Calm women are the most elegant

Chapter 15 You don’t feel safe, it’s not that the outside world is unreliable, it’s that you are not

Chapter 15 You don’t feel safe, it’s not that the outside world is unreliable, it’s that you are not strong enough inside (2)
To put it cruelly, if ordinary people want to marry nobles, they probably have to wait until the nobles are ruined.

Everyone envies Cinderella's good luck, but this beautiful fairy tale has slapped countless ordinary girls who dream of being rich: Cinderella is a nobleman, and her two sisters are the ones who have nothing.Because of this, her beauty and aristocratic temperament may make the prince fall in love at first sight. What the prince loves is not her clothes, let alone her crystal shoes.And her sisters will never have a chance.

For a girl, her ultimate life, including her own love, should come from her own struggle, and she should be connected with each other, so that she can be more calm and firm without fear of loss.It's just because she understands that at this moment, standing beside that person, no matter what aspect she is, she is enough to match her and understand her.She is not afraid, because she finally has enough self-confidence to grasp everything that belongs to her.

The person we are looking for should be the same as ourselves.If you want to be better, you have to make yourself a better person first.In relationships, there are no shortcuts.

4.Be a woman with goals in life, fight like a man
It is common for a woman to snot and cry, and hysterically get angry at a man: "Is it easy for me? I am a woman, take care of the children, and work to earn money like a man..." Complain about grievances, and finally don’t forget Add a sentence: "It's not all for you!"

If I were a man, I would definitely not accept the love of these women.I would tell her that you are a human being first and a woman second.Please don't tell me that, please forget about your gender superiority complex.

I admit that in some fields and occasions, women have certain gender advantages, but they should not abuse their gender superiority.If it continues to be abused, the ending will inevitably be self-defeating.

The most miserable women I have ever seen are those who were held in the hands of everyone when they were young, but failed to marry a good husband.Women lose their youth and grow older, but their life after that will go down all the way, losing their biggest and only capital, and they will no longer be in the same situation and life as they were in the hands of everyone. I'm in my 40s, I'm shopping in the vegetable market, with fluffy hair and dark yellow skin, I'm so absorbed in bargaining, I don't even notice the acquaintances passing by.What about youthful beauty?

An aunt told me once that when she was in her 20s, all the people around her were married, but she was still single.Seeing her former colleague holding a one-year-old child in front of her, she could only go home and swallow her tears silently.Just at this time, she met my uncle, and everything was fine, so she married herself.Originally, she had enrolled in a university refresher class, but after marriage, there was no time to read, and it was even more impossible to have a child.But the other woman she was with was different.She is 26 years old, 26 years old, in a small place, in the last century, she could basically be equated with being married for a lifetime.However, she has been sulking, and she has been studying firmly in the gossip and gossip of the women around her.Auntie told me earnestly that the woman now has gone to Shanghai, and her manner of speaking and her vision are far beyond what she can match.And it all started with a refresher course at that university.

Girls in their early 20s are undoubtedly the best and most beautiful years.But most of the girls at this time are not clear about their lives.I don't know what I want, what I'm pursuing, and how to get happiness.Indeed, if the most beautiful time is spent in love, every day is comfortable and comfortable, it will be one of the best memories, but what about after the good time?

If the childish boy in his 20s beside you has nothing but chooses to struggle, then over time, your horizons will gradually widen. Well, don't scold him for having no conscience, enjoying your best years but not giving you a happy future. After all, life is not maintained by moral condemnation and conscience.

If he chooses to have fun with you, when you reach middle age, when you look back on your life and compare yourself with people of different levels around you, should you regret that you have dragged your lover down, or should you regret that you have dragged your lover down, or are you hearing Shakespeare's "true love makes you happy?" Doubting whether the relationship between you is true love or not?Then please don't point to your husband's forehead and yell at him for being incompetent when you are struggling financially.You know, you have at least half the "credit" for this situation.

Girls, no matter when, please have your own goals and work hard for them.Why are you struggling?Because you are and always should be an individual.Every individual has the right and duty to improve himself.Men should never be the only ones responsible for social progress.

But look around, what about women today?

It is said that the conditions for choosing a spouse for many women are no longer appearance or diploma, but as long as they have a rich material foundation. To fight with men, because the result of the struggle is unknown.Every woman longs to find the Prince Charming in her dreams, or to meet a man like Rhett in "Gone with the Wind", holding roses in one hand and bread in the other, and supporting them forever.But are you Snow White or Scarlett Scarlett yourself?They are all excellent.You know, Lin Huiyin, who made the three men unforgettable, not only has a beautiful appearance, but also an outstanding literary talent. She went to study in the United States with Liang Sicheng when she was less than 20 years old, and she has the same aspirations as Liang Sicheng.

Behind every successful man is a capable woman.Maybe you are not strong, but at least you will not be a drag on his upward path.You know, the gravity of the earth is so strong that it is not easy to drag your tail.

Women, please don't wait for a man to give you happiness, money, and love.This kind of waiting is like buying a lottery ticket, it's too mysterious.Why don't you give yourself happiness?Before you have the luck to get the happiness that a man gives, please have the ability to give yourself happiness.Or, you shouldn’t just sit on the sidelines like this. It’s the same society. Why do men strive for true talents and practical learning, while women have a completely different shortcut to success?

When you get here, if you still think you are young and beautiful, you are content with comfort, and you are still secretly praising Gan Lulu and Guo Meimei from the bottom of your heart.Well, you go on.This society is rich and colorful because of differences, and constantly progresses because of respect.

5.Take your job seriously, this is your job
After get off work that day, I sat on the sofa and watched American dramas.In a family in the 60s and [-]s in the United States, a housewife who was delicate to the end of her hair walked with a plate of baked biscuits and preached to a young woman: "What are your plans for the future?"

The woman said: "My boyfriend and I don't think about the future. Love and music are enough in our world."

The housewife asked: "Your boyfriend's future is your future, and you plan to live with a poor musician for the rest of your life?"

The woman hesitates: "I can go to work..."

The housewife laughed mockingly: "Honey, what can you do? Teacher or nurse? Look at it clearly, our life is in this room, and this house should be earned by your man."


In the following plot, the housewife found out about her husband's affair, and while crying bitterly, she confided her regrets: "I also had my dream back then, and I could work obviously, but for him, I..."

Look, it doesn't matter whether everyone eats with a knife and fork or chopsticks or fingers, whether to work or not is a problem for all women.

I always tell my female friends without losing the opportunity to have their own jobs and not to be full-time wives.It's not that I underestimate housework, but that reality doesn't leave much room for full-time wives.Plus, work does make women attractive.

If any woman wants to live a wonderful, valuable and meaningful life, she must never give up her job, let alone lose herself.Because work brings many benefits to women:
[-]. Realized one's own life value and made contribution to the society
Promoting social progress is not just a man's job in any era.Women should also be involved.Women need to realize their own value through work and make due efforts for social development.Work is a way to realize personal value, and at the same time experience self-experience and broaden horizons.Let's take a look at those successful professional women in the workplace, such as Yang Lan, Wu Xiaoli, Xiao S, and Hillary. They have made remarkable achievements in their fields of work, which is very enviable.Moreover, women will feel satisfied after realizing their self-worth through work, which will help run a family and stabilize society.

[-]. Women at work are beautiful

For women, work is the best cosmetic, it will bring you confidence and satisfaction, and give you a sense of accomplishment and happiness.I think of a story. Once, when a husband went to his wife’s workplace, he found that his wife was concentrating on her work. She had been diligently writing on the desk.When she was working, she thought clearly and organized, and arranged everything in an orderly manner.The husband suddenly discovered that his wife who was so dedicated to work turned out to be so beautiful!

Yes, work can make a woman have a regular life and a healthy body, and a healthy woman is beautiful.In the workplace, we dress well, speak elegantly, have outstanding temperament, and exude a confident charm all over our bodies, which attracts everyone's admiration.This kind of charm is given to us by work, and no one can replace it.In short, women at work are beautiful, so women must go out to work.

[-]. Work brings us rich income
Work may not make your heart beat as much as love, but at least it can ensure that you have food and a house to live in.Those uncertain loves can't give you that.The independent work of a woman can not only win the respect of her in-laws, but also the respect and love of her colleagues.Taiwan's "common financial guru" Liu Yiru said: "Women's battlefield is not only in the kitchen, nor in the bedroom, but in their own private bank!" Women must manage their jobs well, because jobs are women's rich wallets.Work brings not only financial independence, but also personality independence for you!Women have the foundation to enjoy life when they have rich economic income.

[-]. Work brings us real happiness
A woman is happy when she works and her spirit is happy.This cannot be given by the family.If you are not happy, focus on your work.A happy and sunny woman, a woman who can hold on to work, a woman with a strong aura, infinite charm, and a shining personality.

[-]. Work can divert our attention

Work requires us to devote ourselves wholeheartedly and does not allow us to be distracted to do other things.The famous British writer Alan de Botton said in "Ode to Work": "Work gives us a beautiful bubble, let us be in it, and make life perfect." When working, women are firm-willed, serious and undivided The attitude of being meticulous, meticulous, respecting the post and loving the industry is awe-inspiring.Women can fight like men in the workplace and become a beautiful landscape in the workplace.Work makes women discover that there are more valuable, meaningful, and interesting things in the world that are worth thinking about, doing, and pursuing.

[-]. Work brings us a wide range of contacts

At work, we will have our own circle of friends, get together with them appropriately, and keep in touch with them all the time.At critical moments, your rich contacts can help you handle things that you can't control.As the saying goes: "Rely on your parents at home and friends outside." Women have worked hard in the workplace for many years and have accumulated a wide range of contacts for themselves, which is a considerable fortune.

[-]. Work can free us from loneliness and eliminate bad habits

When a woman is not working, loneliness, emptiness, and boredom come together, and it is easy to think wildly.Some bad habits came into being, such as playing mahjong, playing games, gambling and so on.A woman must be in full contact with society and resonate with the times, such a person will exude a fresh breath.Therefore, women should work hard and diligently.Women who work hard are busy and full of energy, so they can avoid unnecessary troubles.

[-]. Work can enhance family honor
Women work hard, not only to win respect for themselves, but also to enhance the sense of family honor for their families.When a child chats with a friend, he can proudly say: "My mother works in a company." When a husband chats with a friend, he can also say frankly: "My wife works in a company as a manager." Just imagine, if you Staying at home full-time, can my husband and children say so proudly?
In addition, women who do not work are not only financially but also prone to derail from society ideologically, become too dependent on their families, and even have deviations in their personal self-cognition.Leading to loss of self, becoming a burden to husband and children.I think this is a situation that many girls don't want to face.Therefore, women must go to work, not only for themselves, but also for their families.

Workers are beautiful and workers are happy.No matter how much you earn, or whether your family is rich or not, in short, go to work!
6.Don't run away and reject change, or your world will be stagnant

Women's insecurity is also concentrated in the physiological stress response of women when life changes.In the face of unexpected variables, these women have a sense of despair and a sense of impermanence.

Women are sensitive, nostalgic, and greedy for stability.When they look at their own faces in the mirror, they can't help lamenting the ruthless years; when they face setbacks at work, they can't help but worry about future challenges; when their friends treat them differently, they feel lost and sentimental; They are in unbearable pain and at a loss what to do when they are about to leave.When their parents die or leave, they are even more distraught.

Women often do everything in their power to prevent these changes and cannot accept changes in circumstances.

Nine-year-old Jimmy has four little goldfish, which his parents bought him for his birthday.Every night before going to bed, Jimmy would watch the little orange goldfish swimming around in the glass tank.One day, Jimmy noticed that the water in the fish tank looked cloudy and the glass was covered with a film.Jimmy's mother explained to him that it was only natural—the goldfish bowl needed cleaning.

Jimmy knows how to clean a fish tank, he's seen his friend Howie do it.He filled the bath tub with a pool of cold water and gently lowered the tank until the four goldfish swam out of the dirty tank and into the tub.Jimmy scrubbed the glass aquarium carefully until it was polished bright.

When Jimmy knelt by the bathtub to check his goldfish, he saw a strange phenomenon: Even in the 4-foot-long and 3-foot-wide bathtub, the 4 small goldfish were always in the same small circle where Jimmy put them swim.

"Mom!" Jimmy yelled, "Come and see the goldfish!" Jimmy's mother walked into the bathroom to see what Jimmy was up to.

"Why do goldfish always swim in this small circle instead of the whole bathtub?" Jimmy asked.

Jimmy's mother smiled and replied: "Because they don't know they are in the bathtub, they think they are in the little glass tank before. They are used to it."

And yes, many women are like Jimmy's little goldfish who, while given the chance to change, decide to stay put and live in their own circle.They always choose familiar environments over unfamiliar but challenging ones.

(End of this chapter)

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