New gynecology daughter formula

Chapter 7 Nourish the blood, adjust the qi, and the happy woman will not get sick

Chapter 7 Nourish the blood, adjust the qi, and the happy woman will not get sick (2)
If you find it troublesome to do it, you can also prepare some Qi-regulating medicine at home.If you feel fullness in your ribs after being angry, you can take some Shugan Pills and Longdan Xiegan Pills. If you feel that your heart is congested, you can take some Muxiang Shunqi or Kuanxiong Liqi Pills. If you have irregular menstruation, you can also take some Xiaoyao You can take Buzhongyiqi pills or Jiawei Xiaoyao pills when you have poor digestion and don’t feel like eating. You can also eat some nourishing yin and clearing lung granules when regulating lung qi.

There are many women who will not adjust themselves or take medicine because they are angry. The mild ones are extreme and depressed, and the severe ones are manic or even mentally disturbed. Therefore, women need more care from family and society, because families need women, and social harmony needs more female.

Self-examination of liver disease: bitter mouth, dry throat, tinnitus, astringent eyes, chest swelling
Some women came to the doctor and said: "Doctor, I used to feel breast swelling only when I was about to menstruate, but now when I don't come, why do my breasts swell so much?" It’s like eating Coptis chinensis, and it’s unbearable. I just chew gum all day long. Doctor, why do I keep ringing in my ears recently, feel very upset, and lose my temper all the time? I always dream." Another woman originally bought sparkling eye drops, she said that her eyes are always dry recently, and she wanted some eye drops to moisten her eyes.Seeing that she was sore and weak and unable to cheer up, I asked her, are her hands and feet hot?Are you sweating?Do you have a sore back?tinnitus?All she has to do is nod, as if you "guessed" everything was right.

This is really not a "guess". It is a Chinese medicine diagnosis of your liver problem. You will feel very surprised. How come so many problems are related to the liver?
Humans have the seven emotions, anger, joy, worry, thought, sadness, fear, and shock. People say that anger hurts the liver. In fact, the regulation of the seven emotions mainly depends on the liver. That is to say, the liver is the largest communication hub in the body. Whether the organs are unblocked or not requires the dredging function of the liver. The performance of the liver is always closely related to one word, that is, open, whether it is a "loop" or an "overpass", if it is not open, it will be disordered and sick.

I remember when I was studying surgery, a very healthy athlete underwent gallbladder removal surgery, and I participated in the operation.When seeing the patient's liver, the director was surprised and said that it was the first time he saw such a good liver after so many years of surgery.This person is an athlete, does not drink, does not have the habit of smoking, and more importantly, she has a good mentality. To say that she has a good temper is better to say that she can regulate herself.Of course, some people will also say, why does she need gallbladder surgery when her liver is so good?We must know that she did not have a problem with the dredging of the liver, but because she drank high-hardness water for a long time, and there was too much precipitation, which caused multiple gallstones in the gallbladder.

Regulating one's emotions and getting rid of bad living habits is to help the liver to clear the traffic.On the contrary, when the traffic in the thoracic cavity is blocked, the first thing you will feel is swelling, and the swelling is just the beginning. After a long time, you will still feel the lump formed in the breast due to the obstruction.When things happen, you can’t restrain your emotions, and complain about your own life all day long, and your mouth will be even more bitter. This is because the liver wood suppresses the spleen soil. At this time, the liver is like a sharp axe, and the spleen soil It's like a delicate sapling, once the ax goes down, where is there any life left?If you stand in the perspective of thinking about your own body, you will no longer feel that life is suffering. If you have a good attitude every day, your liver will be relieved. Even if you don’t take medicine, the bitter mouth will heal itself, because you live There is taste and taste, and life is not bitter.

People with a bad liver have a characteristic of tinnitus. Have you heard the cicadas in summer?Tinnitus is the sound. The cicada is on the "branch" of your ear. You can't shake it or drive it away. You can't hear the cicada when you finally fall asleep, and you dream all night. No clue.I went to see a Western doctor, nervous tinnitus, cerebral vasodilators, neuromodulators, infusions and injections were all unsatisfactory. In the end, the root cause of the treatment was to soothe the liver and release liver qi. Chinese medicine diagnosed hyperactivity of liver yang, just like yourself Anger hurts the liver, and the yang qi that stimulates the liver diverges to the limit, as if it goes up and cannot come down. Some people can cure this disease by taking Longdan Xiegan pills.

Of course, medical treatment is one aspect, regulating emotions is fundamental, you can relax, and if you have the conditions, you can also go out to travel, and maintaining a comfortable mood is the best medicine for treating this disease.After a long time, the "cicada" will fly away without rushing, and the tinnitus will heal without treatment.

At the beginning, the Qi will be full, which is what we often say to be righteous, but why after a long time, it will become like a frost-beaten eggplant, and it will become wilted, and it will start to feel hot in the hands and feet, sweating, and finally backache, leg pain, and limb fatigue?This is because the liver and kidney are of the same origin. After the liver is injured, the kidney is involved. The upper part of the liver is the upstream, and the lower part of the kidney is the downstream. If the upstream is polluted, the downstream will naturally not escape the bad luck. Pills can heal.But I would like to advise everyone, while taking medicine, don't let anger continue to damage your liver, otherwise, even though the medicine is effective, you can't recover.

In fact, liver disease is more likely to cause gynecological diseases for women.The reason why those symptoms are separated from gynecological diseases is to deepen the impression.The liver is mainly related to women's menstruation and leucorrhea. Women are prone to dysmenorrhea during menstruation while their chest is distended and liver qi is uncomfortable. Menstruation is either early or late, and the amount is either too much or too little. Anyway, in a word, it just makes you abnormal , you are against your body, it is against your menstruation; breastfeeding women, milk will also be against you, the secretion is reduced, the child is not enough to eat, and sometimes weaning because of this; the more terrible disease is infertility Symptoms, women will affect ovulation due to bad emotions, and their desire to be a mother is shattered. It is not yet known that the cause is in the liver.

When you have chest swelling, tinnitus, bitter mouth, and sore limbs, have you ever noticed that you will also have more vaginal discharge?Many people will say that the amount of leukorrhagia has increased, and it is yellow and thick, and the taste is strong, and some people have a light color and a large amount. When this happens, they often cannot escape the "liver" system.

Based on the above symptoms, we can make a summary of liver disease. Swelling is stagnation of liver qi; bitter taste is stagnation of liver qi; leukorrhagia is mostly liver dampness; tinnitus, dizziness, and dreaminess are hyperactivity of liver yang; backache, five upset fever, night sweats It is liver deficiency.In other words, stagnation, stagnation, dampness, hyperactivity, and deficiency are the five major elements of liver disease.Knowing the cause, you can adjust it according to your own situation, or take some liver-healing and liver-protecting medicines. This book also mentions some Chinese herbal medicines for soothing the liver and relieving depression, so that you can take care of your body in more detail and accurately.

Notoginseng tangerine peel capsules, rapid elimination of breast hyperplasia
We have been saying all day that the seven emotions can cause illness, anger hurts the liver, happiness and sadness, fright and fear hurt the kidneys, sadness hurts the lungs, and thinking hurts the spleen.In fact, many factors of women's illness are in the liver.Some people say that women are small-minded, anxious and angry at every turn, so they are prone to illness. In fact, this is not unreasonable, because women who are angry and anxious at every turn are the most likely to form "stuck air".The Han Dynasty "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber·Women's Miscellaneous Diseases and Pulse Syndrome and Treatment" pointed out: "Women's disease is caused by deficiency, cold accumulation, and qi stagnation", and "qi stagnation" is listed as one of the three major causes. What kind of qi is it?There is no doubt that, of course, it is the liver qi that "knots".

Women always have a lot of things to worry about, and they are also troubled by many things. After get off work, they have to help their children with their homework. No matter how busy or tired they are, washing clothes and cooking are indispensable. Which woman does my husband have a close relationship with, has an affair with, etc. Can this be said to be small-minded?You must be angry!
What does it hurt to be angry?It hurts your body and liver, that's why when you are angry, your breasts start to swell first, and your ribs feel like a stone is stuffed, and it's swollen and painful. You say that being angry in your heart is already bitter enough, but your mouth is also bitter It's like eating coptis.The liver is hidden under the ribs. It is said to be liver pain. In fact, it is also called intercostal neuralgia in Western medicine. The intercostal nerve is hidden in the middle of the ribs. When you are angry, the pain will follow the direction of the distribution of the intercostal nerve, from the back spine to the The pain spread from the chest to the ribs, and finally to the front chest.When I went to see a doctor, the doctor asked me where the pain was?I don't know where to point my hands, sometimes on my chest, sometimes on my back, I can't tell where the pain is.

When a woman is angry, she is flustered and short of breath first, but when the anger is over, what will she gain in the end?It's a lump in the breast.Many women come to see the doctor and feel the deepest point is that when they are angry, the lump will grow bigger; when they are not angry and happy, the lump will gradually decrease without taking medicine.However, the small ones are very small, and there are very few who can go on completely. Liver qi is determined by the liver, and whether lumps in the breasts are also determined by the liver qi. Qi knot, also called "qi knot", the temper is always bad, and liver qi is always caused by various reasons. Under such circumstances, the "qi knot" of the breast lump will grow longer and worse Too much, if you don't go down for a long time, you will become stubborn.It turned out to be qi, but it can also be said to be fibrosis in the end, and it will be more difficult to eliminate. It needs to rely on traditional Chinese medicines such as Xiaodao, such as Baixiaodan, Ru'an Tablets, Rupixiao, etc. Drugs to treat.

Having said a lot, the most important point is to prevent and treat female breast lumps by soothing the liver. Soothing the liver can make your qi disappear, and when the liver qi disappears, the "consolidation of qi" will be cleared.When you are angry, feel flustered, shortness of breath, distended ribs, chest pain, and breast lumps have not yet formed, you can take some medicine in advance to prevent problems before they happen. Chenpi and Panax notoginseng are the most recommended for promoting Qi.

Tangerine peel is also commonly referred to as orange peel, but it is not fresh orange peel after eating oranges, but dried orange peel in a cool place. Some people say that eating oranges will get angry, but orange peel becomes orange peel After that, its dryness will be softened, and it will not get angry again.

Most of the commonly used Panax notoginseng is Panax notoginseng, and there is also a name for Panax notoginseng called "gold does not change".

When treating patients in the past, they were often asked to process Chinese herbal medicine into powder by themselves.Some people say that it is impossible to operate by hand. In fact, I have noticed that in some supermarkets where electrical appliances are sold, there are juicers for sale, one or two hundred yuan each, which is not expensive. The juicer can process Chinese herbal medicine into fine Powder, the less the amount, the easier it is to handle.

Take 30 grams of tangerine peel and 10 grams of Panax notoginseng, that is, according to the ratio of 1:3, sieve it several times with a basket, process it into a fine powder, put it into a capsule, and remove the loss after sieving. A capsule of 0.5 grams can also be used Contains more than 50 capsules. When you are free after get off work, you can make dozens of capsules for spare.

Many women will say this, let’s get some medicine and prepare it. When you are angry, others don’t love you, but you must learn to love yourself. When you get sick, it’s yourself who suffers. That’s why many people see me for gynecological diseases. Women have this medicine.One thing to note is that women should suspend taking it during menstruation.

Yuanyuan's mother is a woman who always gets angry. Maybe it's because she has a lot of housework. When she gets angry, her breasts will swell and hurt, and sometimes she will feel some lumps of different sizes. Typical symptoms change from time to time as her mood changes. Sometimes, when she saw me, she was in a good mood, and she also said humorously that on "sunny days", there would be no lumps in her breasts, but on "cloudy days", the lumps would creep up quietly. Very annoying.Now she has learned to behave well, and every time she gets angry, she has to take tangerine peel sanqi capsules for 3 days, four capsules each time, twice a day. Since then, the annoying lumps have never bothered her again.Those women who are exacerbated by breast lumps will not regret it for life if they can be prevented in advance like her.In the end, she also asked me to tell other sisters who were seeking treatment that it would be better to eat on an empty stomach.

It's not terrible for a woman to get sick. What's terrible is that she doesn't know how to treat and prevent it when she gets sick, but just let it go.I often hear some female patients say that it’s okay, it’s not a big deal, there is no pain or itching, and it will pass after a few days.When the time comes when you can't bear it, you will only blame others and lament your own fate.

Three major symptoms of spleen deficiency: excessive saliva, thick fat, leucorrhea problem
People who have never studied traditional Chinese medicine do not know the meaning of the word "Na Dai". It is actually very simple, it means not wanting to eat.

People are "satisfied", which means that the digestive function of the spleen and stomach is not good. For women, it is not as simple as just taking Xiaoshi tablets. The spleen plays a very important role in women's leukorrhea, menstruation, and even endocrine. .

Now there are many fat women. Some people say that fat people have a gluttonous mouth and a lot of saliva, which is also reasonable.I have noticed that some women drool when they sleep, and when they wake up, a large piece of the pillow will be wet, just like a child drooling, the child drools a lot, and it can never be wiped clean with a small handkerchief Yes, it will only make the child's cheeks red and painful. This is the result of what traditional Chinese medicine calls "spleen does not control saliva". If you want to fundamentally solve the problem of drooling, you must strengthen the spleen. can be fundamentally controlled.These situations prove a problem, fat people are more wet, if it is a female fat person, wetness will be more harmful than men.

A healthy person is like a piece of fertile soil, and a fat person is like a swamp. When the humidity is heavy, the water will flood, and leukorrhea is wet, and flooding means that the amount of leukorrhea increases. Of course, leukorrhea does not happen overnight. Anorexia, abdominal distension, unpleasant bowel movements, pain when urinating, and then increased moisture and increased vaginal discharge.

(End of this chapter)

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