Chapter 11 A Lover Has A Coup
Love is a strong attachment, intimacy, longing, selfless and dedicated emotion between people.However, two people intoxicated in love often communicate not with words, but with body movements.If one party cannot read the other's body language, it will lead to the breakdown of the relationship.Therefore, in love, the key is to understand each other's psychological activities.

1.Girlfriend licks lips to seduce boyfriend
Mr. Q: During the date, without eating, my girlfriend suddenly licked her lips at me, which shocked me a lot.What is she trying to do?Do you want to eat?

People in love: Lip licking does not necessarily imply appetite. When dating, if a girlfriend watches her boyfriend lick his lips, it is likely to be deliberately performed to seduce him.

【Scene reconstruction】

Wang Tong is an honest and dutiful girl with a delicate appearance.Not long ago, a friend introduced a boyfriend to her.He is tall and big, wearing a pair of glasses, looks simple and honest.Wang Tong felt that the other party was very similar to himself, so he agreed to him, and the two fell in love.

Wang Tong knew that her boyfriend was honest and honest, but he didn't know that he was so honest and honest.During the date, the boyfriend never had any intimate behavior with him.Seeing that they have been dating for a month, her boyfriend has never held his hand, but often walks on her left, and rarely speaks.This made it difficult for Wang Tong to understand, and he always felt that the man in front of him was like a piece of stupid wood.

One day, Wang Tong, who was upset, came up with this matter while chatting with a friend.The friend also felt depressed when he heard it, so he suggested: "How about this! You might as well seduce him and see if he has any reaction?"

"That, that, that won't work, how can you do such a thing?" Wang Tong immediately waved his hand and said.

The friend smiled strangely, and asked her to lean into his ear and said: "You are wrong, the temptation I said is not the kind you think, I mean when you are dating him, you might as well look at him and lick your lips .So he will know your psychology."

"Really?" Wang Tong asked in surprise.

"Maybe try it." The friend suggested.

On that day, Wang Tong dressed up very beautifully and arrived at the appointment place early.After walking around for a while, the two went to a restaurant for dinner.They sat and talked face to face.Wang Tong stared at her boyfriend and suddenly licked her lips.

The boyfriend noticed Wang Tong's action and felt baffled, so he guessed what she was thinking.She had just eaten, so she couldn't possibly want to eat.After much deliberation, my boyfriend didn't figure it out.

Seeing that her boyfriend didn't express anything, Wang Tong thought that he didn't like her at all, so she left angrily, leaving her boyfriend with a stunned expression.After a while, Wang Tong learned from a friend that it wasn't that her boyfriend didn't like her, but that he didn't understand what she was implying.

Do you know what it means when your girlfriend looks at you affectionately on a date and suddenly she licks her lips?

[expert answering doubts]

The famous American psychologist Julius Fast believes that the action of people licking their lips with their tongues originated from the grooming of animals.Generally speaking, cats, dogs and other animals will use their tongues to lick their own or other similar hair, and use their tongues to help the opposite sex to comb their hair. This is an expression of "love" between animals, and it is also a kind of foreplay during mating.After being stimulated by sexual desire, they lick something with their tongues and make a playful look.For animals, this is an instinctive performance.Therefore, for people, it is an instinctive expression of what they want.

Generally speaking, in a special dating situation, if the girlfriend watches the boyfriend licking his lips, then it is likely to be deliberately performed to seduce the boyfriend.For example, licking the rim of a wine glass with your tongue, or sticking out your tongue to lick your lips when you are acting like a baby, are all trying to seduce your boyfriend.

In the story, Wang Tong licked his lips on purpose, in fact, he wanted to seduce his boyfriend and see if he behaved.It's a pity that the boyfriend didn't understand the meaning behind the body language, let alone what the other party wanted to do, so Wang Tong misunderstood him.

[Extended reading]

Have you ever noticed your girlfriend's lips moving on a date?There are many secrets hidden in her lip movements!Observe carefully, and you will be able to discover the secret!

pursed lips indicate stress

In situations where a person is particularly stressed, the lips tend to be tucked or pulled tight.For example, many witnesses in court do this regularly.When a person squeezes their lips, the brain is telling him: keep your mouth shut and don't let anything enter your body, which is a strong indication that the person is worried.When a person's lips are completely hidden and the corners of the mouth are pulled down, his emotions and confidence have completely dropped to the bottom.

Puckered lips expressing its disapproval

Generally speaking, the purse of the lips is to prevent oneself from saying something bad, while the pouting of the lips at the same time seems to refuse something.Therefore, when you talk and other people make lip movements, it means that he disagrees with what you are saying, or is planning to change the subject.

licking your lips is comforting yourself

When a person is not feeling well, we repeatedly rub our tongues against our lips as a way of reassuring ourselves and calming ourselves down.However, on a date, when a girlfriend looks at her boyfriend and licks her lips, this is likely to be a gesture performed by the girlfriend deliberately to seduce the boyfriend.

2.When your girlfriend rides your motorcycle and puts her hand around your waist, it means she loves you with all her heart
Q Jun: I've been very troubled recently, I really don't know what my girlfriend thinks about our relationship.However, one day, I found that she put her hand on my waist when she got on my motorcycle. I was so happy!

Lover: I'm happy for you too!When your girlfriend gets on your motorcycle, putting her hand on your waist shows that she loves you with all her heart.

【Scene reconstruction】

Zheng Xiaohui loves her girlfriend very much.On weekends, they rode motorcycles to play everywhere, sometimes went climbing, sometimes went to shopping malls, sometimes went to parks, sometimes went for outings... In short, they were very happy and happy together.

Although Zheng Xiaohui knew that his girlfriend had a lot of fun and happiness when he was with him, he still couldn't figure out his girlfriend's true heart, and he didn't know whether his girlfriend really loved him.Therefore, he was troubled by this problem.When his girlfriend was happy, Zheng Xiaohui tried to ask his girlfriend this question.When his girlfriend hears this question, she always turns around, lowers her head and says, "Why do you always ask this question? It makes people feel embarrassed to ask." Facing his girlfriend's answer that he avoids talking about, Zheng Xiaohui's face shows There was a trace of melancholy.

Day by day, Zheng Xiaohui fell in love with his girlfriend more and more.However, he hesitated to propose to his girlfriend because he was afraid that he would be rejected by his girlfriend.

One day, when Zheng Xiaohui had nothing to do, he picked up the book "Understanding People Around You Instantly" and read it. The book said how much a girl loves you can be seen from riding a car. For example, when he gets on a motorcycle, holds his hand Putting her hands on your waist shows that she loves you wholeheartedly; putting her hands on the handle behind her shows that she still has a sense of distance from you; putting her hands on her knees or not holding them at all shows that she only treats you as an ordinary friend.Zheng Xiaohui read it carefully, feeling like a treasure.

The next day, Zheng Xiaohui rode a motorcycle as usual and took his girlfriend out to play.On the way, Zheng Xiaohui paid close attention to his girlfriend's hands.Halfway, his girlfriend slowly put his hand on her waist.Zheng Xiaohui couldn't help trembling slightly, but his heart was as sweet as honey.That day, after returning home, Zheng Xiaohui got down on one knee, took out a beautiful ring and proposed to his girlfriend.His girlfriend was so excited that he gave him a sweet kiss.

Two people in love are always uncertain whether the other party really loves them.Even if the other party says they love you, you may not believe it, because words often deceive people.How can I know if the other person really loves me?
[expert answering doubts]

When a girl says to you, "I really love you." The phrase "I really love you" doesn't mean she really means it.On the contrary, a girl never said anything to you, but she pays for you silently, always expecting you to find her love, maybe she really loves you.Maybe some girls have done many things for you crazily, but in the end, maybe she just wants to conquer you...

There is a saying: "A woman's heart is a needle in the sea." We have to admit that it is really difficult to fathom a woman's mind.However, what many people don't expect is that in the process of guessing, you have fallen in love with the other party unknowingly, but you still can't figure out your position in her heart.In fact, there is a very simple measurement method here.Just give her a ride on your new bike and find out in her movements.If she puts her hand on your waist, then you should feel happy.Because this action represents that she loves you wholeheartedly.

Zheng Xiaohui in the story uses this method to figure out his girlfriend's mind through the action of his girlfriend riding his motorcycle and putting his hand on his waist.Thus, a beautiful marriage was made.

The above story tells us a truth: to see if a person really loves you is not to look at what she says, but to look at what she does from the details.Only in this way can true love be reaped.

[Extended reading]

There is a saying that don't guess a woman's mind, guessing will only make her fall in love.This sentence is not wrong at all, because you have fallen in love with her deeply in your guess.Even so, you have no idea what she thinks about your relationship.In fact, just let her ride your new motorcycle and you'll know the answer from her actions.

Putting her hand on the handle in the back shows that she still has a sense of distance from you
When your girlfriend gets on your motorcycle and she puts her hand on the handlebar at the back, it shows that she still has a sense of distance from you and is not very sure about your relationship.Generally speaking, she is relatively calm in dealing with emotions, and will not fall into the vortex of love for a while and cannot extricate herself.In short, whether you can impress her or not, it will take a while to completely capture her heart.

Putting her arms around your waist shows that she loves you with all her heart

When your girlfriend puts your hand on your waist when she gets on your motorcycle, then you should be happy.Because she has completely let go of her psychological defenses and is loving you with all her heart, and she loves you very rationally.She has already decided that you are the one who gives her a strong arm, so you must know how to cherish each other.

Putting her hands on her knees or not holding them at all shows that she only sees you as a friend

When your girlfriend gets on your motorcycle and she puts her hands on her lap or doesn't hold her up at all, she may just see you as a normal friend, or she may just see you as a good friend.What annoys her is that sometimes she is not even sure what relationship she has with you, and just gets along like this.In this case, you need to work harder and keep working hard, success is ahead.

Hugging you on the back if you're not in a relationship shows she's flirtatious

If you're not in a relationship yet, she's not usually going to hug you tightly on the back.If she does, she's either flirty or she's telling you: I love you.

3.Walking next to you while shopping means your boyfriend puts you first

Q Jun: My boyfriend is really a workaholic. He always works overtime recently and leaves me alone. I really don’t know whether I or work is more important in his heart.

Lover: Don’t rush to judge him, the company may have asked him to work overtime recently, which doesn’t prove that he is a workaholic.If you want to find out whether you are important, or work is important, or you are as important as work, then you usually only need to pay attention to whether he is walking in front of you, behind, or side by side.

【Scene reconstruction】

Qin Xiang is a lively and cheerful girl. On weekends, she always likes to take her boyfriend out shopping.Sometimes I have a snack, sometimes I go to have a big meal, sometimes I go to the supermarket to swipe my card like crazy, sometimes I go to a karaoke bar and shout a few times... No matter what she does, her boyfriend always looks at her with a smile and never complains .

However, I don't know what happened during this period of time. My boyfriend is always busy with work and always leaves early and returns late.On the weekend, he said that the company needed to work overtime and could not accompany her.

Qin Xiang thought that her boyfriend had moved on, so she followed him secretly, all the way to the company. It was not until the moment he sat in the office that Qin Xiang dispelled his doubts.Although he knew that her boyfriend was indeed working overtime, Qin Xiang was attacked by a strong sense of loneliness.Therefore, I often wipe my tears secretly.

One day, Qin Xiang, who was bored at leisure, chatted with a few sisters, and the topic of whether work or girlfriend was more important in a man's heart came up.Some people say work is important, some say girlfriend is important, some say both work and girlfriend are important.But how to tell the difference?One of the sisters suggested: "I have read such a book. It says that when you go shopping, you can know the answer by watching where your boyfriend goes. The man who walks in front of you just uses you as a means of promotion, and the man who walks behind you A man is a workaholic, and the man who walks with you values ​​his work as much as his girlfriend."

Qin Xiang, who was worrying about this, heard what the sisters said, so he kept an extra thought.In a blink of an eye, a month has passed.This weekend, my boyfriend finally stopped working overtime.Qin Xiang happily took her boyfriend to go shopping.From the moment she left the house, Qin Xiang found that her boyfriend had been walking side by side with her until he returned home. He was neither ahead nor behind.Qin Xiang was very happy.Sure enough, last month it was because her boyfriend had a problem at work and needed to work overtime. Later, her boyfriend rarely worked overtime and went home early every day to accompany her.Accompanied by her boyfriend, Qin Xiang felt very happy.

When many girls in love see their boyfriends working overtime day and night for work, they can't help asking questions: In the boyfriend's mind, is work more important, or yourself?

[expert answering doubts]

Work and girlfriend are equally important to men. Men work hard to give their beloved girlfriend a better future. When a man sees his girlfriend wearing the clothes he bought for her, his heart is sweeter than eating honey.If there is no girlfriend, the money earned by a man's work will not reflect his value.Therefore, work and girlfriend are complementary to each other for men.

However, many men in life have not figured out the relationship between their girlfriend and work.Some men do not hesitate to use their girlfriends as a means of promotion for the sake of work, but when he becomes famous, he loses his most sincere love; , holding his girlfriend in the palm of his hand.However, when he couldn't even support himself, his girlfriend naturally left him.Only men who put work and girlfriends in the same position can live happily.

It is true that every woman in love wants her boyfriend to pay attention to herself and work.However, how does a boyfriend view work and his girlfriend?Many girls can't figure out the psychology of their boyfriends.In fact, it is not difficult to know how your boyfriend views work and his girlfriend. When you go shopping with him, you only need to pay attention to his position when walking with you. If he keeps walking side by side with you, then in his psychology, work Just as important as your girlfriend.

In the story, Qin Xiang judged by observing her boyfriend walking side by side with her when shopping, she judged that her boyfriend valued both work and herself, and eliminated the misunderstanding of her boyfriend, thus reaping a happy and sweet love.

[Extended reading]

Shopping with lovers is a pleasant thing.Whether you hold hands, shoulder to shoulder, eat together, or bargain with vendors, you will feel the tacit understanding with each other, which is wonderful!
However, when you go shopping with him, what is your positional relationship?Many people may not realize this, but the position you walk with him has become a fixed form unconsciously.So what exactly is his feeling for you?

Prefers that people who get ahead of you use you as a means to get ahead
He likes to walk ahead of you, so for him, women and work are just means to get promoted, to achieve an end.If possible, he would not hesitate to have a "political marriage".He is a typical male chauvinist, and he also hopes that you can rely on him more in love. Women are just a decoration in his life.

The man who likes to walk behind you is a workaholic
If he walks behind you, it means that he also attaches great importance to love, but he will not give up his reputation and status because of you.

In love, although he keeps saying "you are more important than work" and "you are the most important part of my life", after marriage, he will gradually become a workaholic, thinking that work is more important than love.

Walking beside you shows that he values ​​you more than anything else
If the probability of the two of you walking side by side is particularly high, then congratulations, you are number one in his life.In short, he can't live without you, and he values ​​you more than anything else.

After marriage, he will put family first in everything. If you object, he will follow your opinion and give up promotion to a higher position.In other words, his promotion is in your hands.

Although you walk side by side, if there is a little distance between each other, it means that work and love are equally important to him, and he believes that men and women are equal.Therefore, he will seek your opinion and make a decision in everything.

He's a little indecisive, though, which is perhaps a flaw.He who hopes to get ahead and love at the same time is in great danger of failing at both ends.

4.The man who sits on the left is unreliable on a date

Q Jun: When my boyfriend is dating me, he always rushes to sit on the left side of me, and always shows me the face on the right side. Only actors pay attention to their positions when taking pictures. He is not an actor, so it is necessary to do this ?

Love expert: When dating, if your boyfriend always faces you with the right side of his face, the situation is a bit serious, you'd better pay attention.

【Scene reconstruction】

Li Xiaoling has been in love with her boyfriend for more than a year. He is handsome and suave, and he is the prince charming in the hearts of many girls.Li Xiaoling defeated all competitors and finally captured the heart of "Prince Charming".Therefore, Li Xiaoling felt that she had a boyfriend who was envied by so many girls. She was very happy, and her boyfriend was gentle and gentle to him, which made Li Xiaoling very happy.

However, there was one move by her boyfriend that made Li Xiaoling puzzled.Every time I go out on a date, as long as there is a place where I can sit, my boyfriend always takes the seat on her left first, and every time she sees the right half of his face.

Once, Li Xiaoling came to the bar holding her boyfriend's arm.As soon as he arrived at the bar, his boyfriend hurriedly found a seat to sit on Li Xiaoling's left.Li Xiaoling did something different this time, instead of sitting in the nearest seat, she bypassed her boyfriend and sat on his right.

The boyfriend suddenly became nervous, but Li Xiaoling still ordered food and poured tea as usual, as if nothing had happened.After a while, Li Xiaoling suddenly asked, "Why do you always like to sit on my left?"

The boyfriend replied hesitantly: "Don't we in China say that men are left and women are right? I'm used to it."

Li Xiaoling noticed that when her boyfriend said this, the expression on the left side of his face was extremely embarrassing, whether he was trying to hide his emotions.Intuitively, Li Xiaoling felt that her boyfriend was lying at this time.She had never observed this kind of situation before. When her boyfriend spoke before, he was very straightforward, and the expression on the right side of his face was also very peaceful.There is a saying: "The left cheek is more reliable than the right cheek." Could it be that her boyfriend has been hiding something from himself.This suspicion arose, and Li Xiaoling has observed her boyfriend carefully since then.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Li Xiaoling to discover that her boyfriend was secretly dating a mysterious woman.Li Xiaoling broke up with her boyfriend in tears, but her boyfriend didn't take it seriously.

During the dating process, did you pay attention to observe your boyfriend, did he also rush to sit on your left side, facing you with his right face?

[expert answering doubts]

A person's face can be divided into two parts, the left and the right. Sometimes the left and right move symmetrically, and sometimes the left and right have different expressions.When the human face moves symmetrically from left to right, whether it is laughter, anger, or sadness, it all comes from the heart.In contrast, when a person is conscious of his or her emotions, different expressions appear on the left and right sides of the face.For example, when you make a fool of yourself in public and show a wry smile; when you despise someone and express contempt;

The left and right halves of our faces have different divisions of labor.The left side of the face goes straight to the soul and often reveals the true inner feelings, so it is a "hidden" face; while the right side is like a mask, which will make fake smiles, fake sadness, grimaces and other expressions according to the guidance of rationality. The real emotions are hidden and thus the "public" face.Therefore, many times, the information revealed by our left face is exactly what the right face wants to cover up.

The reason why the boyfriend in the story rushes to sit on the left is because he wants to show the right face to his girlfriend, and the right face is not easy to reveal the true mood.From this, it can be seen that he wants to hide some real emotions.Fortunately, during the dating process, Li Xiaoling noticed that her boyfriend liked to rush to sit on her left, and exposed his lies through this action, followed the clues, and finally found that her boyfriend was in two boats.After realizing the truth of the matter, Li Xiaoling broke up decisively.

[Extended reading]

A person's facial expression can "tell" the truth or "tell" a lie, and often "tells" the truth and "tells" a lie at the same time.Therefore, many people in life often use facial expressions as a "mask" to cover up and disguise their true thoughts and feelings.If we don't pay attention to observe a person's facial expressions, we are likely to be deceived by others.

cheek color change

Generally speaking, the color of a person's cheeks will change with the change of mood.Among them, the most obvious is reddening and whitening.When people are shy, ashamed or embarrassed, their cheeks tend to turn red.Sometimes, a person who can't tell a lie also tends to turn red in the cheeks when he tells a lie.

The duration of facial expressions can also reflect the imprint of lying

In general, facial expressions with long pauses in facial expression, such as 10 seconds or more, are likely to be fake, and even facial expressions with a pause of 10 seconds may not be real.

The left face is more reliable than the right face
The left and right halves of our faces have different divisions of labor.The left side of the face goes straight to the soul and often reveals the true inner feelings, so it is a "hidden" face; while the right side is like a mask, which will make fake smiles, fake sadness, grimaces and other expressions according to the guidance of rationality. The real emotions are hidden and thus the "public" face.Therefore, many times, the information revealed by our left face is exactly what the right face wants to cover up.

5.Boyfriend folded his arms suddenly is a manifestation of self-defense
Q Jun: One day, when I was talking about some topics to my boyfriend, he suddenly folded his arms.I don't know what's going on?

Love field expert: The movement of people crossing their arms is mostly a manifestation of the psychology of closing the heart and conducting self-defense.This shows that he is tired of your words.You better stop talking.

【Scene reconstruction】

Jiang Ran and Deng Jun are a couple, they are far apart.Once, after a long separation, they finally ushered in a short reunion.When they met, both parties were extremely excited.Jiang Ran is a lively and cheerful girl who likes to talk very much.During the period of separation, there was no one to confide in, so I kept the words in my heart.Therefore, as soon as she saw her boyfriend, her words poured out like a flood that burst a bank.

Deng Jun is mature and stable. At the beginning, when he saw his girlfriend pouring out his affection, he listened with a smile and added a few words from time to time.The more Jiang Ran talked, the more energetic he became, but the more Deng Jun listened, the more boring he became.After an unknown amount of time, her boyfriend Deng Jun suddenly leaned back on the back of the sofa, folded his hands in front of his chest, and sat there as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Ran was still pouring out his words, but Deng Jun hardly responded.After a while, Jiang Ran realized that her boyfriend hadn't spoken for a long time.Only then did she realize that her boyfriend had just answered her words indifferently, but now he folded his arms again, and wondered if he was getting tired of her.So she immediately stopped talking.At this time, the boyfriend seemed to realize something, and pulled her into his arms.

Generally speaking, girls in love like to talk.However, when you are talking endlessly, do you find that your boyfriend suddenly folded his arms?
[expert answering doubts]

The movement of people crossing their arms is mostly a manifestation of the psychology of closing the heart and conducting self-defense.Especially when the arms are held relatively low, they generally want to build a high barrier in front of themselves to protect themselves.This is a defensive posture, defending against the threat from the person in front of you, and protecting yourself from fear. This is a kind of psychological defense, and it also represents a sense of rejection of the person in front of you.

The boyfriend in the story is completely overwhelmed by the girlfriend's eloquent words, and unconsciously adopts a self-defensive posture-folding his arms.Jiang Ran in the story noticed the movement of her boyfriend crossing his arms, and figured out his boyfriend's mental state at this moment.So she stopped talking.Surprisingly, when Jiang Ran stopped talking, her boyfriend paid more attention to her.

The above story tells us a truth, when you talk to your boyfriend endlessly, and you find that your boyfriend folded his arms quietly, then stop talking quickly.

[Extended reading]

Generally speaking, a person will make different arm-folding movements in different situations.Different arm-folding movements naturally express different meanings.

Chest held out, arms folded in a high position indicates that it is announcing its high status
When a person sticks out his chest and puts his arms in a high position, it is undoubtedly announcing to everyone: I am a very great person.

Body flinching, arms folded in a low position indicates nervousness

When a person is nervous, he always wants to curl up his body to make his sense of existence as weak as possible.

The man who bowed his back and folded his arms is anxious

Generally speaking, the posture of bowing your back and crossing your arms often appears when people are anxious or shaken.We listen to them and perhaps feel uneasy emotions.

Fold your arms up to meet the other person's line of sight to show interest in what the other person has to say

If you are listening to the other person talking, you suddenly fold your arms to meet the other person's sight, often accompanied by nodding deeply and leaning forward in the direction of the other person.This shows that you are interested in what the other person has to say.

Folding your arms is a sign of self-defense
From the action of crossing the arms, most of them are a manifestation of the psychology of closing the heart and self-defense.This kind of defense comes from the sense of threat of the person in front of you, protecting yourself from fear. This is a kind of psychological defense, and it also represents a sense of rejection of the person in front of you.

6.Boyfriend walking around when you're late for a date shows he cares about you
Q Jun: I want to test my boyfriend's attitude towards love, so I am late for this date.From a distance, I saw him walking up and down at the dating place, feeling that he was in a hurry.He should love me!
Love expert: When you are late for an appointment, he keeps walking up and down the appointment place because he is very worried about you. If you observe carefully, you will find that there is an anxious and restless expression on his face.A boyfriend who is so worried about you naturally cares about you very much.

【Scene reconstruction】

Guo Zhengping and Zhao Rongrong are an enviable couple. They are talented and beautiful. They are a natural couple. Parents and friends are very happy for them.

However, recently, Guo Zhengping has been very busy, working overtime from time to time, and rarely dates Zhao Rongrong.Although her boyfriend took good care of her in the past, the indifference during the recent period made Zhao Rongrong suspicious. She suddenly didn't know what his boyfriend's attitude towards love was.Why sometimes I ask her out every day, but sometimes I don't ask her out for a long time?With this question in mind, Zhao Rongrong decided to test his boyfriend's attitude towards love by coming late for the next date.

After nearly a month, her boyfriend Guo Zhengping finally asked Zhao Rongrong.That morning, Zhao Rongrong dressed up very beautifully and arrived at the appointed place according to the appointed time, but when she saw her boyfriend had already arrived at the appointed place, she hid secretly and secretly observed his every move.

When the appointed time came, Zhao Rongrong noticed that her boyfriend looked at his watch from time to time, but he didn't show any signs of impatience.Half an hour passed quickly, and Zhao Rongrong still didn't show up.Boyfriend Zhao Zhengping got a little anxious, so he started to walk around the date place non-stop, and looked in the direction of Zhao Rongrong from time to time.

When waiting for someone, I was anxious, 20 minutes passed, and Zhao Rongrong still did not show up.Boyfriend Guo Zhengping became even more anxious. There were beads of sweat on his forehead, but he didn't have time to take care of himself, and he kept walking back and forth.

Zhao Rongrong saw her boyfriend walking up and down anxiously, with a happy smile on his face, and walked towards him.

As soon as her boyfriend Guo Zhengping saw Zhao Rongrong, he hugged her in his arms and asked anxiously, "Why did you come? Do you know that I'm dying of anxiety! We haven't seen each other for a month, and I'm still looking forward to it." You could have come earlier!"

Zhao Rongrong smiled mysteriously, and coquettishly said, "There's a traffic jam on the road!"

You are late for a date, have you noticed your boyfriend's demeanor and actions?Pay attention to observation, you will have unexpected gains!
[expert answering doubts]

Many girls in love are always suspicious. They will think of some ideas from time to time to test their boyfriend's attitude towards love. Being late for a date is their common "trick".They often use this kind of "trick" to figure out their boyfriend's attitude towards love.

Zhao Rongrong in the story used the "trick" of being late for a date to figure out her boyfriend's attitude towards her.When Zhao Rongrong didn't show up at the appointed time, her boyfriend Guo Zhengping looked at her watch from time to time; when she didn't show up for a long time, her boyfriend Guo Zhengping kept walking up and down with a worried look on his face.From the behavior of her boyfriend, Zhao Rongrong can completely conclude that her boyfriend cares about her very much.

However, when a girlfriend is late for a date, different boyfriends will show different actions.For example, some boyfriends cross their arms on their chests to be angry with you. The boyfriend who does this is not because he doesn't love you, but because he loves himself the most.A boyfriend holding the other arm is trying to control himself, he doesn't lose his temper with you because he knows you are the woman he loves...

Therefore, when girls in love use the "trick" of being late for a date, they must pay attention to observing the behavior of their boyfriend and others, and make accurate judgments.

[Extended reading]

Being late for a date is the most common "trick" girls use to "test" their boyfriend's attitude towards them.When she is late for a date, girls often try to figure out her boyfriend's attitude towards love through her boyfriend's demeanor, posture and actions.

Boyfriend walking up and down with an anxious, uneasy look on his face cares a lot about you
On a date, your boyfriend is waiting at the date early.However, when the appointed time came, you did not show up.He had an anxious and uneasy expression on his face, and he kept walking up and down.His behavior shows that he is very worried about you, anxious inside, thinking that something happened to you and missed the appointment.However, with your arrival, the uneasiness in his heart disappeared immediately.Such a boyfriend cares about you very much.

A man crossing his arms across his chest shows he is mad at you
You are late for an appointment.The boyfriend folds his arms and waits for your arrival, but he thinks to himself: "You want to see when you will arrive?" When you arrive, he will complain for a while.He is angry with you, and even has the idea of ​​dominating you, and he will speak out directly when he is dissatisfied with you. It cannot be said that he does not love you, but he must not love you the most, but himself.

Boyfriend holding one arm with the other struggling to control himself

When you're late for an appointment, your boyfriend waits for you with one hand and the other.This shows that he is trying to control himself and hide his feelings.Although he was very dissatisfied with your late arrival, he never lost his temper.Because he knows that you are his beloved woman, he should be considerate of you.

Put your hands in your pockets and wait for you and enjoy the feeling of waiting for you

When you are late for an appointment, your boyfriend is not in a hurry and waits for you with his hands in his pockets.His action shows that he is enjoying the feeling of waiting for you and believes that you will not be too late.He is punctual, but also hates being late, but out of love for you, he will still be polite and hope you will be on time for your next appointment.

7.Sitting next to you with your boyfriend is more conducive to the development of love

Q Jun: When dating, my girlfriend and I always sit opposite each other when we go to eat.Every time I see her laughing in front of me, I feel very happy, but no matter what, I can't make the relationship between the two closer.

People in love: Sitting facing each other shortens the physical distance between the two, but because of the obstacle of the table in the middle, it is not easy to shorten the psychological distance between them.Sitting side by side is more conducive to the development of love. If you want to make the relationship between the two more intimate, you might as well sit side by side.

【Scene reconstruction】

Zhu Yu has been in love with his girlfriend Xiaomei for a long time.Every weekend, they go shopping.After shopping tired, go to the restaurant to eat.Maybe they are used to sitting opposite each other. Every time they go to a restaurant, they will sit opposite each other involuntarily.During meals, Zhu Yu would always tell some jokes, which made his girlfriend laugh out loud.Every time he sees his girlfriend laughing in front of him, he feels very happy.However, no matter what Zhu Yu did, he couldn't make the relationship between the two of them closer.Sometimes, how much he wants to hold his girlfriend in his arms.However, he always felt that there was still a certain distance between them.

For this reason, Zhu Yu felt distressed.One day, he chatted with one of his buddies about it.When the buddies heard this, they clapped their hands and said, "You want to make the relationship between the two of you closer, isn't that easy?"

"Easy? I tried many methods but none of them worked." Zhu Yu said in surprise.

"Come here, I'll tell you a way." The buddy whispered in Zhu Yu's ear.After hearing this, Zhu Yu decided to give it a try.

Later, when they were dating again, Zhu Yu quietly waited for his girlfriend Xiaomei to sit down, and then looked for his own seat.When Zhu Yu sat next to his girlfriend, his girlfriend moved involuntarily to the other side.Zhu Yu saw all this in his eyes.After he ordered the dishes as if nothing had happened, he chatted with his girlfriend.While chatting, he involuntarily put his hands on his girlfriend's shoulders. What he didn't expect was that his girlfriend didn't refuse, but just silently ate the food on the plate.

Sure enough, since then, Zhu Yu clearly felt that the relationship between the two had taken another big step.However, Zhu Yu still didn't understand why his buddies said that sitting side by side would help the development of love.On the wedding day, Zhu Yu secretly asked his buddies: "How can sitting side by side help the development of love?"

The buddy said with a smile: "When sitting side by side, first of all, the physical distance is the closest. Secondly, the eyes of the two will not face each other, and there will be no pressure on each other. In this way, each other can relax and have a sense of intimacy." It will come naturally.”

"Oh, so it is!" Zhu Yu suddenly realized.

Two people, one table, there are many ways to sit, such as sitting opposite each other, sitting side by side, L-shaped sitting, diagonally opposite and so on.If you want to deepen the relationship between each other, which kind of sitting method do you think is more suitable?

[expert answering doubts]

Psychologist Cook once conducted a survey of male and female customers who came together in bars and restaurants, mainly studying the relationship between their seat positions and their relationship.The results of the study found that if it is a four-person table, and two men and women sit diagonally opposite each other, the relationship between them will be relatively alienated.Because this sitting method is evidence that you don't want the other person to enter your private space.The physical distance between people is directly proportional to the psychological distance. The farther away they are from each other, the more alienated they feel in their hearts.Sitting diagonally opposite can be said to be the farthest way of sitting, which shows that the relationship between the two people is very distant.

In the same way, sitting facing each other, although the physical distance is slightly closer than when facing diagonally, it is not easy to narrow the psychological distance between each other because of the obstacle of the table in the middle.The reason why Zhu Yu in the story could not develop a further relationship with his girlfriend was because they sat facing each other.If they had sat side by side from the beginning, maybe their love would have developed very quickly.

In a relationship, if one party wants to advance the relationship between the two, it is best to choose to sit side by side.Because sitting side by side is more conducive to the development of love.

[Extended reading]

Different seating positions represent different levels of intimacy.When two people eat, their intimacy can be seen from the position of their seats.Let's take a look together:

sit diagonally
Generally speaking, when a person sits obliquely to the other party, he has no sense of intimacy with the other party, and even has a disgusting mood.

L-shaped sitting

Generally speaking, friends who have a good relationship often adopt such a position to chat, neither alienated nor intimate.

sit opposite
Although sitting facing each other is slightly closer physically than sitting opposite each other, it is not easy to narrow the psychological distance between each other because of the obstacle of a table in the middle.

sit side by side
Those sitting side by side have the closest physical distance, are quite intimate with each other, and have allowed each other to enter their own private space.If you want to take your relationship a step further, sit side by side.

chapter summary:

1.girlfriend licking lips

In a special dating situation, if a girlfriend watches her boyfriend lick his lips, then it is likely to be performed deliberately to seduce the boyfriend.

2.Girlfriend putting hands on your waist while riding a motorcycle
When your girlfriend gets on your motorcycle, putting her hand on your waist shows that she loves you with all her heart.If you love her too, don't let her down!
3.the boyfriend who walks with you

When shopping, if your boyfriend walks side by side with you, it means that he puts work on the same level as his girlfriend.Meeting such a boyfriend is your blessing, girls should learn to cherish it!

4.Competing for the boyfriend who sits on the left during a date
On a date, if your boyfriend always rushes to sit on the left, use the right half of his face to face you.This is not a good thing, he is probably hiding something from you.You have to pay attention!
5.Boyfriend who suddenly folded his arms
The movement of people crossing their arms is mostly a manifestation of the psychology of closing the heart and conducting self-defense.When your boyfriend folds his arms suddenly while you're talking, it's a sign that he doesn't want to hear any more.You'd better stop talking.

6.The boyfriend who walks around when you are late for a date
When you're late for a date and your boyfriend keeps walking up and down the date.If you observe carefully, you will find that there is an anxious and uneasy expression on his face.A boyfriend who is so worried about you naturally cares about you very much.

7.boyfriend sitting next to you

The boyfriend sitting next to you wants to push the relationship between the two of you one step forward, hoping that the love will develop in a better direction.If you notice, you should also work together.

(End of this chapter)

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