Chapter 1176 Invitation

Although she is young, judging from her appearance, she is destined to be a beauty in the future. She has more of Tokiomi's mother in her youth than her mother's appearance.

It was late afternoon and night had not yet fallen.

When he arrived at his wife's hometown, Tokiomi stood in front of the Zen City gate and had no intention of stepping inside. The current Tokiomi is one of the Masters who is seeking the Holy Grail, and he has already been in the land of Shura. In order to protect his wife and daughter, he entrusted them to Chancheng. This territory did not allow bloody invasion.

Rin looked at her father with a nervous expression who called her to the door but said nothing. My father didn't just come to see me, but came with something very important. The girl understood this intuitively.

He had made up his mind not to see his daughter until the battle was over. What made him shaken was the sudden death of Father Li Zheng last night.

The old priest was a good friend of his father and watched Tokiomi grow up. Under the secret agreement between the two parties, he was supporting Tokiomi behind the scenes. For Tokiomi, this was the biggest factor that gave him confidence in victory.

Of course, Tokiomi was not the kind of person who would be at a loss when he lost his support. However, on the road to victory that I have always believed in, there is a dark cloud called "what if". This is also an indisputable fact.

Just like the experienced and stubborn priest suddenly collapsed - his own confidence was suddenly weakened by half.

Until yesterday, the situation in the Holy Grail War had meant that, to Tokiomi, victory was almost equal to something in the bag. But due to the death of his reliable companion, he was now ready to join the smoke-filled battlefield as a fighter.

What if... this was the last conversation he had with Rin?

What should I say to the young girl in front of me?


Rin swallowed and stared at his father, waiting for him to speak to her.

Tokiomi knew that his daughter had respect and admiration for him as a father.

He knew that what he said to his daughter today would definitely determine Rin's future path.

No - there is no doubt about the future, it has already been decided. Rin had no choice but to take over as the sixth generation head of the Tohsaka family.

Perhaps it was this thought that made Tokiomi feel a little guilty towards his daughter.

He knelt down and put his hand on Rin's head - at this moment, Rin's eyes suddenly widened in surprise.

Seeing his daughter's reaction, Tokiomi remembered that he had never touched his daughter's head like this before.

It was normal for Rin to be surprised. It was also the first time that Tokiomi discovered that he didn't know how to show tenderness to his daughter.

"Rin... before you become an adult, you will help the association, and the future path will be left to your own judgment. If it is you, there is no problem in being alone."

He was a little hesitant at first, not knowing what to say, but as soon as he started speaking, he started talking non-stop.

He had thought of many "likes" and had many things to convey. How to deal with the treasures at home, that is, gems, things inherited from the master, the practices of the underground workshop - etc., etc., Tokiomi grasped the key points and came one by one to Rin who was listening carefully.

Although it has not been engraved yet, in fact, Rin has been designated as the next generation patriarch of the Tohsaka family.

Say something off topic.

Tokiomi Tosaka is definitely not a genius.

Compared with previous Tosaka members, his qualifications can only be considered mediocre.

The reason why Tokiomi is now a skilled and respected magician is largely because he has always faithfully followed his family's motto.

That’s why he can always be calm and elegant——

If you want to get "ten" results, you must put in "twenty" efforts in practice. Passing all kinds of cruel training gracefully and calmly became Tokiomi's creed. If we had to say what made him stronger than others, then perhaps it would be his thorough self-discipline and self-denying will.

As his own master and the previous clan leader, his father should have fully foreseen the difficult journey his son would take if he aspired to the path of magic. Therefore, when the previous generation handed over the magic seal to Tokiomi, he asked his son again - "Do you want to inherit the family business?"

This kind of question is very ritualistic and is just a conversation. As a legitimate son, Tokiomi received education on how to become a leader since childhood. This pride cultivated since childhood made him have no other dreams in life.

Even so - the method of "asking questions" still needs to be adopted, which means that Tokiomi still has an incomplete "room for choice".

Thinking about it now, for Tokiomi, this was the biggest gift given to him by his father, the previous clan leader.

Tokiomi Tosaka decided to enter the path of magic through his own consciousness, determined not to be at the mercy of fate.

It was this awareness that gave Tokiomi his steely will. From then on, it was this arrogant self-confidence that "this is the lifestyle he chose" that supported him through the days of rigorous cultivation.

If only he could hand over the treasures he received from his father to his daughter - Tokiomi thought sadly.

However, this is no longer possible.

For Rin and Sakura, they had no choice from the beginning.

One of them is a full element with five composite attributes, and the other is an imaginary element with imaginary number attributes. Both sisters possess rare qualifications that are equivalent to miracles. This is beyond the scope of so-called innate talent and is almost equivalent to a spell.

Demonic nature will also attract demonic nature. People who stand out from the rules will inevitably "attract" the same abnormal experience. This is not something that can be controlled by their own will. There is only one way to deal with this fate-consciously stepping out of the rules.

In addition to understanding the way of magic and practicing it themselves, Tokiomi's daughters have no other way to deal with the demonic nature hidden in their blood. And the fact that the protection of the Tosaka family can only be given to one of them, I don't know how long Tokiomi has been tormented. The one who does not become the heir will fall into various strange events because of his own blood, and will be in trouble. If the Magic Association finds such an "ordinary person", those guys will be happy to soak her in formalin as a specimen in the name of protection.

Because of this, the Matou family's desire to get Sakura as an adopted daughter is tantamount to a gift from God. They have obtained a way to enable both of their beloved daughters to inherit the first-class magic, not be bound by blood causality, and open up their own lives. At this time, Tokiomi can be said to be freed from the burden of being a father.

But can it really be done? ——Tokiomi didn't even have confidence, and this question tormented him from time to time.

With Rin's talent, she should be able to understand the secrets of the magic path more easily than Tokiomi.

So compared to choosing to embark on this path with her own will, how painful it would be to try to escape fate and finally embark on this path.

If he couldn't give any guidance to Rin in the trials she was about to face and just left without returning - would such a Tousaka Tokiomi be considered a competent father?

As if asking the confusion in his heart, Tokiomi once again concentrated all his thoughts on his hands on Rin's head.

Rin let his big hand stroke her head, but her black eyes still stared at her father motionlessly. There was no uneasiness or doubt in her eyes.

"——Ah, is that so."

This unconditional admiration and trust finally brought Tokiomi the answer.

There was no need to apologize to this child, nor to worry about her future path. Facing the proud eldest son of the Tousaka family, the dying generation no longer had to give any instructions.

"Rin, the Holy Grail will eventually appear. It is the duty of the Tosaka family to seize the Holy Grail, and more importantly, this is the inevitable path for a magician."

The girl nodded firmly, and her eyes filled Tokiomi's heart with pride.

Even when he became the head of the family, Tokiomi did not feel so proud.

"Then I'm leaving. You know what's going to happen next."

"Yes - have a good trip, father."

Rin answered resolutely in a clear voice. Tokiomi nodded and stood up.

He looked up and glanced into the house, just in time to meet the eyes of Aoi who was standing at the window and peeking out.

In his eyes, there was trust and encouragement.

In her eyes looking back at him, there was gratitude and assurance.

Just like that, Tokiomi turned his back to his wife and daughter, and left the Zenjo residence without looking back.

Confusion is a shadow that arises from an uncalm heart. This is far from elegance.

Keep the family motto in mind, and Rin's eyes told him this again.

If he still felt guilty about his daughter, then it must be because of his failure and his inability to realize his long-cherished wish through the Holy Grail.

In front of Rin, if he wanted to be a father who could hold his head high, then Tohsaka Tokiomi had to become a perfect magician.

Only in this way could he complete the magic of the Tohsaka family with his own hands.

To be a truly perfect father who was worthy of teaching and guiding his daughter.

With a new determination, Tohsaka Tokiomi set out on his way home in the dusk.

Heading to Fuyuki again.

Soon, night would fall.


Regarding the late-night meeting at the Fuyuki Church, Tohsaka Tokiomi naturally stipulated the number of participants in the conditions.

In addition to the Masters and Servants of both parties, each party could bring an escort.

For Irisviel, who had difficulty acting alone, she had never thought that there would be such a condition. If she were to accidentally be trapped in a battlefield in the future, she would not be able to borrow Saber's power. If Maiya was by her side at that time, she would be able to feel much more at ease.

Of course, as a condition of equality, there was one more person besides Tōsaka Tokiomi and Archer. Finally, when Tokiomi introduced the accompanying person to Irisviel and the others as if nothing had happened, their faces changed.

"Let me introduce you, Kotomine Kirei - my apprentice. Although he was once a person who fought with you, it is now in the past. He lost his Servant and has given up the power of Master for a long time."

Is that all? Irisviel cast a suspicious look at him, but Tokiomi looked calm and didn't seem to plan to say anything more. I don't know if he was looking down on her. If not - then he might not know the past between Irisviel and Kotomine Kirei.

This is also very likely. It is hard to imagine that Emiya Kiritsugu would be so wary of a man who is willing to be a minion of others. In this case, the possibility that Kotomine Kirei was acting alone with Tōsaka Tokiomi on his back is very high. Irisviel and Maiya stared at Kirei with cold eyes, who didn't even frown and saluted them. For those who had not expected that the relationship between Tōsaka Tokiomi and Kotomine Kirei would be exposed right from the start, they now had to immediately rethink how to deal with this meeting.

Saber leaned against the wall leisurely behind Tokiomi and others, staring intently at the red-eyed Servant. Tonight, Archer also removed his fighting stance and put on ordinary attire consistent with this era. Although the clothing decorated with leather and enamel looks full of wicked splendor, it doesn't feel out of place at all when paired with the overwhelming presence of this golden heroic spirit.

His blood-colored eyes seemed to peel off Saber's clothes just by looking at her, licking her soft skin, and there was undisguised desire in his eyes. Although this aroused Saber's urge to draw her sword and fight immediately, when she thought of Irisviel, she could only endure it now.

"I would be very grateful if you could come here at your invitation."

I don’t know if he sensed the urgency of the three women, but Tokiomi offered the opening remarks diligently.

"This Holy Grail War is finally about to enter the most important phase. Currently, the only ones left are the Masters of the 'Three Founding Families' and one person who suddenly broke in - then, everyone from Einzbern Do you have any thoughts on this battle situation?”


After answering in a cold and clear voice, Irisviel continued to speak boldly.

"We have the strongest Saber, so there is no need to secretly act according to the situation. Now we just need to move towards victory like this."

"I see--"

Tokiomi laughed out loud with a hint of provocation.

"Then, please allow me to share my personal opinion. Putting aside our mutual combat prowess, let's talk about Berserker and Rider first. Of course, our ultimate goal is to retain the 'Founding Three Families' so that in the end The ownership of the Holy Grail was determined in the battle. But unfortunately, due to the Matou family's strategic mistake, a Servant that required a lot of magic power was summoned to a fragile Master. It seems that they will perish sooner or later. It will be Rider. You should also know about the power of that heroic spirit Iskandar."

Tokiomi paused, waiting for Irisviel to react. But seeing that she was still silent, Tokiomi continued.

"A new participant appeared out of nowhere and reached out to the Holy Grail, which holds a long-cherished wish for two thousand years. Doesn't Einzbern feel very uncomfortable about this?"

"As for the new participants, isn't it the same for Tohsaka and Matou?"

Normally, Irisviel would never speak so brazenly. But tonight's strategy is to completely suppress Tokiomi. When she abandoned her usual gentleness and virtuousness and stood up to confront others proudly, she was as divine as a beautiful and strong queen.

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