Otaku man rotten goddess horse is the most annoying

Chapter 13 Do you still remember Xiaobei?

Chapter 13 Do you still remember Xiaobei?

Last time we said that a newcomer wanted to rent a house, and then this gentleman announced the fact that he was a gay very frankly in public, which caused our panic, and this panic also appeared on the painter's face.Later, the newcomer left after paying the deposit, saying that he would move in soon.That night the painter knocked on our door and said hesitantly, "Should we really let the man from the day live in?" Yes, but he showed timidity?The uncle said at this time: "That man is nice, gentle and polite, even though he is a gay." The painter clapped the case and said, "That's the problem. There are three gays in one room. Where should I stand?"

We kicked her out together.

The next day, the newcomer moved in and became the fourth resident of our house.Based on his appearance, we nicknamed him "Glasses".

On the first night when the glasses moved in, there was a knock on the door of my uncle and I, and we asked, "Who is it?" The outside replied: "Hi, it's me." My uncle and I looked at each other, it was glasses!The glasses asked: "Is it convenient for me to go in?" I exchanged glances with the uncle quickly, and then I got up to open the door.At this time, my uncle and I both tightened our belts at the same time.

After coming in, the polite smiling glasses nodded to us, then put the two boxes of pastries in our hands on our table, and said: "This is a specialty of my hometown. Please try it. We will be a family in the future." Please take care of me." The embarrassment between me and the uncle was gradually resolved in his proper language.It must be admitted that we all have a good impression of glasses!What a fine young man this is.

After sitting for a while, the glasses were about to leave. He said that everyone was still not familiar with him, and he couldn't sit for a long time or it would disturb us too much. He also said that he would go to give gifts to the painter.At this moment, I jokingly said: "The painter's mind is full of messy thoughts, be careful not to be embarrassed when you are alone with him." What I meant by saying this was just to remind the glasses to pay attention to the painter's desire to gossip for fear that the world will not be chaotic. , Who knows that the glasses smiled slightly and said: "Please rest assured, I will not be pushed down by him, don't look at me like this, I am a gong."

My uncle and I watched the glasses leave with mouth expressions.

Early the next morning, I saw the painter brushing his teeth while beating his waist, and I couldn't help thinking about it.When the painter saw me, he said with foam in his mouth, "Hey, the new guy here is really nice. He gave me some snacks." I nodded perfunctorily.The painter said again: "As a senior, we should also give him something." I thought it was right, courtesy should be reciprocated, this is an adult, so I nodded.The painter spat out the foam and said, "Then can you and your friend do me a favor?" I asked, "What?" Draw it and send it to him."

... I forcibly swallowed "Tell your dad and your grandpa to show you".

But the painter's words gave me an idea, the best gift for a gay guy must be related to gays.Suddenly I had a flash of inspiration. Didn’t I have an ambiguous poster of the brother of “Yu Lan” before I didn’t dare to post it. I just gave it to him, and he will definitely like it.So I rummaged through the box and found the poster, and gave it to Glasses after he got up, and said with a smile: "We have no place to post this poster, if you don't mind..." Glasses are still the same He smiled elegantly and purely, nodded, and said, "Thank you for being so caring." I was deeply moved by his attitude of being rich in family education, so I asked a lot: "Do you like it?" The glasses still smiled gracefully She said, "I like it, but my favorite is the bondage system between male and female ghosts and animals..."

... I'm sorry I was wrong, I will pay attention to asking less things that shouldn't be asked in the future.

After staying up late for several days to finish drafting, unfortunately, I developed a striking pimple on the tip of my nose. When I called Xiaolu, I used a more literal word, saying: "I have acne."

"Is that so, it hurts?" Fawn's voice was very concerned.

"It hurts. Don't touch it."

"It must be caused by an improper diet. If you eat more vegetables and exercise more, you won't grow any longer."

"Understood, the problem now is how to deal with the one that has grown..."

"Try not to break it first. Be gentle when wiping your butt."


"I hope you don't get too angry these few days, or you'll die of pain just to be out!"


"Also, don't sit on my chair. It will be contagious."

"I have acne and not hemorrhoids!"

"What? They're not the same thing?!"

Later, Xiaolu told me that she once pointed to a girl with bad skin and sighed, "Wow, you have a lot of hemorrhoids on your face" during the natural years when she couldn't tell the two things apart, and she successfully drove her away.

Being with Xiaolu is always very happy. We can do everything happily. For example, we can sit on the sofa and watch TV together. What is shown on the TV is an old black-and-white revolutionary movie. I hold Xiaolu and watch it with gusto. .

"Actually, it's good to watch this kind of film once in a while." I said.

"That's right. There are so many good lines." Xiao Lu said.

"Which line do you like best?"

"Of course it's 'the revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard'! Comrades, comrades!"

I smiled and changed the channel.

Then we watched a public service advertisement, which was warm and healthy.After all the performances were over, the slogan appeared, and Xiao Lu shouted: "It makes sense!"


"Look at the words on it, 'Energy can change the world'!"

I took a closer look and found that sentence is actually "Love can change the world".

I suddenly felt a headache and turned off the TV.

The deer and I ate pizza at Papa John’s that looked delicious because it was expensive, but no matter how delicious it was, it shouldn’t be so expensive.The store was very noisy, and two fat men who should be elementary school students judging from their words and deeds were playing around and making disturbing noises.If you want to say how well the elementary school students are developing now, they are tall and big!Being affected by my dining mood, I raised my head irritably, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Fatty A pressing Fatty B on the sofa in the store like Mount Tai. The two squirmed and competed for strength, while laughing happily.I was dumbfounded when I heard a "click", Xiaolu had already pressed the shutter of justice with his mobile phone, restored the Skynet in a meticulous manner, and brought this morally corrupt landscape to justice!Undoubtedly, if this photo is reprinted by the mainstream media, it will inevitably lead to discussions on national quality, and Xiaolu and I will also become the focus of the media as pioneers of morality, thus writing another powerful stroke for the intensified wave of criticism of sexual liberation in 2009 !Well, just name it "Pizza Gate"!
...But unfortunately, it was only used as a heavy-duty base photo. In a forum called "Little Chrysanthemum Lantern" where Xiaolu got along like a fish in water, I felt my buttocks tighten just hearing the name. with a click.

When it comes to "Little Chrysanthemum Lantern", I have to talk about Xiaobei, because she is also a figure in that forum.Remember Xiaobei?It doesn't matter if you don't remember, just know that she is Xiaolu's best friend, a fan girl who is much more corrupt than Xiaolu.I remember when Xiaolu introduced Xiaobei to me, she said she was very nice and cute.I asked her what kind of cuteness, Xiaolu thought for a while and said: "According to what you nerds say, Xiaobei should be considered a three-no girl, right? Just like Nagato." So I imagined a live-action version of Dameng , I think that is really cute!But if you think about it a little deeper, Da Mengshen is actually a rotten girl... No, you are not allowed to insult Damengshen!

It seems that girls have the habit of letting their boyfriends meet their good friends.So during a certain date, Xiao Lu called Xiao Bei.To be honest, in terms of appearance, Xiaobei can be regarded as pretty and charming, and he is really like Xiaolu said, with no expression or talkativeness, three nothings!Then this Sanwu looked me up and down calmly after seeing me, and said a word softly: "Shou!"

... All three are going to die.

In the first week after the glasses were moved, Xiaolu came to my residence for the first time.She hasn't been here for a long time, the reason is that our place is too dirty and she has a cleanliness.She used our toilet once, and when she came out, I saw insulted tears hanging from the corners of her eyes, which made me feel guilty, and even suggested that I might as well wear diapers when you came next time, but the result was Xiaolu Neither came.

As for why the little deer came this time, the reason is of course that I heard about the person named glasses.So Xiaolu came excitedly and brought Xiaobei, who brought a SLR.

...You are here for sightseeing, right?

At this moment, the glasses opened the door and came out. Suddenly seeing two beautiful girls in the living room made him a little bit at a loss, but he nodded and smiled at them politely as always.Xiaolu grabbed my arm excitedly, and said softly, "This is the first time I've seen a live one..." Xiaobei picked up the SLR and took several shots without saying a word.The glasses were even more puzzled, and he questioned me with his eyes.Wow, I've never been so embarrassed!This Sanwu rotten girl doesn't even have the concept of stealing pictures!So blatant, you don't want that SLR anymore, do you?Glasses like the attack of the ghost and animal bondage system!Forget it after you finish filming, and leave as soon as he gets angry and takes out his anger on me, what should I do...

However, the subsequent development unexpectedly exceeded my expectations.Xiaolu said to the glasses openly: "We have no malicious intentions, and we can be said to be the most understanding and supportive people in the world." Glasses immediately showed the joyful expression of meeting an old friend in a foreign land, and soon became friends with Xiaolu and Xiaobei. Take a slice!Not only did he start discussing several different ways of binding with Xiaolu enthusiastically within three seconds, but he also posed various poses very cooperatively for Xiaobei to take pictures.When Xiaolu asked him if he could post these photos on the "Little Chrysanthemum Lantern", Glasses not only agreed heartily and generously, but also asked for the website address, saying that he would immediately register to join the big team...

I stood in the corner of the living room, looking at the world rotten in my rectum, feeling very far away from me, and also had a subtle feeling of being abandoned.At this time, Xiaolu finally noticed my existence, she called me, the content was: just our photo with him does not prove that he is crooked, do you mind to come and pose a few intimate poses with him to increase credibility degree?

... Is this really what a girlfriend should ask of a boyfriend? !
At this time, the uncle and the painter who had just gone out for dinner came back.As soon as he entered the door, the painter smiled and said: "It's so lively." The uncle greeted Xiaolu.At this moment, Xiaobei put down the doodle and turned his head around, meeting the eyes of the uncle and the painter at the same time.

Then they froze.Xiaolu said to Xiaobei at this time: "Hey, my guy is too stingy, he won't cooperate with the glasses brother to pose, it seems that you can't take the most ideal photos."

"I can help!" said the uncle and the painter in unison.The rapid and loud voice startled the rest of the people present.

I looked at the uncle and the painter, and suddenly realized that their spring has come.

(End of this chapter)

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