deep in time

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 (3)
The boy who was thinking about how to properly say comforting sentences, and was even ready to lend his shoulder to Baili's face became even more unhappy. He clenched his fists angrily, snorted coldly, and went straight to the side of the small forest. Walk around.

The boy's slender back, like a walking tree, looks clean and straight.

Baili bit his lip lightly, and quickly chased after him.

In fact, how can you not be sad?When I have a high fever, I will cry while imagining the scene of my mother touching my forehead anxiously. When I am sick, when I am at a loss, when I fall down, and when I can’t find my way, I will very, very long to be looked at by my father’s stern gaze. Motivated to get up.However, while imagining, I told myself very clearly: These are all loves that you cannot get.

Because I was too sober, I slowly and gradually blocked these unrealistic thoughts in my heart, as if I built a small world in my body, and put questions about "Does mom like to wear red dresses?" The idea of ​​whether my eyes are like mom or like dad' is shut inside with a door.

Time passed by every minute and every second. In this world, my mother had a specific appearance. She had long raven-black hair and her voice was gentle; But very safe.Mother is on the right, father is on the left, and I am led by the two to walk in the middle. The sunset infinitely elongates the shadow on the ground, and the family lives happily together.

When I hear someone say "You don't have a mother" again, the mother in that world will gently hold her hand and say, "Honey, I'm here."

Gradually, the world at the bottom of my heart was full of radiance and fullness.

So, from the outside, she has grown up and become a very strong and calm girl.

However, it will still be sad.Just dare not cry.Can't cry.

Now, Yelang Island is his home.

There is only this home.

The overcast sky weighed low.A gust of chilly wind brought tears down.

The boy walking in front seemed to notice something, he turned around slowly, and saw Baili stopped in place about two meters away.Not far away, the girl's tears rushed towards him like a raging tide.

Those crystal clear, bean-like tears fell to the ground, and seemed to have turned into seeds, and they were pulling out gray-green vines, gradually wrapping Baili's body, wrapping Baili densely, to let him see Less than a hundred miles.

The boy was stunned for a second, and immediately ran back. It was only two meters away, but he felt a kind of panic, as if he would disappear a hundred miles away in the blink of an eye.Until—the trembling hands circled Baili's shoulders, and the skin heat magnified thousands of times came from the nerve endings, and the heart that had been floating like a dandelion found a foothold at this moment.

"Don't cry." The voice was full of tenderness that the boy himself couldn't detect.

In the distant sky, thick clouds covered the sky.

I don't know how long it took, Baili left from the boy's arms, seeing Cheng Lichen's school shirt's chest wet, she lowered her eyes, wiped away her tears silently, then raised her head, except her eyes were a little red from crying Besides, she looked the same as usual.

In the slight wind, the boy inexplicably felt a kind of pampering.

Before, the girl trembled like a small animal in his arms, her shoulders trembled, and her silent crying seemed to be just an illusion.

And in the blink of an eye, he looked at himself lightly.It seemed that it wasn't her who cried bitterly and lost her composure.

The boy stared at Baili in a daze, and suddenly felt firm in his heart.

When I first saw Baili, I felt that this girl was so quiet that she didn't have any sense of existence. Later, I added "stubborn", "introverted", "very alienated" and "unable to enter her world" into Baili's dictionary. "Such a phrase.It was just at this moment that he suddenly felt that he knew Baili for the first time.

Baili, I always thought that what was hidden in your eyes was distance, but in fact it was a kind of strength; I always thought that the special temperament in your body was quietness, but in fact it was a kind of calm beyond age.

I once watched a TV show called "Lost Youth".A group of boys, the oldest being 21 years old and the youngest 13 years old, gather together to make a living in Internet cafes, discos, and bars by finding places, fighting and blackmailing. The families of this group of children are all unhappy, either single-parent families or Left-behind children whose parents went out to work, and even an orphan whose parents died in a car accident. These children had no home, lacked love, felt lonely and gathered together. Their lives began to be distorted and they committed numerous crimes.After the program aired, those adults who sympathized with these children almost exploded the hotline of the TV station.

The public opinion is almost one-sided, strongly condemning the lack of family education, and demanding that the court give a lighter sentence. The one who ended this vigorous intercession battle was a netizen who did not know the people. The victim's head was cut in half; because there is no love and care from parents, you can kill and rob; because you are unhappy, you can commit crimes!What a fallacy!We sympathize with the unhappiness of these children, but we cannot tolerate these children using this as an excuse to become a heinous criminal!This world is not perfect, each of us stumbles and walks in this world, there will be pain, loneliness, injury, loneliness, and misfortune that you don't want to see or hear.You can complain, you can curse, you can cry, you can vent, but this is not a reason for you to indulge in it.

Baili once again proposed to go back to the teacher's office building. Unexpectedly, the boy did not quarrel this time, but silently walked out of the grove side by side with the girl. The boy who didn't squint was like a prophet, and his hands quickly and accurately held her shoulders.

Walking out of the grove all the way, the boy's hand gently placed on the girl's shoulder, deliberately slowing down the pace so that the girl could follow, and smelling the smell of the boy's shampoo at a close distance...all of this strangely turned into a An inexplicable sense of security.

"It's already come out." The girl looked up.

"Ah?" The follow-up boy who couldn't figure out this sentence looked at Baili in confusion.

The girl lowered her gaze and moved her shoulders.

"..." The boy's face flushed suddenly, and he put down the hand on the girl's shoulder embarrassingly.

The two people standing on the cobblestone path in front of the grove, the boy is tall and the girl is petite, there is no intimate movement, but they are unexpectedly harmonious, like a soft and seductive picture.

"It seems... it's Baili and Cheng Lichen." Liu Yujing opened her eyes wide, and pointed forward with her hand from a distance.

Song Lanlan followed the direction and quickly saw the boy standing under a bunch of hanging branches, with one hand in his trouser pocket, his face could not be seen from a distance, but Cheng Lichen's indifferent expression could be imagined.

You asked him to eat, you ironed his school uniform, you specially bought his favorite models in other cities for him, and you ordered a box and cake for his birthday... No matter how you humbled yourself to the dust, he Always look at you with disdain in the eyes of "a cat crying and a mouse pretending to be kind".He is your stepson, you took away the position of another woman, you clearly knew that you did nothing wrong, but when you saw those sharp eyes that were as gloomy as the night, you would involuntarily avoid them, not daring to look directly at them.

She flattered Cheng Lichen, but she was at a loss in front of her stepson.

One night when she woke up, the ceiling reflected the bright light of the moon. She clearly remembered that in her dream, there was a small, round and chubby child calling her mother in her arms, and she responded sweetly. But all of a sudden, the child grew taller and taller like a leaf, and then gradually turned into Cheng Lichen's appearance, looking at her coldly.

"Auntie, they seem to be coming." Liu Yujing bit her lip. The first thing she saw was Cheng Lichen. His face and body should have been cleaned up. There was a circle of purple around the corner of his eyes, but it was very light. It seems that those who attacked The guys here are all smart adherents of "not slapping someone in the face is not slapping someone"!

The sarcasm in the girl's eyes flashed away, the corners of her lips turned up 35 degrees in a rational step, and a smile bloomed. She greeted her affectionately, took Baili's arm, and asked with concern: "Ah, you are really good!" I really told you to find it." She turned her head again, looked at Cheng Lichen carefully, and asked softly, "Are you all right?"

The tone of caring is just right, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

However, the boy frowned slightly and stared straight ahead.

Being like this, he deserves to be unpopular and beaten——Liu Yujing slandered, but waved to Song Lanlan who had already walked over, and said obediently: "It's almost one o'clock. Everyone is hungry, we Let's go eat first, okay?"

Song Lanlan hesitated to speak, and before coming, Cheng Huihuang almost shouted: "You teach him a good lesson for me! It's too shameful!"

But when she was about to leave the office, she turned her head and took a look, and what she saw was the back of Cheng Huihuang standing in front of the huge French window, lonely and gloomy.

"Auntie, what's the matter until everyone is full, okay?" The girl rubbed her belly playfully, "Everyone is rebelling here."

The stagnant atmosphere relaxed slightly.

The school cafeteria had long been closed, and the group got into Song Lanlan's car and drove to the restaurant outside the school.

During the period, Liu Yujing also made several phone calls to inform other students—"I found it, remember to say thank you to everyone." The girl with crooked eyebrows has a sweet and soft voice, and she is considerate and thoughtful, "sensible" and "kind" , "Lovely" these words can be used in her.She even made a phone call to teacher Xu, the class teacher. Not knowing what Teacher Xu said there, Liu Yujing stuck out her tongue cutely.After hanging up the phone, Liu Yujing looked at Cheng Lichen who was sitting in the passenger seat, and said, "Ms. Xu wants you to go to her office in the afternoon."

Cheng Lichen seemed to be sitting in the shadows, not saying a word, even being stingy with an "um" to indicate that he heard.

Liu Yujing pursed her lips, suppressing her anger.

Song Lanlan frowned.

Sitting in the back row with Liu Yujing, Baili patted Liu Yujing's hand and said, "Cheng Lichen, did you hear that? I'll go with you in the afternoon."

No answer yet.Liu Yujing's face was calm, but there was some balance in her heart, but in the next second, the boy sitting in the passenger seat responded softly "Got it".

Even though the boy's tone is very blunt and impatient, but——

Liu Yujing stared fixedly at the back of the passenger seat, as if she wanted to poke a hole in it with her gaze.

what the hell!

There seemed to be a vicious little beast roaring in my heart, as if it was about to tear off the disguise and rush out.

(End of this chapter)

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