Just then, Tianji Zhenren led the disciples of Jinxuan Sect to arrive in time. Their power and Xuanhao's power converged to form a powerful barrier to resist the attack of the black light ball.

Seeing this, the leader of the Nether Sect flashed a trace of surprise in his eyes: "I didn't expect you to be able to resist my attack. However, this is far from enough."

Xuanhao and Tianji Zhenren looked at each other, and they knew that the battle had just begun. They must find a way to completely destroy the leader of the Nether Sect and prevent him from using the power of the Apocalypse Ball.

The battle lasted for a long time, and the fate of the cultivation world hung by a thread.

In this protracted battle, Xuanhao and Tianji Zhenren relied on their own cultivation, and also used the power of the Apocalypse Ball, as well as the support of allies such as Jinxuan Sect and Qingyang Sect, to form a powerful united front.

Although the leader of the Nether Sect is powerful, his power is not invincible. Xuanhao discovered that the power of the leader of the Nether Sect seems to be related to some ancient forbidden technique, which can control life and death, but at the same time it will also cause great harm to the user himself. Xuan Hao decided to take advantage of this and look for the weakness of the Nether Sect Master.

In a fierce duel, Xuan Hao used the power of the spiritual mirror to successfully reflect the black light ball of the Nether Sect Master back and hit him. Cracks began to appear in the body of the Nether Sect Master, and his power gradually became unstable. Xuan Hao took the opportunity to launch a more powerful attack, trying to completely destroy him.

However, the Nether Sect Master was not easily defeated. Although his power was weakened, his will remained firm. He began to chant more complex spells, trying to summon more powerful forces. Xuan Hao and Tianji Zhenren realized that if the battle was not ended quickly, the Nether Sect Master might summon uncontrollable forces and bring greater disasters to the world of cultivation.

At the critical moment, Xuan Hao thought of a bold plan. He decided to use the power of the Apocalypse Ball, combined with the reflective ability of the spiritual mirror, to form a huge aura vortex to completely devour the power of the Nether Sect Master. Although this plan was risky, it was also the only way to completely defeat the Nether Sect Master.

Xuan Hao told this plan to Tianji Zhenren and the other sect masters, and they all agreed to this plan. The cultivators of all sects began to concentrate their strength and gather their spiritual energy into the Apocalypse Ball. Xuan Hao used the spiritual light mirror to guide these forces into a huge spiritual energy vortex.

When the leader of the Netherworld Sect saw this scene, a trace of horror flashed in his eyes. He realized that if his power was swallowed by this spiritual energy vortex, he would completely lose control. He began to attack the spiritual energy vortex frantically, trying to destroy it.

However, Xuan Hao, Tianji Zhenren and the cultivators of all sects successfully maintained the stability of the spiritual energy vortex, and finally completely swallowed up the power of the leader of the Netherworld Sect. The body of the leader of the Netherworld Sect began to disintegrate, and finally turned into a wisp of black smoke and disappeared into the air.

With the disappearance of the leader of the Netherworld Sect, the spiritual energy fluctuations in the world of cultivation gradually subsided.

With the defeat of the leader of the Netherworld Sect, the sky of the world of cultivation became clear again, and the sun penetrated the clouds and sprinkled on the earth. The disciples and allies of Jinxuan Sect cheered and celebrated the victory of this hard-fought battle.

Later, in the territory of the leader of the Nether Sect, everyone found some secret documents and cultivation methods of forbidden techniques.

Xuanhao and Tianji Zhenren decided to take these documents back to Jinxuan Sect and study them with other sects to ensure that these dangerous forces would not threaten the peace of the Xiuxian world again.

At the same time, they also realized that although the disciples of the Nether Sect were once enemies, many of them were also manipulated and deceived by the sect leader. Xuanhao proposed that these people should be given a chance to reform and reintegrate into the Xiuxian world. This proposal was supported by Tianji Zhenren and other sect leaders.

In the following months, Jinxuan Sect became a research center in the Xiuxian world, where wise men from various sects gathered to study the power of the Apocalypse Ball and the forbidden techniques of the Nether Sect. They found that the power of the Apocalypse Ball could be used for cultivation to help cultivators break through bottlenecks, and the secrets of the forbidden techniques were gradually unlocked and transformed into knowledge that could benefit the Xiuxian world.

Xuanhao played a huge role in the whole thing.

Tianji Zhenren was filled with relief when he saw Xuanhao's growth. He knew that his disciple was ready to take on greater responsibilities. At a sect meeting, Tianji Zhenren announced that Xuanhao would become the next leader of Jinxuan Sect.

Xuanhao accepted this important task and promised to continue to lead Jinxuan Sect to a more glorious future, while also maintaining close cooperation with other sects to jointly maintain the peace and prosperity of the Xiuxian world.

As time passed, the Xiuxian world entered a new era under the leadership of Xuanhao. The power of the Apocalypse Ball was put to good use, and the ruins of the Nether Sect were transformed into a holy place for cultivation, attracting countless cultivators to come to practice and study.

On the ruins of the Nether Sect, Xuanhao personally supervised the transformation project and built it into a holy place that integrates cultivation, research and communication. There are not only the most advanced cultivation facilities here, but also a rich library with secrets and knowledge from all over the Xiuxian world.

In addition, the holy land also regularly holds various seminars and martial arts competitions, attracting countless cultivators to come to exchange and learn, and promoting the overall strength of the Xiuxian world.

Xuanhao himself did not stop practicing. In the process of in-depth research on the Apocalypse Sphere and forbidden art documents, he realized more about the mysteries of aura and the universe. His cultivation was increasingly advanced, and he reached the "Golden Elixir" realm.

Under the influence of Xuanhao, the younger generation of the Xiuxian world also grew up rapidly. Many talented young cultivators became the backbone of their respective sects under the guidance of Xuanhao.

With the prosperity and development of the Xiuxian world, some once-secret sects and tribes have also emerged and established connections with Jinxuan Sect and other sects. They brought their own unique cultivation methods.

With the prosperity and development of the Xiuxian world, some once-secret sects and tribes have also emerged and established connections with Jinxuan Sect and other sects. They brought their own unique cultivation methods, adding new vitality to the Xiuxian world.

Some of these sects and tribes are good at alchemy, some are proficient in talismans, and some have unique insights into spiritual plants. Their arrival not only enriched the cultivation system of the Xiuxian world, but also promoted exchanges and cooperation between different sects.

As the leader of Jinxuan Sect, Xuanhao actively promotes exchanges with other sects. Only by continuous learning and integration can the world of cultivation continue to progress. Under his initiative, the world of cultivation established an alliance to share cultivation experiences and jointly solve the problems encountered in the process of cultivation.

The establishment of the alliance has made the world of cultivation more open and inclusive. Cultivators from different sects began to visit each other and learn from each other's strengths. Some sects even began to jointly organize large-scale cultivation activities, such as spiritual plant cultivation competitions and alchemy skills exchanges, which not only enhanced the friendship between cultivators, but also improved their cultivation level.

In this atmosphere, the younger generation of the world of cultivation has received unprecedented opportunities for growth. They can learn from different sects, absorb the essence of various cultivation methods, and form their own unique cultivation style.

At the same time, Xuanhao did not neglect the study of the Apocalypse Ball. Together with the wise men in the alliance, he continued to explore the mysteries of the Apocalypse Ball, hoping to find a way to use its power more efficiently. Their research has achieved certain results, and some new cultivation techniques have been discovered, which can help cultivators absorb spiritual energy faster and improve their cultivation.

As time goes by, the overall strength of the cultivation world has been significantly improved. Under the leadership of Xuanhao, Jinxuan Sect has become the leader of the cultivation world, leading the entire cultivation world towards a more glorious future.

However, the development of the cultivation world is not smooth sailing. Some sects have differences and contradictions due to differences in cultivation methods. Xuanhao realized that the peace and prosperity of the cultivation world requires the joint efforts of every sect. He began to actively mediate the conflicts between the sects, pushing them to find common ground and resolve differences.

With Xuanhao's efforts, a new order has gradually formed in the cultivation world. This order does not rely on force and coercion, but on understanding and respect. The cultivators began to pay more attention to inner cultivation and pursue harmonious coexistence with nature, rather than blindly pursuing power.

In this process, Xuanhao's cultivation is also constantly improving. From the Jindan realm to the Yuanying realm.

In the cultivation world, the Yuanying realm is an extremely important watershed. The immortal cultivators who reach this realm not only have a greatly increased lifespan, but also can master some extraordinary abilities. Xuan Hao's Nascent Soul was born, which caused a shock to the entire immortal cultivation world.

Nascent Soul Birth Ceremony: In the central square of Jinxuan Sect, Xuan Hao held a grand Nascent Soul Birth Ceremony. Representatives from various sects gathered together to witness this historic moment. Xuan Hao's Nascent Soul slowly rose in full view of the public, emitting a dazzling light, symbolizing that his power and cultivation had reached a new height.

"Master Xuan Hao, congratulations on reaching the Nascent Soul realm!" Tianji Zhenren said with joy on his face.

Xuan Hao smiled slightly and responded, "Thank you for your support."

Although Xuan Hao's cultivation level has improved, the immortal cultivation world is not peaceful. Some forces hidden in the dark began to stir, trying to use the chaos in the immortal cultivation world to achieve their own goals. Xuan Hao realized that he needed to deal with these potential threats more cautiously.

By chance, Xuan Hao discovered some abnormal spiritual fluctuations. After investigation, he found that these fluctuations were related to the "Shadow Sect". The cultivation method of the Shadow Sect is extremely strange, and they are good at controlling shadows and assassinations. Their existence poses a threat to the peace of the Xiuxian world.

"We must be vigilant about the actions of the Shadow Sect." Xuan Hao said seriously at the sect meeting.

He decided to strengthen the power of the alliance. He called the leaders of various sects to discuss how to deal with the threat of the Shadow Sect. However, not all sects are willing to confront the Shadow Sect head-on. Some sects are worried that this will trigger a bigger war and affect their own interests.

Xuan Hao understands the concerns of these sects, but he knows better that if no action is taken, the threat of the Shadow Sect will only grow. He decided to take a more cautious and strategic approach to deal with the Shadow Sect.

In order to obtain more intelligence, Xuan Hao decided to send some elite disciples to conduct in-depth investigations in the Shadow Sect's activity area. At the same time, he also discussed with the leaders of other sects how to strengthen the defense and cooperation between the sects.

Under Xuan Hao's leadership, the alliance began to strengthen monitoring of the Shadow Sect. They discovered that the Shadow Sect seemed to be planning a large-scale operation recently, targeting the core area of ​​the Xiuxian world.

After learning this information, Xuan Hao immediately called the top leaders of the alliance to discuss.

After some discussion, Xuan Hao and the top leaders of the alliance decided to take a preemptive strategy. They planned to strike at the Shadow Sect before it took action to weaken its strength.

They began to plan a large-scale joint operation, targeting the headquarters of the Shadow Sect. In order to ensure the success of the operation, Xuan Hao also specially invited some sects that were good at reconnaissance and assassination to participate.

The preparations for the operation were carried out in secret. Xuan Hao and the top leaders of the alliance carefully planned every detail to ensure that the operation would be successful in one fell swoop.

At the same time, Xuan Hao was also strengthening his own practice. He knew that he needed stronger power to face a strong enemy like the Shadow Sect. In his practice, he constantly explored the mysteries of the Apocalypse Sphere, hoping to gain more power from it.

As time went on, the preparations for the operation were gradually completed. Xuan Hao and the top leaders of the alliance decided to launch a raid on the headquarters of the Shadow Sect on a moonless night.

It was a dark and silent night, and the elite disciples of the alliance quietly approached the headquarters of the Shadow Sect. They used the night and their own concealment skills to successfully avoid the patrol team of the Shadow Sect.

Xuan Hao led a team of elite disciples and took the lead in entering the headquarters of the Shadow Sect. They found that the headquarters of the Shadow Sect was full of various mechanisms and traps, but these could not stop their progress.

Under the leadership of Xuan Hao, the disciples of the alliance broke through many obstacles all the way and finally came to the location of the Shadow Sect leader. The Shadow Sect leader seemed to have noticed their actions and was waiting for their arrival.

"Xuan Hao, you are here as expected." The voice of the Shadow Sect leader sounded in the darkness with a hint of sarcasm.

Xuan Hao responded coldly: "Your conspiracy has been exposed, and today is your doomsday."

The Shadow Sect leader sneered and then launched an attack. His figure moved quickly in the darkness, as if blending into the night and difficult to capture.

However, Xuan Hao was well prepared. He used the spells in "Heavenly Secrets" to illuminate the entire space, making it impossible for the Shadow Sect leader to hide. The disciples of the alliance also cast their own spells and launched a fierce duel with the Shadow Sect leader.

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