The battle heated up rapidly. The strength of the leader of the Shadow Sect was greatly enhanced in the shadows. Every attack he made carried the dark power that swallowed the light. Even the elite disciples in the alliance felt unprecedented pressure.

Xuan Hao realized that the shadow power of the Shadow Sect leader and the light power of the Apocalypse Sect were two completely opposite powers. Only light can dispel darkness. He immediately mobilized the power of the Sphere of Apocalypse and integrated it into his own spells, releasing a dazzling light that illuminated the entire battlefield.

"Ha!" Xuan Hao shouted, and a huge light ball formed around his body. The light ball contained powerful purification power.

The leader of the Shadow Sect felt threatened, and his figure quickly shuttled through the darkness, trying to avoid Xuan Hao's ball of light. But Xuan Hao's spell has locked onto him, and no matter how he moves, the ball of light always follows.

Finally, in a collision of forces, the ball of light hit the leader of the Shadow Sect, forcing him out of the shadows and revealing his true form. Upon seeing this, the disciples of the alliance immediately seized the opportunity and launched a fierce attack.

Under the joint attack of the alliance disciples, the leader of the Shadow Sect finally became powerless. His body began to disintegrate, and the power of darkness escaped from his body and was replaced by light.

"No, this is impossible!" The leader of the Shadow Sect issued his final roar, but it could not change his fate of failure. Under the power of light, his body completely dissipated, leaving only a wisp of black smoke, slowly rising to the sky.

With the death of the leader of the Shadow Sect, the entire headquarters of the Shadow Sect also began to collapse. The disciples of the alliance quickly evacuated, and no one wanted to stay in this dark place for a moment longer.

When the last disciple left, the Shadow Sect's headquarters completely collapsed and became a ruin. A huge threat in the world of immortality has been eradicated.

The news spread back to Jin Xuanzong, and the entire sect was immersed in joy and celebration.

Master Tianji looked at all this with great pride in his heart. He knew that his choice was correct, and Xuan Hao was indeed the most suitable person to inherit the position of the head of Jin Xuan Sect.

"Xuan Hao, you did a good job." Master Tianji walked up to Xuan Hao and patted his shoulder, "The future of Jin Xuanzong will be left to you."

Xuan Hao bowed respectfully, "This disciple will definitely live up to his mission."

However, just when everyone was immersed in joy.

A new crisis is quietly approaching.

It is said that a mysterious ruins have recently emerged in the world of immortality, which contains endless treasures and powerful magic weapons. Various sects have sent disciples to explore, hoping to gain opportunities.

Xuan Hao decided to personally lead the disciples of Jin Xuanzong to the ruins.

In the ruins, they encountered various dangerous traps and powerful enemies. But Xuanhao relied on his outstanding strength and wisdom to save danger time and time again.

Deep in the depths, Xuan Hao discovered an ancient secret book, which recorded a peerless skill. Just as he was about to study it carefully, a strong wave of energy came.

Xuan Hao looked around cautiously and saw a huge monster walking out of the darkness. The monster exudes an evil aura, which makes people shudder.

"What is this?" a disciple asked in horror.

Xuan Hao held the sword in his hand tightly and said: "No matter what it is, deal with it first!"

Before he finished speaking, he rushed forward first and started a fierce battle with the monster. Other disciples also followed suit and displayed their own unique skills.

However, the monster was extremely powerful and easily withstood everyone's attacks. Just when everyone was in despair, Xuan Hao suddenly thought of the ancient book picked up in the ruins.

Without hesitation, he took out the ancient books and began to read them. After a moment, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"I understand! The monster's weakness is in its abdomen!" Xuan Hao shouted.

After everyone heard this, they immediately adjusted their tactics and concentrated their firepower on the monster's abdomen.

With everyone's joint efforts, the monster finally let out a scream and fell to the ground.

Xuan Hao breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the exhausted disciples with emotion in his heart.

"Thanks to everyone's unity this time, we were able to successfully defeat this monster. However, this ruins still hides many secrets, and we must continue to explore carefully."

After solving the monster, Xuan Hao led the disciples to continue deep into the ruins. Along the way, they cracked various traps and found many precious magic weapons and cultivation resources.

However, when they arrived at the core area of ​​the ruins, they found that it was sealed by a powerful barrier.

Xuanhao tried various methods to break the barrier, but to no avail. Just when he was helpless, a disciple accidentally triggered a hidden mechanism.

A mysterious beam of light shot toward the barrier, and a small crack appeared on the barrier.

When Xuan Hao saw this, he felt happy and quickly led his disciples to work together to try to widen the crack.

After some hard work, a hole was finally torn open in the barrier, revealing the scene inside.

I saw an ancient statue placed inside, and the statue exuded a powerful aura.

Xuanhao approached the statue and observed it carefully. Suddenly, he felt a mysterious power coming into his body, and his cultivation level improved a lot in an instant.

He was ecstatic, it seemed that this statue was the key to the ruins.

At this moment, a ray of light lit up on the statue and turned into a portal.

Behind the door is a passage leading downwards, to nowhere.

Xuanhao decided to lead his disciples into the passage to find out. Xuanhao led his disciples into the passage, and it was pitch black in front of them. They walked forward cautiously, and suddenly, a light appeared in front of them. When they got closer, they found that the light came from a dazzling gem. The gem was inlaid on the wall and emitted a strange light.

"This gem must be extraordinary." Xuanhao thought. He reached out to touch the gem, and in an instant, the gem burst into a stronger light, enveloping them.

After a dizzy moment, Xuanhao and his disciples found themselves in an unfamiliar space. There was a strong aura here, and all kinds of rare spiritual herbs and medicines grew around.

"Is this the legendary ancient cave?" A disciple said excitedly.

Xuanhao's eyes flickered. This place really looked like a retreat for some big man. Maybe here, they can find more opportunities and treasures. So, they began to explore the cave.

In this mysterious cave, Xuanhao and his disciples were like being in a fairyland full of adventures. They found that every stone and every plant here contained rich spiritual energy, as if it was condensed from the most essential parts of heaven and earth.

They followed the winding path deep into the cave, with exotic flowers and plants on both sides, exuding a faint fragrance, which made people feel relaxed and happy. Suddenly, they came to an open square with a huge stone platform in the center of the square, on which was placed an ancient jade box.

Xuanhao walked forward and gently opened the jade box, only to see a jade slip emitting soft light inside. He carefully took out the jade slip and probed his consciousness into it. In an instant, a huge stream of information poured into his mind. This was a cultivation method from ancient times, called "Tianxing Jue".

"This "Tianxing Jue" is extraordinary. If you practice it to the extreme, you can draw the power of the stars and it is infinitely powerful." Xuanhao was secretly surprised in his heart. He knew that this would be a great opportunity for Jinxuan Sect.

Just as they were immersed in the joy of this unexpected harvest, the cave suddenly shook, and a powerful breath surged from deep underground. Xuan Hao immediately became alert. He felt an unprecedented crisis approaching.

"Everyone be careful. A powerful being may be about to awaken." Xuan Hao reminded his disciples loudly, while holding the hilt of the sword tightly and being on full alert.

The vibration became more and more violent, the ground cracked, and a huge crack appeared in the square. From the crack, a huge sarcophagus slowly rose. The sarcophagus was engraved with ancient runes, exuding a heart-pounding power.

"The one sealed in this sarcophagus must be a strong man from ancient times." Xuan Hao said in a deep voice. He could feel the power contained in the sarcophagus, and even he felt a little oppressive.

At this moment, the runes on the sarcophagus began to flicker, and a powerful force burst out from the sarcophagus. The sarcophagus slowly opened, and a figure slowly stood up from it. This was a warrior wearing ancient armor. There was a star-like light in his eyes, and the breath emanating from his body made the whole cave tremble.

"I am the ancient god of war, Xingchenzi." The warrior's voice was like thunder, echoing in the cave, "Who are you, how dare you disturb my sleep?"

Xuanhao took a deep breath, stepped forward, and said respectfully: "Xuanhao, the junior, is the leader of Jinxuan Sect. I have no intention of disturbing the senior's sleep, but just looking for an opportunity to practice here."

Xingchenzi's eyes swept over Xuanhao and nodded slightly: "Jinxuan Sect, I have heard of it. Since you have the fate to come here, it is also God's will. I will give you a chance."

As he said, Xingchenzi stretched out his hand and pointed, and a star power descended from the sky, covering Xuanhao and all the disciples. They felt that their cultivation was rapidly improving, and the spiritual energy in their bodies became more pure.

"This is the power of the stars, which can help you practice "Heavenly Star Jue". Remember, the way of cultivation must follow God's will and cannot be forced." Xingchenzi reminded.

Xuanhao and the disciples hurriedly thanked him, they knew this was a rare opportunity. Seeing this, Xingchenzi smiled slightly, and his figure gradually disappeared in the air, leaving only the ancient sarcophagus and the jade slip on the square.

Xuanhao picked up the jade slip, his heart full of gratitude. He knew that this trip to the ruins not only eliminated a potential crisis, but also brought unprecedented development opportunities to Jinxuan Sect.

Under the guidance of Xingchenzi, Xuanhao and his disciples continued to explore in the cave. They found more cultivation resources and magic weapons, and every discovery made them ecstatic.

In the end, when they returned to Jinxuan Sect with a full load, the entire sect cheered for their return. Xuanhao taught "Tianxing Jue" to all disciples, and established the Xingchen Cultivation Hall in the sect to practice this ancient technique.

As the cultivation method of "Tianxing Jue" spread in Jinxuan Sect, the strength of the sect grew day by day. The Xingchen Cultivation Hall became the holy place of the sect, and countless disciples practiced here every day to comprehend the mystery of the power of the stars.

While Xuan Hao was teaching the "Heavenly Star Art", he was also constantly studying this technique. He found that there was a subtle connection between the power of the stars and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. If he could master this connection, he might be able to create a more powerful spell.

During a late night practice, Xuan Hao stared at the starry sky and felt the trajectory of the stars. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and a new spell gradually took shape in his mind. This spell can use the power of the stars to form beams of starlight to attack the enemy with great power.

Xuan Hao named this spell "Star Beam" and taught it to core disciples in the Star Cultivation Hall. These disciples quickly mastered the "Star Beam" based on the practice of "Heavenly Star Jue" and showed amazing power in actual combat.

The news quickly spread throughout the cultivation world, and many sects were shocked by Jin Xuanzong's "Star Beam". Some sects even sent envoys to come, hoping to learn this powerful spell. Xuan Hao generously shared some of his cultivation experience, but also emphasized the hardships and risks of cultivation.

However, as Jin Xuanzong's reputation became increasingly prominent, it also attracted some malicious eyes. Some forces with ulterior motives began to secretly plan, attempting to destroy Jin Xuanzong's cultivation environment and even seize the secrets of "Heavenly Star Jue".

One day, Jin Xuanzong was suddenly attacked by a group of mysterious strongmen. These strongmen were extraordinary and seemed to have a deep understanding of Jin Xuanzong's cultivation methods. Xuan Hao led his disciples to resist, but the other side was obviously well prepared and the battle was extremely fierce.

At the critical moment, Xuan Hao used the "Star Beam", and beams of starlight cut through the night sky and illuminated the entire battlefield. The mysterious masters were shocked by the sudden strong light, and their offensive was stagnant.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xuan Hao commanded his disciples to launch a counterattack. With the blessing of the power of the stars, the disciples of Jin Xuanzong showed amazing combat effectiveness and finally defeated the mysterious masters one by one.

After the battle, Xuan Hao interrogated these mysterious masters. It turned out that they were from a sect called "Nether Valley", which had always been hostile to Jin Xuanzong, and this attack was their long-planned action.

Xuan Hao realized that the world of immortal cultivation was not a peaceful place, and the strength of the sect also meant more challenges and crises. He decided to strengthen the sect's defense and establish a closer alliance with other friendly sects to jointly deal with possible threats.

The failure of the Nether Valley did not make them give up their desire for Jin Xuan Sect, but instead aroused their stronger desire for revenge.

A few months later, the Nether Valley joined forces with several other sects with ill intentions and secretly planned a larger-scale attack. They not only mobilized many masters, but also prepared some forbidden magic weapons and spells in an attempt to destroy Jin Xuan Sect in one fell swoop.

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