80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 157: The extremely smelly hair growth potion

Dinner was eaten as usual, including all the soup and rice, and all the spring rolls. Everyone liked it, especially Chu Yuanzhi. He ate very little at night and believed that he would be full until he was full, but tonight he was still full. I ate several spring rolls and couldn’t stop.

"These spring rolls are delicious, just like the ones your grandma makes."

Chu Yuanzhi was filled with emotions. He didn't expect that his daughter and his mother had never met before, but the dishes they cooked tasted almost exactly the same. This was probably the magic of blood ties.

Chu Qiao thought. She had only seen photos of her grandma. She was a gentle and beautiful woman. Chu Yuanzhi collected a photo album, which was full of photos of him and his grandma, as well as Chu Yuanzhi's childhood.

The grandma in the photo was all wearing exquisite cheongsams and jewels, and she couldn't tell that she was a concubine. She heard Chu Yuanzhi mention her grandma, and her family was in business. Although she was not a big boss, her family background was very good and she could support her in a girls' school.

The reason why she married her grandfather as his concubine was because her father’s business failed and she owed a lot of debt. The whole family almost ended up sleeping on the streets. Moreover, her father was seriously ill, and she was poor and sick. To make matters worse, her mother was a good person. A housewife with no family, she just cries when something happens, and the burden of the whole family falls on the shoulders of the eldest daughter, her grandmother.

At that time, her grandma was only seventeen years old. She was very beautiful. She was proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and was also good at cooking. Since grandma was fifteen years old, there has been an endless stream of people proposing to marry her, and some of them have married her as their official wife. There are also people who want to marry her as their concubine.

But when the family was in trouble, all the people who proposed marriage disappeared. Chu Yuanzhi didn't know the specific situation. Anyway, it was Mr. Chu who came forward in the end, paid off all the debts, and cured the illness of grandma and father. He also contributed money and effort, and was busy. He was busy at home and abroad. Although Mr. Chu was more than ten years older than grandma, he had a talented appearance and the charm of a mature man. Grandma fell in love with him and married him as his concubine.

It's a pity that the beauty was ill-fated. Although she was blessed when she was young, she was born at the wrong time, caught up in the war, and never met a man who treated her sincerely. After all, grandma's luck was still a little thin.

"Let's do it tomorrow."

Chu Qiao casually said that everyone liked to eat spring rolls, and it was not troublesome to make spring rolls. She could also make the ready-made spring roll wrappers herself, but it was too troublesome, so it was more convenient to buy ready-made spring rolls.

"Can you make something sweet?" Gu Ye asked with a smile. The salty ones are delicious too, but he prefers sweet ones.

"Okay, let's make bean paste filling."

Chu Qiao readily agreed. She bought a lot of red beans a few days ago and will simply make some red bean paste tomorrow.

Gu Ye grinned, as if he had already eaten sweet spring rolls, feeling very sweet in his heart.

Life with a wife is called life!

The life of a bachelor can only be called harsh work.

"Xiaopeng washes the dishes, Dad mops the floor!"

Chu Qiao arranged the housework, so Gu Ye couldn't always do it alone. Since he lived at home, he had to share the housework.

Chu Yuanzhi was stunned. He Jihong didn't even let him drag him across the ground.

Chu Peng didn't have any objections. He was already familiar with washing dishes, so he went to wash them without saying anything. He was very obedient. Seeing his son taking such initiative, Chu Yuanzhi was embarrassed to stand, so he had to take the mop, wash it in the water room, and bring it back. mop.

Although she does less housework, she can still do it. After all, she has been trained in the countryside.

"Qiaoqiao, this is for today."

Gu Ye took out a pile of money from his briefcase and handed it to his wife, "Four thousand, the 80,000 yuan is coming back today."

"I'll go save it tomorrow. How's the house doing?"

Chu Qiao put away the money and asked about the house without being intercepted.

"Don't worry, Old Tang said he could buy it at any time, but the landlord refused to let go and insisted on forty-five thousand. He said that the price for going abroad has increased, so forty-five thousand is enough." Gu Ye was a little worried.

If it was 40,000 yuan, the family would definitely have enough money, but 45,000 yuan was not enough, and Mao Laolai had to pay it back.

He is now not sure when Mao Laolai will be able to pay back the money.

"Forty-five thousand is a good deal. I still have some money on hand, so I can just scrape it together." Chu Qiao said.

She had earned a lot of money in the dance hall these days, nearly five thousand yuan. Gu Ye's commission was 41,000 yuan, plus hers, it was more than enough.

"I can't use your money. If you wait a few more days, I will definitely get Laolai Mao's money back!" Gu Ye flatly refused.

How can a grown man use his wife's money? It's so worthless.

And he knew that Chu Qiao really wanted to buy a bungalow, so he definitely couldn't use his wife's hard-earned money.

"I lent it to you, and you will pay it back to me when you have money." Chu Qiao advised. She was worried that the house would not be waiting for anyone, so it was better to settle it as soon as possible for peace of mind.

Although the house didn't belong to her, she was still anxious, as if she had to bite off a big piece of fat when she saw it in front of her. Her bite was the same as Gu Ye's bite, as long as he wasn't bitten by someone else.

"Let's see in a few days."

Gu Ye still wanted to try again. He didn't want to use his wife's money unless he had to.

Chu Qiao rolled her eyes speechlessly. What happened to this man's damn pride with her money?

But she stopped trying to persuade him, and instead said: "How about I go to Mao Laolai's place and give it a try? You are a grown man, and Mao Laolai is sure you won't dare to do anything. It doesn't matter that I am a woman. Maybe I can get it back." Woolen cloth."

Gu Ye shook his head like a rattle, "No, Qiaoqiao, you don't know how annoying and shameless that old man is. He will lie on the ground and act like a fool. He will cry when he sees people. You will be mad at him and I will want him back." , don’t worry about it.”

He couldn't let his wife suffer the bad temper of that old man Mao. His anger would hurt his body. If Qiaoqiao was so angry, he would feel so distressed.

"Okay, I won't go."

Chu Qiao agreed obediently, but she had other plans in mind. She knew Laolai Mao's address very well. She would go to the door tomorrow to block people. She had experienced how rogue this old man was in her previous life. She could get the money back in her previous life. In this life I can definitely get it back.

When she got the money back, Gu Ye would have nothing to say. She would surprise Gu Ye.

Chu Qiao took out a glass bottle from the refrigerator. Inside was dark medicinal mud, which was the hair growth medicine she prepared during the day.

"Give it to Boss Tang. Apply it on the bald area before going to bed at night. Wrap it up with a clean cloth. Wash it off when you get up in the morning. Apply it for seven days, and fine hair will grow. "

"Does this stuff really work?"

Gu Ye was a little suspicious. It looked disgusting like a black cake. He opened the lid and a strong smell hit his nostrils. It was like a foot wrap that had been soaked for a week on a hot day. It was so irritating.

"Qiaoqiao, this smells too bad. Old Tang will definitely not use it."

Gu Ye quickly closed the lid. The smell was worse than the toilet. Tang Yaozu was a very picky person. How could he put such a smelly thing on his head? Even if he was beaten to death, he wouldn't be able to use it.

Chu Qiao glared, "What does the smell have to do with it? If you stink for a week, you can get a beautiful head of hair. Do you think it's worth it?"

Gu Ye was stunned for a moment, what his wife said made sense!

"Then let Old Tang try it?"

Gu Ye wrapped the glass bottle in a cloth and went to Tang Yaozu's house to offer medicine. If the hair growth medicine really worked, then the Zhao family's affairs would be settled.

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