Calm women are the most elegant

Chapter 7 Concentration—A woman with concentration has charm and vitality

Chapter 7 Concentration—A woman with concentration has charm and vitality (2)
She is not afraid of marriage, and she has been in love once or twice, but she has never entered the palace of marriage.She said that marriage is just a way of life, and that way is not suitable for a woman like her. She can't stand so many fireworks, so it's better to be single.Free yourself, and free others.

Because the copywriting she wrote for a real estate in Tongzhou caused a sensation in the capital real estate circle, her net worth doubled soon.A real estate tycoon poached her, but she flatly refused. She said that between high salary and personality, she chose the latter. Other companies had high wages, but the harsh system shackled her personality.Although the salary in the current company is low, it leaves a lot of room for her personality.She is grateful that this is the soil that suits her, and she does not change it.

During the five-year reunion after graduating from university, all the friends who graduated together became popular, but she was the only one who "stayed in place".The classmates felt sorry for her.At the end-of-year gathering of colleagues, the old colleagues who fought together all those years have become new branches, but her salary, residence, and life content have not changed over the years.Friends said she was brainless, and several female college students also said she was not enlightened, and advised her not to be so high-minded and self-willed, and find a man with a house and a car to marry herself while she is young.The path most people take is certainly the one with the least risk.

But she is infinitely satisfied with her life, she doesn't explain, doesn't complain, and doesn't change.For the advice of relatives and friends, she just smiled gratefully and remained the same.

She failed to go to the ten-year graduation reunion.Everyone was imagining how miserable an older leftover woman's life would be, and guessed that she might have a bad life and was too embarrassed to see her old friends.But she actually sent a video. It turned out that she was unable to attend a grand new book launch that day.Everyone saw her radiant appearance.The people are beautiful, and so are the words.

Everyone exclaimed, it turned out that she was the best-selling novelist whose pen name is XXX!

Over the years, she has only done what she likes, and only one thing - writing.After years of accumulation, he eventually became a famous artist.At the age of early thirties, when other female classmates were annoyed by the difficulties of their husbands disobedient children and in-laws, she still had the luster of a 19-year-old girl on her face, with pure eyes and black hair as before. Like a waterfall, sway freely.It was as if all these years had never been crushed on her.

When her former friends lost themselves because they washed their husband's underwear and taught their children homework, she had a higher reputation, a higher degree of freedom, and realized emotional independence and financial freedom.

After the party, those girlfriends who previously regarded her as a "wonderful woman" and "female psychopath" returned home and hurriedly opened her video as an inspirational film for their children. The children said cutely: "Mom, this beautiful sister is Is your classmate? I don't believe it, she looks much younger than you." My best friend was hit hard!

The child's eyes are discerning, and the child's speech is free, which is the highest affirmation and praise for her.

Her beauty is the beauty of persistence, and this beauty deserves such praise!
Every woman wants to be a beautiful woman and hope to make her beauty last longer as the years go by.And this requires not only exterior decoration, but also interior maintenance.And the most fundamental way of internal nourishment comes from the persistence of dreams in the heart.Persistent women are beautiful, their beauty is transparent and open-minded.Looking around, those glamorous famous women are all hardworking dream chasers.

Most of the time, we only know how to envy the luck of successful women, but how do we know that they have been waiting all night in order to catch the pies falling from the sky - when we fell asleep.

Success and charm come from persistence.stick to it!My compatriots, we must believe that miracles always come after persistence.

4.Independent thinking is a woman's invisible wings
The determination of a woman's heart comes from independent thinking.A woman without an independent mind is a plastic flower.Colorful, powerless, boring.

Women with independent thinking are exquisite women, they are like white doves flying freely in the sky, white and elegant.

CHANEL - synonymous with trend pioneers in the fashion kingdom, this fashion brand founded by a woman named Coco Chanel, has been promoting the development of the fashion industry as always since its inception, and is the only high-end endorsement.And her founder, the Chanel woman, also travels through time and space, and has always been elegant and unrivaled.

Chanel grew up in a small town. Due to the misfortune of her childhood and the closed and boring days of her girlhood, the girl who longed to fly in her heart was unwilling to live in a monotonous town and eager to see the outside world. So she After overcoming difficulties, he came to the longing metropolis of Paris and started a new life.

When she first arrived in Paris, Chanel's restlessness and unconventional character made her question the dressing of Parisian women. Through constant observation and thinking, she discovered huge business opportunities with her sharp eyes.At this time, she was determined to be a pioneer in the Paris clothing industry.

Soon, Chanel opened a hat shop, using her dexterous hands to embellish and replace the original tacky ornaments on the hats with novel decorations.Such a hat, which has been transformed by Chanel, makes people's eyes shine.In addition, her unique style has also been added to the way of wearing the hat.Such innovations have won her numerous clients.The success of the Chanel hat store has accumulated considerable funds for her and greatly increased her confidence.She began to boldly try to develop in the field of clothing.

Positive innovation has enabled Chanel to not limit its own design style.At that time, Paris was full of obsolete and cumbersome clothing styles. Chanel innovated all of them. She used simple and practical clothing styles, which not only liberated herself, but also carried forward her design philosophy.In 1912, the first CHANEL boutique was established.

Chanel's design concept of clothing has opened up women's attention to themselves, the best measure of women in the new era.The success of Chanel opened the direction of the development of the entire fashion field and is the source of all success.Her works reveal the spirit of women of an era.

Chanel is a born adventurer.Her independent thinking and innovative spirit are the driving force of all ambitions, not only that, she is good at observing and thinking hard.When she made the bold and decisive decision to open a hat shop, she was ready.In the face of dreams, we are often confused, thus shaking the original idea.In Chanel, I saw a kind of firmness, which is devotion and concentration to work; it is a kind of courage to insist on one's own point of view, and it is a spirit of full confidence in life, ideals and career.Such firmness and self-confidence come from independent thinking.Such Chanel will not be defeated, and such anyone will not be defeated.At the same time, Chanel also understands that fashion creativity needs to constantly absorb new knowledge. Her love of art, literature, and music made her a learned woman and gained a steady stream of creativity.With her extraordinary creativity and uncompromising spirit, she has carved out her own world in the field of fashion.

We only care about wearing luxury goods, but rarely study the stories behind luxury goods. Every luxury brand that has been around for a century has a moving history behind it.Things are like this, people are even more so.Every successful woman who has survived forever has independent thoughts and mature minds.There is always a light of wisdom shining on them.They don't follow the trend, don't follow the old ways, no matter when, where and what kind of problem, they will form unique views based on their own knowledge.When others are racking their brains and don't know how to solve it, they will identify the problem and find a solution based on their own experience and accumulation.

Women with independent thinking will not be lonely and self-admiring because of independence, nor will they be bored because of independence. They dare to love and hate, gentle but strong, kind and upright.Have their own unique views and understandings on work, family, and life.Even if the light frost of the years climbs onto the cheeks, the charm will still remain, without losing the elegant demeanor.Women with independent thoughts have extraordinary conversations, and all the words that come out of their mouths are as refreshing as spring rain.In the subtleties of life and ordinary times, it shows the power and beauty of its wisdom.They have a mother's broad mind, a girlish innocence, and at the same time, a mature woman's grace and grace, all in the expression, everything is in the gesture.The beauty and nobility of their human nature run through their lives, and God's greatest blessing to them has also made them healthy, beautiful and rich in life.

On the contrary, women without independent thinking, no matter how beautiful they are, are just empty shells. Their eyes are dull, their language is empty, and their beauty is only pale.

Therefore, it is very important to have an independent mind, which is the basis for helping you accomplish your life goals.People will grow old and lose their beauty, but their thoughts will only become more mature and refined with the accumulation of experience and experience.A thoughtful woman, even if she loses everything, even if she stands alone and helpless on a deserted street, she will know what she will do next and what she will pursue.

So, how to be a thoughtful woman?

Independent thinking is not only about reading poems and books, mastering piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but more importantly, it is an inner temperament, a kind of connotation, a kind of clever display, a dexterity in dealing with the world, and the accumulation of rich experience. It is comprehensive thinking.This kind of affection, this kind of language, and the poetic and picturesque artistic conception can only be understood, not expressed in words.It depends on your self-enlightenment, slow enlightenment or epiphany.

5.If your personality is not independent, you can only become a "note" in other people's lives

Since ancient times, women have been dubbed the title of "weak" and regarded themselves as accessories.In the stories of the "Bible", a man is a person, and a woman is just a rib of a man; in literary works, a man is a tree, a woman is a vine, and a man is the carrier and support for a woman's survival; in traditional culture, Women regard "no talent is virtue" as their favorite, and "three obediences and four virtues" as a model... All these have given some women the ideological and cultural support of laziness, attachment, and commitment.

However, times have changed, and if a woman wants to live decently, she must have an independent personality, an independent, real, and vivid existence.Only in this way can we hold hands with happiness.

Speaking of this, I think of my cousin.

My cousin's family is in the countryside, and she came out to work very early. It is said that she is helping her two younger brothers to go to college.Her studies are also very good, but her uncle said: "Women are prepared for other people's families. It may not be a good thing to read too much." So she obeyed the arrangement and supported her two younger brothers.When I clamored for my parents to prepare something for me for the next day's spring outing, her face, who occasionally came to my house to play, showed envy that couldn't be concealed!That look is firmly imprinted in my mind.

When I heard about my cousin again, I got the news of her marriage.It's hard to imagine her getting married that early, and it's hard to imagine what that grumpy macho man can offer her.But all of this is the marriage that her uncle arranges for her, which she thinks is the most promising - because her husband's family is rich!At that time, one of her younger brothers had already graduated and earned a lot of money, and the other was about to graduate from college. It is said that some units were willing to take him...

I haven't heard from my cousin for a long time. When I was thinking about her, I came home and saw her holding the baby!With a dull face, she said that her husband found a new woman in our city, and asked us to help her find out, and wanted to ask him for some living expenses... That night I invited her to dinner, and we drank some red wine together, and the long-lost flush appeared. On her face, she told me about her marriage, about how to deal with heavy housework, about how her father taught her how to maintain a family and obey her husband, about how she endured the smell of mutton Making mutton dumplings for the whole family, and talking about how the drunk husband abused... I have forgotten many things, but I only remember the tears I spent the night with her.

The next day, all the questions were answered. My sister and I took her to his husband’s residence. I really didn’t know how to deal with this dilemma. My sister kept negotiating with him, and I heard his indifferent voice: "What's wrong with me?! I didn't intend to divorce her, I didn't give up on her, I took care of the child! It's not bad for her to follow me..." I turned my face and saw my cousin begging the woman, with a sad expression on her face, I pulled my cousin and wanted to tell her something, but I couldn't say anything!What she got in exchange for being gentle and virtuous was nothing more than a meal ticket. She didn't know if such charity was a kind of irony to dignity.

The money is coming, my cousin left the city with the child and the money, I once hinted to her whether she wants to live a more selfish life... She repeatedly emphasized her child, and said that she never mentioned the meaning of wanting to end .For such a her, apart from giving some financial help, I don't know what else to do.

It’s been a long time since I heard from my cousin. Her father, brother, husband, and children have created beautiful future spaces for her one after another. She will live forever in other people’s worlds and don’t know what she’s like now. Remembered her!And when I was thinking about this matter, a friend I liked very much in the circle of friends also said that she was going to say goodbye to forums and the Internet, because she finally married herself, and her husband didn’t like her always swiping the screen, and she also I don’t want to quarrel over this anymore; another sister who is very close to me is going to the United States, and she wants to accompany her child to study, because she is reluctant to let her daughter go to another country alone.I am overwhelmed by their courage and gentleness!But there are also deep concerns.

Independence is the deep and lasting beauty of a woman, and a woman with an independent personality is considered a fine woman.They have their own opinions in their careers and are not at the mercy of others; they have their own circle in life and will not be lonely because they are separated from men.You have to be a good daughter, but you can't obey your parents; you have to be a docile wife, but you can't be submissive to your husband.To be a kind mother and not to treat the child as a "little emperor"... Only such a woman can be called a real new type of woman.

Jane Eyre, the heroine of "Jane Eyre", is such a refined woman. She is never willing to give up her dignity as a human being, and dares to resist arrogant, rude, autocratic and selfish men.Although she lives in a family, she dares to reprimand her cousin John who abused her in order to maintain the dignity of her personality.Later, in the boarding school, he strongly resisted the cold and hypocritical principal who tortured women in the school.And when she faced love, she rationally and decisively rejected the marriage proposal of her cousin St. John. She didn't want to be a victim of that kind of marriage without love, and she didn't want to turn herself into a man's vassal.She has a unique understanding of love, and believes that the premise of love is not family status, not money, but equal personality.

Later, when faced with the love affair with Rochester, she was unwilling to stay by his side as a mistress.Facing Rochester's bitterness to stay, Jane Eyre replied unyieldingly: "I care about myself. The more lonely and unsupported I am, the more I respect myself." Jane Eyre's choice of love reflects her as a Women's pursuit of personality independence.It is also the charm of her personality that makes thousands of women become loyal readers of this book, and regard Jane Eyre as their idol.

No matter my cousin, my best friend, or a strange girlfriend, they are all far away from Jane Eyre.Including myself, it's not perfect.Due to the characteristics of women, no matter what kind of feelings, women are very easy to be in a state of blind obedience and attachment.The first is to obey parents blindly, to be infatuated with lovers blindly, to serve children blindly, and then there is a strong desire to be attached, expecting to use the strength of others to support the spirit that is not strong enough, to achieve spiritual satisfaction with the feedback of others, and to rely on the help of others. money to satisfy their material desires.And there are many women who will give their whole life and all their love to others.Before marriage, the time and love belong to the parents; after marriage, half of the time and love will be given to the husband; after that, all the time and love will be devoted to the children, except that there is no time to cherish yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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