star wife loves me

Chapter 181 Su Ze's Sketch!

Chapter 181 Su Ze's Sketch!
Chapter 180 Su Ze's sketch!
"Xiao Su, I just got the news this morning. I heard that they won't let you perform cross talk anymore? Well, there's no way. No one thought that Mr. Jiang Shen would post on Weibo. It's normal for Beijing TV to be under a lot of pressure. It doesn't matter, I believe you can also perform sketches, isn't it you who wrote our "Belle Epoque"? You came to the rehearsal now, did you write something better than "Belle Epoque"? Huh? Your eyes What's wrong? Like a giant panda!" This is what Huang Xiaoxia said when she met Su Ze.

"Brother Su, I already know about that matter. Now it seems that you can only perform sketches. How about it? Have you thought about the script? Hehe, writing the script must not be difficult for you, right? Then you find a good one." Did your partner assist in acting? Do you need my help? Huh? What happened to your eyes? You look like a giant panda!" This is what Lao Long said when he met Su Ze.

"Xiao Su, don't worry about the next program. Brother Song believes in your strength, but I also want to remind you, don't let you, Brother Song, me go down... Huh? What happened to your eyes? Like a big Panda!" It was Song Pingping who said this.

Then Su Ze just waved goodbye to Song Pingping, and turned around to meet Sun Xiaoyi who was approaching gracefully. When she saw Su Ze, her eyes widened and she said in surprise, "Su Ze, what's wrong with your eyes? It looks like a..."

"Giant panda..." Su Ze looked at her weakly, "I said, did you agree on the lines..."

Sun Xiaoyi was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting..." Su Ze waved his hand, too lazy to explain.

"Oh, what about your next show..."

"Don't worry, the script has been written, and we have a partner..." Su Ze pulled out Jiang Yu who was standing behind him, covering his mouth and giggling, "This is my partner, Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu, this I don’t need to introduce you, do I?”

"Hello, Sister Xiaoyi!" Jiang Yu tried his best to hold back his laughter, and stretched out his hand to Sun Xiaoyi.


Sun Xiaoyi shook hands with Jiang Yu, looked at Jiang Yu's flushed face, and touched his own face strangely, "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

"No, no, sister Sun, go slowly..." Su Ze hurriedly sent Sun Xiaoyi away, and then heard a burst of loud laughter from behind.

"Hahahahahaha—I can't help it—hahaha—as expected of a comedy performer—they are all so humorous—" Jiang Yu's laughter echoed in the corridor of the TV station.

"Come into the room!" Su Ze pulled Jiang Yu into the lounge, and secretly vowed to heal his eyes before the recording of the show.

Yaya!How embarrassing!

The rehearsal is carried out separately. During the rehearsal, all contestants are not allowed to watch other people's works.Of course, if the contestants communicate in private, that's another matter. Of course, the program team has nothing to do with it.

The works of Su Ze and Jiang Yu successfully passed the rehearsal. After seeing the performance of Su Ze and Jiang Yu, the director Shi Quan held Su Ze's hand tightly and said with relief: "Little Su, you are able to do this in such a short time. Come up with such a humorous work that can’t find any faults. If you want me to say that you are the only one in the whole country. It’s amazing, it’s really amazing! Haha, why do I feel that it’s not a bad thing for you to perform sketches? Is it a good thing?"

Su Ze chuckled, "Anyway, I would also like to thank Director Shi. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably have left the capital by now."

"It's nothing, I also believe in your ability. If it were any other person, I wouldn't dare to slap my chest on the TV station!"

Shi Quan laughed and said, and then he glanced at Jiang Yu who was sitting drinking water and resting not far away, and said: "But there is one thing, according to the character setting of your sketch, the real age of the two of you is compared to The characters are much younger, and I have to deal with it when I put on makeup... By the way, I said, where did you find such a partner in such a short time? It's really good! It looks like it has acting skills!"

"Her name is Jiang Yu. Speaking of how the two of us met, it was a disaster..."

Su Ze sighed.If God gave him another chance to go back to the bus returning home that day, he swore to God that he would never be idle and have nothing to do to provoke Jiang Yu!

"Jiang Yu?" Unexpectedly, Shi Quan was taken aback when he heard Jiang Yu's name, and then looked at Jiang Yu carefully, with a surprised expression on his face: "No wonder, I said why I looked at her a little bit Familiar with……"

Now it was Su Ze's turn to be surprised: "Director Shi, do you know her?"

"Several times."

Shi Quan smiled and said, "You can do it, you even know her, ah..."

Shi Quan showed a look of sudden realization again: "No wonder... no wonder the leader said at the beginning that he would disqualify you from the competition, but then changed his mind..."

Ok?Su Ze was taken aback. Shi Quan's words meant that... the capital TV station made the decision to continue the competition because of Jiang Yu?
What is the background of Jiangyu?Scary?

"Director Shi, can you introduce her to me?" Su Ze asked in a low voice.

Shi Quan looked at Su Ze in surprise: "You can find her as a partner, but don't you know who she is?"

"I don't know..." Su Ze shook his head, "Tell me about it."

"That's really weird..." Shi Quan looked at Su Ze, then at Jiang Yu, and then laughed and said, "If that's the case, then I can't say it anymore, otherwise if she blames me, I will blame you." But I can’t eat and walk around, haha, goodbye, remember to come early when recording the show, and get your makeup done..."

After saying that, Shi Quan left quickly, as if he was afraid that Su Ze would ask him a word.

Not far away, Jiang Yu put down his water glass and came over, looked at Shi Quan who was leaving in a hurry, and asked strangely, "What's wrong with him? Is he in a hurry to urinate?"

Su Ze turned to look at Jiang Yu, and asked seriously, "Jiang Yu, can you tell me who you are?"

"I'm the most beautiful and cutest girl in the world!" Jiang Yu answered seriously, blinking her big beautiful eyes.


"According to insiders of "Comedy Star", the program that Su Ze performed in the rehearsal was not a cross talk but a sketch. Could it be that he voluntarily gave up his superior feature project and switched to a sketch because his cross talk has already angered the public, even Su Ze also Can't stand the pressure anymore?"

"The reporter of this newspaper contacted the staff of Beijing TV Station. According to him, on the day Su Ze released "I want to fight against the three vulgarities", Mr. Jiang Shen went to Beijing TV Station in person and strongly demanded that Beijing TV Station ban Su Ze!"

"The real situation is that Mr. Jiang Shen jointly signed several cross talk masters and announced that Su Ze must not step into the cross talk world, otherwise Su Ze will be completely banned from the Chinese entertainment industry! Mr. Jiang is a master of cross talk, but his ability is definitely not only Limited to the cross talk world, once angry, it's hard to say whether Su Ze's music album will be released. In order to release his album smoothly, Su Ze has no choice but to submit..."

"It has been confirmed that Su Ze's next show will be a sketch. "I want to fight against the three customs" has completely angered the entire cross talk world. From now on, it may be difficult for Su Ze to step into the cross talk world. Unfortunately, this editor always thinks that Su Ze is Huaxia The pioneer and leader of cross talk in the new era, originally thought that he would show his skills in the cross talk world and open up a new world, but he didn't expect to die halfway..."

"Farewell to cross talk and changed to sketches. Will Su Ze's sketches bring us disappointment or surprise? This newspaper believes that since his debut, Su Ze has shown an undoubted talent, whether it is writing ten classics in one day. The song, or "Belle Epoque" was written within half an hour according to the legend, or "I want to fight against the three customs" was written in just one afternoon to attack Fan Xiaoqiang sharply, all of which show that his creative ability is beyond the reach of ordinary people I believe that Su Ze will bring us a good work!"

The recording of "Comedy Star" has not yet started, and the news about Su Ze has already spread on the Internet. It is unknown who spread the news that Su Ze will perform a sketch, which has aroused the attention of many media and netizens. discuss.

Some people applauded and applauded, happy that such a scourge of the three customs has been eliminated in the cross talk world; Some people just watch the show, you can perform whatever you like, as long as the show is good.

In such an atmosphere, the recording of a new episode of "Comedy Star" began.

The order of appearance in this issue is also determined by drawing lots, and Su Ze's luck is a bit stinky...he got the first one!
"What kind of luck are you doing? It's a shame to be the first one! We'll draw lots next time, and you let me go!" Jiang Yu scorned.

"Okay, next time it's you!"

Su Ze nodded. Although it is not good to be the first to play, he has confidence in his work and in the performance of Jiang Yu and the others.

In this world's skit environment, even if his work can't win the championship, there is basically no problem in the top three!
In the studio, Li Li was reporting: "The first contestant to appear on the stage is a very good comedian. He has won the championship twice in a row when he debuted on this stage. I mean, everyone must have already Now that you have guessed who he is, what I want to tell you is that this time, the show he is going to perform is not a cross talk, but a sketch..."

"Su Ze! Su Ze!" Li Li hadn't finished speaking, and the audience quickly burst into cheers, deafening.

Regardless of whether the outside world's evaluation of Su Ze is good or bad, the program team is still very strict in the selection of the audience and the control of the live shooting. There will never be someone who suddenly stands up and shouts "Su Ze get out of the cross talk world" just after Su Ze appeared on the stage. Case.

"You're quite popular!" Jiang Yu pouted.

"You are my fan, don't you know?" Su Ze glanced at her.


"Get ready, we're about to play!"

(End of this chapter)

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