Calm women are the most elegant

Chapter 29 Fighting in the workplace, I'm afraid I won't be calm

Chapter 29 Fighting in the workplace, I'm afraid I won't be calm (3)
The calm female colleagues will not be so stupid, they will not panic, and do not use words such as "problem" or "trouble", but calmly say in a tone without emotional ups and downs: "We There seems to be some situation..." to make the boss feel that things are not unsolvable, and "we" sounds like you are on the same side as the boss.The leader will be infected by your calmness. On the one hand, it is conducive to solving problems, and on the other hand, it will also attract the attention of the leader to your emergency response ability.

[-]. When summoned by the superior, he is obliged to say: I will deal with it immediately
Making such an answer calmly and quickly will make the boss think that you are an efficient and obedient subordinate; on the contrary, a hesitant attitude will only annoy the boss who has heavy responsibilities.If he didn't sleep well last night, he might turn his anger on you the next day

[-]. When you want to show your team spirit, say: Xiao Wang’s idea is really good

Colleague Xiao Wang came up with a brilliant idea that your boss will appreciate, but you can only watch from the sidelines.At this time, instead of elongating your face and secretly feeling unhappy, it is better to steal his light.The way to calm down a woman is as follows: Take advantage of the moment when the boss can hear it, say "Xiao Wang's idea is really good!" In this society where everyone wants to compete for the top, a subordinate who is not jealous of his colleagues will make the boss feel This person is pure in nature and full of team spirit, so he is treated differently.

[-]. Persuade colleagues to help Sentence pattern: This report can't do without you
You have a tricky job that you can't do on your own and you have to get someone to help you, so you turn to the colleague who is the best at it.How can you open your mouth so that people are willing to help you?Compliments and pleas are a must.Just how to praise and ask?A woman who is not good will say bluntly: "Please! Please do it!" If she is rejected, she will be unhappy.A capable woman will smile and say: "This report really can't do without you." It fully satisfies the other party's psychology of loving a high hat.Even if she is rejected, the elegant woman will say: "It's okay, it's your love to help me, and it's your duty not to help me. Thank you."

In addition to the above positive sentence patterns for reporting work, there are also some words that cannot be said even if you are beaten to death, such as:

[-]. "There's nothing I can do about it"

The boss invited you here to solve the company's difficulties. If you say that you can't do anything, it will make the boss think that you have two problems, either you are a liar or you are a slacker.If you say that you will try another method or ask others for help at this time, the boss will look at you differently.

[-]. "It's not fair"

People who say this in the workplace are not mature enough, because nothing in life is absolutely fair.So don't pay attention to complaining about some unimportant little things, which gives the impression that you are complaining.No one likes your whining, least of all your boss.

[-]. "I wish..."

Never say "I hope" to your boss. Asking your boss for hope will only make you look lazy and inefficient. The boss will not discuss what you hope will happen, he will only focus on what has already happened.

[-]. "It's Impossible"

This is another negative sentence. If you don’t try, how will you know it’s impossible? The boss doesn’t ask you to ask if it’s possible, but to make it possible.Be proactive and at least you'll be seen as a risk taker.

The workplace is a battlefield. Many times, if we do not abide by the rules, we will become cannon fodder.Therefore, to master the skills of reporting in the workplace, especially those "rookies" need to be more cautious when speaking in the office.Keep in mind the above language skills for reporting work, and use them at the right time, so that salary increases and promotions will definitely not be far away from you.

7.Be concise in dealing with colleagues and stay away from gossip and boredom

Men often don’t understand these behaviors of women: In the office, they often see a group of female colleagues chatting together. One day, the two of them are so good that they will die, but the next day they will hate their teeth. There are always women showing off everywhere, thinking that they are very amazing.To be honest, women are born to gossip, but in the workplace, you have to show your professional side and stay away from those trivial discussions on the streets.As a woman, do you know how to handle the relationship with colleagues so that the colleagues who get along with you day and night can work together with you?Today, I will teach the rookie sisters in the workplace how to deal with colleagues and help everyone win in the workplace!

First of all, avoid showing off, especially in front of female colleagues, you must not appear to be better than others.Jealousy is easy to arise among women. If a woman shows herself to be better than others all day long and how beautiful she is, it will easily arouse the resentment of other female colleagues.There are also some female colleagues who will be aroused by the initiator and start to show off, which means that you will never give up.

In addition, when a female colleague starts to show off and acts like she knows everything and can do everything, other female colleagues will secretly feel uncomfortable, but on the surface they will still smile to cater to them, which will make the show off feel good and complacent, but She didn't know that she was making enemies for herself, and she was creating gossip behind her own back.

If the relationship between the above two female colleagues is a superior-subordinate relationship, then things will be more delicate.The superior female supervisor not only hopes to see the subordinates have performance and aggressiveness, but also hopes that the subordinates can respect their authority.If the subordinates blindly show off their merits, or even steal the limelight from the superiors, the superiors will be dissatisfied even if they don't say anything or tolerate them on the surface, and it will affect the future career destiny of the subordinates.

Next, keep in mind the following key points for dealing with colleagues.

[-]. Keep smiling

Whether it's Auntie Tea, a summer intern, or the general manager, you should always put on a big, friendly smile and win the hearts of everyone in the company.Young colleagues regard you as a senior sister, and older colleagues treat you as a junior. Such an amicable relationship will be beneficial to the development of your career.

[-]. Be good at cooperation and sharing
Don’t just work hard at work, learn to share your views with others, listen to and accept others’ opinions more, so that you can gain the acceptance and support of everyone. If you get promoted in the future, you can smoothly carry out your work plans.

Three, empathetic

When a colleague catches a cold, you considerately hand over the pills, and stop by the breakfast shop to buy breakfast for the colleague. These are all easy, why not do it?You treat people well and others treat you well, so that you will not be isolated and helpless in the company.

Fourth, do not engage in small circles
Maintain a friendly relationship with everyone you work with and try not to be seen as someone who belongs to your circle. This inadvertently compresses your network and does you no good.Deal with different people as much as possible, avoid getting involved in office politics, don't make troubles, and gain the trust and favor of others.

[-]. Don’t be too strict

Maybe your harsh attitude is only aimed at doing a good job, but in the eyes of others, it will be seen as a mean performance.If the only contact you have with your colleagues is in meetings or explaining work, how can you be popular like this?No one will help you at critical moments.

[-]. Don’t be a rumor spreader

Some friends are very obsessed with talking about personal affairs and gossip to colleagues, such people naturally cannot handle the relationship between people well.Gossipers like this abound in the workplace: Zhang San divorced his wife; The tongue expands it infinitely, lest the world will not be chaotic.In a mess, there are a lot of after-dinner conversations - to base one's own happiness on the pain of others.

[-]. Don’t be a fool
The practice of copying what others say is undoubtedly the most annoying.Such people are the most capable of following the trend.Whoever caters to whom is the most unpopular in the eyes of colleagues.Those who used to confide in each other and talk about everything thought they were lucky to find a partner who could join forces.As everyone knows, once the general situation goes away, this group of friends who were originally the most loyal immediately drew a line.Slightly better ones stand idly by, and what's more, they are still sniping behind their backs-it takes a long time to see people's hearts.

[-]. Not self righteous
I feel that everyone is inferior to me, so that my behavior and thoughts are hated by many people.This kind of people like to pretend to be stupid, but they are very clever in front of the leader.

Nine, not hard and cold
A woman who is too strong makes a man retreat three feet.Everyone is afraid of being hurt by that sharp sword, so they will keep you at a respectful distance.On the contrary, pretending to be cute and pitiful is indeed a kind of pampering that men cannot refuse.Being willing to show weakness, avoiding making enemies, accumulating strength, and a more utilitarian metaphor is the mental trick of "pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger", which can be fully used in the workplace.

In short, what kind of achievements you can achieve in the workplace requires you to have strong interpersonal relationships in addition to your own professional level.I hope that the sisters in the mixed workplace will be warned after reading the above suggestions.

8.Mature women in the workplace should turn experience into calmness

From lolita to mature woman, from youthful to calm, for working women, this journey is both difficult and exciting.Halfway through, most of the working women who have entered the middle-mature stage have entered a relatively stable career stage. While seeking career development and realizing self-worth, they are also beginning to seek life balance and family stability.

On the positive side, mid-mature women are at their best in the workplace.I have accumulated a wealth of work experience in my profession, and at the same time, I still have a certain degree of curiosity and enthusiasm for my career.But on the other hand, for women of this age, the family pressure is gradually increasing. Whether it is time or energy, what they can leave for the workplace cannot be compared with young women.

So how can we maximize our experience in a limited space and gain more in the workplace?How can we make up for the disadvantage of age with wisdom?If at this stage, you can further improve your mental maturity, enhance your ability to control your emotions, and handle the relationship between people well, then you can step forward to a higher level, and you can also take a better step forward when you retreat. The mindset goes to the next level.

[-]. Improve your time management skills
Traditionally, women are required to take on more responsibilities than men in family life. Therefore, when they compete with men, they are not actually on the same starting line. Women have to bear a heavy burden, and the pressure will follow. increase.The occurrence of work pressure is often accompanied by the tension of time. I always feel that many things are very urgent and there is not enough time.An effective way to solve this sense of urgency is time management. The key is not to let your arrangements dictate you, you have to arrange your own affairs.There are various priorities that should be weighed when scheduling.We must have forward-looking ability to work, put important but not necessarily urgent things in advance, and prevent problems before they happen. If we are always busy with "fire fighting", it will make our work always passive.

[-]. Improve your balance and coordination

We must take the initiative to manage our emotions, pay attention to our spare time life, and don't bring the pressure of work home.Allowing space for rest, sharing time with others, talking, talking, reading, meditating, listening to music, handling housework, and participating in physical labor are all excellent ways to gain inner peace. Choose appropriate sports to exercise endurance, sensitivity or physical strength …continuously alternate your favorite ways to self-adjust and establish good habits, and gradually realize the benefits it has on your body and mind.

Another way to manage stress is to control physiological changes such as: gradual muscle relaxation, deep breathing, intensive exercise, getting enough and complete sleep, and maintaining health and nutrition.By maintaining your fitness, you can increase energy and stamina and help relieve fatigue caused by stress.

[-]. Understand the boss, he is the one who controls your destiny
The workplace is a place where power is used to divide levels. The boss with the highest power completely controls your destiny.And your immediate boss is in partial control of your destiny.However, this does not mean that you should flatter and stand in line. You should cooperate with him to achieve the highest level of tacit cooperation through the appreciation of the boss.

Get to know your boss and agree with his goals and direction.Cooperate with him, but not blindly obey.Give opinions, but speak with facts.Take the first step to think of various possibilities for him, but the final decision will always be in his hands.

No matter where you are--sales, R&D, management; no matter what your service objects "look"--customers, product design, company employees, remember one principle: you must first serve your boss.When the interests of your client and your boss are inconsistent, don't be smart enough to think that you can make judgments beyond your boss.

[-]. Have a new understanding of the relationship between colleagues. Hypocritical people are not aliens.
Many people feel that when they are young, their colleagues around them are too hypocritical, and they wear masks to behave.But in fact, this kind of hypocrisy is the mainstream in the workplace, and a person who speaks the truth has become an outlier.Don’t think of hypocritical people in the workplace as freaks. Every lie they tell has a practical effect-to prevent others from feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable. Thinking about it this way, their approach is also great, isn’t it?And it's a pity that you can't say what they said "without conscience".In the workplace, you either learn to lie or learn to be silent.Taking a step back, most of the "truths" you have to tell are not related to the height of conscience, but seriously affect your interpersonal relationship.

Also based on this, don't trust others.If you can't learn scheming, at least learn self-protection.Don't trust others' compliments, let alone take others' kindness to you for granted.

[-]. Never forget the original intention and never give up on self-demand
Maybe you think that the PPT that you have worked so hard to change and change will only be exchanged for a simple "okay" from the boss; maybe the order you tried your best to win is still far from the goal you set at the beginning. ;Maybe you worked overtime and stayed up late to check a form repeatedly, only to find that the person who made the mistake in the previous link did not do it right...don't be discouraged by these results.What a joy it is to have such enthusiasm and sense of responsibility!There is no way to go in vain in the world, and never give up on your own requirements—just accept the result calmly and always regard work as your first love.

(End of this chapter)

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