Then, the swordsman said to Hippolyte.

"Your Excellency, the Warrior Commander, has the same idea, right?"

"...Indeed. However, with the characteristics of my spiritual base, I can assist in marching."

Hippolyte nodded quietly to the swordsman who hinted that he had guessed your real name.

Ayaka ignored the little movements between them and suddenly said curiously.

"I thought you were going to say, 'I'll go in alone'..."

"Ah, to be honest, as a 'knight' I really want to do that. But I can't do that in a coalition of different forces, right? I've also been the commander of a coalition, and that would be really troublesome."

Recalling the long past, the swordsman lowered his gaze as if exhausted.

He shook his head quietly, then spoke half to himself.

"Hey, guys acting alone will appear no matter what, and it's very important to be able to adapt to their actions. Even if there is someone on our side who cannot withstand the enemy's surprise attack and fierce attack and breaks the formation or violates the order, as long as we use this The movement can actually counterattack unexpectedly.”

After saying this, the swordsman looked towards the forest to the west.

"If you think of that forest and the temple as a city, whether you can conquer it quickly depends on the level of the defender. Which one is better, the general or the king... It should be a god. Although I have defeated someone like It’s a monster called a Death Apostle or something, but this is the first time that we have to take down a city where a god is.”

"Hey, Sir Swordsman, did you ever defeat the Dead Apostles during your lifetime?"

Hearing Luvia's words, the swordsman glanced at Hansa out of the corner of his eye and said with a wry smile.

"For the only time in my life, I joined forces with the enemy, and I tried my best to defeat only one person. But the aftermath is more troublesome than the battle, so it's better to try not to get involved with the inner side of the Holy Church. That's not to say everything. But quite a few of these people are troublesome guys.”

"you're right."

replied Hansa, who was far away but seemed to hear it.

"You're right."

Rin also said half to himself. At this time, Vera, the representative of the police force, spoke.

"In other words, we have to wait here until the situation in the west changes... Is that what it is?"

For Vera, who understood that the city's collapse was imminent, this was a natural question, but Werner shook his head.

"No, we can't wait until they decide the winner. If the guy who calls himself 'God' wins, the situation will become more difficult."

After hearing this, Tini’s female secretary asked.

"What's going on?"

Then, Tohsaka Rin, who probably knows the most about the Holy Grail War here, answered.

"...After a heroic spirit is defeated in battle, its soul will flow into the Small Holy Grail. Do you understand this so far?"

In the Holy Grail War, which was modeled after Fuyuki, the Holy Grail was divided into two parts: the Greater Holy Grail and the Lesser Holy Grail.

The Great Holy Grail stores the magic power drawn from the ley lines, while the Small Holy Grail exists as a container to absorb the soul of the summoned heroic spirit.

The souls of heroic spirits who are defeated and can no longer maintain their spiritual base will flow into the Small Holy Grail and be stored.

By the end of the Holy Grail War, the spirit body will materialize into the shape of the Holy Grail and become a wish-making machine.

At this time, if it is a serious Holy Grail, it can reach the realm of the third magic called soul materialization, and it is even said that it can achieve immortality in the true sense.

Francesca and Faldius seemed to have mentioned that ‘Fuyuki’s Holy Grail has other purposes besides achieving the third magic’. But Faldius said, 'That's not our purpose,' and Francesca said, 'I'm not interested, and in the end, as far as the fake Holy Grail I prepared is concerned, the best result is to fake it. Like the third magic... it is absolutely impossible to open a hole for further progress. I remember they seemed to have said these strange things.

The police chief did not oppose them at the time, so Vera did not understand the more detailed situation.

Tohsaka Rin didn't mean to talk more deeply, he just continued to talk about the existence called the 'Little Holy Grail'

"Your boss, do you know what the Little Holy Grail is this time?"

Rin asked Vera.

Vera, who is on the dark side of this Holy Grail War, her eyes flickered for a moment, but thinking that the card the director gave her was the permission to negotiate everything except the true name of the servant, Vera slowly said He nodded.

"...We know about this. Prepared by collaborator Francesca, the Einzbern family's artificial individual named Filia."


The one who made this sound was Ayaka.

" mean, that Filia?"

"It would save you time if you knew her. Then, I also understand what Tohsaka-san wants to say."

After taking Vera's words, the swordsman nodded with a calm expression.

"I see, when a certain heroic spirit dies, the soul will flow into the artificial human body that is the Little Holy Grail. Speaking of which, there is a divinity named Ishtar residing in that Little Holy Grail..."

"If it were an ordinary Little Holy Grail, it shouldn't have the ability to turn dead heroic spirits into its own power. But if there really is a god or something like that inside the container, that would be a different story."

Following Rin's words, Luvia said.

"Is there a possibility that because the first heroic spirit to be eliminated happened to have divinity, and the soul flowed into the Little Holy Grail, it led to the current awakening... This is our speculation."

"In other words, if anyone loses due to her current nonsense and has their soul absorbed... then we will really be helpless."

"Yes, so the battle plan is very simple. We are going to attack that temple."

Looking at Tohsaka Rin who spoke so lightly, the swordsman seemed very interested and said with a smile.

"Eh? Why do I feel like someone just said that only fools would rush in from the front?"

"Yeah, the one who rushes in from the front is an idiot!"

Tohsaka Rin asserted solemnly and irreverently, as if challenging some huge force.

"Although we don't know what kind of god she is...but we have to punch her from behind in an upright manner!"


In front of the Temple of Ishtar.

This is power.

This is the world.

As if these words were directly visualized, a scene unfolded between heaven and earth.

A huge typhoon transformed into a mythical beast.

The disaster monster that guards the god.

A dark flood unleashed by the Avengers who deny God and fight against Him.

Weapons of wedges and locks made by God.

The reverberation left by the ancient goddess is about to ascend the throne of God again.

The forest on the west side now seems to have become a small garden dominated by relics of the gods and deniers.

Those who accidentally enter it, regardless of whether they are heroic spirits or monsters, or those who are not qualified are nothing more than dust.

As if talking like this, the huge energy keeps flowing in this small garden.


The heroic spirit involved in the small garden was simply regretting his immaturity.

I have always been arrogant.

In a sense, wanting to use your hands to get close to the great beings you worship is already a sign of immaturity.

A heroic spirit tossed by the raging wave of power

Since being summoned as an unknown assassin, he has accomplished nothing.

Destroy the monsters that have polluted your soul with evil magic.

Rescue a young girl who was abused by her parents.

In order to save the city from the coming destruction, to stop the foreign 'power' that claims to be God.

She didn't do either.

It would be no exaggeration to say that the world was slowly collapsing when the nameless assassin saw the scene before his eyes.

A huge snake like a mountain range wrapped around the body of a giant beast that was far larger than its size. Dark floods surged across the land.

There is also the heroic spirit that I saw in the forest before. The huge whaling spear tip held by it is attacking here. The woman who claims to be the goddess Ishtar directly charms the world and brings It twists at will.

Never allow it.

No, even if it is allowed, it must be stopped for the sake of the people in the city.

However, the situation was beyond her control.

Even if you can cling to the trees in the forest to escape the dark flood, that's all.

Once transformed into a spiritual body, it may be swept into the torrent of magic power and be completely destroyed.

If it were an ordinary person, no, even a heroic spirit would have no choice but to give up in the face of this situation.

But she won't.

Faced with this violent conflict of power, the nameless assassin is still looking for what he can do.

She had long had the consciousness to dedicate her life.

However, the current situation is no longer useful for her to risk her life.

"Hahaha! My dear assassin, in the face of such violent power, you and I are like dust! I didn't expect that standing on the same step with you for the first time could bring me such sweet joy! Despair is also something I have always wanted to taste! I am finally ready to wake up! Ah, come on! My dear! If I am with you, even if it means destruction-"

This nonsense was heard over and over again from the nearby trees, and the nameless assassin turned a deaf ear to them all and responded with his Noble Phantasm.

"...Delusional heart sounds (Zabaniya)..."

Jesta dodged the red-black arm extending from the assassin's back by a hair's breadth.

But his movements are not as exciting as before. Now - if the assassin is really willing to use all his strength just to kill Jesta - maybe he can really be eliminated.

However, she didn't know how far the magic power borrowed from Ayaka could sustain her. If that's the case, shouldn't we risk that glimmer of hope to eliminate the existence that calls itself the "goddess"?

Feeling confused.

Confusion is evidence of your immaturity. The unknown assassin thought so.

I regretted my own weakness, but now even the time I spent regretting it was precious.

What should be done?

What is the right thing to do?

Rationality or sensibility?

After all, do you have the right to choose?

"Ah, ah, my dear assassin, my beautiful assassin! There is nothing we can do anymore. You who hold such beautiful beliefs, your attitude of genuflecting and giving up in the face of foreign power , I...I...ah! Tell me what's on your mind! I want to see it so much! I should have hit you with my own hands and ravaged you to show my love. But since I can't make my wish come true now, Then I will compromise and accept it, and come to appreciate you being ravaged by the gods! Are you discouraged? Are you discouraged? I actually compromised on loving you! This is really depraved! Since we are all so discouraged, let us Wouldn’t it be wonderful to disappear from this era together——”

The roar of the Dead Apostles came from the trees on the other side, but the unknown assassin turned a deaf ear to it.

But, as he said, impulse and anxiety began to knock on the ‘door’ in his heart.

The woman who was sitting in the temple, who was not even a servant, was treated as a familiar beast. Just waving her arms caused earth-shaking changes in the world.

But there was no way to stop it.

It's because I don't have it.

Is there any point in fighting then?

It was as if another self reached out from behind.

Another self whispers 'You've done enough'.

It seemed like he was muttering his hatred.

If you don't pursue higher goals, don't expect to live like a mountain man, and live like an ordinary person, your life will be easier.

Then he said sweet words like 'I can give up now'.

'All in vain'

‘Then just run away’

‘Like, right’

'Together with that young mercenary——'

Click, the nameless assassin crushed his own neck, who was whispering behind him, with one hand like he was squeezing tofu.


Surprised by this real touch, the assassin turned around and saw the painful figure of Jesta whose cervical vertebra was crushed. (Translator’s note: Reaching back and grabbing someone’s neck, you can still turn around. This gesture is so magical)

Jesta grabbed the still confused assassin's hand, tore the flesh on his head, and finally broke free from the assassin's hand.

"Ahem...haha, hahaha! You really won't give up! Because of this, you are so beautiful——"

Jesta, whose head was squeezed and deformed, fell into the dark flood before he finished speaking, and was swallowed up by the turbid current and disappeared.

Only then did the assassin notice——

The phantom that she thought was the manifestation of the weakness in her heart turned out to be something like an illusion that Jesta made her see.


——At this level, he still can’t die.

I thought for a moment whether to catch up, but there was a risk of falling into the dark flood water, so I decided not to.

Zesta is a monster, so it's okay, but as a Servant, I don't know what impact it would have if I fell into it.

Although there was no safe place at the moment, the assassin miraculously regained his composure.

After calming down, the unknown assassin adjusted his breathing and looked at the sky with an expression as if his heart was untied.

"I'm so, so immature."

Even though it was in a strong wind, the view was surprisingly clear.

Because she recalled the faith that the mercenary had from Jesta's whisper.

——"Even if this city is going to be destroyed, I will still find a way to save Nuqiuchun."

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