Calm women are the most elegant

Chapter 9 Concentration—A woman with concentration has charm and vitality

Chapter 9 Concentration—A woman with concentration has charm and vitality (4)
For example, when dressing, she knows that her shoulders and collarbones are beautiful, so she often wears shoulder-length clothing, which has remained unchanged for decades. Knowing that she has a beautiful face, she does not wear floral dresses. The clothes in the closet are always plain black, beige, black and white, and khaki; Knowing that the left side of her face is beautiful, she will always be on the left side when taking pictures... She is not a woman who feels extremely good about herself, "Regardless of body shape and appearance, I can't compare with her (Brigitte Lin)." In 1986, she was so self-effacing , she doesn't like to be in the limelight, and every year Hong Kong's upper class is keen to select the "Best Dressed" invitation, she always declines, she is the kind of woman who lives very clearly, she knows what she wants.This has something to do with her background. She was born in a well-to-do family with strict family education. She has never had too much ambition. She is practical and mature. The biggest goal of being a movie star is to earn some money and marry a good man. I think she was the most pursued by young men back then. If she were any other woman, she would have already been lost in the gentle and rich village. Which inexperienced woman could defeat the relentless pursuit of rich businessmen and the fatal temptation of talented people in the circle, but Zhong Chuhong could She did it, before Mrs. Zhu, she dated a wealthy and unknown photographer for two years. It was rumored that Lin Zixiang, who had a wife back then, used an American villa to impress her, but Zhong Chuhong was unmoved.

When Maggie Cheung was still entangled with barbers and Korean handsome boys, Zhong Chuhong had already chosen to rely on her for the rest of her life, which was a wise choice for a well-off woman.Husband Zhu Jiading (Mike Chu) is neither a second-generation playboy, but also talented. In 1977, he returned to Hong Kong from the United States and started his advertising creation career in Hong Kong. In 1983, he founded Synergie, and his business grew like a rocket. In 1986, Zhu Jiading won the "Hong Kong 4A Creative Golden Sail Award" for the first time in front of many Hong Kong 4A advertising companies, and created the famous advertising slogan "It doesn't matter how long the genius is, only cares about the possession."Zhong Chuhong fell in love with Zhu in 1987 when she was in full swing, and then got married in 1991. She gradually faded out of the film industry and lived a carefree life with her husband. Apart from occasionally participating in environmental protection activities, she rarely appeared in public.

Her husband is her confidant and beloved. Although she has no children, the marriage has never had any problems. Neither did he, nor did she.

Zhong Chuhong's life motto is: I know my age, and I also know what I do at my age.Even after the death of her husband, the producer waited for her to return to filming with a lot of money, she was not moved, "I didn't find happiness and satisfaction only under the mercury lamp. Although there are many memories in the movie that made me grow, but all There is a price.” When he debuted, he filmed fifty or sixty films, “You have to comb your hair and make up yourself. There is no nine-hour working day for filming. If you don’t film, you will be said to be unethical as an actor. Sometimes you end work in the middle of the night and drive home. I was so tired on the road that I drove the car to the side of the road to rest my mind, and as soon as I closed my eyes, I fell into a deep sleep until the next morning.” She broke her feet and broken her bones for filming, and Diao Wia was also injured all over her body when she was filming. She was thrown to the ground and glass was thrown, her head was covered with blood, she went home and cried for two hours, the crying time was longer than the bleeding time, and since then she has lost a piece of hair near her neck - she has eaten bitter.

There has never been a free lunch in this world, all enjoyment has a price, and a wise woman knows how to choose and what she wants.God gave you a small box, which contains ups and downs, everyone is similar, you can't get everything.People who want everything often get nothing, so the widowed Honggu would rather choose a life of solitude, occasionally going out to relax, basking in the sun in summer, and chatting with men and women in her spare time. As for love, That is a very distant thing, "I have lived half a lifetime, and I don't care at my age."

Suzi Huang asked Tang Tang, who had lost Leslie Cheung, whether her life alone was boring.

Tang Tang is telling her, "It's not boredom, it's loneliness."

It is probably the same for Zhong Chuhong who has been in the sea. She has a rich life and is not bored at all, but a little lonely.Loneliness is a bit like the twilight in the deep wasteland, quiet and mysterious, all desires turn from hustle and bustle to silence, although it is a bit desolate, it still does not damage a woman's determination.

Do you still remember the song Chen Ming sang many years ago, that song is called loneliness makes me so beautiful.Loneliness can only be beautiful if it is placed on a woman with self-knowledge.A little fragile, all messed up.

8.If you're smart enough, try to do the right thing at the right time
I have talked with many women about the topic of life.

They each have their own opinions, some of which are just the moment of emotion, and some sum up the ups and downs of the past years. It boils down to this: if possible, it is best to do the right thing at the right time.

What is the right time?What is the right thing?I suddenly remembered a passage that a woman who had already passed the age of 30 said at a certain moment: "Women should do what they should do at each age, so that it is easier to be happy." The woman who said this sentence was 16 years old Entered the industry, made a movie at the age of 18, married at the age of 25, married a literary genius who was 22 years older than herself, divorced after 4 years, and gave birth to a son at the age of 30.Speaking of this, it is very clear who this woman is.

She is Zhang Aijia, an all-round female artist with a high reputation in the Chinese circle.

Zhang Aijia has lived to the present and has passed the age of 30 twice, and her limelight has not diminished in the slightest.Now her state is the envy of all female artists, her marriage and career are both fruitful, and the man who loves her once again put on a wedding dress for this woman when she was 38 years old. At this time, her son Oscar was able to witness the marriage for his parents. "The happiest thing for me now is that my little granddaughter from the United States called from overseas and called Grandma, Grandma in a childlike voice." Except for the outrageous details of having a child out of wedlock, Zhang Aijia did as she said, doing it at the right age. She did not regret that she gave birth to a son at the age of 30 and raised her own. "For women, 30 is not only a psychological age, but also a biological age. At that time, I felt urgently that if now If you don’t have children, you may not be able to have them in the future, or it may not be good for your children.”

Yes, if she hadn't bravely overcome the psychological barrier back then and gave birth to Oscar, how would there be the beauty of having children and grandchildren around her knees now?
Doing the right thing at the most suitable time is a kind of wisdom in managing life.

As for what is the right time and the right thing, everyone has their own answer, and the answer is only in your own heart.

In her freshman year, Jiaqi met a handsome senior with a good family background. It is undeniable that she was deeply attracted by him.There was indeed a hazy relationship between them, and everything made Jiaqi feel happy, until she found out that the senior was in a formal relationship with another woman of the same family at the same time.

The innocent first love was shattered like this, and Jiaqi also came to her senses.Why are you attracted to him?is he handsomeHow rich is he?It turned out that everything was caused by my own vanity.From then on, she devoted herself wholeheartedly to her studies, and she didn't want to involve her children's love anymore.It's not that I don't love, it's to be a better self and worthy of that love.

During the four years of college, some people expressed their affection for her, not just one or two, but she rejected them one by one, because there was no one there who could resonate with her heart.She is not like other girls who accept a boy's advances at will because of emptiness or vanity.For her, love is better than lack.

After graduating from university, Jiaqi did not find her ideal job for a while. Other students were full-time postgraduate entrance examinations, but Jiaqi did not. In order to relieve the burden of life on the shoulders of her parents as soon as possible, she joined a trading company and became an ordinary sales representatives.

As a newcomer, it is inevitable that he will be bullied.Jiaqi knows that only by showing her own strength can she withstand their critical eyes.

In the first year, although the performance was not very outstanding, she spent a lot of effort in investigating customer information.

In the work summary of the first half of the second year, because of her familiarity with customers, the sales record soared. By the end of the year, she had become the leader among sales representatives, and everyone looked at her with admiration.

In the third year, the boss of the company handed over several major clients to Jiaqi.

That's when her husband came into her life.

He is one of the company's important customers, and she was shocked by his speech and behavior the first time she saw him.When she was sleepless in the middle of the night, Jiaqi asked herself over and over again: Isn't this the person you are waiting for?
However, his conditions were so good that it deterred her and made her dare not expect extravagantly.While other colleagues tried their best to curry favor with this big client, Jiaqi deliberately kept the distance between them.

Maybe it was because that first love taught her a lesson.So the better and better he is, the farther she will be from him.But what Jiaqi didn't expect was that he took the initiative to pursue her.

After a two-and-a-half year relationship, they decided to get married.Jiaqi likes children very much, so she wants to have one as soon as she gets married.Soon, this wish came true.

At this time, Jiaqi thought that she should spend more time at home.She didn't want to bear the child herself, so she dumped him to the parents.Elderly parents have been worrying about their own growth all their lives, and at this time, they cannot be allowed to experience the hard work of being first-time parents again.Moreover, Jiaqi believes that if the child does not grow up by her side, her relationship will not be very good in the future. Therefore, after seven months of pregnancy, she submitted a resignation application to the company.

At this time, the company was considering promoting her as a sales manager.

There is a lot of gossip in the company about resignation.

A good friend said to her: "Your thinking is too outdated. What era is it now? How can there be people who go home to care for their husbands and raise their children after they get married!"

"You're going to be promoted to sales manager soon, it's too uneconomical to leave at this time."

The envious one said behind his back: "She got a lot of money, does she still need to come out to work?"

"I'm the boss's wife now, so I should enjoy myself."

No matter what the colleagues said, Jiaqi ignored it. She knew what she needed at this age and what to do.In the end, she left the place where she had shed blood and sweat amidst a sound of regret.

Two months later, the lovely son came to this world as he wished.Jiaqi is even more aware of the sweetness and fulfillment of life.

The child was three years old, and Jiaqi sent him to kindergarten, while she walked out of the house and found a new job.

Four years of work experience is blank, no matter what kind of brilliant performance Jiaqi has achieved in the past, everything has to start from scratch.At this time, some former colleagues have already taken the positions of managers and supervisors.

A friend asked Jiaqi: "Give up such a good opportunity, and now everything has to start from scratch, do you regret it?"

Jiaqi would answer without hesitation: "No!"

Indeed, she never regretted it.Although raising children at home can sometimes feel boring, but being able to watch your children grow up day by day, the kind of satisfaction and sense of superiority in my heart is beyond the comprehension of others.

She still found a trading company because it had an atmosphere she was familiar with, but she stopped doing sales and applied for the company's administrative assistant.

Every day, Jiaqi leaves work on time to pick up her children, even if her boss asks her to work overtime.

At this time, the gossip came again, and someone said: "My husband is the boss, so it doesn't matter if he loses his job. He can always support them, mother and child."

Jiaqi also asked herself the same question. Perhaps, although she is still strict with herself, she no longer has the diligence of the past. It is home and children that occupy most of the space in her heart.

33 years old, for a woman, may be the age that should be avoided.Among Jiaqi's friends, there is no shortage of such women.Or keep secret about their age mysteriously, or pretend to be a shy little girl in their speech and behavior.But Jiaqi does not, she unabashedly reveals the elegance and maturity of this age.

Although she is still a small administrative assistant at this age, it may seem to some people that there is no achievement at all, or from the perspective of some new age women or so-called strong women, they do not approve of the Jiaqi family First, career and second life arrangement, but for Jiaqi, she is indeed content - because she has a happy family and a lovely son.This is what she wants.

And all of this is praised and envied by some of her friends, because unlike them, she is busy with work all day long, but neglects family and relationship.In their view, Jiaqi has truly controlled her own destiny, even if it gives the impression of being flat and unfulfilling, but this is the life she wants.

What you like, what you want, is right.Life is a one-way street, as long as we follow our true heart, we will not go astray.

(End of this chapter)

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