80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 235: Scared you two old bastards to death

At this time, the factory director and the secretary had drunk a lot of wine, and their eyes were a little blurry. Drinking is about atmosphere. Good wine and good food must be accompanied by good drinking companions. Today, all three of these things were fulfilled, and the two of them unknowingly I drank too much, my brain was not clear, and my tongue was tied.

"Xiao Gu, you are... young and energetic, bad... very bad!"

The factory director patted Gu Ye hard on the shoulder a few times, and rarely spoke the truth. He had been operating in a state-owned factory for decades and had no other skills, but he was very good at He Xini. This was also his reason. The main reason for being able to sit firmly on the throne of factory director.

He drank happily today, so he taught Gu Ye this guide to living a lazy life.

The secretary also had a big tongue. He patted Gu Ye's other shoulder and said earnestly: "It's easy to break when you're too strong. Xiao Gu, you need to control your temper!"

Dabao and Xiaobao had already finished eating, and looked at the factory director and secretary curiously, with a look of confusion on their faces, not understanding.

"Go to Shou Hongbin's house to do your homework."

Chu Qiao took a plate of spring rolls and asked Dabao and Xiaobao to go to Xuan Hongxia's house to play. It's better not to let the children listen to these scriptures about life.

She felt that although the words of the factory director and secretary were reasonable, they were not suitable for young people. If you are not energetic when you are young, are you still called a young person?

Young people must be energetic, only in this way can society progress. Otherwise, how can society progress if everyone lives a lifeless life?

Gu Ye chuckled and mentioned another matter, "I appreciate the kindness of the two leaders, but have you heard the news that the higher-ups are going to reform a number of large factories, and Xingda is probably among them. .”

These words made the factory director and secretary immediately wake up, his eyes were no longer blurred, his mind became clear, and he asked in unison: "What reform?"

We have been talking about reform and opening up for several years, but Ke Xingda Machine Tool Factory is still the same, with no changes. They now hope that Tai will live peacefully until retirement. Before that, they must not make changes.

Gu Ye was not in a hurry anymore and ate the food slowly. His appetite was almost whetted, and then he said: "I also heard that our Xingda's efficiency is getting worse year by year, which has caused a huge burden to the public. This You guys know that."

The factory director and secretary nodded repeatedly, they knew it all too well.

But Xingda is not the only factory like this, other factories are even more serious.

Gu Ye added: "Many factories in Shanghai are in a difficult situation now. The public has to pay a large sum of wages every year, which is a heavy burden. If this continues, the public will not be able to bear it, so reform is imperative. We at Xingda are in the industry The dragon head will probably be the first to be operated on."

"What kind of changes do the higher-ups want to make? Xiao Gu, please tell me, don't get excited!"

The factory director and secretary all asked, with sweat on their foreheads. They had actually heard some vague rumors, but these rumors had been blowing for several years and had not been implemented until now, so they were not anxious.

But now that Gu Ye said this, they could not remain calm. As experts who lived in mud, what they feared most was reform. They were old and could not accept new things.

Chu Qiao lowered her head and ate her food quietly, almost laughing to death in her heart. Gu Ye was getting better and better at telling lies. The reform of the machine tool factory was at least five or six years away, so it was early.

Gu Ye poured wine for the two leaders, "Don't worry, it's a long story, let's talk while eating."

The factory director and the secretary clinked glasses casually, and urged him that they wanted to know the boss's thoughts now so that they could think of countermeasures earlier, and at least let them survive until they retired!

"The list of reforms has not yet been finalized, but one of my childhood friends is from the Ministry of Commerce. He said that according to the standards set above, whichever family suffers the most serious losses will be the first to be punished. My brother said that serious losses indicate poor management. Once they are in place, the factory director and secretary must withdraw, and they still have to take the lead. My brother didn’t tell me about the many things, saying it was a secret and not allowing me to inquire.”

Gu Ye half-truthfully said that he did have a job in the Ministry of Commerce, and he did receive news of the reform, but the machine tool factory was not among them. This time it was mainly about the reform of the light textile factory.

However, this did not prevent him from using chicken feathers as arrows to scare these two old bureaucrats.

The factory director and secretary were so frightened that they kept wiping cold sweat. It seemed that the superiors were really going to be cruel. It was over. They, the machine tool factory, would never be able to escape.

"Xiao Gu, if you bother asking more, you also want the machine tool factory to do well, right?"

The factory director smiled ingratiatingly, no longer speaking in an official tone, and smiled particularly kindly. The secretary did the same, flattering Gu Ye left and right. In the past, they were blind to Taishan, but now their intestines are filled with regret.

But it’s not too late to fix the problem before it’s too late, there’s still time.

Old God Gu Ye was enjoying the compliments from the two giants in the factory, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all. He boasted so much, and what he wanted was this effect. In war, it must be false and true, true and false, and cannot let the enemy Find out the real situation.

"Two leaders, my brother told me that the best way is to turn losses into profits, otherwise everything you say will be false. The higher-ups are very determined this time." Gu Ye said seriously.

The factory director and secretary frowned. All fools knew this, but what could they do if the machine tools couldn't be sold?

"Xiao Gu, it's hard to sell machine tools, alas!"

"It's not difficult. According to my method, I guarantee that it will be sold!" Gu Ye said firmly.

In fact, he himself is not sure, but he must have confidence and his morale cannot be lost, otherwise he will lose before the battle begins.

The factory director and secretary were dubious. They actually hoped to sell the machine tools in the factory, but after so many years, the sales situation was not optimistic. Can Gu Ye, a stupid young man, really sell it?

"But it's difficult for you to recruit so many people at once!" The factory director said in a relaxed tone.

"It's not a regular worker, it's a contract worker. You can sign a one-year contract first and leave if you can't sell. What's wrong?" Gu Ye secretly sneered. These borers in the factory eat enough public grain every year. How many contract workers have been hired?

The factory director and the secretary exchanged glances. They were actually relieved, but they still had to speak a few official words, and they couldn't agree too readily, otherwise Gu Ye would definitely pester them with every little trouble in the future.

Gu Ye saw what they were thinking and took a serious note, "The two leaders don't want anything unexpected to happen before they retire. My brother has said that as long as they are on the list, the factory director and secretary will be the first to take the lead. It’s hard to say whether I can retire or not.”

This heavy dose frightened the factory director and secretary. They did not dare to speak official terms anymore and readily agreed, "Okay, I will do as you said, but the salary must be calculated as a temporary worker."

"I don't have any objection to the salary, but when I go out to do sales, I have to get a travel allowance every day. How about four yuan a day?" Gu Ye asked.

He can't wrong his brother, he must have travel allowance.

The factory director and secretary hesitated for a while, but then agreed. The four-dollar subsidy was not a lot. If you want the horse to run fast, of course you have to let the horse eat enough.

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