He, the mercenary, said that "even if this city is going to be destroyed," he must find a way to save Minqiu Chun.

Strong external forces will bring destruction, but I accept this in my heart and still want to save the girl.

"Compared to me, Sigma is much more powerful."

Her somewhat sunny expression showed the determination in her heart.

——Fate is not testing me, because the general trend of the world has already been determined.

——Besides, I can never challenge the God of Destiny.

The mirror stops the water.

The wind and rain around him, the turbid current at his feet, and the storm of murderous intent flying all around seemed to become far away.

If you give up your own humanity, combine all the imitations of the great "Old Men of the Mountain" in the past, and give up being a human being, you might be able to stop that giant beast and the woman with the power of a foreign country.

——Without fear.

——Just become what you should be.

——Just give up all those immature emotions.

The unknown assassin decided to pursue his own path and abandon all emotions.

Let the things in your spiritual foundation stir and become something that eliminates yourself.


The changes in her spirit base suddenly stopped.


His past, personality, body, emotions - these things accumulated along the way, the nameless assassin was ready to erase them all, and just when he was about to start chanting the name of the Noble Phantasm -

However, the words could not come out.

The scene in front of me suddenly lost its sound, and then the air flow brought by the storm completely disappeared.

He couldn't even hear his own breathing, and the assassin even had the illusion that someone had deprived him of his hearing.

The assassin listened carefully and heard the rustle of clothing. She discovered that there was something wrong not with her ears but with the relationship with the surrounding space.

It was as if he were imprisoned in a shadow without thickness, and his existence was completely isolated from the world.

To be more precise, my own existence is cut off by the 'shadow' sandwiched between myself and the world.

Transparent shadow.

It can only be described as a strange feeling.

The body cannot move.

Although the impact caused by the storm and the battle was still intertwined and flying around her, she was not affected by it in the slightest and still stood where she was.

No, you can't even tell whether you are standing or sitting, and you can't even see your limbs.

Could it be that he has been eliminated and lost his body?

She was isolated from the world in an extremely abrupt way, in a way that is so relatable.

Then, something changed in her vision.

The aftermath of the spearman's attack, which was neutralized by the berserker, caused a nearby big tree to explode.

Then, when a scattered leaf flew past the assassin's eyes——

Something that didn't exist a moment ago suddenly appeared in the center of the field of vision.

‘That existence’ appeared in the field of vision very naturally, as if it had melted into the world.

‘That existence’ is exactly——

It seems to symbolize the concept of death, a skull mask.

In an instant, time stood still for the nameless assassin.

There was no room for questions.

No need to be surprised.

Her memories, soul, tempered body, and faith that were now tainted by monsters all clearly understood what 'that existence' was.

The skin on the face regains its tactility.

She felt tears falling from her eyes very naturally.

Just by the presence of the skull mask, there was a strange sound around her.

"...Why are you here?"

human voice.

However, it sounded as if the world around the assassin was making a sound together, which was very strange.

Although the assassin instinctively thought that she was enclosed in the shadow, she understood immediately.

The shadow that he was sealed in was the person he admired.

"...Why do you yearn for mountains?"

These were just words of quiet questioning, but they penetrated into the soul of the assassin.

It felt like a harsh rebuke, but at the same time, you could feel the incredible words enveloped in tenderness.

The assassin couldn't even utter a word.

Because this is a question that strips away the roots of the meaning of one's existence.

However, the nameless assassin has no answers.

To be precise, I am not qualified to answer.

She herself has thought more about this question than anyone else.

What the fanatics seek is proof.

It is just proof that you can say that you are indeed a believer and a believer in God.

Pursuing this proof is itself a sign of immaturity. She noticed it long ago.

After her life ended and now she became a heroic spirit, she was even more aware of this immaturity.

However, just like that, right now when she became a heroic spirit, something puzzled her.

Why are you pursuing "proof"?

Want the power to save more lives?

Want to show your faith to others?

Do you want to dedicate everything you have earned through this certification to a great cause?

Is it the arrogant desire to become the leader of the cult and to change the world?

Or is it an extremely small, selfish wish?

My original intention has long since disappeared from my mind.

The only regret left is that I am looking for proof because I am immature.

The reason for starting has long been abandoned during the long and arduous practice.

At the end of the extraordinary ascetic life, both body and spirit have been replaced, and they are no longer what they were born with.

To practice all the eighteen great deeds possessed by the ‘Hassan Sabah’ of the past generations requires sacrificing everything.

Although she would never admit it——

But she is in a sense more talented than anyone else.

Give up the pain, give up the past, give up the future, and lose many emotions.

Even my name, first wishes and prayers are the same.

She gave everything she had to finally stand here.

Because of this, she can reach the heights that belong only to her.

The same is true, because of this way of living, she cannot answer this 'question'.

His original intentions were questioned.

However, that original intention was regarded as an obstacle to spiritual practice and abandoned.

Although I am still unable to move my body and cannot speak words——

But even if she were able to move freely, she wouldn't be able to answer that question.

If it was a reason to devote herself to her faith, she could certainly answer it.

If not, she would not be happy about Sigma's emerging faith and would not attack the magicians who were pursuing the Holy Grail.

However, what she was being asked at this moment was 'the reason why she yearns for mountains'.

When the adults said 'mountain', they meant a name.

Hassan Sabah.

It's a name that has special meaning in the sect she joins.

Although it is contradictory, the reason for pursuing a high position should not be left unanswered now.

Although she couldn't speak now - she didn't even make a move to resist. As if reading her heart through her sad expression, the 'voice' continued to sound.

"I have felt your breath since the moment I was summoned."


"At this moment, you have shown your awareness before the general trend."

The 'voice' continued to announce to the assassin in that flat tone.

"...Sure enough, you are different from us."

These words, which could be seen as rejection, resounded throughout her world.

These are words that, taken literally, may cause the assassin to self-destruct.

However, she accepted it calmly.

--Of course.

——As immature as I am, just being able to reject and deny me personally is already terrifying to me.

She thought as she felt ashamed of herself.

This lord is here to put an end to me.

You can tell just by listening to the sound.

This lord is not after the Holy Grail.

There was no arrogance or desire in his voice, it was like the incarnation of the world.

A flawless person.

Completely different from an immature existence like me.

——Ah, ah, really. I got it wrong again.

——The great beings summoned in the past Holy Grail War must not be pursuing the Holy Grail.

——I have hurt so many people by venting my anger on the Holy Grail and the magician based on my own assumptions.

——Became a prisoner of hatred and sorrow.

——This lord must have come to punish me.

"excuse me."

When she came to her senses, she had already spoken.

She didn't know when she was able to speak again, but as if it was destined by God, the words blurted out at this moment.

"The people who were with me before... Sigma and Sajo Ayaka, as well as the little girl named Tsubaki and many local residents, were all involved in this disaster just because of my immaturity. They have never I have never done anything deviant. Even if I am beaten to the bottom and tortured in all kinds of ways, it will not matter. But no matter what, please treat them leniently..."

Her mind has already been decided.

If the great sage in front of him wants to condemn the people who acted with him before, even if he falls into the boundless darkness - in other words, becomes the enemy of the real assassin in front of him - You have to bear all the blame alone.


"The person who can decide this matter is neither you nor me. No one in the world has the qualifications to exercise divine punishment."


The skull mask declared as if he had seen through everything. The Assassin is once again ashamed of her immaturity, but even so she has to defend herself against the people she has met since she was summoned -

But before that, the ‘voice’ spoke first.

"You are different from us. But...it's just different."


"You should have noticed it when you were still alive."

The unknown assassin didn't understand what he meant and quietly raised his head.

She felt as if the dark holes in the eye sockets of the skull mask were staring at her.

Then, the sound still echoed through the world of shadows without any change.

"Confusion, confusion, madness, anxiety, longing - so we reached the top of the mountain, but could not escape from it. We relied on the mercy of the original Lord to return to the valley."

Just like this, slowly and slowly, the 'voice' carved words into the body and soul of the nameless assassin - that is, the spiritual foundation (life) she accumulated before becoming a heroic spirit.

"You are a traveler."

The shadow carved into the world——

The assassin who revealed himself here as a true assassin - Hassan Sabah declared to the devout believer who was protected by him in the shadow in front of him.

"This is the people we are supposed to protect...this is the faith I am dedicated to..."


"The original man may deny your choice, and the mountains and valleys may also reject you..."

The next moment, the unknown assassin felt the changes taking place in himself.

The sound that had been blocked a moment ago and the feeling of wind blowing on her skin came back - she understood that this was her body being liberated by the 'transparent shadow'.

"In that case..."

I don’t know when the sound seemed to come from only one direction.

Looking again, the shadow spread around the skull mask and turned into a human body.

"It is my mission as the Shadow of Connection to lead the way back."

After such strange words, the shadow left behind a voice full of love that was different from the previous mechanical tone. Then the body and skull face melted into the 'shadow' of the pitch-black turbid current.

"Go forward. Believers——"

It seems to want to show that whether it is in the endless curse or in the sacred temple, the 'shadow' is still the same as the 'shadow'.

"In this great torrent, you don't have to give up anything!"


industrial area.

"...This is really troublesome!"

It was not for the purpose of containment, but for the purpose of seriously defeating the opponent and releasing the magic arrows.

However, as long as the front legs of the Bull of Heaven are still there, it is unlikely to cause harm to the temple itself.

Although just being able to control the Bull of Heaven was already an amazing achievement, it was meaningless to Alcides.

Because he is not fighting to protect the people and the town.

Alcides drew back his bow for the time being, and then sent a message to his master.

"...Master, I need to use a little more magic power, is that okay?"

How much to use? The Master's indifferent will to inquire was conveyed.

"All I can use."

Alcides answered frankly, and then added another sentence.

"If it succeeds...there will be no need for magic power supply anymore."


Above the temple.

Standing at the center of the forest's transformation is the Temple of Ishtar.

Behind Philia Ishtar, the reverberation of the goddess who continued to ravage the world even though she was at war with Enkidu and Alcides, a 'shadow' descended.

The shadow is just a shadow, it just makes the darkness under the eaves of the temple a little thicker.

Although she did not see the figure clearly, the goddess Ishtar was convinced that the existence that had entered the scope of her power was there at this time, and then asked the shadow standing behind her.

"...Who is it? What do you want from me?"

"The sky that I feel is a foreign land, the remaining light of Venus..."

Shadows melted into darkness, and only sounds echoed around.

Faldius's servant and assassin - Hassan Sabah.

Moreover, it does not have a suffix indicating generation, and its existence as 'Hasan of the Netherworld' is known only to those who also inherited the name of Hassan Sabah.

Although it is just called that by some people, he is sometimes called the 'Shadow of the First Generation', a strange skull face.

He just declared this to the woman who claimed to be a goddess in the shadow.

"In place of the original blade held by the ancestors... I give you the evening bell!" ()

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