business while taking care of the important task of educating my children. I lived a balanced life. Although it was a bit bitter and tiring, it was worth it...they burst into tears after hearing this.In the end, I said: "The success of a person should be a harmonious family, a successful career, and healthy and happy growth of children."

Therefore, the speaker should flexibly adjust the content according to the situation on the spot, and the voice and intonation cannot be static.Higher on-the-spot expression skills will definitely shorten the distance with the audience, making the speech more perfect and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

【Do your homework and do your best on the spot】

Many CEOs think this way. I usually have countless meetings and have given a lot of speeches. Now that I have the courage to go on stage, there is no need to prepare for speeches in the future.This is so wrong.Every speech requires careful preparation, and every speech is different.In addition to the usual reserve of knowledge, ideas, experience, etc., we should also make detailed preparations for the particularity and uniqueness of each speech, so that we can show our demeanor on the spot.

Prepare your speech carefully

The preparation of speeches is mainly to turn silent speech into written language and vocal language into written language.In this process, after careful scrutiny and repeated deliberation, we will overcome the phenomenon that the words do not express the meaning and the words do not convey the meaning.

In a formal speech, we will turn the written language into a vocal language, which will achieve the effect of eloquence and eloquence.That is to let the lying language, the still language stand up, give it life, give it emotion, give it passion.

When preparing your speech, consider the following points.

First, keep your mind open.

What is train of thought?It is the clue and vein of thinking.When writing a speech, you can arrange the speech materials in order, what to say first, and what to say later, so that you can be organized, clear in context, and keep your thinking flowing.

Second, repeatedly revise and improve, avoiding temporary discretion.

After writing the speech, it is necessary to repeatedly scrutinize, ponder, and revise the content of the speech, delete those dispensable words, and use words that are precise, accurate, and sticky, so that one counts as ten, so that the materials and viewpoints reach a high level Unite.

Speech is mainly to express one's own thoughts and emotions with vocal language and related posture language.If there is no speech script, or temporary organization of language at the speech site, the process of transforming thoughts into vocal language is very short, and there is not enough time to consider words, and it is very likely that there will be long-winded, messy, repetitive, etc. fault.

Third, control your time.

When preparing a speech, it is important to pay attention to controlling the speech time.We can’t always stare at the clock to see the time during the speech, so we can estimate the time of each part and each paragraph of the speech before the speech, and arrange our own control time.In this way, we can know what we know when we give a speech, and there will be no embarrassing situations such as procrastination or early end.

We can take a look at the various parts of the speech content, that is, the approximate proportions of the opening, the main body, and the ending.In general, the main body should take up 75% of the speech time, the opening 15% and the conclusion 10%.

Analyze the audience and be targeted

When giving a speech, it is necessary to design the content of the speech according to the cultural level, knowledge structure, living habits, position level, identity and race of different audiences. For young people, it is necessary to talk more about fashion and life topics, and for the elderly, it is necessary to talk more. Some health care topics.

The culture, region, and environment of each region are different, and the personalities of people in each region are also different.

People from the Northeast, who grew up on the vast land, have a broad vision and a bold atmosphere.

Shaanxi people grew up on the Loess Plateau, and shouting on the Loess Plateau must be loud, otherwise they will not be heard.They often convey information through high-pitched and loud singing, so singing has become the sublimation of speaking and reciting.

People from Shanghai have lived in the bustling metropolis for a long time, with a lot of traffic and high-rise buildings, and the place where they live is in the alleys.In this environment, it is impossible to make loud noises, so Shanghainese speak softly and softly.

People from Hunan live in a complex geographical environment, half of which are mountainous areas, so it is easier to move in and out.In the revolutionary era, many great men appeared, such as Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Peng Dehuai and so on.

Therefore, one side's water and soil support the other's people.People are transforming the environment, and the environment is creating people; people are creating culture, and culture is influencing people.When we speak, we must be targeted and targeted.

Targeted material selection
To write a speech, you must first determine the theme, build a framework, and then select materials.The theme is the soul of the speech, the structure is the skeleton of the speech, and the material is the flesh and blood of the speech.

When we choose materials, we should follow four principles.

First, be real.

The material you choose must be able to truly reflect your thoughts and emotions, and be closely connected with the main idea.Only materials with true feelings can move and infect people.If the material is not true, it will give people a false, big, and empty feeling, and at the same time, it will greatly reduce the audience's loyalty and trust in the speaker.Especially for some professional and targeted speeches, the more authentic the material and content, the more resonance and interest you can arouse, and the more you can make everyone listen to your speech more attentively, so as to achieve the purpose and effect of the speech.

Ma Yun, Yu Minhong, etc., these elite figures who are active in the business world today, why they are welcomed by the audience when they give speeches to the outside world, the reason is that they are all telling their own stories and infecting everyone with their own stories.Because only the cases that have been experienced by oneself and full of true feelings are the most convincing, and the stories can benefit everyone.

For example, when a Chinese-American talked about the contribution of Chinese to the United States, he listed the Chinese-American architect IM Pei who designed the Kennedy Library and the East Building of the National Gallery of Art, the Chinese-American detective Li Changyu, the former US Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, and most recently. Hot NBA star Jeremy Lin, and so on.These real examples strongly illustrate the important role Chinese people play in American society.

Second, appropriate.

Life is so complicated and there are so many books and newspapers, time and energy do not allow us to record what we see and record what we hear. This is not only unnecessary, but also impossible.We must set the right direction and collect data in a planned and targeted manner.

First of all, select the materials that fit the theme to support your point of view; second, the location of the materials should be appropriate, neither in the front nor too far behind, but just right.

Yu Minhong made good use of analogy in his speech, and the examples he gave were very appropriate.In his speech, he appropriately told the story of a salmon, using the physiological habits of a natural creature to explain the sacred and profound truth of the mission of life.

For example, there is this touching description:
Once every four years, in October, the calm waters of the Adams River in Canada's upper Fraser River boil, and millions of salmon swim upstream from the Pacific Ocean to breed.The salmon's silver-white body turns scarlet as it swims upstream, and the entire water surface turns red because there are too many fish.


In the course of a lifetime, human beings should also have a very clear main line of life.We should strive to grow and mature in life at all costs.In order to mature, we should go through experience, experience nature, humanities, society and history to make our life perfect.We need more sense of mission.Living is not just for living, there is a mission behind our life, but this mission is different.

In real life, too many people forget their mission and become pale, confused and lost.While watching the life-and-death struggle of salmon, do you get a little insight from them and start thinking about your own life again?
Third, vivid.

One is to use materials that have not been discovered and used by others, and the other is to find new ideas in materials that have been discovered and used by others.

Once, when Yu Minhong gave a speech to college students, he said that after graduating from college and entering the society, he must learn to exercise his psychological endurance.

"For example, if you put a pile of flour on the chopping board, you pat it with your hands and it will disperse. This is our current psychological endurance; if you add some water and knead it, and you pat it again, it will not necessarily disperse. But it's still very soft; if you keep adding water and kneading, it becomes a dough that won't fall apart no matter how you beat it. You keep kneading, and it's not just a dough, even if you pull it by hand It will not break, which becomes ramen.

"Only when your nerve endurance has reached this state can you participate in social activities and struggle in society. People who will complain about a little thing when they encounter a little bit of trouble must be people who have no stomach and heart. Find a job once. If you are rejected, you will be discouraged. Who dares to entrust you with the work in this state!"

Fourth, typical.

Screen out the most typical and representative materials from a large number of materials, rather than general materials.These materials can reflect your theme and match your thoughts and opinions.

Mr. Li, who runs a clothing chain store in Henan, is going to give a speech to everyone at the staff meeting at the end of a certain year. What specific content can be said to boost everyone's morale, so that everyone can create better performance for the company in the next year?Mr. Li has been thinking about this matter for the past few days, and the secretary has written several drafts, but he is not very satisfied.

At this time, he remembered the scene he saw in a store.An old lady on crutches came to buy a woolen coat for her husband. The clerk Liu Bing took the initiative to help her and asked her in detail about the style, color, and model she wanted to buy, and then sent the old lady to the bus.Unexpectedly, after the old lady returned home, she spread the word to everyone, saying that a certain clothing store has the best service and the best clothes, and everyone will not be fooled if they go there.As a result, the business of this store had the most outstanding performance this year.

Mr. Li thought that such a good employee must be praised at the conference so that everyone can learn from him.

Also, there are three steps in selecting a material.

The first step is to determine the theme.

It must be concentrated (cannot be scattered), correct (positive), novel (unique), and profound (can reveal the essence of things).For example: If we make a dish called Choy Sum Stir-Fried Meatballs, and no one cares about it on the table, but it will be different if it is renamed Braised Lion Head.If the topic of the speech is "training of speech skills", it is not attractive. If it is changed to "180 minutes will make you a master of speech", the attraction will be much stronger.A good speech must have three conditions: profound themes, rich materials, and skilled training techniques and methods.

The second step is to build the structure.

Just as a building needs a design blueprint, before writing a training speech, you should build a structure and draw up an outline.When deliberating on the training speech draft, it is necessary to see whether the theme is correct, whether the material is informative, whether the level is clear, whether the structure is complete, whether the details are appropriate, and whether the paragraphs are balanced.

The third step is to collect materials.

Materials are the basis of theory, the pillar of demonstration, and the support of ideas.Once there is no detailed material, it will give people a false, big and empty feeling.Possess materials, the more the better.Especially now with the continuous development of the Internet, knowledge can also be stored through Internet searches, and the best preparations for speeches can be made.

Pre-Speak: A Perfect Presentation Comes from a Perfect Rehearsal

After the speech is written, it can be practiced continuously.We can practice in three steps.

First, silent speaking is to practice continuously in the mind without making a sound.I think it will be clearer if you read it at least four times.

The second is to speak in advance, that is, to speak to oneself.When pre-speaking, you should stand and speak loudly.First of all, you must be familiar with the content, and then design your own tone, intonation, facial expressions, gestures, movements, etc., and keep practicing, deliberating, and revising.

Third, the real simulation, that is, rehearsal.When everything is ready, it is time to carry out the final "process" rehearsal.During the rehearsal, you must be "fully armed", such as lighting, sound, placement of tables and chairs, arrangement of banners and background boards, what kind of clothes to wear, what appearance and posture to show, how to make up, etc. Think ahead and plan well.This is the performance before the actual battle.In this process, if there are still details that need to be improved and modified, further adjustments will be made.

When rehearsing, it is best to find a room that is roughly the same as the real speech, and speak in front of the audience as much as possible.

"One minute on stage, ten years off stage", repeat, repeat, and repeat. After this link is practiced, we can reach a state of proficiency, and we will step onto the stage with confidence and leisurely.

This link is very important, and the success of the speech has a lot to do with it.The more effort you put into this link, the more homework you do, and the longer the rehearsal, the higher the probability of your speech being successful.The fact that many people are not good is not a problem of level, but a problem in this link.

I attach great importance to this link.Before each speech, I have to go through the whole process, strengthen the weak links, carefully design every expression, every movement, never relax, and treat every speech as the last speech in my life.In this way, there will not be too many loopholes in the formal speech.

Familiar with the venue, know what to expect

Before the speech, we'd better go to the scene two hours in advance to understand and get familiar with the scene.Some venues are theaters, some venues are hotels, and some venues are classrooms.Depending on the venue, the way of speaking will be different. Only by preparing in advance can we know what to expect.It is also necessary to see if the lights, audio, computers, microphones, tables and chairs, background boards, etc. on the scene are all ready, so that the away game can be turned into a home game.Before going on stage, I also think about what kind of theme I want to attract everyone, what kind of case to prepare, what kind of issues everyone is paying attention to recently, and so on.

Before the speech, first design the PPT, and then make the relevant process design, detailing each link, such as the time of music playing, the brightness of the light, the interaction time and how to interact.Grasp every detail well, which can add luster to your speech.

recharge your body
Before the speech, you should have a good rest, not stay up late, and adjust your body to a peak state.Usually, we have to develop the habit of exercising.When I was in the army, I developed a good habit of getting up at five o'clock every morning for a run, exercising and reading aloud at the same time, and it has never stopped for more than ten years.

Only when you are in good health and in good condition can you be full of passion, vitality, and motivation when you speak, and you can move and infect people.If you're sick and listless, your speech will be less effective.

In addition, we also need to have a good eating habit, don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, try not to eat too spicy food, and protect our throat; we can't eat too full, just [-]% full.

We have to wake up energetically every day, get up every morning to exercise, read aloud, speak loudly, combine mental exercise with physical exercise, and make ourselves full of motivation and passion.

Adjust emotions: Smile is the most beautiful language
Only by handling your mood well can you handle things better.When I train myself to speak, I use positive and positive language to suggest myself every day, or smile, because smile is the most beautiful language, so as to maintain a happy mood.

At the same time, take a deep breath, which helps to adjust the tension, boredom and anxiety.When there is a nervous stage fright reaction, we can use deep breathing to adjust, relax the whole body, look into the distance with both eyes, do long and deep abdominal breathing, and silently count one, two, three according to the keep ourselves in a good mood every moment, Every moment is full of passion.Only in this way can we use our own heart to touch the other's heart, and both sides can resonate.

Dell?Mr. Carnegie once asked a surgeon David?Auman asked for advice on what drugs can help regulate emotions during speeches.Mr. Auman wrote a prescription: "You should try to develop an ability to make others understand your thoughts and feelings. Learn to express your thoughts and ideas clearly-whether to individuals or groups. Still the public, you will find that after striving for improvement, you—the real you—will leave a deep impression on others." He also wrote at the end of the prescription: "This prescription cannot be found in any pharmacy, only you You can find it yourself, and if you think you can't do it yourself, you're wrong."

I think this prescription is also suitable for every speaker, so when we have emotional problems, let us keep this prescription in mind and turn it into action.Maybe, someday soon, you'll find yourself transformed from the inside out.

Clothes and typhoons: Appearance must be a highlight
Speakers, dress dignifiedly and elegantly.Generally speaking, men should wear suits and leather shoes, the suit should be darker, the tie should be neutral, and the shirt should be lighter; women should wear business clothes, and the style and color should be matched according to their occupation, personality and characteristics.In short, the dress should be harmonious and decent, not sloppy or casual.

Many teachers in China, especially those academic teachers, are talented and full of knowledge, but they don’t dress well, they are sloppy, and they don’t pay much attention to posture language. Basically, they use a look, a gesture, a step, a position, That is what we call "one tone to the end".

We require typhoons to be steady and dignified.When lecturing, you can't lean on the podium, you can't always speak to the PPT, you can't put your hands on your chest, you can't put your hands in your trouser pockets, you can't look at the ceiling, and you can't twist your buttocks.To overcome the above problems and habits, we must prepare more and practice more at ordinary times.

Diligence and hard work, practice "iron mouth and copper teeth"

All great people and even so-called successful people have such a quality: know what they really want, know what they can do, and ignore the rest.In fact, the speaker should not expect the excitement that he can't get, but should do it without hesitation and concentrate on it.Practice speaking every day without interruption.

read more
In my long-term speech practice, I have summed up a set of methods of reading aloud with the loudest, longest breath, and fastest speed.For example: "I am a lion, I am a goshawk, eat when you are hungry, drink when you are thirsty, unless you act, you are dead. Without chaos, there is no peace; without tension, there is no relaxation; without sorrow, there is no joy; without struggle , there will be no victory. This is the price we have to pay for survival.” The requirement is to be done in one go, without taking a breath in the middle.

Reading more can make our oral muscles more and more developed, make our articulation more and more sharp, and make our sense of language better and better.

If you want to export well, you must recite some good articles, good words, good poems, and good speeches.But this "memorization" is carried out on the basis of understanding. You have to turn the author's feelings into your own feelings, and integrate other people's knowledge with your own creativity and inspiration.

Based on my many years of practical experience, I divide practice speaking into three stages: back-prompt-creation.Recite, first recite some good speeches and the speeches written by yourself, this stage is as close as possible to the original text; pro, is to integrate other people's speeches and articles with your own creativity; create, to play creatively, to gallop freely, to achieve the ability to do things with ease realm.

practice more
"One minute on stage, ten years of practice off stage", to practice speaking is to speak more, and practice makes perfect when you speak more.The more you talk, the more courageous you will become.As long as you have the opportunity to speak, as long as you have the opportunity to go on stage, you have to go on stage and give a speech.

Like Chen Anzhi, Xu Hening, etc., at the beginning of their business, they had to give a speech almost every day, and sometimes even several times. Therefore, eloquence is not born, but eloquence is practiced. Each of us has the potential to become a great speecher.

President Lincoln was an outstanding orator and orator.He is knowledgeable, quick to respond, exquisite in language, and answers questions are often unexpected and brilliant.In fact, President Lincoln's eloquence is due to the six-character policy of "read more, memorize more, and practice more".

First, read a lot.President Lincoln was born in a humble and poor family. For him, studying is a very luxurious thing.So whenever he tried his best to get a book, he would read it carefully.It is beneficial to open the book, which will have a great impact on his future knowledge accumulation.

Second, back more. Famous works such as "Byron's Poems", "Hamlet" and "King Lear" are all articles that President Lincoln often recites.The content of these books made him well-read and memorized, so when he spoke and gave speeches, he could use the wonderful quotes in the books at his fingertips and use them freely, making people feel that his speech language is beautiful and full of philosophy.

Third, practice more.President Lincoln often went to the court to listen to the defense of lawyers, to see how they argued fiercely and how to use language skills.After returning home, he couldn't wait to imitate the appearance of a lawyer, speaking loudly to various objects, and constantly imitating the lawyer's movements, demeanor, and tone.This added a lot of glory to his future speeches.

In fact, in addition to reading more, memorizing more, and practicing more, as an excellent speaker, you must also learn to think hard.The reason why many speakers are great is not only because they have profound knowledge, beautiful language, and good expression, but also because they can explain profound thoughts in their speeches.And this stems from their usual diligent thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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