Calm women are the most elegant

Chapter 3 Pale——True water has no fragrance, the essence of femininity is elegance

Chapter 3 Pale——True water has no fragrance, the essence of femininity is elegance (2)
At this time, Mrs. Li's sisters also came to the palace to ask for medical treatment. Seeing this, they were very surprised.After Emperor Wu left, they scolded Mrs. Li: "You want to entrust your brother. It's easy to see your majesty. Why do you disobey this?" Mrs. Li sighed and said, "You don't know that the reason why I didn't see the emperor was because I deeply trust my brother. I was born in a humble family, and the reason why he is attached to me is only because of my usual appearance. Generally speaking, people use sex to judge people. If the color fades, love will be relaxed, and love will be rejected. Today I am sick and dying, if he sees me The color is very different from before, so I must feel disgusted in my heart, I am afraid that I will not be able to discard it, how can I take care of my brother after I die?"

Mrs. Lee died a few days later.The outcome of the matter did not meet Mrs. Li's expectations.Mrs. Li's refusal to see Emperor Wu not only did not anger him, but aroused his infinite pain. He ordered people to bury Mrs. Li with empress ceremony, and ordered the painter to draw her image before death and hang it in Ganquan Palace.In this way, Emperor Wu missed Mrs. Li day by day.

Mrs. Li, with her blank and reserved life wisdom, left endless thoughts for Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and also left an endless source of creation for literati in the past. Her story has become the best example of women's life wisdom.And her predecessors Chen Ajiao and Wei Zifu, because they did not possess this kind of wisdom, one was demoted to the Nagato Palace and died of depression, and the other hanged himself in the palace with a three-foot white silk.

Right now, there are very few women who know how to keep blank.If fame and wealth are compared to the paint of a painting, most people would like to use them to fill their life scrolls in their lifetime.For example, the stars in the entertainment industry always hope that they will "fight to the last moment" on the court and on the screen, so that the audience can watch her from youthful beauty to aging face in front of the screen, even at the expense of destroying her best performance in her heyday. image.Look at those women who have a perfectionist complex in their lives. They pursue the splendor and perfection of life too much, so that they are successful in their careers but exhausted.All of these, their lives are like a sad and sad painting - there is no blank space in the heavy colors.

These people don't know that half-bloomed flowers are the most beautiful, and the love is the most vacant. Knowing how to leave life blank is the highest life wisdom.

For life, blankness means indifference, knowing peace between gains and losses; for life, blankness is a place where dust cannot reach, where flowers bloom happily, decorating a corner of a clear state of mind; for life, blankness is a container, full of ups and downs, The part with more must know how to give up some, otherwise, other flavors will be missing.

Blank space is not blank, not the missing one, let alone pretending to understand.It is a sparse art, a poetic implication, a poem without words left intentionally, a beauty without traces, a kind of life interest, a beautiful life style of life, and a wise and wise choice.

In short, life is picturesque, and it is advisable to leave blank spaces and blank spaces. Don't be too obsessed with external things, and leave a little space for your emotions and life!

The bright moon is in the sky, don't work overtime, go enjoy the moon!

The peach blossoms are in full bloom, stop reading, and go looking for fragrance!
Feel tired, don't get in the way, let's go!let's go!Give your mind a break.

4.Elegant and refined, is the superior femininity

To be a woman, you must have femininity. Femininity is the fundamental attribute of a woman and the charm of a woman.If a woman is not feminine, it is like a flower losing its fragrance and a bright moon losing its brilliance.Women are tasteful, three points of beauty can be increased to seven points; women are tasteless, seven points of beauty can be reduced to three points.Femininity makes women yearn for it and makes men intoxicated.Being a woman without femininity is tantamount to being sentenced to death in the eyes of a man.

What is femininity?Thinking of the day when I was visiting at a friend's house, the friend's husband pointed to the girl on TV who was tired of being in a man's arms with a soft voice and a delicate voice, and scolded his wife: "Look how feminine she is, it makes men's blood boil when they watch it. "I interjected and said, "Wrong, that's not feminine, that's vulgar coquettishness. If my wife really wants to do this, I'm afraid you'll be too old." My friend's husband thought about it for a while, and suddenly felt reasonable.

Yes, the real femininity is not so eye-catching and not so pungent, but a kind of aura, a kind of style that can be revealed even if you just sit there quietly without words or deeds, a kind of charm that is revealed from the inside out. It doesn't need to be expressed by whining, and it doesn't need to be expressed by shaking hips and hips.These can be experienced from the elements of femininity.The elements of femininity are the gentleness, gentleness, virtuousness, meticulousness, and consideration that women should have.These are all faint, superficial, and indisputable.Regarding femininity, Mr. Zhu Ziqing has such a description: A woman has her gentle air, such as listening to the sound of Xiao Xiao, smelling roses, like water like honey, like smoke like mist, covering us, every step she takes, every stretch, every breath Sweeping hair, in a blink of an eye, it's like honey flowing, water swaying... A woman's smile is a half-opened flower, filled with poems and paintings, as well as silent music.

Therefore, a truly feminine woman is as quiet as a clear pond and as moving as ripples.They are like the flames of fire, the light of lamps, too dazzling is not good.

Therefore, avant-garde is not feminine. Don’t think that wearing a weird and fancy dress will make you feminine. This kind of smell is a "weird smell".Money is not femininity, femininity cannot be produced by material things, and cosmetics can only create a woman's skin, but cannot create a mood.If the sentiment is not enough, it will be dull.A beautiful woman does not necessarily have femininity. A flower may have enchanting petals and be charming, but it does not necessarily have a faint fragrance and floating shadows.Being fragile is not femininity. Feminine women are youthful and healthy, with rosy skin and full of vitality. They are still radiant and brilliant at any time.Pretentiousness is not femininity, frivolity is not femininity.Preoccupation and narrow-mindedness will dilute femininity, and snobbishness and philistine snobbery will obliterate femininity.

What is the correct answer to femininity?

Femininity is a taste.A woman without taste will still be pale no matter how you practice.Feminine women, they are willing to learn, love to read and read newspapers, often surf the Internet, but they are not obsessed with fashion magazines and gossip news; You can see something different from it.Perhaps, she will also learn English, practice calligraphy, learn tea ceremony, learn flower arrangement, and practice yoga.A wide range of hobbies has accumulated her introverted mind.

Femininity is a fragrance.This fragrance does not only refer to the fragrance emitted by the body, otherwise, a bottle of perfume can solve the femininity.This fragrance is a charming breath exuded from the inside out, which makes people feel that she is fragrant when they see it.Her slim figure can brighten a city.She is busy with work, but she never has a sad face, no matter how nervous she is, she always smiles, and inadvertently exudes a delicate and melancholy fragrance.She is kind and easy-going, everyone is willing to get close to her, and those intimate words will only be said to her.Chatting with her will often give you inspiration in life, make you calm, teach you to work hard, and feel the beauty and hope of life.

Femininity is a charm.Tenderness is a woman's unique weapon.How tender is a feminine woman, she loves herself and loves others even more.She is the rain in spring, moistening things silently; she is the wind in autumn, fanning your face.With the unique feelings of women, she opens her mind to embrace the whole world.Gentleness is not only the tenderness and charm of women, but also the kindness, concern and kindness of motherhood.This kind of woman is the most able to understand the pain and joy of others. Just a light touch can comfort the tired soul appropriately.

Femininity is a shame.She doesn't chatter endlessly, does things in a hurry, and doesn't treat people carelessly.There is a degree in everything, a little shy.Shame is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of beauty, which can most arouse a man's attitude of pity and pity.Her reserved movement language, affectionate gaze, sweet smile, graceful demeanor, and charming face are always worth a thousand words.

Femininity is a symbol.It is mysterious and soothing, touching and elusive, deeply rooted and fascinating.It has no shape, no fixed trend, it is the temptation of moistening things silently, it is the looming beauty, it is the exploration of day and night, and it is the wisdom of winning more with less.Every move, every word, every glance, every smile, is perfect and beautiful. It can be said that there is a little red in the green, and it doesn't take much to move the spring.

Femininity is a sentiment, a lingering sentiment.A romantic woman, in addition to pots and pans, will also arrange the small home exquisitely, with curtains and tablecloths, lace tassels, and bright and clean windows. Even if there are no flowers in the vase, the vase must be wiped spotless.Femininity is still a style, a rhythm from the inside out.Wearing a cheongsam of silk, brocade or silk, with beautiful bare legs and a high bun, she is graceful and charming, and the oriental charm is like a classical flower, which blooms in the depths of time and does not fade with time. So enchanting, so exquisite, it shocked everyone.

If you want to talk about femininity, what you can't tell is the demure and graceful air of women.Such a woman is like a lake under the moonlight, a lily blooming silently, making people fascinated.

5.Gentleness is the hardest thing to endure "beauty favor"

Recently, I am obsessed with a few words: May you be treated tenderly by this world.

This is the title of a book written by Teacher Ye Xuan.

Gentleness is the elixir that fascinates people, and the beauty that everyone longs for.In your soft and clear heart, he, she, and it are all willing to indulge.

An elegant woman should have a touch of tenderness.

My imprint of tenderness originated from two female teachers in elementary school.

When I was in the third grade of elementary school, I was lucky enough to meet two female teachers.In our rural school, there are very few female teachers.One is a class teacher Chinese teacher with strong teaching ability and a model teacher in the county. She is very strict, walks quickly, speaks with a high voice, always wears dark blue clothes, and does not have too many women's grooming.In today's terms, she is quite a woman.But this teaching expert fell to the gang of leather children in our class.Because she is too fierce, the little friends headed by me don't listen to her, and don't accept her favor.She exhausted all the "torture", including standing as a punishment, calling the parents, reporting to the principal, etc., but she still couldn't subdue us monkeys.

But our music teacher is different from her.The music teacher's surname is Ma, and her name is Xiaoyan. She is full of flexibility.She wears a floral shirt, combs her long braids, and always has a quiet smile on her face, radiating soft light faintly.Even if she is being pranked, she will not get angry, she will not get angry with us, and she will not punish us. On the contrary, she just patiently tells stories and teaches us to sing.She taught us nursery rhymes like "Grandma's Penghu Bay", "Childhood", "Mother's Kiss".In the beginning, there were people making trouble in her class, but gradually, even the skinniest children behaved like cats.Since then, the weekly music class has become the greatest hope of the students.In the afternoon, the warm sun poured down from the window panes of the simple classroom. Teacher Ma sat in front of the classroom. The sun cast oblique light and shadow outlines on her drooping braids, collar and the edge of the wooden piano. It flows quietly and quietly.At that time, I always felt touched by something in my heart. In the kind and familiar music, the warm picture, especially the silhouette of the female teacher, was firmly fixed in my heart.Later, I was so angry that the fierce head teacher was transferred away, and Teacher Xiaoyan took her place, and our class became the class with the best grades in the county!
Many years later, when I was lucky enough to return to that music classroom back then, seeing that familiar silhouette and hearing that familiar singing voice, I suddenly discovered that it was this scene that opened up my initial perception of "women" in my life.In my subconscious mind, such a "woman" is a real woman.Thinking about it, Teacher Xiaoyan became the goddess in the hearts of all the girls in that elementary school. The female students learned from her to braid two braids, tie bows on the ends of their hair, learn her brisk walking steps, and even learn how to be a little girl. Follow the tone of her cough.In fact, thinking about it now, the music teacher is not much better than the Chinese teacher, but she subdued us skinny kids without making a fuss.The task that the tough Chinese teacher couldn't finish even with his hoarse voice was solved by her effortlessly.Her trump card is actually gentleness.

But now, there are fewer and fewer gentle women, and there are women like Chinese teachers everywhere.

It is not too much to use "battlefield" to describe the life and communication of modern women.Today's women have been wandering for a long time under the heavy shackles and constraints of career, love, and marriage, trying their best to make themselves strong and rigid.In today's cruel arena, how can there be a "women first" rule?So women began to approach men and masculine demeanor unconsciously.This has produced a core vocabulary of contemporary psychology and sociology - "neutral role-playing". The social science explanation of "neutral role-playing" is this: a person's tendency to approach a socially advantageous role in the face of social pressure.It is conceivable that when a woman must tend to a masculine role, the instinctive sexual characteristics of a woman may peel off. While unconsciously strong, a woman's tenderness, femininity, gentleness and other natures will gradually weaken.

In fact, women don't have to be like this. You must know that women's gentleness is also the best weapon for women to win invisible in the competition. "The most difficult thing to bear is the beauty's favor", this "beauty's favor" is the gentleness and shyness of women in the eyes of men.

Experiments have found that when a woman conveys complete information to the outside world, pure language components only account for 7%, tone of voice accounts for 38%, and the other 55% needs to be conveyed by body language.Women are different from men when it comes to expressing ideas or conveying emotional cognition.Men can only use words or simple and decisive gestures, while women often need to use small movements that can express their emotions to make the other party perceive, and the external manifestation of these small movements is often tenderness.

Gentleness is sometimes more acceptable than aggressiveness.When a woman is gentle to the extreme, it is a kind of strength.Gentleness has its own kind of continuous affection. When it spreads slowly, it floats to your side, expands, diffuses, and sways, making you feel relieved and belonging, and willing to follow.

The reason why tenderness is so penetrating is that it contains something profound about love, which comes from the marrow of life.Gentle blood is the kindness from the heart of a woman. It is the beautiful thing that a woman sees of the world, men, children, and the world.

No matter whether you are a white-collar or blue-collar worker, whether you are living in a boudoir or just a new wife, as a woman, you can work and live like a strong woman in a chic and capable way, but please don't be careless and hot-tempered.Remember: be gentle with the world, for gentleness is strength.

Of course, gentleness is not coquettish, gentleness can be true or false.Jiaodia is a pretentious gesture, but real tenderness is a kind of charm from the heart of a woman. It is neither sensuality nor language, but the strength and temperament of a woman.

6.The nobility of a woman stems from the shyness of the soul
Now, there are too many "heavy taste" girls. They walk carelessly, behave in a hurry, and speak casually. They open their mouths when boys dare not say, and they are familiar with things that boys dare not do.They smoked, drank and cursed like men.They think it's popular, fashionable, and gender-neutral. Such words and deeds will add points to their image and even win the favor of boys.If you tell them to be reserved, they will laugh at you for being from ancient times. They say that being reserved is like the foot binding of an old grandmother.

(End of this chapter)

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