A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1149 1149 Pleasure beyond the Holy Grail

Chapter 1156 Pleasure Beyond the Holy Grail

Hearing Ryunosuke's words, "Aosu" seemed to be extremely happy and burst into laughter.

"Whether it's blasphemy or praise! In your opinion, it's all the same worship of gods, right? Ah, Ryunosuke! You really have very profound philosophical thoughts. You have brought countless human beings in the world to The god who is being played with like a toy is just a funny character himself... I see! Then I can understand this bad taste."

After laughing for a while, Caster's eyes once again showed a sad look. Just like a person who is crazy about art, the emotions before reaching the climax of frenzy.

"Very good. Then use more vivid colors of despair and lamentation to dye the divine court with bright colors. I want the gods in the sky to know that they are not the only ones who know what real entertainment is."

"Have you come up with any wonderful ideas? Master!"

Looking at "Aosu" who showed unprecedented excitement, Ryunosuke also showed some expectation.

"Now that it has been decided, let's hold a celebration. Ryunosuke, today's banquet is a bit special. It is kicked off by the new faith you advocate."

"Understood. I will definitely try my best to be the coolest!"

Tonight, Ryunosuke and Caster's "harvest" totaled five people. The children who were taken to a dark, unknown place all trembled silently and cuddled together, watching the crazy performance of the two people in front of them.

In the face of the new faith of these two cursed seekers, the souls of these innocent children have lost all hope of salvation.


I accidentally looked out the window and found that it was already dawn outside.

Looking at the rising sun, Emiya Kiritsugu continued to collect information without any emotion.

The hotel in front of Shinto Station where Maiya met three days ago is now being used as one of the hidden bases. First, all services in the hotel room were stopped, and then a blank map of the entire Fuyuki City was posted on the wall of the room. Then, all the information about each location was put on the map with labels and marks.

The search route and time over the past few days, the messages from the familiar, and the changes in the spiritual veins. The information on missing persons obtained by tapping the police radio station, the location of the investigation point... The icon that shows all the events that happened in Fuyuki City at night, in detail, shows the appearance of a mosaic in a state of chaos.

Emiya Kiritsugu continued the marking work silently with his right hand, and with his left hand, he unconsciously stuffed the fast food burger, a nutritional supplement he bought along the way during the search, into his mouth mechanically, and then chewed it repeatedly. For Emiya Kiritsugu, who had long been tired of eating at the Einzbern family's table, which was like palace cuisine, for nine years, this kind of fast food full of murder was more suitable for his taste. In any case, being able to finish the meal without interrupting your work and thinking is better than anything else.

After finishing all the markings on the map, Kiritsugu sorted out the overall contents and re-judged the trends of the Holy Grail War.

Archer——There was no movement at Tohsaka Residence. Ever since he defeated Assassin on the first day, Tokiomi had been shut up like a hibernating bear, with an elusive silence.

Berserker——The figure who looked like the Master entered the Matou Residence. Although he had sent familiars for many confirmations and seemed unprepared to be attacked at any time, Berserker's mysterious special ability can be compared with possessing a super powerful Noble Phantasm. Archer to compete with. In order to contain Tohsaka to some extent, should Berserker be left alone now?

Lancer——In place of Rod Elumeroy, who was seriously injured, his fiancée Soraou Nazele Sofiali took action. I'm afraid she is the one controlling Lancer now. Did he temporarily take over the Master's duties through the "Book of Pretenders" or did he snatch the Command Seal and form a contract with Lancer again... If it's the former, even if he kills Sorau, he won't be able to cut off Lancer's supply of magic power, and he won't be able to use it. Lancer cannot fight. In this case, it seems that we still need to continue to observe whether we should take action against Soraw.

Caster - Several more children went missing in the city last night. It seems that he didn't care at all about the wanted notice issued by the supervisor, and still continued his inhumane activities unscrupulously.

Rider - has no clue. It always relies on the Flying Noble Phantasm to move with the Master, so it is difficult to track. He looks very bold on the outside but has no flaws at all. He is a formidable opponent.

Regarding information about Rider and Archer, Kuu Maiya, who is currently recovering from her injuries in Einzbern City, has just woken up, and Irisviel has just conveyed most of the situation over the phone.

It is said that things developed in an unexpected direction, and Rider had no choice but to use his Noble Phantasm to eliminate Assassin.

The Noble Phantasm called "King's Force" used by Rider is very interesting. But Kiritsugu was more concerned about Assassin's fate.

Although it is a Servant that can increase in value infinitely, what is the mystery behind it? Moreover, the Assassin army that attacked Einzbern last night must have mobilized all its combat power. If not, they would be unable to form a human sea tactic due to their low individual combat capabilities. This incident is completely different from the farce that happened at Tohsaka Residence last time. It may be considered that Assassin has been completely eliminated this time.

So - where is their Master?

Kiritsugu sighed deeply and lit his first cigarette of the day. In the end, this is the part that remains suspenseful.

Kirei Kotomine. The biggest "heresy" existing in the Fourth Holy Grail War——

For Kiritsugu, he still couldn't understand the purpose of this man participating in this war.

When Kiritsugu discovered Assassin in the melee in Warehouse Street, he had already realized that Assassin's Master was Tokiomi Tokiomi's puppet and was only responsible for the task of scouting. But after that, Kotomine Kirei made many actions that he couldn't understand.

When Fuyuki Hyatt Tower attacked Kayneth, Kotomine Kirei was ambushing the Central Building construction site——

During the siege of Einzbern, Kotomine Kirei sneaked into the castle from the completely opposite direction——

No matter which way you look at it, it all makes sense only if you assume that his target is Emiya Kiritsugu.

First, they staged a farce of pretending to quit, and then fled to Fuyuki Church to seek asylum while continuing to dispatch a large number of Assassins to conduct espionage activities. In order to make this tactic more perfect, Kirei should always hide in Fuyuki Church and not come out. But his current actions completely exposed himself.

Emiya Kiritsugu, who was originally hidden under the cover of Irisviel and Saber, was only exposed when he faced off against Rod Elumeroy's camp, so no one should have known his true identity until the day before yesterday. identity. Even if Tohsaka's intelligence network realized that Kiritsugu was carrying out secret activities, it would not be inferred that Kiritsugu was Saber's real contractor. And excluding these, looking at the overall battle situation, what is the intention of pursuing Kiritsugu as the target?

Although it is possible that it is due to unreasonable personal grudges, this possibility is very low. Among all the experiences of Kotomine Kirei that have been investigated, there is almost no intersection with Emiya Kiritsugu. Even among the magicians who had been assassinated by Kiritsugu and the presumed victims, there were no friends or relatives who knew Kotomine Kirei.

In short, it can be said with certainty that even if Assassin is lost, Kotomine Kirei will definitely stand in front of Emiya Kiritsugu and block his way. No matter what this man's code of conduct was, it was beyond the scope of the Holy Grail War. Even after losing his Servant, he would not quit honestly.

While thinking helplessly, Kiritsugu sighed and took a puff of purple cigarette.

When I think about things about Kotomine Kirei, I feel like I am imprisoned in bottomless darkness, and I can only feel waves of fear.

Kiritsugu's tactics are to "disrupt the opponent's heart" from beginning to end. Where the enemy is preparing to attack and what the enemy's goal is, as long as you can see through the opponent's actions in advance, you can discover the opponent's blind spots and weaknesses. Moreover, a magician generally has a higher "awareness of purpose" than ordinary people. Because of this, Kiritsugu was able to never miss in the "hunt".

And now. Enemies like Kotomine Kirei who are "completely unpredictable both on the surface and on the inside" are Kiritsugu's biggest threat. And in front of such a powerful enemy. Kiritsugu was now helpless.

It's as if he can read his own thoughts and see through all of his actions. This time, Kiritsugu did not stand in the position of the hunter but in the position of the prey. This is the only unexpected element——

"...Who are you?"

Finally, Kiritsugu mumbled unconsciously in his mouth. The more I think about the questions about Kotomine Kirei, the farther away I feel from the answer I want. The result is only to become more anxious.

What is so interesting about this chase? It seems that from now on we will have to continue fighting at the risk of unexpected surprise attacks at any time.

Kiritsugu rented a garage in a nearby town and hid a modified tanker truck inside that could be operated using a remote control device. This civilian weapon, called a "cheap cruise missile" by the urban guerrillas, was originally intended to be used in a siege by Matou or Tohsaka. If I use this to crash into the Fuyuki Church where Kotomine Kirei is lurking, even the agent might not be able to withstand it...

"...Asshole, enough is enough..."

Kiritsugu reminded himself as he casually put out the cigarette in the ashtray.

There are still many enemies in front of him that must be eliminated first. What he must win is the Holy Grail War. From the perspective of the Holy Grail War, Kotomine Kirei is just a defeated Master. Even if you don't know the purpose of his attack on you, it is really inappropriate to focus on this issue and ignore the important battle.

Kiritsugu, who is trapped in anxiety, will lose his ability to make calm judgment, and he cannot continue like this. I need to readjust my mood.

It's been about seventy hours since I last slept. Although I didn't feel very sleepy under the effect of amphetamine, my fatigue was actually accumulating, making my attention and concentration dull.

There is still some time before meeting Maiya during the day, so let’s take advantage of this time to relieve the fatigue.

Emiya Kiritsugu saw himself as a mechanical device operating on its own. So I don’t have any worries about my health at all. He manages his physical health in the same way he organizes his numerous weapons. It just keeps the body in a working state where it can fully exert its full capabilities.

After using the bathroom, Kiritsugu lay down on the bed and used a self-hypnosis spell to distract himself from consciousness. This is the barbaric method that can remove all mental stress - spiritual disintegration and cleansing.

Although self-hypnosis is not an advanced magic, it will cause a certain lack of self-consciousness and disconnection when released, so many people are unwilling to use this magic. However, for Emiya Kiritsugu, the most efficient way to rest is the best, so he uses this method very frequently.

After about two hours, the originally dissipated consciousness will be restored, and the hypnotized person will wake up naturally. However, during this period of time, the body of the hypnotized person is in a completely unconscious state of zombie, and it should be safe to use it in this hidden place now.

Kiritsugu relaxed, cleared the image of his enemy from his consciousness, and fell into a deep sleep.

The street outside the window welcomes the rising sun to start a new day.


"It seems like you're in a pretty good mood today, Archer."

As usual, the shining golden Servant was sitting casually in Kotomine Kirei's private room as if he were at home. For some unknown reason, he had been wearing an unpredictable smile since the morning.

Under normal circumstances, when a person smiles, it will often infect the people around him and relax the atmosphere around him, but unfortunately, Kirei is not the kind of character who likes to see other people's smiles, let alone The smile on the face of the King of Heroes in front of him can only remind people of some uneasy things.

"Although I haven't seen the Holy Grail yet - even if the Holy Grail is a worthless thing, I don't care. Because I have found something more interesting."

"Oh... that's really surprising. Didn't you once laugh at the fact that there are only fakes and ugliness in this world?"

"This has not changed. However, I am interested in watching the final outcome of this Holy Grail War."

Perhaps, the wonderful banquet held in the atrium of Einzbern City last night had some change in Archer's state of mind. But Kirei also saw part of the process, and looking back now - could it be because of Rider? Or is it because of the Q\u0026A with Saber?

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