A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1148 1148 God loves the world

Chapter 1155 God loves the world

At this moment, Irisviel finally understood why Saber hesitated.

King Arthur finally got a tragic end of betrayal and separation. Because he failed to gain the love of his subjects like Iskandar, the reputation of the Knight King was tarnished.

"——Saber, even if fate is inevitable, it doesn't mean it's a given."

After a moment of silence, Irisviel suddenly said.

"How to say?"

"The future is not already decided. Luck, chance, and many unexpected events can ultimately determine the shape of destiny.

Therefore, just because you are the King of Knights, your demise is not doomed, so you must strive for the Holy Grail. "

"...Yes, you are right."

Once upon a time, the king's magician once warned her that if she pulled out the Sword of Destiny, she would inevitably die.

But even so, she still had no hesitation.

Although she was enlightened, she didn't really realize what it meant. Even though she couldn't believe in hope, she still believed that her wishes were correct.

Therefore, when she saw the outcome of the prophecy with her own eyes, she could not accept the fact.

There are only prayers, only wishes.

She wondered if there was some mistake.

The path I pursue should have a more consistent ending——

This thought turned her into a Heroic Spirit and guided her to Fuyuki's Holy Grail.

"Thank you Irisviel, I almost lost the most precious thing."

Saber nodded, her eyes still as clear and peaceful as before, shining with confidence.

"If you ask about my merits and demerits as a king, you won't get the answer in the past. Now it's time to ask about the Holy Grail. That's why I'm here."

"Right, that is it."

Irisviel breathed a sigh of relief. This proud King of Knights was not at all suited to that reflective melancholy expression. Moving forward following her own beliefs is what she should be like. The sword of light also restrained her victory.


Miyama Town, the underground workshop of Tohsaka Residence. At this time the place was surrounded by a depressing silence.

"What's the rating of Rider's... Noble Phantasm..."

Tokiomi asked Kirei on the other side of the communication device with some seriousness.

"Same as Gilgamesh's 'King's Treasure'...that is, it exceeds the evaluation standards."

Accompanied by a sigh.

The conclusion was as they expected. Being able to know Rider's trump card before the fight made Assassin's sacrifice of great value. If he were to fight Rider without knowing it, Tokiomi would definitely be unable to do anything with that Super Noble Phantasm.

The only thing that exceeded their expectations was the level of this Noble Phantasm—even if they knew the information about this Noble Phantasm in advance, could they find a way to deal with it?

Before, Tokiomi had always thought that his Servant, Archer's Noble Phantasm, was the most powerful Noble Phantasm, but he didn't expect that a Servant with the same level of Noble Phantasm as Archer would appear this time, which was really beyond him. Anticipate.

At this time, a rare feeling of regret gradually crept into Tokiomi's mind.

Perhaps throwing away the Assassin piece at this time was a fatal mistake. When facing a dangerous enemy like Rider, rather than risking a frontal attack, it would be more appropriate to use human tracking to obtain intelligence. If we encounter a situation where Rider and his Master act separately, we can still find opportunities for assassination, etc...


Tokiomi shook his head, he was the one who made himself so embarrassed. This can't be said to be a strategy at all, it's simply Tohsaka's whim.

But things have not reached the point of despair, and there is too much information to encourage him to cheer up. For example, the person who made a contract with the heroic spirit Iskandar was just a third-rate magician. If the one who summoned him at that time was Rod Elmeloi and made him his Servant. Then the situation would be much more serious. A Servant's stats will change based on the strength of its Master. The result of the dispute between Kayneth and his disciples was luckily taken advantage of by Tokiomi. It seems that the luck of this Fourth Holy Grail War is on Tokiomi's side.

It's finally time to get serious. Tokiomi took the wooden staff beside him in his hand and stroked it calmly and firmly. The extra-large gem at the handle is sealed with magic power that Tokiomi spent his entire life refining. This is the official attire of the magician Tosaka Tokiomi.

"Since Assassin is gone, Kirei, you don't have to be stingy with your power."

"Yes, I understand."

From the magic communicator, Kotomine Kirei's low and indifferent words came. This first-class disciple and agent still has a very strong fighting ability even if he loses his Servant. Now that he can no longer command Assassin, he no longer has to pretend. It's time for him to unleash his abilities.

As expected, it is the second situation from now on. Based on the information collected by the Assassins, Gilgamesh is mobilized to drive out the enemies. As for the countermeasures against Rider, they should be found slowly in the process.

It was finally time to walk out of the workshop and onto the battlefield.

Quietly feeling the pain caused by the magic mark, Tokiomi stood up from his chair.



And a tragic situation that fits this statement very well.

The destruction was so complete that it was impossible to determine the true intentions of the destroyer. Everything seemed to have been torn apart by the storm, with no trace of the original trace left at all.

Of course, this is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster. Because it is impossible to be directly hit by the storm in this underground water tank. The damage to Caster's workshop could only have been caused by the immense power of the anti-army Noble Phantasm or the anti-city Noble Phantasm.

"Oh my god...this is too much...!!"

After witnessing the tragic situation in front of him, Ryunosuke Uyu couldn't help but shed tears of regret and began to cry. He looked so unbearably painful that perhaps anyone who saw him would sympathize with him. Of course, that's assuming you don't know anything about the person.

Until last night, Ryuunosuke and Caster, who had been busy hunting down tempting prey, saw this tragic scene when they proudly returned to their base at dawn today.

"This is a work of art that we have put in countless efforts to create...it's too much! How could this, this, this be something that humans can do?"

Ryunosuke's shoulders kept shaking as he sobbed. Caster gently hugged Ryunosuke and comforted him warmly.

"Ryunosuke. You haven't understood the true ugliness hidden in the deepest soul of human beings, so your sadness is understandable... You have to know, Ryunosuke, only human beings can truly understand beauty and harmony. A very small number of people among them, and more common people, will become animalistic due to jealousy when they come into contact with artistic holy objects. For these guys, beautiful things are just objects of destruction. That’s all.”

For Caster, it is natural that he would be filled with anger when his residence was destroyed. However, he had to calmly accept the fact that happened in front of him. After all, he was once the marshal who commanded the army of a country. For the attacker who was able to annihilate all the demons he left behind last night and destroy the workshop to such an extent, his strategic intuition told him that it would be very dangerous to confront this opponent head-on.

It was a blessing among misfortunes that Ryunosuke didn't stay here last night. Thinking of this, Caster's anger can be somewhat alleviated.

"You have to know that our artistic creations are often destroyed by ignorant people... Because of this, we can't have too deep feelings for the things we create. The works we create will have to go one day. Facing the fate of destruction. So for us as creators, all we should enjoy is the joy in the creation process."

"You mean, even if it's destroyed, it just needs to be recreated?"

"That's right! Ryunosuke, your keen understanding is really your greatest advantage!"

After being enlightened by Caster who smiled heartily, Ryunosuke wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, sighed deeply, looked around and muttered.

"Because we pursue our own happiness too much - are we being punished by God?"

Hearing Ryunosuke's words——Caster's attitude suddenly changed.

He grabbed Ryunosuke's shoulders forcefully and turned him towards him. Then he looked at Ryunosuke's expression with a sharp light in his eyes and said.

"I'm only going to say it once, Ryunosuke... God will never punish humans. God is just toying with humans."

Qingxu's eyes seemed to be burning, but there was no expression on his face at all. This was completely different from the excitement he had shown before.

"Master, master?"

"Once upon a time, I have committed perhaps the most vicious and serious blasphemy that can be accomplished in this world. Ryunosuke, the evil you have done is nothing compared to me.

But no matter how much I killed or how much I committed blasphemy, I was not punished by God at all. By the time I noticed, I had already been pursuing evil for eight years. The wails and cries of thousands of young children all disappeared into the darkness of nothingness! "


"As a result, it was not God who destroyed me in the end, but humans who had endless desires like me. The church and the king found me guilty and arrested and executed me. They just took a fancy to my wealth and territory and wanted to destroy me. It's just a treacherous plot set up to take advantage of it...

Their behavior is not so much to sanction my evil as to naked plunder! "

At this moment, Ryunosuke finally realized what he had just said, and accidentally encountered the reverse scale of this terrible demon - but the emotion that surged in Yu Sheng Ryunosuke's heart was not fear, but a feeling of fear. A kind of boundless loneliness and pain.

Compared with Caster's eloquent eloquence, the expression on his face that seemed to have lost everything important made Ryunosuke deeply understand the unknown and profound grief hidden deep in the heart of this great madman.

"But, Master...even so, there is still a god, right?"

Hearing Ryunosuke's quiet whisper, Caster couldn't help but hold his breath and carefully watched the expression of this simple and loyal Master.

"...Why, Ryunosuke? You don't have any faith and don't know the existence of miracles. Why do you think this way?"

"Because this world seems to be full of boredom... so I keep exploring, but the more I explore, the more interesting and strange things I find."

As Long Zhi said this, he opened his hands as if he wanted to hold everything between heaven and earth in his arms.

"I have been thinking this way since a long time ago. This world full of so many pleasures is too luxurious for us personally. As long as you think about it from a slightly different angle, you will find that it is full of countless pleasures. Foreshadowing. If you want to pursue true happiness, I think there is nothing more exciting than conquering the world.

Someone must be writing it. Script the world. Someone must be writing this novel with as many as five billion characters... This person, I'm afraid, can be called a god. "

Caster blinked silently, staring blankly into space as if he was thinking about Ryunosuke's words. After a while, Caster looked at his Master again and asked quietly and seriously.

"——So, Ryunosuke. Do you think God loves humans?"

"Of course, it's love from the heart."

Without hesitation, the killer replied cheerfully.

"A god who can write the script of this world without stopping for tens of millions of years must love humans very much.

Well, I think God must be working very hard on writing it. At the same time, I am also immersed in the joy of creating my own works. I am moved by the love and courage in my works, and at the same time I cry in sad places, and I am frightened by the horror and despair in them. "

Ryunosuke, who seemed to pause to confirm what he said, continued and added a new conclusion.

"While God likes human hymns such as courage and hope, he also likes the screams and despair of blood splashing. Otherwise... the hymn of life will definitely not have such bright colors.

So, Master. This world must be filled with the love of God. "

Caster seemed like a devout believer praying in front of a holy painting, listening to Ryunosuke's words quietly and seriously. Then, he slowly raised his head, his face filled with an expression of overflowing happiness.

"In this day and age, the people have lost faith, and the government has long abandoned God's will. I originally thought this was a world that was about to perish... But at this time, there are still emerging believers like you, which really convinces me. Take it orally. Ryunosuke, my Master!”

"Oh, no, no. I'd be embarrassed if you said that."

Although he didn't know what was going on, he at least knew that Caster was praising him. Ryunosuke declined sheepishly.

"But - if you look at it from your religious point of view, the blasphemous behavior I did was nothing more than a small trick."

"No. What you have done can be regarded as a first-class performance. Master, your beautiful teasing will definitely be loved by the gods, and the gods will be happy to praise you."


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