A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1168 1168 A rare pyroxene equivalent to a miracle

Chapter 1175 Rare pyroxene equal to miracle

Since their ways of living and beliefs are completely opposite, the conflict between the two is inevitable. So Irisviel believed that she must ease the conflict between them as much as possible. But as to whether she can do this - in fact, there is no hope.

Because, Irisviel’s body has already——

"——? Someone's scent is approaching, Irisviel."

Saber's face was full of vigilance. Later, Irisviel also sensed the visitor from the reaction of the barrier set up in the courtyard.

"——Ah, it's okay. This breath belongs to Maiya."

Knocking lightly on the warehouse door, it was indeed Kuu Maiya himself who came in. She had the same cold expression as always, and her cold beauty made Saber look away unhappily. Judging from her merciless shooting of Lancer's two Masters, she was indeed just carrying out Kiritsugu's plan coldly and faithfully. However, it was difficult for Saber to agree with this behavior.

I wonder if Maiya understands Saber’s inner thoughts. As usual, she didn't say hello or go around in circles, but went straight to the topic.

"Tosaka Tokiomi sent a secret envoy. He asked the familiar to bring a letter. Madam, it is for you."


After Irisviel retreated from Einzbern City, Kiritsugu had turned it into a dangerous trap house in order to trick other unsuspecting Masters. Maiya's bat is responsible for surveillance, and a familiar instead of a magician appeared there just now carrying a document.

"It's a bird made of jade. According to Kiritsugu, it should be a puppet commonly used by Tohsaka's magicians."

"That's what I heard too. So, where is the letter?"

"it's here--"

Taking the note from Maiya, Irisviel started reading it. All red tape has been omitted, and the intention is stated in an extremely simple and clear manner.

"...In other words, he applied to fight together."

Irisviel snorted contemptuously. The same goes for Saber. Just thinking about Archer's Master's intentions makes her unable to relax.

"Alliance? Already now?"

"Tohsaka must have felt uneasy about how to deal with the remaining Riders and Berserkers. He thought we were the easiest to deal with, so he invited us to form an alliance with him - in other words, compared to the other two groups, we were looked down upon. ”

The letter said that if Irisviel was interested in negotiating, Tokiomi would be waiting at Fuyuki Church at midnight tonight.

"As a supervisor, the Holy Church should implement its belief in neutrality, but it actually agreed with him to do this."

"That's because I heard that Father Risei, the supervisor, is dead. In other words, there is no one to supervise this Holy Grail War."

After listening to Maiya's explanation, Irisviel nodded in agreement.

"Kiritsugu said that the relationship between Tohsaka and the church was exposed. The supervisor who was on his side died, so he began to adjust his strategy in a hurry."

"...Irisviel, my opponent is the magician who commands Archer. I don't think I can trust him."

Recalling her disgust towards that golden heroic spirit, Saber asserted warily.

"Now my left hand has healed and is in full strength. I can defeat Rider and Berserker on my own without forming an alliance. Of course, Archer is no exception."

Saber said confidently. Irisviel nodded first, but then crossed her arms thoughtfully.

"Although Saber's words are correct, Tohsaka has something else that can force us to give in. He has something we don't have...for example, intelligence."

Maiya nodded upon hearing this.

"Indeed. For example, if Tohsaka can get information about the Rider camp's stronghold, then it is worth using his plan to get the information."

"——Haven't you found out yet? I didn't expect that kind of child would cause Kiritsugu to put so much thought into it."

"Because Rider and his Master usually ride high-speed flying Noble Phantasms, it is impossible to track them from land. My bat cannot keep up with their speed, so I can't always track them."


"When it comes to hiding their whereabouts, are they better than that Rod Elumeroy?"

"Although it is surprising, we have checked all the locations where magicians might set up workshops throughout Fuyuki, but we still can't find Rider and his Master."

As Maiya said, Kiritsugu's biggest headache right now is finding Weber Velvet's stronghold. Although Emiya Kiritsugu was familiar with the various hiding methods of magicians, he still did not expect that the Master actually saved the accommodation fee and stayed directly in a private residence.

"But how likely is it that this information will be mastered by Tokiomi Tohsaka?"

Maiya replied affirmatively.

"Tosaka Tokiomi has made various detailed preparations from the early stages of this Holy Grail War. The overseer incident is a good example, and——"

Maiya paused after saying this, and secretly glanced at Irisviel's expression. She was silent, and it seemed that she and Maiya had gone together.

"——Moreover, we believe that Tōsaka is also secretly manipulating Assassin's Master, Kotomine Kirei. If that man is in a position to influence Kotomine Kirei, then his invitation is more beneficial to us to some extent."

"Kotomine Kirei..."

This name was the first time Saber heard it, but from the solemn expressions of Irisviel and Maiya, she easily understood that this person was of great significance to them.

"Remember, Saber."

In an unusually stiff tone, Irisviel said.

"In this Holy Grail War, if anyone can defeat Kiritsugu and seize the Holy Grail...it must be this man named Kotomine Kirei. This is what Kiritsugu said himself. He has set his sights on this man named Kirei since the beginning of the whole thing."

Maiya and Irisviel did not say much. But even so, Saber still had a clearer understanding of this man named Kotomine Kirei.

At this point, Saber also remembered that during the battle in the Einzbern Forest, a mysterious attacker had seriously injured Irisviel and Maiya who were taking refuge in the city.

Irisviel announced this in a resolute tone.

"Let's not talk about the alliance issue. Now it is necessary to find out the information in Tōsaka's hands. Let me go to Fuyuki Church tonight to confirm it."

Since such a clear order has been issued, Saber can't say anything else. And she is also very concerned about that Kotomine. If he can be regarded as a natural enemy by Kiritsugu, then there is no doubt that he must be paid special attention to.

"——By the way, Saber. You also have a mission today."

Saber was suddenly stopped by Maiya, and she was a little confused.


"Yes. It is said that you can drive the Mercedes skillfully. According to Kiritsugu's instructions, I have also prepared a mobile prop that is more suitable for street fighting."

Saber seemed to be interested when she heard it.

"That's good. Having a machine that is more suitable for combat than that 'car' will be a great help to me."

"It's parked outside the door now. Go and see if you can use it."

"Yes, I'll go now."

Saber walked out of the warehouse with brisk steps full of expectation. Maiya still watched her go out expressionlessly, but in her heart, she sighed because Saber looked like an ordinary girl and it was impossible to tell that she was the Knight King Artoria. Usually, Saber was just a little girl who looked a little mature. No one believed that she was the king who had made great achievements in the war-torn years.

Maiya rarely expressed such meaningless emotions for things other than missions. Just when she was about to talk to herself, which was even rarer, she heard something fall down beside her.

She turned around and saw that Irisviel, who was sitting in the magic circle just now, was lying on the ground again. Her condition was very unusual. Sweat was dripping on her pale face, and her breathing was painful and rapid.

"Husband, Madam...what's wrong?!"

Maiya hurried forward to hug her, only to feel that the slender body in her arms was abnormally hot.

"...Saber...didn't you see it?"

Irisviel asked bitterly, her tone was neither timid nor embarrassed. She didn't seem to have any doubts about the sudden abnormality of her body.

"Madam, your body, what is it..."

"...Hehe, Maiya's panicked look...is really...quite cute..."

"What are you talking about? Now is not the time to talk about this. I'll call Saber and Kiritsugu over right away, please stay awake!"

Maiya was about to stand up, but Irisviel reached out and pressed her shoulders.

"This is not abnormal, this is-it has been decided long ago. I can still exist as a 'human' now, which is as lucky as a miracle."

Realizing that she had something to say, Maiya calmed down her emotions, and although she was nervous, she regained her usual calmness.

"...Does Kiritsugu know about it too?"

Irisviel nodded, but added softly, "but".

"Saber... I don't know. She still has to face an important battle... I can't let her worry about other things."

With a deep sigh, Maiya once again let Irisviel's body lie quietly on her back in the magic circle. She knew that this was the position where she, as a cyborg, could get enough rest.

"... Should I pretend to be ignorant of this?"

"... No, Maiya... I still have something to say to you... Okay?"

Maiya nodded, stood up and looked outside the warehouse. After confirming that Saber was no longer in the courtyard, she quietly closed the door and returned to Irisviel's side.

"Okay, Saber can't hear it now."

Irisviel nodded, adjusted her rapid breathing, and then said calmly.

"I am a cyborg designed for the Holy Grail War... You know this, right?"

"... Yes."

"Guardian of the vessel - managing and transporting the 'vessel' prepared for the Holy Grail's advent, this is my mission. In fact, this statement is not correct.

In the last Holy Grail War, Grandpa Ahad not only lost the Servant, but also broke the precious Holy Grail 'vessel' due to the war. In the third war, the war was ineffective because the 'vessel' was destroyed before the winner could be decided. At that time, grandpa began to reflect and decided to package this time's 'instrument' into a humanoid posture with self-management awareness. "

The calm tone seemed to be leisurely describing things that had nothing to do with him. Because she saw everything, she decided to tell everything about her body.

"That's me. The 'Qi' itself was endowed with a survival instinct. In order to be able to avoid various dangers on its own, grandpa turned the 'Qi' into 'Irisviel'."

"How could... then, you..."

Maiya's heart is not as cold as stone. The shock of the truth shocked her.

"Three Servants have been killed, and the battle will be over soon. As time goes by, the function of the 'organ' in my body begins to press on this extra appearance. I will definitely gradually become unable to move until Finally - Maiya, can I even talk to you like this."


Maiya bit her lower lip and was silent for a moment, then seriously repeated the previous question.

"Does Kiritsugu really know everything? Does he know what state you are in now?"

"Yes, that's why he gave me Saber's scabbard...'Far Utopia'...Do you know its effect?"

"The ability to stop aging and infinite healing - or so I'm told."

"It was the one that stopped my 'shell' from peeling off. I thought I would die soon, but thanks to it I have been able to maintain my human appearance and behavior until now... And if I distance myself from Saber like this, The situation will suddenly worsen..."

She could no longer get up. Facing Irisviel who seemed to be in a dying state, Maiya not only lowered her eyes.

If Saber were present, Maiya couldn't imagine how she would react. As a model knight, the girl is more distressed by the pain of others than her own suffering. If she knew that the victory she expected was predicated on Irisviel's sacrifice, I wonder if she would be able to hold on to the sword as before.

"...Why tell me?"

Maiya asked.

Irisviel smiled calmly.

"Kuu Maiya - only you will not pity me, you will definitely agree with me... I think so."


Maiya stared at her smile in silence, and then nodded quietly.

"Madam, I - I thought you were an unapproachable person."

"No such thing - can you understand me?"


Maiya nodded without hesitation in agreement.

Precisely because she is a woman who was born as a human but survived as a prop. That’s why we can “identify” with a woman who was created as a prop but met her end as a human being.

"Even if I risk my life - Irisviel, I will protect you until the end.

So, for Emiya Kiritsugu, please don’t die. To realize that person's ideals. "


Stretching out her trembling hand, Irisviel took Kuu Maiya's hand.


The black eyes looking at him from chest height were like a pair of gems.

Yes - this is the truth, Tohsaka Tokiomi once again felt it firsthand. This girl is a rare pyroxene that has been the treasure of the Tohsaka family for five generations and is equivalent to a miracle.

Tohsaka Rin.

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