Behavioral Psychology: Instantly Read the Secrets Behind Others' Small Actions

Chapter 4 Stay away from the villain and approach the gentleman, interpret the micro-reaction of the

Chapter 4 Stay away from the villain and approach the gentleman, interpret the micro-reaction of the villain to reveal his true face

What is a villain?Confucius said: "The villain speaks eloquently to make people look good", "The villain is all about profit", "The villain is party and not the group", "The villain is always relatives"... In our words, the villain is those who do not abide by the righteous way, A person who uses evil means to achieve his goals.However, the villain's rhetoric blinds our eyes, making us unable to distinguish who is a villain and who is a gentleman.Words can be deceiving, but body language can never hide the truth.As long as we carefully observe the other party's micro-reactions, we can reveal their true colors.

1.A firm gaze does not mean sincerity

Mr. Q: Someone said that one of my colleagues slandered me behind my back. I asked him, and he replied firmly that there was no such thing.A firm gaze represents sincerity. Could it be that others have misunderstood him?However, there are no waves without wind, what is going on?

Socialist: A firm gaze does not necessarily mean sincerity, the other party is likely to be a master liar.Slandering others behind their backs is the work of villains, you have to be careful!
【Scene reconstruction】

Luo Jia is an administrative clerk in a company.She is hardworking, down-to-earth, and capable, and is appreciated by her boss and colleagues.However, an unexpected incident made her colleagues look at her differently.

One morning, as soon as Luo Jia walked into the office, she found that everyone and her colleagues looked at her with strange eyes, and whispered from time to time: "I didn't expect that she was such a person, and she used her beauty to seduce her." Boss." "What a vixen!"...

Luo Jia felt overwhelmed, so she asked her best colleague Xiao Hua, "What's the matter with everyone today?"

Xiao Hua secretly said: "You don't know yet! After you left work yesterday, Li Ling told a few colleagues there that the boss gave you an extra bonus of 500 yuan. I really don't know what relationship you have with the boss."

Luo Jia was furious when she heard this, and immediately called Li Ling outside the office and asked, "You told your colleagues that the boss gave me an extra 500 yuan, and you still slandered me?"

Li Ling was calm, looked at Luo Jia firmly and replied: "I never said such a thing. Whoever tells you that I said it, if you don't believe me, pull her out and confront her."

Seeing Li Ling's firm eyes, Luo Jia thought to herself: "Could it be that she really didn't say it, or someone else said it. But, only she and Xiaohua know about this matter, and it's impossible for Xiaohua to frame me."

Thinking of this, Luo Jia relaxed on purpose: "Really? Then I misunderstood you."

"You must have misunderstood me. If you don't believe me, you can find someone to confront." Li Ling still looked at Luo Jia firmly.However, Luo Jia no longer observed her eyes this time, but observed the changes in her pupils.Soon, she found that Li Ling's pupils dilated when she said this.

"Okay! Then let's confront each other, and I'll call him out." When Luo Jia said this, Li Ling suddenly went limp.

Have you ever encountered this kind of situation in the workplace, no matter how you ask, the other party pretends to be calm and looks at you firmly when you speak?
[expert answering doubts]

Everyone knows that in the process of interpersonal communication, when we talk to others, we all look into the other person's eyes and talk.This is both polite and a sign that you are listening.However, research has found that even if the other person is looking at you firmly and speaking, he is still likely to be lying!Let's take a look at the following experiment:
The researchers found a group of people, divided the group into two groups, let them sit face to face, and then asked a group of people to lie to each other. The researchers placed a camera in a hidden place in advance to film the scene.The end result was so surprising that the other 70 percent of the liars looked at each other with determination.

Yes, for those master liars, they already know that wandering eyes are likely to reveal their inner secrets.Therefore, they took the opposite approach to prevent the other party from seeing through their lies.In the story, when Li Ling was lying, she pretended to be calm and looked at Luo Jia firmly to prevent Luo Jia from seeing through her lies.However, Luo Jia, who has a little understanding of behavioral psychology, saw through her lies from the changes in her pupils.

Generally speaking, a master liar is often a villain.They lie to shirk responsibility, hoping to find someone to take the blame for themselves.Therefore, in the workplace, be careful when you meet someone who loves to lie.Eyes are the window to a person's soul, to judge whether a person is a master liar, one must carefully observe his eyes.

[Extended reading]

When a person looks at you firmly, he is not necessarily sincere, he may be a master liar.But sometimes, when the other party looks at you firmly and speaks, they communicate sincerely.Firm eyes should also be distinguished according to specific situations, representing different meanings in different situations.

When listening to someone talking, looking at the other person firmly is to convey sincerity

When you tell something, the other person looks at you firmly.This is one of the best ways to convey sincerity, showing that the other person is listening to you carefully and communicating with you sincerely.

Looking firmly at the other person and talking is lying
When a person talks to you, look at you firmly.That doesn't necessarily mean sincerity, he's probably a master liar.Because he knew that wandering eyes would make the other party discover the secret of his lying, so he took the opposite method to avoid being discovered by the other party.

Looking firmly into the distance shows that one is determined to do something

Sometimes, when a person encounters difficulties but does not want to be defeated by them, he tends to look melancholy and look into the distance firmly.The firm eyes at this time did not mean lying or sincerity, but that he was determined to do something.

2.people with rolling eyes are sinister and cunning

Mr. Q: Today, I saw one of my subordinates rolling his eyes when he was talking, as if he was thinking about something wrong.Should I be more cautious with such subordinates?

Socialist: Generally speaking, people with rolling eyes are insidious and cunning. As a boss, you should be vigilant and beware of such employees.

【Scene reconstruction】

The company has recently developed several major customers as key marketing targets, and plans to send experienced salesmen Xiao Li, Xiao Tang and Xiao Hu to negotiate business.

On this day, Mr. Wang, the manager of the marketing department, called Xiao Li, Xiao Tang and Xiao Hu to the office and assigned them tasks.Both Xiao Li and Xiao Tang readily accepted the order, but Xiao Hu did not agree immediately.

When the manager was about to ask Xiao Hu what was going on, Xiao Hu rolled his eyes and said first: "Manager, I want to change with Xiao Li. I have never run in the area allocated to him. I I want to exercise."

The manager noticed the movement of Xiao Hu's eyes rolling around, and felt that he seemed to be thinking about something wrong.So, he pretended to cough.Unexpectedly, Xiao Li said first: "Anyway, they are visiting customers, and I live in the area assigned to Xiaohu. Change it if you want!"

When Xiao Li said this, Xiao Tang and the manager next to him were all winking at him.It's a pity that he agreed too quickly, before he could see the winks from Xiao Tang and the manager.Now that Xiao Li has agreed, the manager can't say anything more.

After walking out of the manager's office, Xiao Tang told Xiao Li: "In the area that was changed, there seemed to be one or two customers who were particularly difficult to talk to. Xiao Hu was in charge of that area before, and he had encountered difficulties there several times. Seeing that you are honest, I pushed the problem to you."

Xiao Li didn't take it seriously at all, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, just treat it as a workout! We are all customers, what's the problem?"

It was only when negotiating with clients that Xiao Li experienced the real difficulty.The client couldn't talk about it no matter what, and ended up with no results.And Xiao Hu negotiated several orders in that area, and immediately earned a commission of 5 yuan.Xiao Li didn't say anything about this, but smiled wryly.But the manager next to him saw it very clearly. Since then, he has been very vigilant against Xiao Hu, and no longer dispatched him to negotiate with important customers, slowly reducing his power and reducing the company's losses.Later, when Xiao Hu left the company, he took only a few clients with him.

As a company leader, have you found your subordinates with rolling eyes?Generally speaking, subordinates with rolling eyes are insidious and cunning, which is a manifestation of villains.Therefore, you should be more vigilant in the face of this kind of subordinates.

[expert answering doubts]

Observing a person's eyes can often help us understand the person's psychological world. Rolling eyes are the worst kind of eye language. People with rolling eyeballs are typical sly-eyes.Although this kind of person is very flexible in mind, he is always imagining things and cannot settle down. He has a heart that makes people never guess his true thoughts.

Xiao Hu in the story is such a person, he is insidious and cunning, harbors evil intentions, and usually duplicity in what he does.Xiao Li in the story doesn’t understand behavioral psychology at all. If he noticed Xiao Hudi’s rolling eyes, or if he understood the meaning of the manager’s pretending to “cough”, he might not agree to his request, and he would not be able to do so later. You won't suffer.However, fortunately, through this incident, the manager discovered Xiao Hudi's swaying eyes, raised his vigilance, and took timely measures to reduce the company's losses.

The above story tells us a truth: In the workplace, whether it is a leader or a colleague, we must beware of those who roll their eyes.Of course, leaders should pay more attention to knowing people to do their jobs well. While delegating power, they must implement responsibilities and make good use of their own supervision and control functions, so as not to cause troubles to work and losses to the company due to improper employment.Of course, leaders can't arbitrarily define the normal eye movements of their subordinates as small movements with ulterior motives. After all, everyone will roll their eyes when they have some mental activities.

[Extended reading]

When a person has some mental activities, the eyeballs will turn involuntarily.We can quickly and accurately interpret what the other party is looking at and thinking about from the direction and speed of the other party's eyeballs.

People with fast eyeballs move quickly
A person who rolls his eyes quickly has a keen sixth sense, quick reaction, and can quickly see through people's hearts.This kind of person tends to be independent and easy to be emotional.

People with slow eye movement feel sluggish
A person with sluggish eyeballs will experience sluggish body and facial features and less emotional ups and downs.Such people are generally not easily influenced by others and like to live their own lives.

The person whose eyes are turning to the upper left is recalling the past
When a person's eye rolls with the upper left, it means that he is recalling things he has seen before.If he thinks of the good things in the past, there may be a smile on his mouth.

The person whose eyes are turning to the upper right is thinking about something he has never seen

When a person's eyeballs turn to the upper right, it means that he is thinking about something he has never seen.

The person whose eyes turn to the lower left is talking to himself
When a person's eyes roll downward, it means that he has something on his mind.And it's not convenient to tell others about this matter, and I talk to myself in my heart.

The eye rolls to the lower right to indicate that it is feeling its own body
When a person's eyeballs turn to the lower right, it shows that he is feeling his body, and his body may have symptoms of discomfort.

A person with eye level left and right is trying to make sense of what he hears
When a person's eyeballs look left and right, it means that he is trying to understand what he hears, and it is likely that you can't express clearly!
3.The person who smiles but not smiles hides a knife in his smile
Q Jun: People say that a smile is the most beautiful language, but why do you always feel awkward when you see someone's smile?
Socialist: Smile is the most beautiful language, because it comes from the heart, and the smile developed through training is less sincere, and always gives people a feeling of not smiling, sometimes smiling is just hiding a lie.

【Scene reconstruction】

Yu Li is the secretary of the general manager. Many people in the company like to get close to her, even the deputy general manager Li Xin is no exception.Whenever Li Xin sees Yu Li, she always greets her with a smile.For some reason, Yu Li shuddered whenever she saw her smile.Li Xin's smile looks normal, but her mouth has never moved, and there are no crow's feet on either side.Therefore, Yu Li always felt that there was a sharp sword hidden in her smile, with a cold light shining and full of murderous intent.

Once, the general manager was on a business trip.Li Xin came to Yu Li and asked her to have dinner.Yu Li couldn't evade, so she had to agree.However, after get off work, Vice President Li drove by in front of Yu Li, and although he saw Yu Li, he turned a blind eye.Yu Li felt that this was a bit strange, and when she thought of her smile, a chill immediately spread throughout her body.

When they arrived at the agreed hotel, Vice President Li was already waiting at the door.During the meal, she talked endlessly about dressing and grooming, but said nothing about work.After drinking for three rounds, Vice President Li began to talk about the general manager.

When Yu Li looked up, she saw her sinister smile again.Yu Li couldn't help being startled, thinking that she wanted to get some news from her.However, to her surprise, Vice President Li said that the general manager was full of compliments, saying that he is really a genius.In addition to his acquired efforts, he also has talent.I heard from others that a man with a mole on the sole of his foot must be a genius.When her husband took a shower with the general manager, he saw a mole on the sole of the general manager's foot.

Yu Li didn't take what she said to heart.However, when they broke up, Yu Li clearly saw the sharpness and sinister hidden in her half-smile answer.

After a while, Yu Li had dinner with some of her better sisters.During the dinner, someone talked about the personality and talent of the general manager. Yu Li, who was a little drunk, said: "The talent of the general manager is born, and he has a natural appearance."

Everyone was puzzled, and immediately asked: "What is the general manager's aura?"

Yu Li blurted out: "There is a mole on the sole of the general manager's foot."

The sisters were startled first, then laughed loudly and said, "How about it, it's been exposed. How do you know that the general manager has a mole on the sole of his foot?"

Only then did Yu Li realize that she had said the wrong thing.However, the more they argued, the more they booed.Yu Li had no choice but to arrange it by them.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, someone reported the matter to the chairman, saying that Yu Li had an unusual relationship with the general manager.Yu Li was extremely wronged, which not only tarnished her own innocence, but also implicated the general manager.Therefore, she went to clarify the matter to the chairman.

Unexpectedly, after Shi Li finished speaking, the chairman called the general manager over without saying anything.It turned out that the chairman had known about this for a long time.Because Vice President Li once used this method on the general manager, but the general manager was not fooled by her, and he paid attention to her actions.She just shifted her target.

The chairman patted her on the shoulder and said: "Vice President Li has been watching the position of the general manager, so he often plays tricks. Don't take this matter to heart and work hard."

Yu Li nodded.Not long after, Vice President Li was fired.

If you don't understand behavioral psychology and can't read other people's body language, then you will naturally be easily deceived.Yu Li in the story was plotted against because she didn't understand the meaning of Vice President Li's smile.

[expert answering doubts]

A sincere smile is the most beautiful expression on a person's face, and it is the "universal currency" in interpersonal relationships, which everyone can give and accept.However, some people's smiles are not from the heart, but from practice.They have tempered their smiles impeccably, but this trained smile always looks a little awkward.

The reason is very simple, because the trained smile lacks something called "sincerity". There is a sharp sword hidden in the smile, and the cold light flickers.This is the meaning of the so-called hidden knife in a smile!

The smile on Vice President Li's face in the story is that there is a knife hidden in the smile, which makes people shudder.Although Yu Li felt that her smile was flickering, she didn't understand behavioral psychology after all, so she was naturally taken advantage of in the end.If she understands behavioral psychology, she won't relax her vigilance, and she won't fail to understand the intention of the other party's words, so she won't jump into the trap set by the other party.However, as the so-called evil prevails over good, Vice President Li's plot failed in the end, and he hurt himself instead.

The workplace is like a battlefield, there are gentlemen and villains.We should always keep our eyes open and recognize who is a villain and who is a gentleman in time.Be kind to a gentleman, stay away from a villain, and strive to do your job well.

[Extended reading]

People often compare the "body language" of smiling to the "universal currency" in communication. Everyone can pay and everyone can accept it.In fact, in addition to smiling, there are several common ways of laughing in life:

A snicker is a low-pitched laugh that others may not be able to hear.Smirking means that you often see the funny side of a thing, but others may not see it.Therefore, it is easy for you to get along with others and be liked by others.

A nose smile is a snort that comes out of the nose.Because you want to hold back a laugh, you hold back your nose.A nose smile means that you are shy and don't want to draw attention from others. You are also humble and considerate, you like to follow the routine, you value other people's feelings, and others will like your carefulness.

common laugh
Ordinary laughter is normal, not special, not too loud.This means that he works hard but will not fight for fame and fortune, is very patient, kind-hearted and reliable, and is a very good friend.

contemptuous smile
When a person laughs, his nose is upturned, and his expression is contemptuous. It is often that the person is laughing and he does not smile, or only smiles a few times.This is a contemptuous laugh.People who like to laugh contemptuously look down on everyone and like to put others down and elevate themselves.This is actually an inferiority complex, and you won't have many friends.

nervous laugh
When a person laughs, he panics and stops suddenly. Seeing others continue to laugh, he also laughs.This is also a manifestation of low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, fear of laughing wrongly, and even more afraid of being laughed at.In fact, you should change your mentality. You don’t need to worry too much about what others think of you. You can be yourself. Even if others don’t find it funny, you have the right to find it funny.

Fake laugh
Although the face is smiling, the eyes are not smiling, and the heart is not smiling at all, as if wearing a mask.

When a person faces the person he likes, he often smiles.If you meet a person who smiles at you, you must grasp it and don't miss the good match.

4.Scratching the neck shows that the other person is duplicity

Q Jun: Today, when my colleague was talking to me, he scratched his neck from time to time. Is this a habitual action, or does it mean something else?

Socialist: Always scratching your neck when talking is a sign of duplicity, and duplicity is the behavior of villains, so be careful!
【Scene reconstruction】

Ye Jia and Zhang Qian are good colleagues.Ye Jia is the supervisor of the company, while Zhang Qian is the team leader.Recently, Ye Jia was transferred to a branch company as a manager because of her outstanding work performance.Although the position has been promoted, but the branch is far away in the mountainous area, life and travel are very inconvenient.Therefore, she did not want to work in the branch office at all.

One afternoon, Ye Jia, who was in a depressed mood, started a conversation with Zhang Qian, and they talked about going to a branch company. "Hey, I really don't want to work in the branch!" Ye Jia said with a sigh.

Zhang Qian rolled her eyes and asked, "This is a good thing! Why don't you go?"

"It's too remote, and life and travel are inconvenient. How can I bear it? I'd rather be a supervisor here than a manager there." Ye Jia said with a sad face.

"That's right! The conditions there are really bad." Zhang Qian echoed.

"I really want to stay in the head office!" Ye Jia pouted.

Zhang Qian scratched her neck and said, "Then you can apply to the general manager not to go!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Jia clapped her hands happily and said, "Okay, I'll apply to the general manager now."

Zhang Qian didn't expect that Ye Jia would really want to apply, and hurriedly stopped her: "Think carefully first! Don't rush to push it away. In fact, it's more conducive to your development over there."

Ye Jia ran away quickly, leaving Zhang Qian stunned.After a while, she patted her head violently and said, "I'm really ruining my future!"

After reading the above story, we can't help asking a question: Does Zhang Qian really want Ye Jia to stay?
[expert answering doubts]

Nowadays, people have a common psychology: mistrust.The reason for this mentality is that there are too many duplicity people.A duplicity person makes a lot of hype on the surface, but in reality it is not at all.They say praises for you, but they may be cursing you severely in their hearts.This kind of people are the best at intrigue. Every day they think about how to deal with others on the surface, and how to calculate others in action.Being with this kind of person is very dangerous, because you don't know what he really thinks in his heart.Therefore, duplicity is also a manifestation of a villain.

Around our lives, there are often such villains hidden, interfering with our lives from time to time.So how to identify the villain who is duplicity?How to keep yourself from being misled by other people's words?To identify a duplicity villain, don't listen to what he says, but pay attention to observe his body movements when he speaks.As long as you observe carefully, these body movements will betray his inner secrets!
Although Zhang Qian in the story speaks extremely nicely, the movement of scratching her neck reveals her inner secret.She felt uneasy because she was afraid that others would find out because she said something against her will.So, scratching your neck is a sign of duplicity, and duplicity is a sign of a villain.

Therefore, in our work, we must be good at discovering those villains who say nothing, and stay away from them.Otherwise, you can only live in their lies.

[Extended reading]

scratching the neck
Neck scratching is when the index finger (usually the index finger of the writing hand) scratches the side of the neck or the area just below the earlobe.In a conversation, if a person scratches their neck while talking to you, it means that they are saying something that is not what they mean.

pull collar
Once the liar senses the suspicion of the listener, he will feel tense inside, his blood pressure will rise, and the raised blood pressure will make his neck sweat constantly.When you see someone doing this, you might as well say to him: "Please tell me what you have to say, okay?" Such words will show the person who is trying to lie.

fingers between lips
The gesture of putting a finger between the lips is the same as feeling hot under your neckline as a baby, a gesture a person makes when they are under stress.

Scratching the back of the neck
For us humans, both frustration and fear can make goosebumps rise on the back of our necks and give us that itchy sensation.So when we're frustrated and scared, we can't help scratching the back of our necks.

5.A man who nods and bows is as loyal as a traitor

Mr. Q: I really dislike one of my colleagues. No matter what the manager says, he always nods and says, "Yes, yes." It's completely flattering.

Socialist: He is echoing and complimenting your boss. Nodding and bowing is a sign of treachery and loyalty.At work, pay more attention to beware of such villains.

【Scene reconstruction】

Ma Chao is the supervisor of a company. He is dedicated to his duties and treats his subordinates as his own brothers, and is deeply loved by the employees.Although he has made a lot of achievements, his boss manager doesn't pay much attention to him.On the contrary, the manager attaches great importance to Xiao Liu, the supervisor of another department.Xiao Liu does not have a strong sense of responsibility and is very sloppy with his work. His subordinates complained to him because of this.I don't know what ecstasy drug Xiao Liu gave the manager, but the manager actually promoted him to be the workshop director.

One day, Ma Chao went to the manager's office to report to the manager.Unexpectedly, Xiao Liu was also there.Ma Chao had no choice but to stand aside and wait.Ma Chao didn't know exactly what Xiao Liu told the manager, but he found that Xiao Liu kept repeating a very special movement—nodding and bowing.No matter what the manager said, he nodded, then bent over and said, "Yes, yes, what the manager said is very true."

When Ma Chao saw this scene, he was very dismissive.After Xiao Liu finished speaking, he went out.Ma Chao said to the manager with a smile: "Little Liu looks simple and honest, and feels very loyal."

When the manager heard this, his eyebrows raised unconsciously, and he said cheerfully, "Isn't that right? That time, I drank broken wine with a client and vomited all over my body. You can't imagine that Xiao Liu not only made me Back home, he gave me hangover soup and washed my clothes. It’s really rare to see such a nice person nowadays.”

Ma Chao wanted to say something, but he didn't say it yet.The manager interrupted him: "Another time, my daughter was sick. He just called at that time. After learning about it, he rushed over overnight. He is such a good man!" The manager said to himself.

Listening to the manager's words of appreciation, Ma Chao finally understood why he reused Xiao Liu.However, he had a vague feeling that something was wrong, and he always felt that Xiao Liu's compliment was too much, driven by his interests.

Ma Chao wanted to persuade the manager, but the manager waved his hand and told him to go to work quickly.Ma Chao didn't say anything, and silently left the manager's office.

However, what the manager never dreamed of was that half a year later, he would be fired from the company, and Xiao Liu, the workshop director, would take his place.He was hit so hard that he only woke up at this time, but it was too late.

Since ancient times, loyalty and villainy have been inseparable.The manager in the story is really feeding on tigers.If he had recognized that Xiao Liu was a villain in time, then he would not have suffered a crushing defeat.

[expert answering doubts]

Generally speaking, those treacherous and loyal villains disdain to make money, do not seek petty gains, and usually appear to be honest and loyal, hypocritical and deceitful, and only reveal their true colors at critical moments.This kind of person is honest on the surface, but in fact he may be hypocritical; if he meets everyone, he will boast that he has a seven-point backbone, and he may be a super flatterer. If you don’t pay attention to his daily behavior, he will You are likely to be deceived by his kindness, thinking that he is a brave and loyal gentleman.

In today's society, people are more and more capable of disguising themselves, disguising themselves without leaving any traces.Xiao Liu in the story is such a villain. He not only satisfies the manager's vanity by adopting a flattering and obedient attitude, but also pretends to be honest and loyal, and wins the manager's trust by doing things for the manager that ordinary people cannot do.There is no free lunch in the world. If a high-ranking manager has this awareness, maybe he will be more vigilant.In fact, if the manager knows a little about behavioral psychology, Xiao Liu's nodding and bowing behavior can also identify his true inner world.

In daily life, the treacherous and loyal villains are actually the most treacherous people. They often use other people's trust in them to fight back.When the opponent suddenly wakes up, he has no power to parry.

[Extended reading]

For the silent language of the waist, women are much more subtle than men.A woman's waist is a sex symbol other than a woman's buttocks and chest, and it often expresses meaning with silent lines.Lines and colors are the most expressive character language of human beings besides vocal language.A woman's waist is a line symbol.

Bend over
As we all know, bowing down to salute when meeting people is the meeting language of Japanese women. The curve formed by bending down is soft, docile and smooth, thus forming a smooth appearance, and this kind of woman gives people a soft and beautiful feeling.

Put your hands on your waist, this image is like the image of two hens fighting.This is a two-way outward expansion of women, expressing inner anger and strength.This kind of language is not used by ordinary women.

Looking up is an undefended city, which is called a woman's "defenseless signal".If a woman sits on the sofa and faces the opposite sex with her waist up, the general situation is: She has absolute trust and absolute respect for the man in front of her, and she feels that he will not cause her harm.

chapter summary:

1.steady-eyed man

A firm gaze does not necessarily mean sincerity. The other party is likely to be a master liar, and lying is often done by villains.Because they lie to shirk responsibility, hoping to find someone to take the blame for themselves.In the workplace, if you encounter a master liar, you have to be careful.

2.person with rolling eyes

People with rolling eyes are sinister and cunning, as if they are always thinking about something wrong, this is a way of expressing a villain.If you notice someone with rolling eyes beware.

3.smiley person

A smile that is not a smile lacks something called "sincerity". It feels very fake, and it is a bit of a "smile without a smile". If there is a harmful heart, then his smile hides a The sharp sword flashed coldly.In the face of such a person, we should keep our eyes open and recognize the other party's bad motives in time.

4.people who like to scratch their necks

Scratching your neck all the time while talking is a sign of duplicity, and duplicity is the behavior of villains.Around our lives, there are often such villains hidden, interfering with our lives from time to time.To identify a duplicity villain, don't listen to what he says, but pay attention to observe his body movements when he speaks.

5.nodding man

Nodding and bowing is a manifestation of treachery and loyalty. This type of person disdains to be a dog, is not greedy for profit, and does not seek petty gains. He usually looks honest and loyal, hypocritical and deceitful, deceptive, and only reveals his true colors at critical moments.Be careful with this kind of people, otherwise you will suffer from raising tigers.

(End of this chapter)

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