star wife loves me

Chapter 170 "Comedy Star" Issue 5!

Chapter 170 "Comedy Star" Issue [-]!

Chapter 170 "Comedy Star" Issue [-]!

The recording of the fifth episode of "Comedy Star" has started.

Su Ze and Li Songling sat in the lounge.

"Su Ze, I'm a little nervous." Li Songling said.

He has talked about cross talk for many years, but he has never talked about it on TV.What's more, it is a variety show with such a high degree of attention.

Before coming here, Li Songling was still very calm, with the demeanor of a light-hearted master.

Seeing that he was about to take the stage, this guy was scared.

"Oh." Su Ze nodded, he didn't have time to talk to Li Songling, this guy was clicking on his phone, chatting with Liu Yan.

Su Ze: "I'm going to be on stage in 10 minutes."

Liu Yan: "Oh, come on ↖(^ω^)↗!"

Su Ze: "Don't worry, when you watch the show, you'll know what it means to laugh to death!"

Liu Yan: "(ˉ▽ ̄~) cut~~, bragging!"

Su Ze: "Don't believe me? Then let's make a bet. If my cross talk gets better reviews than the last one, will you promise me something?"

Liu Yan: "What's the matter?"

Su Ze: "Guess!" with a lewd expression.

Liu Yan: "Cut~ I'm so scared!"

Su Ze: "Just say yes or no!"

Liu Yan: "Agreed, wouldn't it appear that I'm cowardly if I don't agree?"

Su Ze: "OK! That's it, I'm going to prepare!"

Liu Yan: "Good bye."

Su Ze blew a kiss, and Liu Yan responded with two expressions, one arrogant and the other rolling her eyes.

"Hey!" Su Ze clenched his fist and swung it vigorously, feeling very excited.After this episode airs, it will be the day of my confession!
Damn, originally Su Ze didn't want to confess his love so early, but thinking about it is really exhausting!
When you're not in a relationship, you think it doesn't matter, and being ambiguous is fine. Don't many people say that being ambiguous is the most beautiful and touching time?

But people who are really at this stage will spit on your face fiercely. Being ambiguous is very beautiful, and being ambiguous is also very tangled, disturbed, and tormented!

Especially when Su Ze was wandering around on the entertainment gossip website two days ago, when he accidentally saw a media tabloid saying that a rich man went to the airport with flowers to chase actresses, Su Ze suddenly realized that even if he was not in a hurry , Liu Yan is not in a hurry, so it can't help others to be in a hurry!

Liu Yan is like a flower, with a strong fragrance, there must be many bees staring at it.

Although he is very confident about his future, he is still a young artist at this stage. After finally making a name for himself in the music scene, he willfully refused to sign with a music company and came to talk about cross talk!

Just because of my temperament that likes to toss around and doesn't accept other people's control, it may take a few years to really become famous.

Who knows if in the past few years, a tall, rich and handsome son will suddenly come out to pursue Liu Yan!

Who knows if Liu Yan's mother will mobilize the seven aunts and eight aunts to introduce him to someone on a whim?

Who knows if Liu Yan will suddenly feel more at ease in finding a young and successful person?
Su Ze has this kind of mentality now. Even if his reason tells him that the relationship between him and Liu Yan is very sincere, when he has nothing to do, he still can't help but think wildly.

He has never been the kind of person who likes to be entangled. If it were an ordinary girl, he would have confessed his love long ago, but he has been hesitant because the other party is Liu Yan.

But now he couldn't bear it anymore!
Well, that's the decision, I'll confess when the show airs!
Su Ze thought wildly for a while, and then suddenly realized that Li Songling had just said something to him. He raised his head and looked at Li Songling blankly: "Ah? What did you just say, Old Li? I didn't hear clearly!"

"I'm too lazy to care about you."

On the stage of "Comedy Star", the sketches of Huang Xiaoxia, Chen Bo, and Guo Kai have come to an end. Their sketch for this issue is called "On the Taxi", which tells the story of a taxi driver and a funny couple of passengers funny story.

Inspired by Su Ze's previous works, several humorous jokes popular on the Internet were added to this sketch, and at the end, it did not deliberately talk about the philosophy of morality and legal life.

"Whoa whoa-"

The performance of Huang Xiaoxia's team was over, and the audience responded well with warm applause.

After a brief interview, Huang Xiaoxia left the stage. The host Li Li stood on the stage and said with a smile: "The one who will appear next, many people say that he is a singer. But since the last episode of the show, someone said He's a very talented comedian..."

Before Li Li finished speaking, excited cheers rang out from the audience: "Su Ze! Su Ze! Su Ze!"

There were spectators holding fluorescent cards in the audience, waving the fluorescent cards in their hands vigorously, cheering one after another, and the atmosphere of the scene suddenly rose to a higher level!
In the first three episodes, if we were to say which comedian was the most anticipated by the audience, some would say Lao Long, some would say Huang Xiaoxia, and some would say Song Pingping.

But since the fourth episode was broadcast, more than half of the people must have changed their tone.

Who is the most anticipated comedian?
Needless to say, Su Ze!

A "Happy Childhood", I don't know how many people are lying on the table laughing. On, the number of broadcasts of the fourth issue of "Comedy Star" has climbed to No.1 in the month, and the forwarding of "Happy Childhood" The number of shares has also exceeded one million!

The appearance of Su Ze greatly increased the online attention of "Happy Childhood"!

Taking the video playback volume as a comparison, the playback volume of the fourth episode is 50% more than that of the third episode!
Most of the extra people came for "Happy Childhood", and some of them came for "Beautiful Times".

Speaking of which, it's all due to Su Ze!

"It seems that everyone has figured it out..."

Li Li laughed and said, "That's right, it's Su Ze. In the last episode, Su Ze told us about his happy childhood..."

The audience laughed. Was that a happy childhood? That childhood was so miserable that it couldn't be more miserable, okay?

That kid can't be more pushy, okay?

Li Li also laughed, "This time, Su Ze is not alone. He invited his partner. But the cross talk they talked about still has something to do with childhood."

She raised the volume: "Let's applaud and invite Su Ze and Li Songling to bring us the cross talk "I Want Happiness"!"

Hush, huh, huh—the applause was louder than Huang Xiaoxia's at the end of her performance. This scene directly made other comedians want to cry with envy.

Like Lao Long and Huang Xiaoxia, they have worked so hard to record four episodes, why do they feel that they are not as popular as Su Zeduo, who only recorded one episode?
Audiences don't think what other comedians think, they just look forward to it.

I want to be happy?Let's talk about "happiness" again, will this be the second part of Happy Childhood?

Will it be as funny as "Happy Childhood"?
Amidst the audience's speculation and expectation, the sound of "Boom—boom—boom—" sounded, the curtain was slowly pulled up, and Su Ze and Li Songling in long robes and coats and black cloth shoes were already standing on the stage.

"Whoa whoa-"

Seeing Su Ze, the audience applauded.

Su Ze showed a smile, Li Songling also smiled, and at the same time took a breath quietly to calm down his nervousness.

He knew how popular Su Ze's last performance was, and he also knew how much the audience looked forward to Su Ze's performance today, so he knew that he must not lose the chain.

Su Ze must be praised!

"Hi everyone." Su Ze spoke, and the audience in the audience quieted down.

"Let me introduce, mainly to introduce him." Su Ze stretched out his hand, motioning everyone to look at Li Songling.

Li Songling chuckled, "Why introduce me, I should introduce you first!"

"I'm very famous, I don't need to introduce it!" Su Ze looked awesome.

"Cut..." The audience burst into laughter.

Su Ze didn't change his face: "Everyone knows me, so I won't introduce myself. I will mainly introduce the teacher next to me. My surname is Li, and my name is Li Songling. She speaks cross talk very well..."

Just as Li Songling wanted to be polite, he heard Su Ze say: "A wonderful flower in the cross talk world."

"Huh?" Li Songling stared, "Why am I such a weirdo?"

"You guys may not know, this Mr. Li also talked about cross talk in the early years. He was in the Liuyun Teahouse in our capital. Later, when he became famous, Mr. Li went to open a bar again. Seeing the bar open It was booming, and I ran back to talk about cross talk, and the big guy said, isn’t it a weird thing?”

ah?The audience did not expect that the seemingly ordinary Li Songling was actually a businessman.

Li Songling rubbed his nose, "Okay, then it's a miracle!"

"Yeah!" Su Ze nodded, "Ms. Li, let me ask you a little question. You talked about cross talk and opened a bar. After all these years of hard work, have you made any money?"

Li Songling looked at Su Ze suspiciously: "What are you doing?"

"I don't do anything, I just ask."

"It's okay anyway."

"Have you bought a house?" Su Ze asked.

"I bought it." Li Songling nodded.

"Have you bought a car?" Su Ze asked again.

"Bought it."

"Have you bought a car?"

Li Songling gestured, "You mean the sleeper car? There is one!"

"Is there?" Su Ze blinked and asked cautiously, "Your wives and concubines are in groups?"

The audience burst into laughter, and Li Songling coughed lightly, "That's a good wish."

"Hahaha——" The original laughter turned into laughter, and everyone was amused by Li Songling's "honest and straightforward" answer.

This is the charm of teasing. The jokes of cross talk are not necessarily in teasing. Sometimes a seemingly plain sentence can shake a good burden.

Su Ze sighed: "Too rich! So happy!"

"Is this happiness?" Li Songling asked.

"Happiness!" Su Ze nodded and gritted his teeth, "That's how you are, that's how it is!"

Li Songling was taken aback, "What's wrong with you?"

Su Ze grinned his teeth in hatred and stomped his feet, "That's what you do!"

Li Songling wondered, "What will happen to me?"

Su Ze snorted angrily, "Just do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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