Chapter 1133 Public Enemy

Therefore, for Rider, who was unwilling to turn into a spirit body no matter what, he finally persuaded him to stay on the second floor and not move around at will - of course, until this morning.

"...You...went downstairs wearing this?"

"Don't be afraid. The old couple here went out early in the morning. So we were the only two at home. I went downstairs to get the express package."

It seemed that Rider also knew to try not to be caught by the Makakis. Weber, who was a little relieved, immediately heard something wrong in Rider's words, so he observed Rider more nervously.

In the hands of the big man, he held a small package with a courier label.

"...Then you went to the entrance wearing this outfit?"

"There's nothing we can do. We can't just send the messenger away without showing any condolences to him, right?"

It's too late.

Fortunately, no one nearby saw it. It was only seen by a postman who accidentally came to deliver a package. But even so, the postman would have spread the news, saying that there was a warrior wearing Greek-style armor in the house. Now he can only pray that others will take his words as a prank.

"I said, it's not a mail package sent to you, so you don't need to express your condolences, right?"

"Oh, no. It's a parcel for me."


Rider showed the mail slip to Weber as if he was showing off - "Accepted by Iskandar the Conqueror of Nakagotsu II, Miyama Town, Miyama Town, Fuyuki City" On the mailing list. The sender's location says "CHARACTERGOODS Specialty·ANIMANBAR Namba Store".

"What's going on? Please explain it to me Rider."

"I just tried the mail order thing. There are many products that I like on the advertisement column of "Monthly World Soldier"."

"What? Mail order?"

Speaking of which, Weber finally understood why Rider asked for an extra postcard when he asked him to buy military magazines and videos a few days ago. At that time, Weber had no idea what Rider wanted to buy the postcard for. No, it should be said that Weber didn't think about it.

"Say, where on earth did you learn to mail order?"

Even if Heroic Spirits can gain knowledge through the Holy Grail, they don't even know about mail ordering. Weber simply doesn't want to believe that this is true.

"Huh? Isn't this kind of trivial matter clearly written on the back of magazines and videos? You only need to read it for a moment to understand."

"When did you see the advertisement...ah, where did you get the money to order things by mail?"

"Don't be afraid, I've already given you the money."

Rider threw the wallet back to Weber while laughing heartily. It seemed that he took the wallet out without permission when Master was sleeping.

For this man who is so naive that he even wants to buy a stealth bomber. No one knows what kind of high-priced items I will buy this time. Weber panicked and picked up his wallet, checking the amount inside as if he was about to cry.

After checking, it was found that the amount of 10,000 yuan inside seemed to be unchanged, but a few bills worth several thousand yuan were missing. Weber let out a long sigh of relief. Waver, who was exhausted from suddenly feeling relieved, didn't even have the energy to get angry at Rider who took his wallet without authorization.

Is this young man who can't see himself as a loser at all lucky or unlucky?

Rider was beside Weber, humming a tune and happily opening the parcel.

"Whoa whoa!"

When he opened the parcel, he suddenly shouted happily.

"Not bad! I really like it. The real thing looks better than the photos."


What Rider took out from the mail bag was an XL half-sleeved T-shirt that looked like a bargain. The world map printed on the chest has a line of eye-catching LOG0 "Admiral's Grand Strategy IV". It looks like it should be a game-related product published together with the magazine cover feature.

"That's great. After seeing Saber last night, I suddenly had an idea. You wouldn't have any objections if I walked down the street wearing modern clothes, right?"

His own heroic spirit hates turning into a spirit. Although Waver has a headache about his tendency to become corporeal, at least Rider has not thought of wandering outside. It's good this time. Waver now wants to curse Saber and her Master who caused Rider's thoughts to death.

Rider, on the other hand, quickly tried on the newly bought clothes and happily put on various poses.

"Wow haha! What I want is the effect of having the world on my chest. Yeah! I'm really in a good mood!"

"——Ah, yes, yes."

What would happen if he continued to sleep with his head covered like this? If so, he would definitely remove the excited Rider wearing a T-shirt from his sight and escape into a gentle sleep. This is the best solution that Weber can think of at the moment. When he wakes up again, the world will definitely be a better place, right?

However, such a tempting method for Weber had to give up due to Rider's next actions.

"...Hey Rider, wait, I said. Wait!"

Seeing Rider arrogantly trying to walk out of the house, Weber stopped him in a hurry.

"where are you going?"

"You still have to ask? Let's go to the streets. I want to show those ordinary people the new majesty of the Conqueror King."

Going out wearing only a T-shirt in the cold wind of November is already very abnormal, but the bigger problem is that there is nothing but a T-shirt on Rider's sturdy body.

"At least put your pants on before you go out!"

"Huh? That stumbling thing? When I told you to say that, I realized that everyone in this country is wearing that thing."

The big brown man, who was not even wearing any underpants, put his fist on his forehead as if he was a little confused, and asked Weber seriously.

"Is that mandatory?"

"That's essential."

Although he hadn't even washed his face, Weber's sleepiness had disappeared without a trace.

For such a muscular idiot like a gorilla who has no worries, no common sense, and is still unruly - Weber is extremely angry with himself when he thinks about how many times he has accommodated him.

"Let me tell you first, don't let me buy you extra-large pants just because you go out on the street. I will never go."

"What did you say?"

Rider stared at Weber with exaggerated eyes. But today Weber will never give in - he has made up his mind with an iron will.

"Boy, are you saying that you are going to go against my dominance?"

"Hegemony and your pants are two completely unrelated things! Before you go out to play, at least kill one enemy Servant and show me!"

"Huh? You are really an impatient guy. Isn't it possible to fight against a Servant at any time?"

"Then do it now! At least do it first! In that case, I will buy you pants or whatever."

Rider suddenly fell into serious silence.

"...I see, a military order? So as long as I bring you the enemy's head, you will buy me pants. Is that so?"

Waver felt very powerless against Rider who unexpectedly readily gave in.

"...Do you really want to go out wearing this T-shirt?"

"Isn't that King of Knights always like this? How can I fall behind her as the King of Conquerors - and anyway, I like the style of this dress. It goes very well with the Overlord's attire. .”

For such a tasteless and idiotic guy to be remembered as a hero from generation to generation, could it be that the historians of the past played a vulgar joke on us? Weber's thoughts couldn't help but travel through time and space and return to the distant past.

At this moment, a very loud explosion sound reached Webb's ears.

No, it's not a sound to be precise, but a stimulation of hearing that directly impacts Weber's keen nerves as a magician - in other words, a pulse of magic.

"What?...It's in the east direction."

As a Servant, Iskandar could also clearly feel the stimulation of the sound just now.

Looking out from the open window, a layer of drifting clouds and mist can be seen above the clear sky. Although it looks similar to the smoke produced by fireworks after exploding, judging from the flickering light, it is definitely not the smoke produced by ordinary fireworks.

Although the smoke is very obvious to Weber, it is produced by magic, so it cannot be seen by others except the magician. The sound just now is the same. To ordinary people, it sounds like ordinary firecrackers.

"That the location of Fuyuki Church, right?"

As one of the Masters of the Holy Grail War, Weber still had some basic knowledge, so he immediately discovered the meaning of this signal.

As the war supervisor, the Holy Church would release notification fireworks like this whenever it needed to inform the Masters of important decisions. As a means of informing the Masters who don't know where they are, there is no more suitable method than this.

"Is it something related to us?"

Weber didn't know how to answer Rider's question.

"I can't say it doesn't matter at all. How can I say it..."

In fact, Weber did not declare his Master status to the Fuyuki Church as the overseer.

But as long as you stand on the land of Fuyuki City with your Servant, you can naturally establish your identity as Master. So there is absolutely no need to act based on the church's face - Weber judged this. After all, he obtained the holy relic through less than honorable means. If you do anything unnecessary now, you may get yourself into trouble.

However, it would not be safe to just ignore Fuyuki Church's call. What kind of emergency will happen when the church as an overseer convenes a meeting with all Masters?... Generally speaking, it is just a change of rules or addition of conditions, etc. And some new information may be announced in the future.

This information may become the key to future battles. Judging from the current situation, it should be more beneficial to listen to the supervision's suggestions. And even if it's a rule that limits yourself, just ignore it when the time comes.

"Rider, we'll talk about the pants later. Now I have to prepare something else first."

"What are you worried about? It's a rare day for a walk today."

Putting aside the disappointed Rider, Waver began to make preparations.


There was a gloomy atmosphere in the church's believers' seats.

Father Kotomine Rimasa looked at the strong demonic aura in front of him and smiled helplessly.

About an hour after sending out the signal to summon the Master. No Master appeared in Fuyuki Church, instead five familiars gathered here. Except for Kotomine Kirei, who ostensibly withdraws from the war, and Caster's Master Ryunosuke, who cannot see the magic signal. \\nThe other Masters have sent "representatives". It seems that including all the Masters, no one cares about their superficial attitude towards the church.

Even Tokiomi Tohsaka only sent his familiar to attend. The remaining four familiars were probably sent by Einzbern, Matou, and two Masters from outside. This also proves the fact that Elumeroy, who was missing during the Fuyuki Hyatt explosion, is still alive.

"Originally, I prepared some greetings, but it seems like no one came, so I'll just say it."

After the simple opening remarks, the old priest continued to speak in front of the empty believers' gallery - at least there were no "human beings" as listeners.

"The Holy Grail War, which can fulfill your long-cherished wishes, is now facing a major crisis. Originally, the Holy Grail would only give power to those who pursue it and the heroic spirits.\\nBut now a betrayer has appeared in this. He and His heroic spirits have no regard for the great purpose of the Holy Grail. They use the power given to them to satisfy their own shallow desires."

Perhaps because as a priest he was used to preaching, Risei spoke alone regardless of the audience's reaction. Of course, the audience sitting in the seats of believers will only listen in silence. After coughing, the old priest continued.

"Master of Caster, yesterday we found out that this man is the criminal responsible for the recent serial murders and serial abductions in Fuyuki City. He used his Servant to commit crimes, but then he just left the crime scene aside and did not do anything. Handle it covertly. What kind of consequences will this serious violation of confidentiality rules bring - I think you will understand without me explaining it."

Although the familiars didn't react at all.\\nBut the Masters who heard Risei's words through their familiars must have been a little shaken. Just like Tokiomi in the morning, this is a normal reaction that any magician should have.

"He and his Servants are no longer your personal enemies, but public enemies that threaten the Holy Grail summons. Therefore, I use my emergency supervisory rights to temporarily change the rules of the Holy Grail War."

While making a declaration in a serious voice, Rimasa rolled up his right sleeve and exposed his arm.

Although his muscles are old, it can still be seen that he had strong arms when he was young... From his elbows to his wrists, they are covered with tattoo-like patterns——

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