Xuan Hao clenched his fists: "Master, how should we prepare?"

"We need to strengthen the strength of the sect and keep in touch with other sects to jointly deal with possible changes." Tianji Zhenren said in a deep voice, "Xuan Hao, as the top master in the sect, you need to lead a team of disciples to other sects to strengthen contact and jointly deal with the upcoming changes."

Xuan Hao bowed respectfully: "Disciple will obey the order and will act carefully."

A few days later, Xuan Hao led a team of elite disciples and embarked on a journey to other sects. They first came to Qingyang Sect, which had a good relationship with Jinxuan Sect.

The leader of Qingyang Sect was an elderly elder named Qingyangzi. When he saw the team led by Xuanhao, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Xuanhao, what are you doing..."

Xuanhao bowed respectfully: "Master Qingyang, we came here this time to strengthen our connection with Qingyang Sect and jointly deal with the upcoming "Revelation Change."

Qingyangzi nodded: "I have the same idea. The spiritual energy fluctuations in the world of cultivation are getting stronger and stronger, and we must be prepared to deal with it."

The masters of both sects began to exchange their cultivation experiences and discuss how to improve the strength of the sects. Xuanhao also taught the disciples of Qingyang Sect how to use the spiritual mirror, hoping that they could benefit from it.

As time went on, the team led by Xuanhao visited several other sects one after another and strengthened their connections with each other. They jointly studied the cultivation methods, improved their strength, and prepared to welcome the upcoming "Revelation Change".

Finally, this day came. The spiritual energy fluctuations in the world of cultivation reached an unprecedented height, and the entire world of cultivation was shrouded in a mysterious power. Xuanhao and the masters of the major sects gathered together to prepare for this unknown change.

The fluctuation of spiritual energy became stronger and stronger, as if it was going to tear the entire world of cultivation apart. Xuan Hao held the spiritual mirror tightly, feeling its power. He knew that this change might change his fate, or even the fate of the entire world of cultivation.

"Everyone, get ready. No matter what happens, we have to face it together!"

The cultivators held their respective magic weapons tightly, ready to meet this unknown challenge. The fluctuation of spiritual energy reached its peak, and the entire world of cultivation was shrouded in a mysterious light. At this moment, it seemed as if time had stopped.

The omen of the "change of apocalypse" became more and more obvious, and every corner of the world of cultivation could feel that mysterious and powerful force. Xuan Hao stood on the high platform of Jinxuan Sect, staring at the ever-changing clouds in the sky with a solemn look.

At this moment, a series of strange lights passed through the sky, like a meteor, illuminating the entire world of cultivation. These lights gathered together to form a huge column of light that rushed straight into the sky. In the center of the light column, there seemed to be some unknown power hidden, attracting the attention of all cultivators.

"This power..." Xuan Hao muttered to himself. He could feel that there seemed to be some connection between this power and the spiritual mirror. He held the spiritual mirror tightly, trying to sense the essence of the mysterious power through it.

Tianji Zhenren also stood on the high platform, with wisdom in his eyes: "Xuan Hao, this power is extraordinary, and we must be careful to deal with it. It may bring great opportunities, but it may also be accompanied by great dangers."

Xuan Hao nodded, knowing that the words of the sect master were full of deep meaning. He turned around and said to the disciples behind him: "Everyone is ready, no matter what happens, we must face it together. Remember, our goal is to protect the sect and protect the peace of the immortal world."

The disciples responded in unison, their eyes were firm and full of determination. They knew that this "revelation change" was not only a test for them, but also an opportunity for them.

As time went on, the power of the light column became stronger and stronger, and the spiritual fluctuations in the immortal world became more and more intense. Many immortal cultivators began to try to approach the light column, hoping to gain power from it. However, the power of the light column was too strong, and many people were injured by its powerful spiritual fluctuations in the process of approaching.

Xuan Hao and Tian Ji Zhenren decided to go to the center of the light column in person to explore its truth. They led a team of elite disciples and approached the light column cautiously. As they approached, the power of the light column seemed to respond to them and became stronger.

"Master, this power seems to be guiding us." Xuan Hao said to Tian Ji Zhenren.

Tian Ji Zhenren nodded: "Yes, this power seems to be calling us. We must be careful, this may be a test."

They continued to move forward and finally came to the core area of ​​the light column. Here, the concentration of spiritual energy reached an incredible level. Xuan Hao could feel that the spiritual energy here had some resonance with the power of the spiritual light mirror.

"Master, look!" Xuan Hao pointed to the front and saw a huge ball of light in the center of the light column. The ball of light exuded a soft light, as if it contained infinite power.

Tian Ji Zhenren's eyes flashed with surprise: "This is... the legendary 'Apocalypse Ball'! It is said that it contains the purest spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and can give cultivators supreme power."

Xuan Hao held the spiritual light mirror tightly, feeling the resonance between it and the Apocalypse Ball. He knew that this might be a great opportunity for him to improve his strength.

"Master, what should we do?" Xuan Hao asked.

Tianji Zhenren pondered for a moment and said slowly: "We must be careful. This power is too strong. If we are not careful, it may cause a disaster. We need to understand its true purpose before making a decision."

They began to observe the Apocalypse Ball carefully, trying to find a way to control it. After some efforts, Xuan Hao found that the spiritual mirror seemed to be able to have some kind of connection with the Apocalypse Ball and guide its power.

"Master, I have an idea." Xuan Hao said to Tianji Zhenren, "We can try to use the spiritual mirror to guide the power of the Apocalypse Ball and see if we can control it."

Tianji Zhenren nodded: "This is a good idea, we can try it."

Xuan Hao began to try to use the spiritual mirror to guide the power of the Apocalypse Ball. With his efforts, the light of the Apocalypse Ball gradually became softer, and the aura began to become controllable. Xuan Hao could feel that he had established a wonderful connection with the Apocalypse Ball.

"Master, I succeeded!" Xuan Hao said excitedly.

Tianji Zhenren's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise: "Great, Xuan Hao. You not only bring hope to our sect, but also to the entire Xiuxian world."

As the power of the Apocalypse Ball was controlled, the aura fluctuations in the Xiuxian world began to gradually subside. This "Apocalypse Change" will have a far-reaching impact on the Xiuxian world.

"Xuanhao, you performed very well this time." Tianji Zhenren said with a smile, "You not only completed the task, but also brought great opportunities to our sect."

Xuanhao bowed respectfully: "The sect master is too kind, I just did my duty."

Tianji Zhenren nodded: "Okay, let's go back and study this power carefully. I believe it will bring greater development to our sect."

Xuanhao agreed and returned to the sect with Tianji Zhenren with the spiritual mirror and the apocalypse ball.

Back to Jinxuan Sect, they immediately summoned all the senior leaders to share this experience and the secret of the apocalypse ball.

After hearing this, the elders of the sect were all shocked and excited. They realized that this was not only an opportunity for Jinxuan Sect, but also a turning point for the entire cultivation world. After some discussion, the sect decided to set up a special group to study and utilize the power of the apocalypse ball to enhance the strength of the entire sect.

As the leader of the special group, Xuanhao not only had to guide the disciples on how to safely contact and use the power of the apocalypse ball, but also closely monitor the changes in the aura to prevent accidents. At the same time, Tianji Zhenren also began to communicate with the masters of other sects, sharing his experiences and discoveries, hoping to unite more forces to jointly maintain peace and stability in the world of immortal cultivation.

As time went on, the power of the Apocalypse Ball was gradually mastered by the immortal cultivators in the sect. They found that this power could not only improve personal cultivation, but also be used to treat serious injuries, and even to a certain extent reverse time and repair damaged magic weapons. As a result, the strength of Jinxuan Sect was unprecedentedly improved, and its reputation also rose with it.

However, the good times did not last long, and other forces in the world of immortal cultivation also noticed the existence and power of the Apocalypse Ball. Some sects with ill intentions began to covet it secretly, and even resorted to assassination and conspiracy to try to seize control of the Apocalypse Ball. Jinxuan Sect faced an unprecedented crisis.

Xuanhao and Tianji Zhenren realized that it was difficult to protect the Apocalypse Ball with their own strength, and they had to seek more allies. They began to run around and have in-depth exchanges and consultations with the masters of other sects, hoping to establish a more solid alliance.

During a meeting with the leaders of other sects, Xuan Hao unexpectedly discovered a familiar figure - Qingyangzi of Qingyang Sect. It turned out that Qingyang Sect was also facing similar threats, and Qingyangzi hoped to form a closer alliance with Jinxuan Sect to jointly resist foreign enemies.

The cooperation between the two sects started quickly. They shared their cultivation experience, exchanged experience in using the Apocalypse Ball, and began to formulate a joint defense plan. Under the leadership of Xuan Hao and Qingyangzi, the disciples of the two sects also began to communicate more frequently. They learned from each other and made progress together.

Just as the alliance gradually stabilized and the world of cultivation seemed to be about to usher in a new period of peace, a more powerful force quietly rose. This force not only possessed powerful power, but also had an unfathomable background. Their goal was to point directly at the Apocalypse Ball, intending to monopolize this power that could change the pattern of the world of cultivation.

In the face of this unknown threat, they needed to make more careful preparations. They began to secretly study the deep secrets of the Apocalypse Ball, hoping to find a more powerful force to deal with the coming storm.

In a late-night secret talk, Tianji Zhenren said to Xuanhao: "Xuanhao, we must understand the power of the Apocalypse Ball more deeply. Only by mastering its core secrets can we ensure that it will not be used by evil forces."

Xuanhao nodded in agreement: "Master, I have the same idea. I will lead the special team to conduct in-depth research, and at the same time strengthen the defense of the sect to ensure the safety of the Apocalypse Ball."

The members of the special team studied day and night, trying to unlock more secrets of the Apocalypse Ball. They found that the Apocalypse Ball can not only improve the cultivation, but also affect the spiritual power of the cultivators, and may even change the physique of the cultivators, making them more suitable for cultivation.

However, just when they made some progress, an astonishing news came-a mysterious sect called "Netherworld Sect" suddenly rose, and their power was incredibly powerful. The master of the Netherworld Sect is said to be a mysterious figure who has never appeared. His power can even control life and death and affect the balance between heaven and earth.

Xuan Hao and Tian Ji Zhenren immediately realized that the emergence of the Nether Sect was related to the power of the Apocalypse Ball. They decided to send elite disciples to the Nether Sect to explore its true purpose.

In a carefully planned operation, Xuan Hao led several elite disciples to sneak into the territory of the Nether Sect. They found that the Nether Sect was full of cold and death, as if isolated from the world. The disciples in the sect were all pale and their eyes were empty, as if they had lost their souls.

Xuan Hao and his disciples approached the center of the Nether Sect carefully and found a huge altar. On the altar, the leader of the Nether Sect was holding some mysterious ceremony, as if summoning some powerful power.

Xuan Hao's heart tightened, and he felt that this power had some connection with the power of the Apocalypse Ball. He decided to take the risk and approach, hoping to find a way to stop the leader of the Nether Sect.

At this moment, the leader of the Nether Sect suddenly turned around, his eyes full of coldness and cunning: "Xuan Hao, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you."

Xuan Hao was shocked. He did not expect that the leader of the Nether Sect actually knew his name. He held the spiritual mirror tightly and looked at the other party vigilantly: "Who are you? What is your purpose?"

The leader of the Nether Sect sneered: "It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that I need the power of the Apocalypse Ball. Only with it can I control the entire world of immortal cultivation."

Xuan Hao said firmly: "Don't think about it. The power of the Apocalypse Ball cannot be used by evil people."

The leader of the Nether Sect smiled disdainfully: "It's ridiculous. Power is power, there is no distinction between good and evil. Today, I will let you see the real power."

As he said, the leader of the Nether Sect began to chant a spell, and the power on the altar began to gather, forming a huge black ball of light. This power is completely different from the power of the Apocalypse Ball, full of the breath of destruction and death.

Xuan Hao knew that he had to stop the leader of the Nether Sect as soon as possible. He held the spiritual mirror tightly and began to chant a spell, trying to use the power of the spiritual mirror to fight against the black light ball.

The two forces collided in the air, forming a series of lightning. Xuan Hao felt unprecedented pressure, but he did not give up. This battle was not only about his fate, but also about the future of the entire cultivation world.

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