80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 158 Do you want hair that flutters in the wind?

The Tang family was brightly lit and the whole family was there. They had just had dinner. Mrs. Tang was washing dishes in the kitchen, Mr. Tang was walking the dog in the garden, and Tang Yaozu was watching TV with his dear wife.

"Old Tang!"

Gu Ye barked at the gate, and the spirited wolf dog immediately rushed over to him, wagging its tail at him. Gu Ye reached out and touched its head, "Old man, Jianguo's food is very good recently, it's smooth and smooth."

"No, eating two kilograms of raw meat every day is better than a human being."

Mr. Tang came to open the door. Gu Ye often came to the Tang family and was very familiar with the Tang family. Tang Yaozu came out and welcomed him into the house, while Chang Jinfeng went to make tea.

"Why did you think of sleeping with me today?"

Tang Yaozu asked with a smile and took out a pack of high-end cigarettes. Gu Ye pushed it back and said, "Quit."

He wasn't a big smoker at first. He learned to smoke in the B team and smoked a few puffs with the veterans. He didn't smoke when he was alone. Now that he has children and a wife at home, he can't smoke anymore.

"It's better to quit."

Tang Yaozu took one himself and was about to light the lighter when Chang Jinfeng coughed. His hand trembled and he immediately put away the lighter, put the cigarette back, and smiled flatteringly at his wife.

Gu Ye saw it funny. Old Tang's problem of strict control over his wife was getting worse and worse. He was so majestic outside, but he was like a caterpillar at home.

"Where is Weiguo?"

Not seeing Tang Weiguo, Gu Ye asked, he still wanted to ask this boy for advice.

The smile on Tang Yaozu's face immediately faded, his eyes became speechless, and he said angrily: "Lie upstairs."

That girl Chu Qiao is a nice person, but she is too troublesome. She stole the hearts of his son and brother without saying a word. He gave his stupid son a good lesson last night, but this little bastard is still not convinced. , saying that he would wait for Chu Qiao to divorce.

He was so angry that he exerted 10% of his strength. The bastard couldn't get out of bed today. Tang Yaozu also regretted it. After all, he was his own son. He did act harshly last night, but who made this bastard lard fool him? The wife who dared to think about Gu Ye was just like the stupid brother, who had ten pounds of shit in her head.

"What's wrong, you have a cold?" Gu Ye was a little surprised. Tang Weiguo was a night owl. He slept during the day and acted as a god at night. This was the time when the boy was full of energy. How could he lie down in bed.


Tang Yaozu responded vaguely and changed the subject, "You came to see me for something?"

"Send you something good."

Gu Ye smiled mysteriously and opened the cloth bag, revealing a glass bottle filled with something dark.

"What good stuff?"

Chang Jinfeng stared at it with interest and studied it for a long time but still couldn't figure it out.

"The hair growth medicine was prepared by my wife. Her ancestors were imperial doctors in the palace, specializing in treating the emperor. This recipe is a treasure passed down from my wife's ancestors. Sister-in-law, don't think it's inconspicuous, but it's hard to buy with a lot of money. Honey, isn’t Old Tang a little bald? If you apply it for seven days in a row, your hair will definitely grow!”

Gu Ye kept selling the medicine. Although he was skeptical about the effect of this bottle of medicine, he had to give his wife praise in front of outsiders. Anyway, it was applied on the scalp. The worst result would be that the hair would not grow and no big trouble would happen. .

Chang Jinfeng's eyes suddenly brightened. Her husband's baldness was a thorn in her heart. Although she didn't dislike her husband, she felt bad when she saw her husband's forehead getting brighter and brighter every day. She missed Tang Yaozu Suifeng when he was young. Flowing hair.

Her husband's hair used to be so thick, but now it is almost becoming barren. She is worried that in a few years, Tang Yaozu's hair will be completely bald and he will have to wear a wig.

Chang Jinfeng's worry was not unfounded. In his previous life, Tang Yaozu had indeed gone bald within a few years, leaving only a few pitiful clumps of hair on the edge of his forehead. Tang Yaozu was so angry that he shaved them all off, without wearing a wig, and kept his head bald every day. It looks more like a mixed society.

"Your wife has such a big background. How do you use this medicine?" Chang Jinfeng took the glass bottle and wanted to open the lid and take a look.

Gu Ye immediately took a few steps back and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, the smell is a bit strong, but the effect is very good. My wife said, apply it on the scalp before going to bed, wrap it tightly with a cloth, wash it off in the morning, and continue for a week It will grow as long as it lasts, without interruption.”

"It doesn't matter if the smell is strong, as long as the medicine is effective..."

As Chang Jinfeng spoke, she unscrewed the lid. She thought there was just a little smell, but when she opened it, she choked and almost knocked over the glass bottle. She retched several times. Jianguo, who was lying at the door, rushed in excitedly and surrounded him. Wagging his tail at her, it tasted so much like daddy.

"This stinks too much, Xiaoye, is it really effective?"

Chang Jinfeng closed the lid and kept fanning it with her hands. She almost spit out her dinner because it was so smelly.

Tang Yaozu covered his nose tightly and ran to the gate. Hearing this, he sneered: "It's useless. Take it back quickly. I don't need this thing!"

Even if he were beaten to death, he wouldn't put this smelly stuff on his head. He knew that Chu Qiao was unreliable. The Chu family was a gynecologist, so how could they prepare hair growth medicine?

"Old Tang, think about it, if you stink for a week, you can have flowing hair. What a cost-effective business. Only when you smell stink can you grow hair. You are not a girl. Why are you so pretentious? It just stinks for a week!”

Gu Ye persuaded with a bright tongue that he must complete the task his wife told him and he could not go home with the medicine.

"Yes, husband, give it a try, maybe it will grow." Chang Jinfeng was moved and helped persuade her husband.

Tang Yaozu felt a little aggrieved, "Jinfeng, do you think I have less hair?"

"No, you look just as good bald, but you will definitely look better with hair. Husband, don't you want to grow hair?" Chang Jinfeng was moved with affection and coaxed her step by step.

Tang Yaozu was also tempted. He really wanted to have beautiful hair, but the smell... was too bad, like sleeping with a piece of shit on his head.

But his desire for hair finally defeated his fear of the smell, and Tang Yaozu agreed to give it a try.

"You have to apply it continuously for a week, otherwise the result will be in vain."

Gu Ye breathed a sigh of relief and finally convinced Old Tang. He looked upstairs and said, "I'm going to see Wei Guo."

Now he and his wife only have the last layer of window paper left, but the paper is a bit thick. He has to ask Wei Guo for advice. He works hard every night, and he feels very sorry for his brother.

Tang Weiguo was lying on the bed watching the video, which was from Jackie Chan. Although he had watched it several times, he still couldn't get tired of it. When he saw the highlight, Tang Weiguo laughed loudly and pulled the wound on his buttocks, which made him gasp in pain.

"Ah yo..."

Tang Weiguo broke into a cold sweat from the pain. His father was so cruel last night. He almost ended the Tang family. It was all because of his traitorous brother-in-law. He even promised him not to tell his father, but he was betrayed within a few days. He did.

Humph, let him wait. When the injury heals, he will tell his grandparents that his uncle watches colored video tapes every night and locks them in a safe. Grandpa will definitely beat his uncle to death.

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