Calm women are the most elegant

Chapter 5 Pale——True water has no fragrance, the essence of femininity is elegance

Chapter 5 Pale——True water has no fragrance, the essence of femininity is elegance (4)
There is a child named greed hidden in everyone's heart.Elegant and intelligent women will satisfy him and control him through their own efforts.And a stupid woman will spoil him like a clumsy mother to the point of no return.

There is such an ancient folklore: A man had two wives, the first was rich and the second was poor.The second wife was so poor that she didn't even have a strip of cloth, so she had to use bark to carry the child on her back.She sweeps the leaves every day and sells them for money to make ends meet.

One day, as usual, she carried the child to the woods to sweep the leaves. She put the child on the ground and went deep into the woods by herself.Not long after she left, a monkey picked up the child, climbed up a tree, and played with him.The woman turned her head and found that the child was gone, so she burst into tears.The child cried when he heard the mother's cry. The woman looked up and saw that the monkey on the tree was holding her child.The woman sang a song, and the monkey, moved by the beautiful singing, danced, and slowly descended from the tree, and handed the child to his mother.The monkey asked the woman:
"How did you get to this point? You have such a beautiful voice, but you still come here to sweep leaves every day."

The woman replied, "I'm so poor that I can only live on this."

At this time the monkey said: "Go along this road, and you will see a path on the left. Walk along the path, and soon you will see a tree full of fruits, and some fruits will call to you: 'Pick me off. !Pick me off!' Pick not them, but the silent fruits."

The woman did as the monkey said.

She came to the tree full of fruit, and some of the fruit begged, "Pick me off, take me off!"

But she did not pick them, only the silent fruits.Then she came back and told the monkey everything, and showed him the fruit she had picked.

The monkey told her: "Go home, close the door, and cut the fruit."

When the woman returned home, she cut open the fruit, and the fruit was full of gold and silver.She divided her gold and silver into three parts: herself, her husband, and her husband's first wife.But the former rich woman thought it was too little, and wanted to get more by herself.

The next day, this first rich wife took the baby too, went deep into the jungle, dropped the braces, and tied the baby with a stick, just as poor women do.Then he put the child on the ground and wandered around by himself. When the monkey saw the child, it felt very strange. It thought to itself: Is this woman so ungrateful or greedy?In short, we must find out why she came again.

The monkey picked up the baby, climbed up the tree, and played with him.When the woman saw that the child was gone, she sang like a poor woman, and the monkey danced like last time, and came to the ground.

Then the monkey gave the child to the woman and asked her:

"Do you feel that what I gave you yesterday is too little?"

The rich woman, not wanting to admit that it was another woman who came yesterday, replied:

"Yes, too little, I want more."

So the monkey told the poor woman to take only the silent fruits as he said to the poor woman last time.

The woman came to the tree and thought: I am not, what does this monkey think of me!I am not so stupid!

She picked the fruit that said "Pick me, pick me", and then came back and showed it to the monkey, who told her to go back and cut the fruit.

The woman did as the monkey said.But when the fruit was cut open, instead of gold and silver, there were reptiles and beasts of every kind, which tore up the woman and ate her up piece by piece.

As the saying goes: the word "greedy" is close to "poor".Although a greedy woman has temporary glory and wealth, she will eventually become a passing cloud, harming others and herself.No wonder some people say: "Wives who are greedy and husbands suffer more, but wives who are good and husbands suffer less."Therefore, a smart and elegant woman will not take money so seriously, let alone be greedy.They know how to do what they can and make money to buy flowers and clothes, but they also know how to stop.They love careers, but not utilitarianism; they love money, but they don't smell like money.As spectators, it is a pleasure for us to watch her seeking to earn money. Indeed, she even loves money so gracefully.

8.Elegance has nothing to do with status, anyone can be an elegant woman with a beautiful heart

When I was young, I thought elegant women would only appear in fairy tales and books.

The elegant, virtuous woman in the book is dexterous, full of poems and books, and hilariously snickers, making the "dumb goose" dumbfounded... In fact, such a woman will find out her true nature after she gets married and returns home. Good: You can raise your eyebrows, you can add fragrance to your red sleeves, you can cook delicious refreshments yourself, and you can add a wonderful sentence for your husband...

At that time, I tucked these elegant women in my arms, and my mind was full, and I only felt the faint fragrance, and I was overjoyed.I cut out their images and stories, or clipped them in a diary, or posted them on the bedside, so as to imitate them.

Worked, I thought classy women only lived in the city.

They have willow eyebrows, almond eyes, red lips, fashionable clothes and tall waists; some don't wear makeup, but the luxury and calm revealed from top to bottom seem to come from another more unique and meticulous.Moreover, their beauty is not a whim.Even if the sky falls, they still have to walk gracefully, carrying the Kun bag that matches the clothes.

What kind of sophistication is needed to have this elegance anytime, anywhere?At that time, I thought that an elegant woman is a graceful figure swaying on the streets of the city.Their fragrance floats generously with the wind of the city, cultivating me who stumbled from the country road.

Later, I worked, and I lived with a second-generation official woman in the city who was very elegant in food and clothing.

She was a very particular, clean and noble woman in the unit, but I never expected her to be like this in the dormitory: the fashion was in a mess on the bed, the garbage was piled up under the bed, her back was beautiful, and her belongings But in the dormitory behind her, there is a mess, exuding an unclean smell... When she is happy, she talks sweetly to her boyfriend, and when she is unhappy, she swears and even fights him.

Knowing the behind-the-scenes, and seeing her gorgeous lips in the office, I have a sticky feeling, like a diner who sees an unclean kitchen after a full meal.It turns out that looking at beautiful women should also follow the principle of "out of sight is pure".

I know, not all beauties are like this.But I still feel sad for the beauties and feel sorry for them.

A woman with a beautiful heart doesn't have to be beautiful, but she must be particular; she doesn't have to be capable, but she must be hardworking; she doesn't have to be educated, but she must not be poor.

My thoughts returned to my hometown again, thinking of my mother.Once, she worked all day long, facing the loess and turning her back to the blue sky, but her hair was always combed neatly, even if there was no one around, even if there were no birds in the fields.When I came home by chance, I peeked at my mother, who was over [-] years old, looking in the mirror. She looked left and right, and looked carefully in front of a small round mirror, lest her gray hair be a little messy.

There were not many decent pieces of furniture in my rural hometown, but my mother arranged them in an orderly manner.When it rains and has free time, my mother moves them at home.In this way, every time I go home, the old furniture always gives me a different feeling.They seem to have feet, and under the careful driving of their mother, they lean against the east wall and the west wall for a while, face south and north for a while, showing liveliness and playfulness that ordinary furniture does not have.

I also think of my aunt.Because of her background, she was delayed from studying, and she couldn't read a few big characters.However, she has sung model twists and yangko, and she knows how to cut clothes and do hairstyles without a teacher.

I also thought of the folk custom of a place, women at home, wear trousers to do homework.When someone comes, immediately change into a skirt to accompany the guest, even if it's just the neighbor next door.Such a woman, even if she is submerged in housework, is also filled with the self-restraint and fragrance of Cymbidium, right?
Women in a certain poor mountain have only one piece of clothing for hospitality in their whole life, which is the wedding dress when they get married.Whenever guests come, they put on their wedding dresses.During the tempering of the years, the wedding dress was torn, and a plum blossom was patched with red thread on the hole.Therefore, the older the woman, the more plums there will be on the grayer wedding dress.The person who wrote this story was full of pity, but I, who read it, was full of poetry in my heart: It turns out that in the hands of a virtuous woman, poverty can also be lived happily. Think about the plum blossoms that bloom on worn-out clothes. Isn't it a woman's simple and fragrant heart?How can such a life be sore?

Therefore, a woman with a beautiful heart and a heart is not only in books but also in life.They are like a handful of seeds carefully scattered by the benevolent God, blown gently by the wind, scattered in the city, in the countryside, in the rich, in the poor... scattered in all the places where there are women - and then, fragrant flowers bloom .That flower is you, it is me, it is everyone.

In short, femininity has nothing to do with material wealth, family origin, fame and status, but only with attitude towards life.It is a kind of light taste, a taste of elegance, the elegance of a smart woman is like this: the makeup is light, the words are appropriate, the smile is pleasant, the love is persistent, the pursuit of wealth is never low, no matter what the occasion, she can be good To "cook" yourself to make yourself beautiful and delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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