A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1125 1125 The Conquering King’s Approval

Chapter 1132 The Conqueror King’s Approval

Although Kirei said this, he was analyzing Archer's words carefully in his heart.

The arrogant words spoken by Tokiomi's Servant touched Kirei's nerves for some reason.

"Anyway, Kirei. You should first have an understanding of entertainment."


"Ah, it's not enough to just focus on the inside. You have to broaden your horizons... By the way, how about I start with my entertainment and let you experience it?"

"For me now, there is no time for fun at all."

You and I are different. Kirei thought in his heart.

"Hey, don't say that. As long as you complete Tokiomi's mission, you will have a lot of time. Kirei, your mission is to send spies to monitor the other five Masters, right?"


"Then you should not only understand their intentions and strategies, but also investigate their purpose of obtaining the Holy Grail? Then tell me about it. This is not a difficult task, right?"

Indeed, there is not much difference between this level of investigation and the tasks Kirei is currently responsible for.

Assassin, which performs surveillance tasks around the surveillance target every day, can completely record the target's conversations. And as long as we infer from the content of their conversation, we can roughly judge the other party's purpose of seizing the Holy Grail. Just inform the Assassins to pay special attention to the conversations in this regard and record them.

"——But Archer, why do you want to know these things?"

"I said it right? I'm interested in human actions. And among the five people competing for the Holy Grail, there must be one or two interesting guys, right? At least they should be more interesting than Tokiomi."

Kirei thought about it carefully as calmly as possible. For him, except for Emiya Kiritsugu, he didn't take any other Master seriously, and he had no obligation to comply with Archer's request. However, if I can have a certain influence on this Servant that Tokiomi cannot fully control, it may have a positive impact on Tokiomi's camp in the future.

"...Okay, Archer, I promise you. However, this will take some time."

"No problem, I have the patience to wait."

After draining the glass of wine again, Archer stood up from the sofa. This man's movements not only caused the air to shake, but even the lighting in the room changed with him. This heroic spirit who controls everything in the world seems to be emitting an invisible light all over his body.

"Ah, I will come to taste your wine in the future. Your collection is even comparable to the wine in heaven. It would be a shame to just put them in the monk's warehouse and let them gather dust."

Kirei's face was expressionless, neither agreeing nor disapproving. Maybe Archer took this as a kind of tacit approval. So he walked out with a satisfied smile.

The moment Archer went out, the luxurious atmosphere in Kirei's room disappeared and was replaced by the normal atmosphere before.

Kirei, who was finally able to be alone for a while, began to think about the strange conversation he had just had with that strange guest.

This is the first time today that I have such a positive conversation with Archer.

Come to think of it, all the Masters and Servants participating in this Holy Grail War are doing their best to win the Holy Grail and realize their wishes. But the unruly King of Heroes didn't seem to have the slightest interest in the Holy Grail. Among the Servants currently gathered in Fuyuki City, there is probably no heroic spirit with a weaker sense of fighting than him. In this sense, he is similar to Kirei - he is probably the only Master who does not know the reason for participating in the Holy Grail War.

No, maybe there is a reason. It's just that Kirei doesn't realize it yet. Somewhere in his heart, he may also have a deep desire to obtain the Holy Grail and achieve a miracle.

However, even so, this is definitely not the "pleasure" Archer refers to.

The person who knows the real answer is not Archer, but someone else.

This person is Emiya Kiritsugu. For the conversation with Archer just now, it would be great if he and Emiya Kiritsugu could exchange questions and answers - Kirei must have thought so.

Of course, their positions are completely different. The communication between two people like this must not be through words but only through weapons. But even so, Kirei just wanted to fight this man called Kiritsugu. This is a conversation between men.

Thinking about this matter in his mind, Kirei collected the wine bottles that Archer had thrown aside after drinking them all.


At the collapse site of the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Fuyuki, the rescue team was working nervously all night.

The evacuees of the hotel finally discovered after Kiritsugu's magic lost its effect that two important guests were still inside when the hotel collapsed.

Although there is no hope for the survival of the two guests who were on the top floor of the hotel at the time of the accident, we must at least find their bodies before we can give up hope. The rescue team used excavators to quickly clear the rubble at the scene under the light of the lighting truck, which looked like daylight.

By dawn the next day. The faces of the rescue team members who had worked nervously all night were full of tired expressions. And just then, a strange thing happened.

"You said you found something strange?"

The director who received the report quickly rushed to the scene. According to team members, a silver sphere with a diameter of three meters was found among the rubble. Things that didn't look like building materials suddenly appeared among the rubble.

"...Is it in the building? The installation in the revolving restaurant on the top floor?"

"Even if that's the case, isn't it surprising that there are no signs of damage at all?"

Speaking of which, there is indeed no trace of damage on the surface of the silver sphere. Instead, it reflects a bright luster like a mirror. It looks like it's just been polished here.

"Why - it looks like mercury."

The director, who felt a little weird, walked over and touched the surface of the sphere while explaining his feelings.

When his hand touched the surface of the sphere, he pressed it in all at once.


Just when he was shocked, he looked carefully and found that his hand only touched the surface of the hard sphere and did not press into it.



None of the surrounding team members seemed to notice the abnormality just now, and they all looked at the surprised director with confused expressions.

"What happened?"

"…This thing must be shipped out."


"Get it out on a truck, quick."

The rescue director suddenly became extremely calm and directed the team members to act quickly with calm words.

Although the rescue team members were still a little confused, they still knew that the sphere in front of them was of unknown origin and should be evacuated from the site as soon as possible. So everyone quickly moved the silver-white sphere to the shelf of the truck.

"Hey? Where's the director?"

Suddenly one of the team members noticed that the director who had been supervising their work just now was missing. And just behind the rescue team members who were busy working, there was the sound of the truck engine starting.

In the driver's seat of a truck slowly driving away from the scene of the accident. Sitting there was the rescue director with a dull look on his face. But by the time the rescue team discovered it, it was too late. The truck carrying the silver sphere had disappeared into the dawn streets.

Five hours later, police cars patrolling the outskirts of the city discovered the missing truck and the rescue director, still in the driver's seat but unconscious. But the silver sphere that was supposed to be loaded on the truck bed was just an empty shell.




"...Excuse me, is this Makaki's home?"

"Well, that is indeed the name of the owner of this house."

"…Then, Lord Conqueror Iskandar, who is he?"

"it is me."

"...Ah, oh, that's it. Ah haha...Ah, then please sign here."

"Do you want to sign? Okay - okay, signed."

"Thank you very much. Excuse me."

"Yeah. Nothing."

In the second-floor bedroom of Gulam Makaki's house, which he had become accustomed to living in as his own home, Weber Velvet woke up from his sleep.

The sun is already high outside. Weber lay lazily on the bed and refused to get up, just like every other day off. Maybe you won’t feel any pain if you lie down like this, right?

Everything that has happened so far...\\nIt's like a dream. That miserable fight to the death and destruction...

But the Command Seal was still engraved on the back of his left hand, always reminding Weber that this was not a dream.

As Rider's Master, Weber witnessed the fierce battle between the five Servants last night, which was a complete reality.

Just last night, the young man stepped into the battlefield for the first time. Traveling between life and death for the first time.

Fear, trembling. I have never felt stronger.

But even so, what remains in his heart now is definitely not fear or anything like that. What surged through his heart now was a rush of joy and excitement.

Weber did nothing last night. All actions were arbitrary by Iskandar. As the Master, he just stood next to his Servant and watched everything that happened.\\nYe Shang passed out when the battle was at its most intense, and did not even see the final result. arrive.

But for Webb, this is still a fight of great significance. I am afraid only he can understand the things and values ​​he gained in that battle.

What Rider said to the enemy on that battlefield, I'm afraid the Masters and Servants at that time will no longer remember it now. But there was one sentence that stayed in Weber's heart.

"——A coward who doesn't even dare to show up is not worthy of being my opponent at all——"

These were Rider's words to insult Lancer's Master. Regarding Rod Elumeroy, whom Weber hated and feared, Rider actually laughed at him as a coward.

However, the bravery that Rider was proud of was just reckless folly in Weber's view. If he were to arrange the tactics, he would definitely let the Servant confront the enemy head-on, while as the Master he would hide and observe the progress of the battle. In other words, adopting the same strategy as Kayneth is the correct tactic.


"——The man who is worthy of being my Master must be a brave man who can gallop on the battlefield with me!"

Of course, Weber was not the kind of person who could rush into the enemy lines side by side with Rider. He was hiding by the bridge at that time, and he was so scared that he wanted to escape before boarding Rider's tank. But this move was mistaken for courage.

However, there is no need to pursue it at this time.

No matter what the reasons were at the time, Weber now clearly remembers Rider's hand on his shoulder, which was so generous and powerful.

This is like my Master. Rider did point to himself and said this at that time.

Compared with Rod Elumeroy, the famous lecturer who was called a genius, and whom Weber could not even compare to before, he seemed so great at that time.

My own value has finally been recognized - if you think about it carefully, this is the first time that someone has recognized your ability.

Although praise or slander are nothing but meaningless things. But for a boy who has never been praised by anyone, being praised by others is a very happy thing.

Therefore, Weber is now very happy. Although he also wanted to control his excitement, he couldn't control it anyway.

Although my Servant does not treat me with the courtesy of a Master, and often even calls Weber by his name - but it doesn't matter how disrespectful my Servant was to me. I should be grateful to him now, because after all, he is the first person to recognize his own value.


Tormented by his complicated thoughts, Weber hid his head under the quilt. From today on, what attitude should I adopt when facing my giant Servant...

At this moment, Weber suddenly noticed that the snoring that usually sounded in his ears had disappeared this morning.

Weber poked his head out of the bed, only to find that Rider, who was usually sleeping on the bed, was missing. And naturally, the man who hates becoming a spirit will not cancel his physical state and become a spirit without any reason. Besides, even if he becomes a spirit, as his servant, it is impossible for Weber not to be able to feel the breath at all. There is only one possibility now, that is Rider is not in this room.

Weber began to think calmly. I overslept this morning. So it's not surprising that Rider wakes up earlier than him. However, the problem now is that Rider, who got up first, is not in this room. In other words, Rider went somewhere else without Waver's permission——

There was a sound of footsteps going upstairs from the corridor stairs.

Weber, who was used to hearing such heavy footsteps, knew it was Rider coming up, and felt a little relieved, but soon realized the meaning of these heavy footsteps, and Weber's face immediately turned pale.

"Hey, you're up, kid."

Rider's huge body appeared in front of the door as he spoke. And the thick armor he wore seemed to be something foreign beyond imagination, even to Weber, who was used to seeing strange things. If this strong abnormal sight were seen by the Makakis, the hypnosis he had cast on them would probably be ineffective immediately.

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