Calm women are the most elegant

Chapter 11 You are troubled, not because the outside world is too noisy, but because you are not cal

Chapter 11 You are troubled, not because the outside world is too noisy, but because you are not calm enough inside (2)
A long time ago, there was a legend.Toothpaste had just become popular at that time, and toothpaste manufacturers repeatedly publicized how hygienic and good for teeth brushing with toothpaste was.But the people who use toothpaste is limited, sales volume and market are difficult to expand always.Later, a medical institution told everyone, why do real fashionable people have white teeth?Because every time you squeeze toothpaste, you don't squeeze a little bit, but a long squeeze.Everyone wants their teeth to be beautiful, and they all want to be fashionable. When brushing their teeth, they use toothpaste relentlessly, which has increased the sales of toothpaste by three or four times.Toothpaste manufacturers end up awarding medical institutions a large bounty.

It is a fact that many things are commercial traps.It's just that you don't know or don't want to admit it.

Much of what is said about a woman's body is an illusion.For example, many men are desperately saying that they like women with big breasts, and they like to talk about women's bust and cleavage, which makes many women worry about their breasts not being big enough.However, according to a survey conducted by a female channel on a web portal, when a man sees a woman, the first thing he pays attention to is not the breasts, but the legs.

Emphasizing breasts is influenced by Western business thoughts, while Eastern aesthetics emphasizes the fullness of the breasts.

Similarly, there are misunderstandings about women's obesity and thinness.Models need to be thinner in order to reflect the style of clothing or jewelry, but this does not mean that "skinny beauties" are the most popular in life.When it comes to what kind of fat and thin women are suitable, there is an old saying, "Seeing has no bones, but touching has bones", which means that women should look boneless, and they can touch them as soon as they are touched.It is suggested that when female compatriots doubt their own weight, they should look in the mirror more and take a look at their own fertility.Some people will say that this standard is too harsh, right?It's not harsh at all, you can't touch it, you can touch it with a little force.

The physical requirements for women are all created by commercial concepts.In the past, someone set the standard for a man—"Pan Lu Deng Xiaoxian", Pan An's appearance, Lv Da's "licensed product", Deng Tong's money, he must be considerate, patient, persistent, and have a lot of leisure time.Which man can meet all the standards?If you can do one or two of them, it's not bad.In fact, this is Ximen Qing in "Water Margin", but Ximen Qing is not a safe person to live.Later, another standard for a woman came out, called "thin, tall, white and young".

When a man sees a woman, he doesn't pay much attention to his appearance.I asked the men around me, aside from other things, only talking about appearance, what is the most important thing when they see a woman?Some say it's eyes, some say lips, some say it's facial expressions, and some like to look at legs, none of which specifically mention breasts.As a woman, I myself like to pay attention to a woman's collarbone - a woman with a beautiful collarbone, very delicate, very backbone.

Telling this joke is not to ask women to make up their collarbone, but to tell everyone that just like there are no fixed rules to impress women, there are also no rules for women to impress men.A truly attractive woman has her own powerful aura, which makes a man feel its presence immediately.This strength comes from the inner temperament of a woman.There are always people who put inner beauty in opposition to appearance, but it is not true. As long as a woman is confident in herself and thinks she is attractive, she will express it through her facial expressions and body language.Even if her looks aren't quite "up to par," she can radiate.A woman is pure at twenty, gentle at thirty, intellectual at forty, open-minded at fifty, and kind at sixty... Who doesn't like such a woman?

Appearance can reflect the heart. After thirty, the older you are, the more obvious your appearance will be.Therefore, it is very important to try to make yourself a strong-willed and friendly woman.

To be overly entangled with your body is simply against nature, both biologically and genetically.Some people say that we Chinese belong to the Mongolian race. We are born with strong lower limbs, but the hip position is relatively low, and the female pelvis is relatively broad. Therefore, most people have a lifelong problem-short legs, and the legs are not fashionable enough.But when it comes time to have a baby, the advantages show up.In the past, when looking for a wife, if you want to find a fertile one, you mainly look at the buttocks.The current aesthetics follow Europe and the United States. With the improvement of nutrition, the average height of women is also increasing, and their legs are gradually growing.But if your legs are not long enough, it doesn't matter. The ancients called women with long legs "egret legs" and thought it was a sign of suffering. You just have a better life.

Improving body shape through food and exercise is advisable.But body shape is not the most important.From the point of view of men, even if they are envious of a woman with a devil's figure, if they really want to marry her back home, they will definitely be heartbroken.There are many suitors for such a woman, and no man dares to guarantee that he can beat all competitors.Having a girlfriend and marrying a wife, in the end, you have to worry less about this aspect and live a calmer life, so that you can have the energy to live a good life.

Don't be indifferent to your appearance, and don't think that appearance is everything.The most important thing is to cultivate both internally and externally, and to have your own unique charm.When a man is with you, he wants a life partner, not a fashion magazine.

4.Don't worry about having no money, happiness and money are only a dime

I still remember last winter, when the Spring Festival was approaching, the reporter interviewed passers-by, "Are you happy?"I also asked many young women this question. Most of them associate happiness with money. They are all worried about not having enough money now. Have opinions, dissatisfaction with the boss, and anger with boyfriend or husband.

It is undeniable that our growth is inseparable from money. Some people say that money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible. I completely agree with this point of view. Each of us is a material existence, and we need to survive and live.As people go to heights, we have the right to yearn for better living conditions and consumption tastes.In addition, money was invented to make transactions more convenient for people, and people should control money as a matter of course.But looking at today's society, more and more people have become slaves of money. Women only talk about money in interpersonal communication and life choices, without asking affection, reason, and dignity. It cannot but be said that this is a failure of the development of the market economy.

I don't like to complain, but I want to clarify a point: happiness has only a "dime" relationship with money!

Maybe you will cite thousands of reasons to refute my point of view, but I still stubbornly stick to my point of view, happiness has something to do with money, but not much!So I use "a dime" to describe it.

I have read a story: A woman who came out of the countryside went to work in the city with the hope of her family. When she arrived in the city, the first person who greeted her was the upstart boss.The upstart owner hoarded a few pots of gold by playing stocks, and he was very interested in this beautiful woman from the countryside, so he paid a lot of money.The woman has never thought of such a "blessing", her vanity is inflated, and she swears in her heart that she must be a rich man, even if she can't be rich herself, she must be a rich man's wife, so she tries her best to please her boss. He caters to richer people.Because she was blinded by money, she didn't even think about whether the boss had a wife or not, and what the boss meant for her.To put it bluntly, the boss dressed her up like a goddess, on the one hand to satisfy the vanity of men, and on the other hand to use her as a courtesan for business entertainment and serve customers to pull business orders.Being kind to her is not love from the heart.

Things developed in such a logical way, she lived with the boss.The woman thinks that this is the happiness she has been waiting for all her life, and that she can end her life of poverty from now on.Later, the woman found out that the boss had a family.She was in agony, because the boss not only told her not to leave, but also contemptuously said to her: "Aren't you just looking for money? I bought you a house and asked you to wear gold and silver. Aren't you happy?"

The woman is desperate.In grief and indignation, she ran away from home.She heard people say that Hangzhou is a paradise-like city, so she went to Hangzhou to see what a "paradise on earth" looks like.By the West Lake, her lost and sad shadow caught the eyes of a young painter, and walked into his heart.This poor but full of hope and passion for life broke into her life.They fell in love, and the painter touched the woman with his love, and the woman gradually understood that happiness in life is not controlled by money.Only then did the woman realize that this was the love and happiness she was waiting for, so she returned to Beijing, packed only a few pieces of clothes she liked, left a note with a brief explanation, and then disappeared.After going through ups and downs, the woman finally understands the true meaning of happiness: happiness has nothing to do with money, happiness does not need to be wrapped in gold and silver, but only requires mutual support and warm companionship.

This is an ordinary love life story, but the true meaning of happiness is often hidden in such little things.

Beautiful women are not necessarily happy.A beautiful appearance may be exchanged for a pampered life, and it is easy to win things that ordinary women may not get in a lifetime, so there is a saying that a good job is not as good as a good marriage.But what's the point of such a life of luxury if you don't have a loving relationship?Although I live in a big house and drive (sit) in a good car, there is no one who cares about me, and I don’t have a happy and complete family. The man who should cherish and take care of himself is talking to other women. How can there be happiness in doing things like this?

Women's talent and learning are only the ladder to happiness, not the root of happiness. An illiterate woman can also achieve happiness, but the talented Zhang Ailing has no chance of happiness in her life.How many people have been touched by the love story of Sanmao Jose!Sanmao's articles are full of poetic and picturesque, and Jose is the greatest happiness in her life.Jose is gone, and Sanmao's soul is gone. The empty body has no support for happiness. In the dead of night, Sanmao often comforts the happiness in the past. Unable to bear the days without love, a pair of stockings takes her to find the old love. Jose.

So it is said: be it a beautiful woman or a talented woman, neither is necessarily happy.On the contrary, there are many women who are neither beautiful nor talented in life, but they live happily and happily.

In the final analysis, a woman's happiness is not about a rich family background, a naturally beautiful face, an unparalleled talent, or a man's success and the romance he brings to himself every day.

Happiness is just a feeling of contentment, a bright rainbow in a woman's heart, which is reflected on a woman's face, showing beauty, calmness and confidence.If a woman is a flower, then the feeling of self-satisfaction is the best nourishment for this flower. Under the nourishment of love, a woman's sense of happiness will be greatly satisfied.

The process of chasing happiness will not be smooth sailing. You must work hard, actively innovate, cherish time, make good friends, etc. Only after you have overcome various obstacles can you achieve happiness.The following are 5 ways to improve happiness that have nothing to do with money. I hope everyone can experience the coming of happiness often.

[-]. Know where you are, where your value is, find something that makes you passionate, have the confidence to tell others what kind of life you want, and always work hard to contribute to your blueprint for life.

[-]. Have a circle of close friends. Friends should not be too many, but fine.They don't have to stick to you every day, but they will cheer for you when you are successful and happy.Friends don't necessarily live with you like family, however they do have to live with you spiritually.In addition, don't limit your social circle, open your horizons a little, and you can make friends with people from all walks of life.

Three, be kind to your soul.Give sympathy and help to those around you who are in a worse situation than you, and always have a kind and humble heart.Don't expect others to repay you. Kindness has nourished your heart, but you have already been rewarded.

[-]. Know that there are many pains in the world that are beyond your comprehension, but even in the midst of pain, you must learn to see the beauty of the world.Love is the panacea for all wounds, love others wholeheartedly, love yourself, and always tell yourself to create a positive energy magnetic field.

[-]. Organize memories.There are laughter, tears, bitterness and astringency in the memories, remembering the ups and downs of the past, these memories help to adjust the mentality for the future.Every experience of yours, whether it is joy or sorrow, is the nourishment of life. Facing it bravely will strengthen your courage, strength and wisdom.

5.Don't worry about getting married, you can live a good life no matter what

A few days ago, my colleague asked me if I had a better boy who was not married yet. She had a little sister who was in good condition in all aspects and was not married yet. She wanted me to introduce a boy.Coincidentally, I also happen to have a high school classmate and a college classmate who had a party a while ago and have no boyfriend yet, so I want to introduce them.Therefore, I also lack boy resources in my hands.

In the 21st century, one of the hot topics about women is "how to marry yourself off".There is a beautiful woman next to her, in her early thirties, with good looks and a good income, but she has not been able to find a good man. It is the end of the year, and her father beats her every now and then, "I walk the puppy when other people walk their children".It made my friends feel very stressed, and I wished I could just find someone to marry me off, so that my parents could take the children for a walk as soon as possible.

In order to marry themselves earlier, women are busy participating in various blind date conferences, various blind date shows, and various bachelor parties, but the results are very few.In their words, anyone chasing after the pole is not a good bird, so it adds more troubles.

In fact, I am also quite puzzled. According to the current sex ratio at birth in China, by 2020, the number of men of marriageable age in China will be 3000 million to 4000 million more than women, which means that in an average of 5 men, there will be 1 cannot find a spouse.Even foreigners can't understand that Chinese men and women are so gender imbalanced that there are still leftover women!Women in mainland China have such advantages, but why are so many women worried about getting married?

Finding the reason behind this "spectacle", I am afraid that half of the answer to the problem of worrying about marriage will be found.

Regarding the reasons for the formation of leftover women, after a long-term investigation, I have summed up six reasons, dear friends can reflect on themselves.

[-]. I have suffered emotional trauma and do not believe in love

After experiencing an injury, secretly licking the wound that could not heal, she no longer had any confidence in the man.My heart hurts so much now, what if I fall in love again and get hurt again?Once bitten by a snake, he was afraid of well ropes for ten years and no longer believed in love.Slowly getting older, unintentionally in love, and slowly becoming an older leftover woman.

[-]. White-collar workers are busy at work and have no time for love

In addition to work or work in life, there is no time to fall in love at all.When I see the couple passing by, I cry out in my heart, I really want to fall in love, but I don't have this time, what else can I do besides casting envious eyes?In the fierce competition in society, how can you tolerate half-heartedness?So they slowly become leftover women who want to fall in love, but cannot fall in love.

[-]. Exuding a strong momentum, men can't stand it

She exudes a strong aura, because she has been spoiled since she was a child, and she always orders others at work, and when she is in love, she is also used to ordering men in this tone.Most men are male chauvinists, how can they be bullied all the time?So strong women are not easy to be accepted.But this kind of woman still wants to control men all the time, waits slowly, and is abandoned again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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