deep in time

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 (1)
You are silently questioned by those disbelieving eyes. It turns out that in the eyes of others, you are a person who is completely useless to this society. You think you are a unique existence, but in fact you are just a scum in the eyes of others.

You never imagined such a scene, did you?
"The parents of the students are very angry!"

"The plot this time is too serious. To beat someone openly in the classroom, and to beat an innocent classmate, is simply ignoring the school's rules!"

"The character is so irritable and surly now, how can it be so when I grow up!"

"Schools don't condone things like this."

"I don't have the sincerity to admit my mistakes at all, can running away and standing here can solve the problem?!"

Even though he felt in his heart that Cheng Lichen had to be responsible for this matter, Baili, who was standing by the side, quietly clenched the hand hanging around his waist at Teacher Xu's words.It is very obvious that Mr. Xu's serious and formulaic language contains more emotions than "anger caused by the beating incident".

Never liked you.I've been looking at you all the time.

Baili looked at the boy uneasily. Against the light, the boy's head was lowered to the ground, and he couldn't see the expression at the moment, but the scenes of "the boy running away" and "contradicting the teacher" that he was afraid of appearing did not happen. Baili's hanging heart was relieved after more than an hour of teacher Xu's lecture.

"With such an arrogant and domineering personality, you will suffer greatly in the future."

On an autumn afternoon, Teacher Xu predicted the boy's future expressionlessly.

Even though his personality is as indifferent as Baili, he is also covered by a sense of powerless sadness.Every teacher has a unique way of educating students, but it is obviously not a matter of fact, and the education method with strong personal emotions cannot be recognized by people.Even if you are angry and don't want to see this student, you have no right to hurt him with words again and again.I really want to refute "it's not like this", and even want to contradict "Teacher, you can't be so arbitrary" at all costs - but there is no sound, there is a thorn in the mouth of the throat, stuck up and down, unable to speak Make a sound.


Song Lanlan, who has been listening to Teacher Xu, stood up as a "bad student's parent". At first, she chimed in and said, "It's really inappropriate, and it's wrong to do this." fell silent.

At this time, Song Lanlan suddenly said: "Teacher, Ah Chen was at fault for beating someone. I can't deny that, but teacher, you have never been young and frivolous, you have never been willful, and you have never taken the wrong path? Although He made a mistake, he must be given a chance to correct it..."

The voice is not high, but the words are clear, as if it has been thought for a long time before saying it.

——You have never been young and frivolous, you have never been willful, and you have never gone the wrong way?Although he made a mistake, he must give the opportunity to correct it.

Teacher Xu looked at the boy who had maintained the same standing posture since entering the office, and suddenly lost the desire to continue training.

Three forty.The weather was gloomy and the light was thin.

The physics teacher who was in class nodded while writing on the blackboard after hearing the low voice of the girl's report.

The petite girl walked in first, followed by a handsome boy with a frighteningly gloomy expression.

As soon as the boy entered the classroom, he heard whispers.

"Hmph, what a shame, show someone a bad face."

"Ha, keep your voice down, you don't know that old man likes to shake his fist." A mocking voice.

"That's right, and I also like to shake my fist at good friends." One can imagine how contemptuous the speaker's demeanor is.

Baili, who had already walked to his seat, looked worriedly at Cheng Lichen who was slowly walking through the gap between the desks. The boy's face was ashen, and the eyes as deep as the night were burning with flames, but the boy was obviously controlling himself. He noticed Baili's worried eyes, and even gave Baili a faint smile.

Gently pulling the chair away, the boy sat down quickly and opened the textbook.

"Hey, you hurt your good friend, can you still sit down and listen to the class?"

"I'm really blind, how could I like such a cold and heartless boy like him before!"

There were still whispering voices, like sharp arrows stained with venom, swishing all over the boy's back.

The blood in the whole body seemed to be flowed backward into the heart, and it was almost impossible to breathe.

There was a faint smell coming from Baili who was sitting next to him, it seemed to be the aroma of herbs, and it seemed to be the aroma of needles in the woods.Missing a few classes today, the girl stared at the blackboard intently and took notes seriously.

Her quiet silhouette seems to have a kind of strength.

The boy's rapid breathing slowed down involuntarily. He also looked at the teacher who was writing on the blackboard, and his ears gradually only heard the content of "circuit...closed...example three".

When the mind is at peace, everything will calm down.

As if noticing the boy's gaze, Baili turned his head and smiled slightly at him.The smile was very shallow, and the girl immediately looked at the podium again. While watching, she quickly wrote down the important content in the notebook.

However, this is enough.

On a cool autumn afternoon, my chest felt warm.Sitting among many peers in the classroom, wearing the same school uniform as everyone else, with short hair no different from others.But for boys, Baili is special, a different existence, with the maturity and calmness that he wants to follow closely in his footsteps.

Looking at the corridor, it is almost pure white.An old man in a wheelchair stared slowly and dully at the empty wall.

A little girl, or rather a little child still held in her mother's arms, tears and snot all wiped on her mother's skirt, twisted her body desperately: "My younger sister doesn't get injections, my younger sister is not afraid of pain, but afraid of injections."

Why does the hospital always have to be painted in a white color? It is neither clean nor noble, and there are little animals living in suffering, sorrow, and sorrow.

Not far away, the door of a single ward opened slightly.

The boy lazily leaned on the hospital bed to read a book, with a drip on the back of one hand.

The door was pushed open, and Ji Hao walked in with his head down. The thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy was very angry. As soon as he came in, he looked at his brother angrily, his eyes seemed to be burning.

"What's the matter, Ji Hao." The boy who was very strange who offended his younger brother asked suspiciously.

Without answering, Ji Hao stared straight at Ji Nan with maroon eyes very similar to his brother, as if he wanted to see through him.I don't know how long it took before the little boy muttered something.

"Brother, you are an idiot! Doesn't that person hide when he hits you?"

In the minds of the little boys, the outstanding and outstanding elder brother has always been a role model to imitate. He is a hero who should destroy the world with a wave of his hand like Spider-Man Superman. bear.

"What?" Ji Jiao shook his head in embarrassment, not knowing how to explain the situation to the little boy, so he picked up the book on the bed again, and flipped through it absent-mindedly.The little boy who was indirectly ignored was angry. He pursed his lips, stood up vigorously, and ran out the door.

"Ji Hao—"

The boy who is the elder brother weakly pressed the swollen eyebrows with his hands, and the thought of "this kid doesn't know what's going on, but this is the hospital where his mother works, and Ji Hao is quite familiar with it should be fine." His worry subsided.

A little boy with exactly the same pair of maroon eyes as Ji Nan and 95% similarity in facial features to his brother ran out of the ward and stood blankly in the corridor, not knowing where he was going.

She was originally angry and ran out, and it was too shameless to go back in a hurry.

The light cast small shadows in the white corridor.

It was probably dinner time, and there were only a few faint people on the promenade.

A tall, handsome boy with one hand in his trouser pocket walked slowly from the stairs, with his head down, holding a transparent plastic sealed box full of candied mangoes.

"Where is my brother's favorite candied mango in Chenghuang Temple?" - Immediately following this first reaction, was another reaction after the little boy stared dully at the handsome boy's face - "It looks familiar".

The boy with a somewhat indifferent face stopped at the door of the first room in the corridor, and glanced at the green number plate in front of the ward, as if to confirm whether it was the room number of the patient he was going to visit.

Eyes as dark as night.

An icy feeling emanating from the whole body.

Ji Hao's froze brain started to work, it seemed——

It's him!

That Cheng Lichen who often went to his home, played games with him before, and hypocritically persuaded his brother when he criticized him, and was even so hypocritical that he made himself like him a lot!

The little boy was roaring from the bottom of his heart. From hearing "brother was beaten" in the afternoon to knowing in more detail "half of the front tooth was broken", the volcano that started to churn found an outlet at this moment.

He rushed over like a whirlwind, grabbed the sealed plastic box that the boy was carrying, and pulled it hard.

Cheng Lichen, who was much stronger than him and nearly twice as tall as him, saw a pair of eyes exactly like Ji Nan staring at him angrily, and the astonishment of "being attacked suddenly" was gradually covered by a complex emotion.

"What are you doing here! What are you doing here!" The little boy with a flushed face pulled the plastic box hard, but the expected reaction force disappeared instantly, and the little boy easily snatched the plastic box. He was stunned for a moment, Probably hesitating for a while, or maybe not, he took the plastic box with both hands and threw it at Cheng Lichen.

The transparent plastic box drew a short parabola and landed on Cheng Lichen's body. not dodge at all.

After a muffled sound, the sealed lid of the plastic box was lifted halfway under the action of external force, and khaki honey juice and dark yellow mango slices splashed out, staining the boy's white coat with mottled marks.

The characteristic summer mango scent wafts through the air.

The viscous liquid quickly seeped into the fiber structure of the clothes, until it reached the skin on his chest.

His chest was wet and uncomfortably cold.

"I hate you! My brother said he will never have you as a friend! He doesn't want to see you again! He doesn't have a selfish, indifferent, ruthless friend like you! Get lost!"

The angry little boy yelled desperately, just throwing all the words of blame and criticism he could think of on Cheng Lichen.

Cheng Lichen could no longer maintain a calm expression, he refused Baili's company, wandered aimlessly in the street over and over again after school, and finally the little courage he had accumulated disappeared under Ji Hao's condemnation.

Ji Hao is right, do he still have the face to meet Ji Nan?To say "I'm sorry"?What can I do other than say "I'm sorry"?However, what's the point of saying "I'm sorry" whether it's hypocritical or sincere?

(End of this chapter)

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